Ștefana BAICU 1, Roxana JIGĂU1, C. ZOICAN1, R. PAȘCALĂU1 1 University of Life Sciences” King Mihai I” from Timisoara
Eating cherries has many health benefits, but the importance of making cherries needs more attention. Cherries are a lively fruit that people enjoy not just for their taste but also for their many vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory substances. The process of making cherries—covering growing, picking, processing, and selling—plays a key role in making this fruit more available and accessible. By looking at the different steps in cherry production, we can see how this industry helps public health, especially with the growing interest in natural treatments and healthy eating. This essay will explore how the ways cherries are produced improve nutrition and benefit overall health, showing the many advantages that come from cherry manufacturing for people’s well-being. Cherries are important in the food business, not just as a well-liked fresh fruit but also as a key part in many processed food items. They have lots of polyphenols and antioxidants, which has caught attention for their health perks, causing a rise in consumer interest for cherry products like juices, jams, and desserts Plus, sweet cherries spoil quickly, which makes better preservation methods necessary. This highlights the need for technology that can keep them fresh longer and preserve their quality. Using second-grade cherries and stems for extracting bioactive compounds shows a smart way to cut down on waste and improve the value in cherry production, which helps both producers and consumers. Therefore, the food industry’s focus on using cherries increases their importance in promoting health and sustainability.
cherries, importance, benefits, human health, food
Presentation: poster

