Delia Sorina DRĂGOI, B. COZMA, R. SOROHAN, Casiana MIHUȚ, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timișoara, 300645, 119 Calea Aradului, Romania, Phone: +40256277001, Fax:+40256200296
The work aims to present the soil covering outside the built-up area of Zăbrani commune. The studies were carried out over a period of 3 years, respectively the years 2021-2023. The commune of Zăbrani, in Arad County, occupies a total area of 11,778 ha. The soil cover is mostly represented by eutricambosols, luvosols and preluvosols. The largest area is represented by preluvosoil with over 74%, followed by luvosoil. Following the results obtained, it was found that the preluvosoil has a medium fertility, being characterized by the following properties: a fine texture, undifferentiated on the profile, the density has values between 2.67-2.72 g/m3; the apparent density, between 1.36 and 1.52 g/cm³, the total porosity has high values, of 50% and 43% at the level of the Bt layer, CC is between 23.72 and 24.74% and CT between 28.34 and 36.76. The soil has a husum content of 2.33% at the depth of 0-22 cm and decreases to 1.53% at greater depths. The nitrogen index is 2.15% at ad. 0-22 cm (mean values), the mobile K index between 207.5 ppm in the Ap horizon and 182.6 ppm in the Btyw horizon and the mobile P index is high, with values between 63.3 ppm and 117.3 ppm. Luvosoil is characterized by the following properties: the texture presents accentuated differentiations from one horizon to another, from clay-dust in El, medium in Bty and clay-clay in the rest, the reaction is weakly acidic on the surface, neutral in Bt and weakly alkaline in Cyw (5.29-8.09), the humus content is low and very low, 1.61 in El, respectively 0.72 in Bty and the degree of saturation in bases above 77%. Knowing these properties helps us to characterize the soils in general, to establish the crops that are suitable and to take improvement measures, where necessary.
soil cover, fertility, soil properties, Arad, Chesinț
Presentation: poster

