Valentina Coteţ, Marius Eftene, Victoria Mocanu None
he soils of the Braila Plain present a sound importance for the agriculture of this region. In this area one can find some of the most fertile soils from Romania and the most various and important crops. However, often, the soils with a good fertility are interspersed with areas of saline soils or soils with salinisation risk and low productivity. The soil ameliorative works carried out in the trial plot influenced the evolution of the soils and of the ground waters quality. The effect of this evolution has been reflected in higher yields, and in a better technical-economic ways for improving saline and alkaline soils. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the effect of the horizontal drainage, which is included into the ameliorative scheme of the Lacu Sarat trial plot, next to the deep loosening, ameliorative irrigation, ameliorative organic or/and mineral fertilization, plowing with or without soil material inverting, mulching, and amendment. The main characteristics of those works consist in that they are applied according to the specific conditions of the soil. Each ameliorative work belongs to a complex, aims to obtain amelioration of certain soil characteristics, so that, in the end the whole works set will lead to a consistent soil improvement in order to achieve favourable conditions for crops growth. The results presented here were obtained within 1998-2004 period at the Lacu Sarat trial plot in natural conditions in the frame of the ameliorative field scheme and also the crops structure. The results presented here are faced with the benchmark variant = 100, identified as the variant with the minimum ameliorative practices (only chemical fertilization, paraplaw tillage and amendation), due to the lack of a real benchmark variant (without ameliorative interventions). In order to obtain amelioration of the soil an important condition is to assure an efficient irrigation and also to maintain ground water table to a certain depth. In that case we can get a continuous descendant water flow for removing, eliminate salts prevent resalinization and to lead to a negative soluble salts balance. To help achieving the radical amelioration of the soil and to conduct to a more efficient and rational use of the land, alongside with the complex works for the amelioration of the saline and alkali soils, during amelioration and exploitation itself, agrofitotehnical and agro ameliorative measures should be applied.
horizontal drainage; treatment of variant; crop yield
Presentation: oral

