Alina Corina Bălă, Floarea Maria Brebu, Carmen Grecea None
The policy regarding environment preservation, as a relationship of mankind with nature, has changed in time, as on the awareness of the anthropic activities, with irreversible effects and with dramatic consequences on the modified natural environment. The limit between the agricultural lands and the forestry zones will be modified on the benefit of the agricultural lands and grazing lands, firstly, because of the demographic pressure. Another cause of national and global modifications represents the abusive use of forest lands. Topographic and cadastral measurements have a special importance in the environmental protection research, especially for monitoring the effects of nature’s geometrical modifications. There are also evaluated the effects of anthropic modifications on the environment. All forest sectors directly related to field data cannot operate without detailed maps of the specific area. Currently, most forest plans were made in Romania over 15 years old and no longer correspond to any reality from the field. Evolution and rapid development of surveying technology has led to these graphical products and other data necessary for a complete forest planning and its efficient management. In the paper it is presented a study case related to Savârșin forest area, Arad county, as a boundary project using GPS technology and also satellite photograms for future 3D modelling of forested territories. The large use of the automatically tools of measurement and processing, the elaboration of digital plans and maps lead to modern land management system which can face the present request from this field of activity. The applicability of the informational systems will last a long period of time, while both categories of classic and digital materials will operate. During all this period, the technical equipment for data collection, processing, storage and overview will continue developing, in order to accelerate the complex project of informational systems achievement.Key words: surveying, GPS, satellite photogram, detailed map, environment, 3D modelling.
surveying; GPS; satellite photogram; detailed map; environment; 3D modelling
Presentation: oral

