Constantin Bele, Andrea Bunea, Carmen Jecan, Francisc Dulf None
Free amino acid  content might influence the levels of biogenic amines in salamis, but  is not necessary for a salami with high levels of free amino acids to have high levels of biogenic amines. Biogenic amines are aliphatic, alicyclic or heterocyclic organic bases with biological activity present in meat, cheese, fish and wine products. They are formed by amination and transamination of aldehydes and ketones or by decarboxilation of aminoacids. Free amino acids composition has been evaluated to serve as quality and tipicality of several salami varieties. Eight types of Romanian manufactured salamis (Banatean, Ardelenesc, Sinaia, Sibiu, Vanatoresc, Ghiudem, Babic, Plai) were investigated. The analysis of amino acids was carried out on an automatic amino acid analyzer (Amino Acid Analyzer AAA400, Ingos Ltd., Czech Republic) equipped with an Ostion LG ANB ion-exchange column (36x0.37 cm). Free amino acids were separated by stepwise gradient elution using five Li+ buffer- systems. Colorimetric detection was accomplished at 570 nm and 440 nm after post-column derivatisation with ninhydrin reagent. For the identification of the peaks observed in the test samples a comparison of retention times between standards and the actual test samples was carried out. All the extractions and HPLC analysis were made in triplicate. The LC ion-exchange post-column derivatisation method used has proved to be suitable for  amino acid  determination in salamis. The main free amino acids were glutamine, alanine, glutamic acid  and gamma amino-butyric acid. The Babic salami sample presented the highest level of amino acids, 240 mg/g, the Banatean salami sample revealed the lowest level of amino acids, 115 mg/g.The aim of the work was to asses the amino acid levels in Romanian salami. The absolute amounts of free amino acids vary to a large extent according to salami type and age but relative amounts ( of individual free amino acids ) reveal important differences in several salami varieties.
ion-exchange chromatography; amino acids; salami
Presentation: oral

