Manuela –Dora ORBOI 1, A. BĂNEȘ2, Andreea Adriana PETCOV1, Simona Cristina CONSTANTINESCU1, Ana Mariana DINCU1 1University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timișoara, 2Romanian Academy – Timişoara Branch anamariadincu@usvt.roOrganic food is no longer considered a market niche. They are products obtained from organic agriculture in compliance with the rules on organic production, food processing and labeling, certification procedures for producers, as well as the import of these products. Organic production is a sustainable agricultural system that combines best environmental and animal welfare practices, a high level of biodiversity, conservation of energy and natural resources. Organic production is an integrated management system that includes all other stages of the food supply chain. The market for organic agri-food products is in a phase of continuous expansion. The organic food market has grown steadily, from almost 60 million euros in 2012 to 134.76 million euros in 2022, with the demand for organic food remaining concentrated in Europe and North America. The country with the largest market for organic products in Europe is Germany, with 15.31 million euros in 2022, out of total sales of 53.07 million euros. In North America, the country with the largest market is the United States with sales of 58.56 million euros in 2022 out of total sales of 64.36 million euros. This paper is based on a content analysis of statistical materials related to the organic food market in 2014-2024 period.
organic food, market, producers, consumers, growth
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