Alina Neacsu, Gicu Gabriel Arsene, Iacob Borza, Ciprian Stroia, Florin Crista None
The assessment of the ecological condition is one of the very important markers lately used in the assessment and analysis of vegetal biodiversity. In this paper are presented preliminary results on the assessment of the ecological status based on the physical-chemical quality standards, from two humid areas representative for Banat. It refers to the Natural Reserve „Satchinez Marshes” and part of the Natural Park Muresului Holm, known as the „water lily pond” Bezdin. The water samples were collected in the fall of 2010. On sampling, the standards in force were considered. The analysis of the samples was performed at the analysis laboratory of the Banat Water Branch. The interpretation of the results noted on the analysis report was carried out in keeping with norm 161 / 2007 (Chemical and Physical-Chemical Quality Elements and Standards to Establish the Ecological Condition of Surface Waters), issued by the Ministry of Environment and Water Administration. The following parameters were monitored: ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrites, azotates, phosphates, total phosphorous, dissolved oxygen, CCOMn/O 2 , CCOCr, CBO 5 , pH, zinc, copper, lead/cadmium. After processing the results, in the case of the humid area Satchinez, the classification by quality is the following: ammoniacal nitrogen, azotates, total nitrogen, CBO 5 , copper, cadmium are grouped in quality class I; nitrites, total phosphorous, CCO-Mn/O 2 are grouped in quality class II; phosphates, CCOCr, zinc, lead are grouped in quality class III; dissolved oxygen is in quality class V. For the pond Bezdin, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrites, azotates, CBO 5 , zinc, cadmium are grouped in quality class I; lead is in quality class II, dissolved oxygen, CCO-Mn/O 2 , CCOCr, are in quality class III; copper is in quality class IV, phosphates and total phosphorous are grouped in quality class V. From these data it can be noticed that higher values, therefore a classification in lower quality classes, are possessed by phosphates, CCOCr, dissolved oxygen, zinc and lead in the case of the humid area Satchinez, respectively the dissolved oxygen, CCO-Mn/O 2 , CCOCr, phosphates, total phosphorous lead and copper, in the case of the pond Bezdin. An explanation for the higher values of the phosphorous compounds would be that they are influenced by the oxygen regime that is critical in both situations discussed, a fact due to the lack of water circulation (a phenomenon which occurs in spring and autumn). Another reason may be the appearance of large quantities of unwanted biomass, resulting from decomposing vegetation. Higher concentration of heavy metals can be attributed to specific human activities, industrial or agricultural. The subsequent sampling, the analyses and data processing shall allow us to find other explanations.
humid areas, water quality, chemical parameters
Presentation: oral

