Mihaela Coşoveanu, I. Pălăgeşiu None
The apple blossom weevil (Anthonomus pomorum L.) is one of the most important pests from the Romanian apple orchards and his control constitute a major preoccupation of the plants protection specialists. For an efficient control realisation the prognosis and warning activities are essential. The treatment warning is based on the biological, ecological, and phenologycal criterions. All three criterions must be known for each geographic zone. In the West part of Romania in the plain part especially, the investigations concerning treatments warning criterions are rare or absent. In the West part of Romania conditions the pest’s development peculiarities for his efficient control are not well-known. In this context the paper have the aim to present the obtained results concerning the biological, ecological and phenologycal criterions for the treatments warning. For this zone the researches about apple blossom weevil (Anthonomus pomorum L.) are disparate or absent. The researches were carried out in four years in the apple orchard from Şag-Timişeni (Timiş-District). The biological criterion was realised on the hibernate adults collected periodically, in March-April months. The ecological criterion was established by aid of effective temperatures sum and the phenologycal criterion by the aid of the apple buds development. For the West Plain of Romania the researches are new. For the treatments warning establishment on the biological criterion resulted that hibernated adult apparition was recorded from 30.03 to 24.04.2005 and from 10.04 to 27.04 in 2007. After the ecological criterion the treatments warning were effected from 26,8ºC effective temperatures sum in 2008 to 72,3ºC in 2006. Concerning the buds evolution the treatments warning realised at 10-15% development. The results are placed between the limits of another obtained data in Europe. The knowledge of the treatments warning is essential in the establishment of the pest’s optimum control moment. The work is first from the West Romania and represents an important aid from the Anthonomus pomorum L. control in the investigated zone.
apple; apple blossom weevil; treatments; warning
Presentation: oral

