Florin CRISTA, I BORZA, Isidora RADULOV, F. SALA, Adina BERBECEA, Alina LATO NoneThe major objective of this paper is to study the chemical proprieties of cambic chernozem, weakly gleyed from experimental field. The experimental field is situated in the Didactic Station of Timisoara. The chemical pointers taken under consideration in this project are the following, the reaction of soil solution (pH H2O ), the carbonates content (%); the humus content (%); the total nitrogen content, the hidrolytic acidity -A H (me/100 g sol); the total capacity of cationic exchange -CEC (me/100 g sol); the degree of base saturation -V (%). The field experiments are the stationary type. Each plot is subdivided in four repetitions which are linear positioned, one next to another. Each micro-plot has 10 x 3.5 m (35 m 2 ) dimension. There are 32 micro-plots for wheat crop and also 32 micro-plots for maize crop. For the two crops taken under study we have used varieties and hybrids located in the west plain. We have chosen the Alex variety of wheat and, in this spring we will use one of the maize hybrids with the best features. The rational use of fertilizers and other chemical substances it is compulsory because we should remember that, one of the main objective of sustainable agriculture is to assure food security. The chemical substances increase harvest with approximately 40 % measure up to another technological methods. This is one issue that can not be neglected in the policy of food providing industry. Taken in consideration the dynamic of micro granulated chemical fertilizers nowadays, we can create a starting point for more ambitious studies. The interest in environment pollution has greatly increased lately for the entire population, and also for various institutions and organizations. Without soil there are no lives. The soil which is formed along millions of years can be destroyed by erosion within few days. The pollution prevention and reduction following the use of micro granulated fertilizers is one of the objectives founded in the regulations regarding the environment protections.
micro granulated fertilizers, fertilization cambic chernozem, weakly gleyed
Presentation: oral