Irina MARIAN, Luminita COJOCARIU, Nicolae Marinel HORABLAGA, Dacian LALESCU, Cristian RUJAN, Adrian COJOCARIU, Cristian BOSTAN, Florin MARIAN None
Corn silage is variable in nutrient value due to hybrid, climatic conditions, maturity upon harvest and conservation methods (Bittman, S., Kowalenko C.G., 2004; Jarrige, R., 1988). Corn harvested for silage is an important feed crop. The crop provides livestock producers with a high-yielding, relatively consistent source of forage and the animals with a highly digestible and palatable feed (Roth, G.W., 2001). Corn silage is a major component of diets fed to dairy cows. Even though the grain: stalk ratio and whole plant DM yields are important determinants of the adaptability of a hybrid to silage production, of greater importance is digestible DM per acre, or for dairy farmers, milk yield per acre or per ton. Hence, in recent years corn hybrids have been developed specifically for silage production (Johnson et al., 1997; Kuehn et al., 1999). The aim of this paper is to find the dependence between the production capacity of three corn hybrids used for corn silo. The research was carried out in the experimental fields belonging to society SC Frevest SRL, from the Batăr locality, Bihor county, the experience being placed on a chernozem argiloiluvial soil. The biologic material studied is represented by Mikado, PR34Y02 and Janett hybrids. The experience is placed in accordance with the randomized blocks method, in three repetitions, a parcel surface is 45 m 2 . Sowing was made on 15th April 2011. In order to determine the production of corn silo hybrids, the harvesting was done at 75th phenophase (Kernels in middle of cob yellowish-white (variety-dependent), content milky, about 40% dry matter) of corn (BBCH - grasses - U. Meier, 2001). The results of our research show that after the analysis regarding the production capacity of corn silo hybrids, we can conclude that we can observe that do exist significant statistic differences between silo production obtained at Mikado hybrid (56 t.he -1 ) and Janett hybrid, that have obtained a production of 52 t.he -1 . In which regards hybrid PR34Y02, it have obtained a lower production than Mikado hybrid, but higher than Janett hybrid, and the production differences are not assured from statistical point of view.
corn, silo, production
Presentation: oral

