Casiana, MIHUȚ, S., CILAN, M.A., DRĂGAN, Anișoara, DUMA COPCEA, V., MIRCOV University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I " from Timisoara anisoaradumacopcea@usvt.roThe aim of the paper is to optimize the organization of mechanical work in agriculture, addressing several essential aspects for improving production:
-Choosing and using the best methods: This includes the identification of agricultural processes and technologies that ensure high yields with minimal expenses. By choosing the right technologies, production efficiency can be maximized and resources consumed can be reduced.
-.Succession of works in the cycle of agricultural production: All works and operations must be coordinated in an optimal way to ensure increased efficiency. This means that the stages of production must be chained in such a way as to optimize the use of available equipment and resources.
-Impact of modern technologies: The emergence of advanced agricultural machinery allows a significant increase in agricultural production and reduces production costs. The use of these modern machines contributes to a better management of resources, optimizing both the quantity and quality of agricultural production.
This holistic approach aims to increase efficiency in agriculture, while reducing costs and resources.
One of the fundamental objectives of modern agriculture is the intensive development of agricultural production, with the aim of obtaining high yields per unit of area, but with minimal costs per unit of product. This is an essential condition for increasing sustainability and economic efficiency in agriculture.
The experimental studies carried out at the farm Carmen Land Activities S.R.L. from Ineu, Arad county, had as their main objective the optimization of the work technology for corn culture. During the experimental period, several factors influenced crop productivity, including:
-Climatic conditions: Variables such as temperature, rainfall and soil moisture have played an essential role in the evolution of maize cultivation.
- Sowing time: Choosing the optimal time for sowing was essential for obtaining the highest harvests.
-Plant nutrition: Ensuring the necessary elements for good development and rooting of the corn contributed to the health and resistance of the crop.
-Crop rotation: It was important to maintain soil fertility and prevent specific diseases or pests.
-Quality of mechanical work: The correct and precise execution of mechanical work (plowing, harrowing, cultivating) had a major impact -on the quality and quantity of corn production. A high-performing and productive agriculture requires modern machinery and work techniques well adapted to the specific conditions.
These studies demonstrate how important the integration of several technical and natural factors is to ensure successful agriculture based on efficiency and high productivity.
technology, culture, cultivation, agricultural production
mechanical engineering
Presentation: poster