Maria Roberta GRIDAN, Alina Corina BALA, Carmen GRECEA None
Environmental protection, as a relationship of mankind with nature, has evolved in time, as on the awareness of the anthropic activities, with irreversible effects and with dramatic consequences on the modified natural environment. Nothing is static. Buildings and dams settle, bridges flex and vibrate, rock masses shift, mud slides, glaciers flow and volcanoes erupt. Whether by human activity such as mining or by natural processes such as erosion, the world in which we live is continually changing. Management of this change is essential for social and economic advancement. Failure of a bridge can isolate communities and restrict commerce. A landslide can cause financial and human loss, stop mining operations and even impact world mineral prices. Economies and our daily lives are dependent upon the health of bridges, dams, tunnels, elevated road systems, dams, mines and high-rise buildings. Engineers, geologists and other professional are trusted to prevent such disasters. Whether you monitor the movement of a volcanic slope, the structure of a long bridge or track the settlement of a dam; whether you measure, analyze and manage the structures of natural or man-made objects: the monitoring systems provide you with the right solution for every application. Advanced data processing algorithms, together with powerful event management systems ensure that maximum benefit is derived from the measurement information provided by the instruments. Topographic and cadastral measurements have a special importance in the environmental protection research, especially for monitoring the effects of nature’s geometrical modifications. Dam monitoring has special importance because through a proper monitoring can be prevented unwanted events, that can be transformed in real social, economical, ecological disasters and therewith partially the design, execution and even exploitation errors effects can be removed.  The surveying measurements made at Petrimanu dam have the porpoise to determinate the horizontal and vertical displacements of the marks, regarding environment protection.
environment, sustainability, monitoring, dam, surveying, risk.
Presentation: oral


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