Constantin Toader, M. Rusu, Marilena Mărghitaş, Eva Fiţ None
Considered a plant with high specific consumption of nutritive elements (5 – 8 kg N; 2 – 3 kg P; 8 – 9 kg K; 5,1 kg CaO; 3,1 kg MgO; 0,8 kg S on T of vegetal product) results that an average production of tubers on the surface unit (30 – 45 t/ha) gets out of the soil each year huge amounts of nutrients. This reason and the structure on nutritive elements obtained by crops impose differenced fertilization systems which valor the N, K, Ca then P, Mg, S and especially the interaction of applying these in the quantitative and qualitative determination of tuber production. The presented paper reveals the effect of fertilization interactions assured through mineral complex and one-sided fertilizations and without organic contribution on the potato tuber production and the production gain realized in the context of applying different dosages of complex mineral (NP) fertilizer. In the same context, this paper underlines the theoretical and practical importance of complex and balanced fertilization applied to growing potatoes, assured through NP mineral substratum on nutrient accumulation in soils type gelisoil and chernosiom from Cojocna. The effect of these interventions is significant, and the absolute and relative values of this effect are as by as the nutritive substratum insures the presence of more nutrients at levels of sufficient biodisponibility. The effect of NP interaction, in the given experimental conditions, of the gley soil and typical chernozem in Cojocna proves useful and significant for all applied combinations and manifests in the minimum (N40P40) and maximum (N160P160). dosage. This assertion is valid for all experimental years (2005-2006). Gley soil and typical chernozem experiments in Cojocna confirm the nutrition and fertilization demands of the potato and emphasized the significant effects of complex balanced mineral fertilization with NP, where combinations were achieved with complex fertilizers of the NP type. NP complex mineral fertilization determined production increases (differences) statistically ensured in the N40P40 to N160P160 domain with diminishing tendencies of increases in the N80P80 - N120P120 interval. The level of productions obtained with complex mineral NP fertilizations may reach 30-32t/tubers/ha.
potato tuber; mineral fertilizer; production
Presentation: oral

