R. PASCALAU, L. SMULEAC, S.M.STANCIU, F. IMBREA, G.SABAU, L.STIEGELBAUER, S.MILANCOVIC University of Life Sciences “King Mihai I” from Timișoara
In relation to the edification of non-native dialects to individuals in the agricultural field, the comprehension of the importance regarding the adeptness in the English language becomes a matter of high significance. The role of language competencies within the agricultural domain proves to be crucial for effective communication and knowledge sharing among various stakeholders such as agriculturists, researchers, policymakers, and others. The study underscores the transformative impact of language and experiential learning, illustrating how mastering language can enrich students’ comprehension and shape their identity as aspiring agriculturists. Consequently, possessing language abilities in agricultural education is indispensable for advancing the dissemination of knowledge, promoting cross-cultural cooperation, and propelling sustainable agricultural progress. Understanding the precise linguistic imperatives and communicative necessities in the agronomic world is imperative for formulating pertinent and pragmatic language teaching regimens. Moreover, understanding and knowing the cultural facets that define the language acquisition exploits of agriculturists will yield insightful perspectives for the future professionals within the area, especially for the future graduates. Ultimately, this research seeks to furnish to the progression of foreign language tutelage in agricultural environments, refining communication prowess and expediting knowledge dissemination within the sector. Exploring the intricacies of instructing foreign languages to individuals involved in agricultural pursuits necessitates a thorough examination of the cultural elements that impact the process of acquiring a new language. Proficiency in language constitutes a critical aspect for individuals involved in agricultural pursuits, given its substantial influence on their capacity to proficiently communicate, assimilate novel methodologies, and participate in international agricultural conventions.
teaching, foreign languages, agriculturists, methods, particularities
Presentation: poster

