Laura ȘMULEAC 1, A. ȘMULEAC1, R. PAȘCALĂU1, Mahfoud BAKLI 2, Rauf JURAKHON 3 1 University of Life Sciences ”King Mihai I” from Timisoara, Romania 2Université de Ghardaia, Algeria 3 Tajik Technical University named after M.S. Osimi
Agriculture in the western parts of Romania can be considered as crucial for the economy sector, employing many people and contributing to the well-being of the area. However, farmers there have to face problems such as extreme weather events and lack of sufficient water, which can affect the amount of harvest and the income. To deal with these problems, nowadays there are promising practices, as a solution can help to increase crops and sustainably exploit agriculture. By trying new ways of providing water, such as drip irrigation and precision agriculture, farmers in western Romania can use water better, saving and growing more plants. This study aims to analyse the positive aspects and application possibilities of new irrigation methods in western Romania, focusing on the future financial security, ecological balance and the effect on the human community that come from such technologies in choosing local agricultural practices. Adopting modern irrigation can significantly increase agricultural yields, increase incomes and improve the socio-economic condition of the rural population. Also, integrating renewable irrigation fits with policies such as economy and sustainable resource management. State-of-the-art irrigated farmland in western Romania solves water scarcity, climate change adaptation and confirms long-term agricultural sustainability. Modern irrigation techniques embrace the necessity for prosperity and resilience of Romanian agriculture, which reduces poverty and leads to inclusive development. By using new technologies and smart farming methods, farmers in western Romania can solve these problems and make the soil strong and richer for agricultural activities.
modern irrigation, sustainable agriculture, agricultural policies, climate change, resilience
environmental engineering
Presentation: poster


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