Andrada VIGH, D.D. DICU, R. BERTICI University of Life Science "King Mihai I" from Timisoara
The purpose of this work is the collection, processing and accumulation of scientific data related to environmental factors, the geographical characteristics of the surface, soil resources, data related to the nature and intensity of limiting factors, the qualitative assessment of land. The commune of Dumbrava in Timiș County is characterized by a diversity of soils that support a varied range of agricultural and economic activities. This area is located in a low land region with favorable agricultural climatic conditions, and the quality of the associated soils is an essential factor for agricultural productivity and ecological sustainability of the commune. The object of study is the lands belonging to the Dumbrava territorial administrative unit, Timiş county, in an area of 5667 ha, from which 4816 ha of agricultural land, respectively the soils identified in the mentioned perimeter. They are studied in relation to the environmental factors that condition their presence, together with them, forming homogeneous ecological territorial units (UT or TEO) with specific suitability/favorability for different agricultural or forestry uses/for different cultivated plants and with requirements and technologies improvement or specific cultural currents. The limiting factors influencing the quality of the land in this area are the phenomenon of acidification, which affects 23.82% of the agricultural area, the excess phreatic moisture of 8.56% and the surface on 31.34%, as well as the degree of subsidence on 64.42% of the agricultural area.
soil, environmental factors, favorability, quality
Presentation: poster

