Andreea GHICA, Cristina DRAGOMIR, Ionel SAMFIRA None
Native to the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere, RCG is is a perennial grass widely distributed throughout Eurasia where it has different cytotypes. The species is mainly represented by an allotetraploid cytotype (2n=28), named P. arundinacea subsp arundinacea, and by a hexaploid form (2n=42), named subsp oehleri.The genetic data confirm the presence of a distinct population present throughout North America in the early twentieth century, but not present in Europe or Asia, ranging from Alaska, USA to New Brunswick, Canada. The strongest evidence to support the hypothesis that reed canarygrass is native to North America is the presence of herbarium specimens collected in the Northwest United States prior to the movement of agriculture into the region (Merigliano and Lesica 1998). Selection and breeding of reed canary grass cultivars with improved biomass yield potential offers the potential for genetic gains that can be realized across a broad agricultural landscape, due to the broad adaptation of this species and consistent genotypic expression across a wide range of sites. Phalaris arundinacea can be used as raw – material for paper pulp or as biofuel for combustion. Since it tolerates wet, poorly drained soils, it has generally been used for grass waterways. More recently, it has been used as a hay crop under wastewater irrigation systems using treatment effluent. Reed canarygrass is unusual in that it also has excellent drought tolerance and is an outstanding competitor and yielder under high nitrogen (N) conditions. Production of renewable energy from herbaceous crops on agricultural land is of great interest since fossil fuels need to be replaced with sustainable energy sources. Reed canary grass (RCG), Phalaris arundinacea L. is an interesting species for this purpose.
Phalaris arundinacea, genetics features, biofuel.
Presentation: oral

