O.EREMI, Casiana MIHUȚ, A.OKROS University of life science “King Mihai I” From Timișoara 119, Aradului Avenue, Timișoara 30064, Romania casiana_mihut@usvt.ro
The importance of the land evaluation activity consists in the fact that, through the data provided by these studies, they form the basic documentation for establishing the most appropriate practical protection measures, improving and rational use of soils for the purpose of biomass production in an optimized and rigorously correlated dynamic with the growing environmental protection requirements. The data presented in this paper was obtained from soil probes obtained from the location ground, as well as data taken from previous soil maps. In order to carry out the chemical and physical mechanical analyses, soil samples were collected from 5 profiles, respectively 3-5 soil samples in a disturbed structure and soil samples from 3 profiles, respectively 9 soil samples in 3 and 4 repetitions for the determination of hydrophysical indices. The soils encountered in the analized perimeter are of the chernozem type, with good drainage. Within this type of soil, several subtypes are separated, the predominant one being wet phreatic chernozem. Thanks to all the good properties that these soils have, their natural fertility is high, the productions obtained are superior for cereals, technical plants and fodder plants. The texture of the chernozem is loamy-sandy throughout the profile. The soil reaction (pH) is slightly alkaline with values in the Am horizon of 7.34, in the A/C horizon the value increases to 7.65, and at the base of the profile, in the Cca horizon, the value reaches 8.04. The humus content is medium with values between 2.07 and 1.02%. The content of phosphorus (P) is low and the content of potassium (K) is medium to low. Typical gleiosoil is also present. The texture is undifferentiated on the profile, being medium clay with the values of fine sand content between 25.7 and 29.2%, dust between 26.2 and 32.6%, and clay between 37.4 and 41.4 %. The soil reaction is acidic in the upper horizons and weakly acidic in the lower horizons. The humus content is relatively high in the upper horizons with a content of 2.97-2.42% decreasing in the lower horizons to 1.67-1.31%. The soil is poorly supplied with mobile P and K; shows weak microbiological activity. Cernic Gleiosol is also present in the area of the locality. The soil reaction is weakly alkaline on the entire profile with values between 8.0 and 8.15. The humus content is relatively high in the Am horizon 3.78 but decreases in the A/CGo3 horizon to 3.32%.
soil, fertility, soil evaluation, crops
Presentation: poster

