Iasmina-Patricia TODOR, Iosefina Laura ȘMULEAC, Adrian ȘMULEAC University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara adrian_smuleac@usvt.roThe building that is the subject of cadastral works is located in the city of Deta, 1 Mai Street, number 32 A, Timiș County, is the property of the City of Deta - public domain and represents land with intended industrial buildings. Through the project of "Rehabilitation, consolidation, building arrangement" and change destination in Social Housing, the constructions were converted into social housing, project based on the building authorization issued by Deta City Hall. The cadastral works are carried out in two stages: Stage 1 : Update Of Technical Information - Cadastral work carried out on integrated cadastre and land register workflow. It consists in drawing up the graphic form of the building, land and constructions with registration in the integrated cadastre and land register system, based on the documents provided by the owner and the topographic survey carried out in the field. For the cadastral work, a topographic survey was carried out using G.P.S. equipment, Stonex S9 II with precision in RTK (Real Time Kinematic) mode and the Stonex R60 Total Station by routing combined with erasures. Data processing of the G.P.S. measurements was carried out with the Stonex SurvCE 2.54 and TopoLT program. Since the standard deviation of the newly determined points fell within the maximum admissible tolerance, the situation plans were computerized and edited on magnetic media and on paper, operations performed in the AutoCAD LT 2010 program together with the TopoLT auxiliary program. Stage 2: Apartment Of Buildings - Cadastral work carried out on the interrupted flow of cadastre and land register:
It consists in: a) technical reception (cadastre operations); b) registration of the apartment in the land register (land register operations). For this stage, measurements were carried out inside the building, the component of each I.U. (Individual Unit) proposed to be created according to the project of "Rehabilitation, consolidation, building arrangement" and change of destination in Social Housing the useful area of each room of the building was determined, then the useful area / I.U. (Individual Unit), the general undivided common parts - p.c.i. (undivided common parts) and the corresponding % / I.U. (Individual Unit), were identified, as well as the related land share. A Survey Plan with the initial situation and a Survey Plan for each UI (Individual Unit - apartment) was drawn up. The apartment proposal can be found in the Collective Sheet.
Social Housing, Survey, Documentation, Cadastral Works, City of Deta, Timiș
geodesy engineering
Presentation: poster