Vanda VERES1, Erzsébet CSENGERI1, Patrik KRIZSÁN1 Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sciences Department of Irrigation and Land Improvement1 Szabadság út 1-3. 5540 Szarvas, Hungary
Among soil degradation processes, the physical degradation of soils (deterioration of soil structure and compaction) is one of the most widespread and largest worldwide damaging process. In Hungary, 34.8% of soils are affected by soil compaction. Soil compaction is a problem in many fruit plantations. Phisical soil degradation can be caused by natural factors, such as heavy rain. Most often, however, the machines of agronomy, irrigation, plant protection, mowing, harvesting. In compacted soil, precipitation, irrigation water, and nutrient supply are not utilized to the appropriate extent. Physical degradation of soil involves the destruction of soil structure, dispersion of soil particles, sealing of pores, compression and increasing density, consolidation, compaction and reduced root penetration, low infiltration, waterlogging and runoff, and accelerated erosion. To maintain the physical condition of the soil, different methods of agronomy are used, such as the use of soil loosening devices and the planting of mulching plants. Most recently, soil aeration is used. In the present experiment, the technology was applied in cherry and plum orchards in Tápiószele to evaluate the efficiency of soil aeration. Soil aeration, mechanical soil loosening by the introduction of compressed air. The process involves injecting compressed air at a pressure of 12 bar for a few seconds at a depth of 90 cm into the soil. At depth, this creates a kind of micro explosion. This causes the previously compacted soil to crack, increasing its pore volume and making it permeable to water and nutrients, which can then penetrate to the lower layers of the root zone. The present experiment aims to investigate the physical parameters of the soil. The experiments started with soil sampling in early 2024. We are measured soil resistivity and soil moisture with a Daróczi-Lelkes penetronik instrument in four replicates. Soil samples were taken from 0-10 cm, 10-30 cm and 30-60 cm depths as controls for soil moisture and soil resistivity. In the laboratory, we determined the gold binding number and the leachable fraction of the soil.
soil degradation, soil compaction, soil aeration, fruit plantation
Presentation: poster

