Codruța GAVRILĂ1, Viorica BOACĂ1 1ULST ‘King Mihai I’ from Timisoara, Romania vioricaboaca@usvt.roSkills are a key determinant of competitiveness and innovativeness and are an absolute necessity for social cohesion and personal well-being, according to the European Commission. Due to continuous technological change and rapid economic restructuring, people need to engage in lifelong continuous learning. EU Member States, in line with European Commission and national priorities, are carrying out reforms aimed at improving education systems to provide high quality competence-based education. The aim of this paper is to raise awareness of the knowledge of the competences foreseen in the specialized curriculum by the students who follow the initial level of psycho-pedagogical training of the University of Life Sciences "Mihai I" from Timisoara, Romania. The study emphasizes the need for optimal design of instructional-educational activities based on appropriate teaching strategies. The results presented in the paper were obtained following the activities carried out within the Didactics of Specialization, in which students of the Faculty of Agricultural Management, Faculty of Food Processing Technologies, Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnology and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine participated. The ability to develop competences depends on the use of technology and educational resources, facilitating a process of education that leads to performance. Competence thus becomes a significant stake for everyone, regardless of the specific nature of the organization.
competence, competency, knowledge, skills, learning situations, didactic strategies, lifelong learning
Presentation: poster