Ioan Maliţa, Traian Berar, Petre Zglimbea, Florian Maliţa None
The paper points out the studies made by the authors, concerning the aesthetic aspects while designing and executing the art works (bridges, retaining walls, etc.) realized on a series of roads developed on hilly areas or along waters belonging to the Regional Directorate for Roads and Bridges Timişoara (DRDP). Each art work has its own particularities which cannot be realized according to general patterns, being the results of careful measurements on the spot. The execution of infrastructure works is realized so that the potential contamination of water streams, lakes or underground water is avoided. Taking into account that the alignments of the studied roads run close to the river bank almost entirely, at many points the slope being instable or potentially instable, sustaining and consolidation works have been designed and executed, which consisted of embankment and cut retaining walls. While designing and executing the art works, the existing situation, previous to the beginning of the construction works, is taken into account, elaborating thus a concrete program both for the work’s protection and integration within the environment and for the rehabilitation of the affected area, insisting on a cohabitation between environment and work, without disturbing one another.
art works; environment; road
Presentation: oral

