Sorina Dumitru, Catalin Simota, Viorel Chendeş NoneThe European Soil Bureau handles the European Soil Database, based on the 1:1 000 000 scale „Soil Geographical Map of Europe”. The fourth component of this database is a series of pedotransfer rules (PTR) allowing to derive a number of additional properties for practical purposes. These PTR are based on expert judgement, being mainly qualitative. Output attributes have been selected on the basis of the environmental parameters needed for the problems faced. The aim of this paper was the adjustement of the european Pedotransfer Rules at national level, on the basis of the 1:200 000 Soil Map. The data sources have been chosen as following: the soil map (at the scale 1:200 000), the parental material map derived from the 1:1 000 000 soil map, the climatic data from MARS project (on a grid 1km x 1km), the SRTM (90 m x 90 m grid), the LCCS Map (at the scale 1:100 000). Several macros have been developed in order to model the JRC Pedotransfer Rules. The problems derived from the data sources, at different scales, and from the adjustement of their values. The outputs are saved as a .txt file, in order to join to the main map (soil or LCCS) and to be spatial represented. The results could be used in models of hydrological process in soil, the plant growth, or others soil processes, because there is a need of some new soil parameters, not existing on the soil map. The results have been compared with some Romanian Pedotransfer Rules, developed in ICPA in different research projects. The structure of the macros developed for modelling the PTR are presented in the papers, as well as some maps of new calculated parameters.
pedotransfer rules; soil map of Romania; soil parameters
Presentation: oral