Casiana MIHUȚ, Delia Sorina DRĂGOI, Aurelia MIHUȚ, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA, Daniel POPA University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara anisoaradumacopcea@usvt.roThe studies were carried out outside the built-up area of Sânandrei commune, during 2022 and 2023. This paper addresses a pressing problem, namely the influence that agricultural works have on the soil and especially on its physical properties. Two of the most representative types of soil are chosen in terms of the occupied areas on the territory of Sânandrei commune, soils that have in the middle of the soil profile, a layer richer in clay (Bt), a layer of soil that is harder to work and that is impermeable to water and air and to the roots of plants. The depth at which this horizon appears, however, is different, in the preluvosol it is found in the first 20-30 cm, but the clay content is lower compared to the phaeosem, at which it appears below 75 cm, but whose clay content is much more significant and the roots of the plants can have problems. These researches were oriented towards determining and knowing the physical properties of two types of soils taken in the study, namely, Preluvosol and Faeoziom, soils on which corn for grains and wheat were grown.
Knowing the physical properties of these soils will help us to look for solutions for the use of high-performance tractors and agricultural machinery in the future that do not lead to soil compaction and degradation of important physical, physical-mechanical and water properties, such as the degradation of the soil structure, the decrease of total porosity and soil aeration, cutting the capillarity of the soil, that is, to try to take the necessary measures to increase the production capacity of these soils and therefore to obtain higher and good quality productions.
agricultural works, soil, physical properties, Sânandrei
Presentation: poster