Maroua DAHBI 1, Laura VORNICU1, F. GUYVENCHY1, Laura SMULEAC1, R. PASCALAU1 1 University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timisoara laurasmuleac@usvt.roThe complex relationship that exists between economic advancement and the management of environmental resources presents a significant difficulty in the realm of current resource management methodologies. As governments increasingly place a premium on development, the ceaseless usage of natural resources frequently results in considerable harm to ecosystems. This situation generates an urgent necessity to reassess established developmental models, wherein immediate monetary benefits often take precedence over the long-term repercussions for the environment. As the visible effects of environmental crises escalate, there is a pressing need for debate concerning the alignment of economic goals with ecological obligations. In addressing this intricate situation, those in positions of policy leadership are necessitated to investigate inventive tactics that may assist in achieving a sustainable equilibrium. The adoption of sustainable development principles signifies the importance of ensuring that the utilisation of resources caters to contemporary demands without jeopardising the capacity of forthcoming generations to meet their own needs. This concurrent emphasis on both economic sturdiness and environmental conservation impels a fundamental transformation in resource management approaches, necessitating a reassessment of pivotal economic metrics to encompass ecological well-being and sustainability. In the end, the quest for a mutually beneficial relationship between economic growth and environmental guardianship holds potential not solely for enhancing the quality of life but also for maintaining global ecological balance. A holistic strategy to resource management advocates for the awareness that economic dynamism and ecological sustainability are not in opposition but are, in fact, interconnected. Through synergistic initiatives and inventive structures, it remains possible to foster a peaceful existence that nurtures both human flourishing and the safeguarding of the planet’s invaluable ecosystems, thereby ensuring a sustainable future for all.
environmental resources, economic development, environmental protection, sustainable management
environmental engineering
Presentation: poster