Marius Robert LUNGU, Alina DRAGOESCU, Diana Nicoleta RABA, Patrick LAVRITS University of Life Sciences ”King Mihai I” from Timisoara
What is cultural tourism? It's not an easy question, because the word culture is quite difficult to define it. A first difference! Culture is considered a part of civilization in the English and French spaces, while in the German space culture is considered distinct from civilization. Germans consider culture as the spiritual creation of a people, and civilization as the material creation of a people. This distinction was taken over in the countries of central and eastern Europe. If we read Dickens's realistic novels, we find out that cultural tourism was not practiced by everyone in the 19th century, only by the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie. Italy was one of their favorite countries. But after the Second World War and until today, there has been a democratization of tourism. With the increase in living standards, especially in Western Europe, many people began to travel to other countries. According to World Tourism Organizaion, cultural tourism includes ”movements of persons for essentially cultural motivations such as study tours, performing arts and cultural tours, travel to festivals and other cultural events, visits to sites and monuments, travel to study nature, folklore or art, and pilgrimages.” Some researchers prefer the concept of heritage tourism instead of rural tourism.
cultural tourism, conceptual analysis, English terminology
Presentation: poster

