Delia Sorina DRĂGOI, B. COZMA, Casiana MIHUȚ, Antoanela COZMA, A. OKROS 1 1 University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timișoara, 300645, 119 Calea Aradului, Romania, Phone: +40256277001, Fax:+40256200296
The paper presents the pedoclimatic conditions specific to a plateau area (Lipova Plateau) and their influence on the productions of three autumn crops, namely wheat, barley and triticale. This is a case study carried out over a period of three years in the area of Chesinț locality in Arad County. The paper addresses a topical issue, the recent climate changes (through the increase in temperatures, lack of rainfall, increased evapotranspiration, etc.), are increasingly leaving their mark both on the evolution of soils and especially on the growth and development of plants. The studied area is located at the intersection of the Arad-Lipova and Timisoara – Lipova county roads, on the border with Timiș County. A part of the territory of the locality is part of the Mureş river basin. In the period studied (2021, 2022 and 2023), the yields obtained varied from year to year for the three crops, the average yields obtained being 4100 kg/ha for winter wheat; 5200 kg/ha, for triticale and 3400 kg/ha for barley. The lowest productions were obtained in 2021 and the highest in 2023. This was largely due to a poor rainfall regime, especially during the period of grain formation and filling. Among the cultivated species, the largest differences were found in the barley crop. In conclusion, climate change is becoming more and more evident, the lack of snow, the increasingly high temperatures in winter, determine the taking of measures, such as: sowing to take place later (October 10-20), cultivation of varieties resistant to drought, diseases and pests, avoiding monoculture and introducing legumes into rotation.
pedoclimatic conditions, straw cereals, productions, Chesinț
Presentation: poster

