A. ȘMULEAC1, A. BUDA1, M. HERBEI1, Laura ȘMULEAC1, G. POPESCU1, R. PAȘCALĂU1 1 University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara, 300645, 119, Calea Aradului, Timisoara, Romania
Time is a resource never enough or at hand in the most important moments, a resource that we are forced to rationalize. No matter how hard we try, the time itself will not be manageable, only the activities that are carried out in a certain period. Planning and staging the way of working is a method of ensuring control for the fulfilment of all tasks necessary to complete the general cadastre works, but also removing distractions from the objective, thus obtaining optimization at management level. The use of AutoCAD software for cadastre works has become more and more frequent with the passage of time, thus facilitating the development of new applications that can be loaded and used within the basic software. These applications are written using the AutoLISP programming language developed by Autodesk, which is derived from the LISP programming language. Knowing how to work to complete the general cadastre works, we can deduce the stages that can be automated within the AutoCAD software and develop applications according to the needs of each stage. This paper aims to use Visual Studio Code software to write and edit application code customized according to identified needs, but also by testing applications within AutoCAD software and presents how to work within a general cadastre project, carefully following each stage in order to automate them.
time, AutoCAD, AutoLISP, Visual Studio Code, CGXML, general cadastre
geodesy engineering
Presentation: poster

