Casiana MIHUȚ, Bogdan COZMA, Ion HARCĂU, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA, Antoanela COZMA University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timișoara
The paper presents a case study from a farm located in Giulvăz, where the main activity is represented by the cultivation of agricultural plants. This describes the soil resources and the yields obtained from three of the basic crops, namely: corn, rapeseed and sunflower. The following objectives were aimed at this study: to provide a fund of information on pedoclimatic resources, respectively to describe the soil cover; to establish the quality class of the soils; to identify the factors that limit their production potential; to take improvement measures; the yields obtained in the three basic crops. Giulvăz is located in the south-western part of Timiș County, in the interfluvium of the Bega and Timiș rivers. Due to this settlement, two different sectors were formed, each being represented by a different pedoclimatic distribution, namely: the central sector, better evolved from a pedological and morphological point of view, where soils such as: chernozems and faeozems were formed and the southern sector, represented by the area between the Timiș river to the south and the area formed by a series of meanders to the north, which is a higher altitudinal sector (over 90 m) and where eutricambosols, pelosols and vertosols were formed and only accidentally, the other types of soil. The type of soil on which corn for grains and sunflowers was grown was identified in the field as chernozem. On this soil, 190 ha were cultivated with corn for grains and 46 ha with sunflower. The yields obtained were different from one year to another depending on the crop and soil type, as follows: in 2023, the average production for corn was 8600 kg/ha, for sunflower, 3900 kg/ha and for rapeseed 3200 kg/ha. The most productive proved to be chernozems, where the yields obtained were 3600 kg/ha for rapeseed, followed by eutricambosols and phaeosems, on which close productions of 3000 kg/ha were obtained on eutricambosol and 2900 kg/ha on phaeozom.
soil resources, maize, rapeseed, sunflower
Presentation: poster

