A. BORCEAN1 1 University of Life Sciences “King Michael I” Timisoara borcean@usvt.ro
Wilsonomyces carpophilus (Lév.) is a common pathogen of stone fruit trees and produce the leaf shot hole. Blumeriella jaapii on the other hand is a pathogen just for cherry trees and produce cherry leaf spot but this disease affects also the fruits because the main symptom are small spots which cold be both on leaves and fruits. Taking from this point of view, both pathogens affect the leaves and because they could attack in the same time, they are considered to be extremely dangerous for cherry trees because the main effect on the leaves are a rapid necrosis of some large parts of the infected leaves. After that the leaves are falling to early, at the end of the end of August and beginning of September. All this long process of cherry trees leaves decay bring with it some physiological problems like reducing possibility the trees resistance to some periods of drought which may appear any time in the reference are during the summer and also of a normal preparing for winter. For what it is known for the moment, both pathogens could be stop from their development on cherry trees just by some foliar treatment but in this case, it is essential to monitor all the way in the orchard the stage of leaf infection with these pathogens. This cases the key to a high efficiency of the treatment against those pathogens. By the present paper we bring a comprehensive evaluation of this cherry tree diseases in the interest area.
Wilsonomyces carpophilus, Blumeriella jaapii
Presentation: poster

