M.A., DRĂGAN, S. MOHACS, L. BERES, Anișoara, DUMA COPCEA, Casiana, MIHUȚ University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I " from Timisoara anisoaradumacopcea@usvt.roThe paper focuses on a detailed analysis of the consumptions and costs associated with the mechanized work and materials used in corn cultivation, with the aim of optimizing the agricultural technology used.
The studies were carried out in the specific conditions of the Arad Plain, part of the large geographical unit Câmpia de Vest. The analyzed territory is representative for this region and belongs to a locality in Câmpia Aradului, which makes the conclusions faithfully reflect the agricultural realities in this area.
Carrying out mechanized work at the optimal time and under suitable soil moisture conditions has a significant impact on agricultural production. Well-drained and lump-free soil facilitates uniform emergence and proper plant development. In this context, carrying out soil preparation work in a correct way contributes to creating a favorable environment for the growth of maize, ensuring optimal conditions for the absorption of water and essential nutrients.
The intensive use of agricultural machinery contributes significantly to the increase of labor productivity in agriculture. This allows not only the optimization of agricultural work, but also the expansion of mechanization, which makes it possible for each agricultural producer to achieve a higher output per unit of time. Thus, with the increase in the efficiency in the use of resources and the reduction of the execution time of the works, farmers can feed an increasing number of people with the products obtained, thus contributing to ensuring food security and increasing the sustainability of the agricultural sector.
soil, corn, agricultural machines, economic efficiency
mechanical engineering
Presentation: poster