I. KALANDARBEKOV1., Laura SMULEAC2., R. JURAKHONZODA1., U. RASULOV1 University named after academician M.S.Osimi., Republic of Tajikistan, 734042, Dushanbe, academicians Rajabov's avenue 10, 2. Faculty of Agriculture, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara raufjurakhon@gmail.comFiltration is one of the main impacts on hydraulic structures. This phenomenon causes consequences such as loss of water from reservoirs, force impact on the structure in the form of filtration back pressure or volumetric hydrodynamic filtration forces. In practice, isotropic filtration is more often considered, characterized by the same conductivity of materials in all directions [1]:
Under the influence of the pressure created by the dam, water is filtered through the body of the dam from the upstream to the downstream. The upper limit of the filtering will be a line called the depression curve. If the depression curve tapers out on the downstream slope of the dam, then there is water filtration under some residual pressure. In this case, the wedged out water begins to flow in streams down the slope surface. The water wedged out on the slope washes soil particles out of the body of the dam. This disturbance of the stability of soil particles, called suffusion, leads to increased filtration, and then to slumping and failure of the downstream slope, which poses a direct threat to the entire dam. The article considers the review problems of mathematical modeling of plane-parallel isotropic fluid filtration.
hydraulic engineering construction, mathematical modeling, plane-parallel filtration, incompressible fluid, isotropic, earth dam, homogeneous
hydraulic engineering construction, mathematical modeling, plane-parallel filtration, incompressible fluid, isotropic, earth dam, homogeneous
environmental engineering
Presentation: poster