Grecu Vaduva Cornelia, Andrea Fâc, D.I. Trava NoneWe chose Padurea Verde for research from the outskirts space of Timisoara, because it is a great green area, compared to the other green spaces within the city, with significant importance to the urban environment and also shelter for bird species that adapt more slowly to the anthropogenic ecosystem. One of urbanization’s consequences is threatening to extinction some bird species. This paper aims at highlighting the adaptability of bird species that are in decline across Europe and the number of habitats important as barometer for preserving biodiversity in urban areas. Internationally, this kind of research is attempted to contribute at the composition of databases concerning the biodiversity in urban areas and finding strategies for its conservation. Some bird species constitute sensitive indicators for the quality of urban life, which makes the avifauna diversity to be a problem today. The investigation method applied is based on the path method (Ferry and Frochot, 1958), which is improved by processing a statistical method established by specialists from the Zoology Department of the Faculty of Chemistry, Biology and Geography of the Western University of Timisoara. From the taken observations, it results that there are present 31 bird species, characteristic for this season and for this type of ecosystem, and that also includes species that are in the autumn migration, water birds and antropofile species whose presence is due to the peculiarities of this forest . The degrees of dominance are distributed as follows: 6 absolutely dominant species: Parus major, Parus caeruleus, Passer montanus, Anas plathyrhynchos, Columba livia domestica, Fulica atra, 11 dominant species, 9 subdominant species, 5 auxiliary species. According to the Official Journal of the European Union, to Directive 79/409/EEC and to the Emergency Ordinance nr.57/20.07.2007, 70% of this species are of national and community interest. They are described in various specialty papers as being well adapted to the tumultuous life of the city and extremely inventive when environmental conditions change.
Presentation: oral