L. JULEAN1, Flori Alina BUZDUGEAN1, Ionela Diana JIOGOLEA2 Ana – Maria VÎRTEIU3*, Ioana GROZEA3 1Plant Protection Bachelor Programme, University of Life Science"King Mihai I" from Timisoara 2Phytosanitary Protection and Expertise MSc Programme, University of Life Science"King Mihai I" from Timisoara 3Department of Biology and Plant Protection, University of Life Science"King Mihai I" from Timisoara anamariavarteiu@usvt.roThe citrus mealybug (Planococcus citri, Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is one of the most economically important pests of indoor plants worldwide. Due to the optimal conditions for mealybugs in greenhouses, they can overwinter at all stages of development, causing particular problems for growers. The attack of Planococcus citri affects the quality of Belgian mums through sap extraction and contamination with honeydew secretions. Feeding by citrus mealybug results in wilted, distorted and yellowed chlorotic leaves, premature leaf drop, stunted growth and, occasionally, death of the infested plants or parts of plants. In this context, the suitability of the Belgian mum as a host for the citrus mealy bug was investigated in this study. At Sânmihaiul Român (Timiș County, Romania), between September and October 2024, the abundance and damage levels, as well as some morphological characteristics (original images are shown) of this pest species were recorded. A magnifying lens was used to examine infested plants in the greenhouse. Infested branches, leaves and flowers were collected from the Belgian mums over a period of 45 days in the autumn months of the years 2024. For further examination in the laboratory, the samples were placed separately in paper bags. The taxa were then identified according to the methods described in the literature, by examination of the adult citrus mealybug. Mealybug populations per leaf were lower at the beginning of the trial (first ten days of September) than during the rest of the trial. There was a gradual increase in the mealybug population, which peaked in the second decade of September and continued into October in the first decade. The moderately hot and humid climate in the greenhouse during the collecting period was favourable for the pest to develop.
mealybugs, Planococcus citri, Belgian mums, attack, greenhouse
Presentation: poster