Vol 42, No 2 (2010)
Iuliana Antonie, Simona Spânu, Adriana Iliu, Ana TimarThe weather conditions during the last years were favorable to the growth of the populations of Microtus arvalis in Sibiu County. This pest rodent sheltered within all the agricultural cultures as well as in pastures, hayfields, slopes, the road sides. Its presence grew alarmingly in orchards, too. In order to put into practice correctly the control and warning measures there was necessary to establish the density of this pest. So, in order to determine the number of colonies as well as the percentage of attacked trees there were investigated 929 hectares of orchards. Researches upon the species Microtus arvalis were done by Săvescu, 1960; Manolache and Boguleanu, 1967; Tuţă, 1980; Teodorescu and coworkers, 2003; Paşol and coworkers, 2007, and so on. The investigations were done during 3 rd September 2009 – 15 th September 2009 in 7 orchard firms in the localities Viile Sibiului, Cisnădie, Şura Mare/Slimnic, Şura Mare (Agnita), Ruja, Miercurea Sibiului (Sibiu County). There was checked the surface of 929 hectares of orchards and there were identified the trees that were attacked by the rodent on the parcel of tree species. In order to determine the number of colonies as well as the percentage of the trees attacked by the mice there done soundings in zigzag as well as on the diagonal of the parcel. In the parcels where the trees were sustained by a sustaining system the sounding was done alongside the tree rows. In the same time there was investigated the dependence of the population of Microtus arvalis on the values of environment factors during 2009. There is considered that the results of the investigations are of a special economic importance, these being used afterwards in appreciating the best moment to put into practice the control and warning measures against this rodent. In the same time was brought to present the data regarding the orchards patrimony in Sibiu County.
more abstractbiological reserve; Microtus arvalis Pall
Presentation: oral
Adrian Borcean, Dan Nicolae ManeaResearch aim was to test the tolerance of a range of sunflower lines to infectious pressure of the main endemic pathogens Phomopsis helianthi and Phoma macdonaldi under soil and climat conditionsfrom Didactic Station of U.S.A.M.V.B. Timişoara. Stage of research is advanced taking in consideration that the experience is consist from a trial of 32 sunflower lines. Technology was the standard applied in the Western Plain of Romania for sunflower. It is well-known that the area where the experimental field was implemented is the target of a few sunflower endemic pathogens which produce crop losses every year, two of this are Phomopsis helianthi and Phoma macdonaldi. By the present paper we try to draw the attention to the lack of genetic material at the present hybrids assortment with vertical resistance to this pathogens. All this underline the importance of a new technology for sunflower, a technology which must bring some efficient measures to fight against this sunflower endemic pathogens. The novelty for this experience is that of presentation of some new sunflower lines with a promising tolerance at the pathogens. Also the work bring important data for agricultural practice in the experimental area. As achievement in this work are underlined the possible reactions of the pathogens in direct coordination with local soil and climatic factors. Limits of the research are draw by the limited data from only one year of observations. Practical implications of the research consisted of playing a part of a complex study of strategy in the sunflower protection. The originality of the work comes from the fact that data are relevant in order of the uniformity of lines origin and because of this, the data provided are useful for the Monsanto producers in the management and breeding strategies. Importance of the paper became from bringing in front of the specialists some new promising sunflower biologic material for the near future. The relevance of data from experimental results give an overview of endemic pathogens behavior in relation to tested sunflower lines.
more abstractsunflower; pathogens; natural conditions
Presentation: oral
Adrian Borcean, Levente Molnar, Simona NiţăResearch aim of the present paper is to present the dynamic of main foliar diseases of wheat caused by the fungus Erysiphe graminis and Septoria tritici. The biologic material consist from an assortment of three of the most used wheat cultivars from the area. Technology used in the experimental field was the standard applied for this location. The experience was implemented on the soil and climatic conditions from Didactic Station. Last three years bring a very significant change of the main climatic factors (temperature and rain water) with a direct influence in dynamic of majority of diseases caused by fungus and bacteria. Taking all this in consideration we are revealing in the present paper the behavior of six from the most important cultivars from the Western Plain at the attack of both fungus under the last three years climatic changes. The experience was calculated after normal statistic method for bifactorial experiences, with first factor the cultivar and the second factor the observation year. The achievements bring by the present work consist from the first author experience in research of the wheat diseases and also the possible reactions of the pathogen relating to local biocoenosis factors. Limits of the research are that data refer strictly to the relation betven cultivars and pathogens. Practical implications of the research are that all data presented in the present paper are a part of a complex study of wheat diseases protection strategy. The originality of the work comes from the fact that data are relevant in view of cultivars behaviour under specific conditions. The relevant data, experimental results give an overview of pathogen behavior in relation to experimental conditions.
more abstractfoliar pathogens; Erisiphe graminis; Septoria tritici; wheat
Presentation: oral
Alin Cărăbeţ, Maria Sînea, Ioana Grozea, Ramona ŞtefSoybean is the plant which provide at a high quality and quantity meantime economically, the nourishments of human and animals as well subsidiary products for industry. Soybean culture, among viruses and bacteriosis is affected as well by damaging fungi like Pseudoperonospora manshurica, who is the main issue of this paper. The study of the behaviour of some soybean breeds at infestation with downy mildew Pseudoperonospora manshurica (Naumov) Syd.In Gaum. was conducted in two experimental years at agricultural farm Agro Iachim SRL. The experience was placed in randomised blocks with 4 variants each three repetitions. The variant surfaces were 25 sqm each. The studied soybean breeds were Triumf (control variant), Danubian, Atlas and Columna. Along vegetation period some treatments with the product Ridomil Glod MZ 68 WG were made. In order to prevent the pathogens Alternaria sp., Botritys sp. And Sclerotinia sp., before blossom stage treatments with Calidan (iprodion 175 g/l + carbendazim 87,5 g/l) were applied. The observation were made beginning with BBCH stadium 60, at 20 days intervals analysing 10 plants, 10 leaves per plant and three leaflets per leaf. The frequency and the attack intensity were analysed and statistically evaluated. A good control degree was obtained by breed Columna which exerted an intensity attack level of 11% as well the breed Triumf where the attack intensity was 50% related to mean of experience.
more abstractsoybean; pathogen; Peronospora manshurica; attack intensity; control
Presentation: oral
Mihaela Coşoveanu, I. PălăgeşiuThe apple blossom weevil (Anthonomus pomorum L.) is one of the most important pests from the Romanian apple orchards and his control constitute a major preoccupation of the plants protection specialists. For an efficient control realisation the prognosis and warning activities are essential. The treatment warning is based on the biological, ecological, and phenologycal criterions. All three criterions must be known for each geographic zone. In the West part of Romania in the plain part especially, the investigations concerning treatments warning criterions are rare or absent. In the West part of Romania conditions the pest’s development peculiarities for his efficient control are not well-known. In this context the paper have the aim to present the obtained results concerning the biological, ecological and phenologycal criterions for the treatments warning. For this zone the researches about apple blossom weevil (Anthonomus pomorum L.) are disparate or absent. The researches were carried out in four years in the apple orchard from Şag-Timişeni (Timiş-District). The biological criterion was realised on the hibernate adults collected periodically, in March-April months. The ecological criterion was established by aid of effective temperatures sum and the phenologycal criterion by the aid of the apple buds development. For the West Plain of Romania the researches are new. For the treatments warning establishment on the biological criterion resulted that hibernated adult apparition was recorded from 30.03 to 24.04.2005 and from 10.04 to 27.04 in 2007. After the ecological criterion the treatments warning were effected from 26,8ºC effective temperatures sum in 2008 to 72,3ºC in 2006. Concerning the buds evolution the treatments warning realised at 10-15% development. The results are placed between the limits of another obtained data in Europe. The knowledge of the treatments warning is essential in the establishment of the pest’s optimum control moment. The work is first from the West Romania and represents an important aid from the Anthonomus pomorum L. control in the investigated zone.
more abstractapple; apple blossom weevil; treatments; warning
Presentation: oral
Liana Mihaela Fericean, I. Pălăgeşiu, Ana Maria Virteiu, Silvia PrunarThis paper presents data referring to the life cicle of aphid species from potato cultivations, for a period of three years 2005-2007, from Didactic Station Timisoara and Varfurile County. The knowlege of potato aphid life cicle constitute a basic element of the integrated potato pests control. For the species Myzus persicae, the medium multiannual date of flight towards the potato is 20th May. The species Aphis fabae evolved on the potato in 6 – 9 generations. For the species Macrosiphum euphorbiae the maximum flight was recorded in the second part of June in 2005 and 2006, while in 2007 the maximum flight of the species was recorded in the second part of May. The species Phorodon humuli developed on the potato in 5 – 6 fundatrigenous generations. At Aulacorthum solani, the population development was maximum in May and June, the species disappearing from the potato culture in August.
more abstractaphids; life cicle; potato
Presentation: oral
Ioana Grozea, Codruţa Chiş, Alin Cărăbeţ, Ramona Ştef, Sven Dinnesen, Sven DinnesenRecently, the chrysomelid Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte became a serious pest in European maize cultures. Having in mind the first appearance of species in Romania (Nadlac, Arad) we tried to make know the present situation of this invasive species, especially in west part of country. For the first time, in Romania are mentioned the comparative studies among different localities. During 2009, as well as during previous year, the monitoring of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (WCR) was done continuing the implementation of a usual protocol. For establish of adults number were used hungarian pheromone traps (Csalomon ® Diabrotica v.v. panel type). The traps were installed from June to September, in three repetitios (T1, T2, T3/location). The frequency of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte adults was based on readings directly in fields, in 22 localities from 10 counties (Timiş, Arad, Hunedoara, Bihor, Cluj, Satu Mare, Sălaj, Caraş Severin, Alba, Mureş) situated in western part of Romania. For instaling of traps we used the common methods and for finding the location the GPS was used. The researches were made in conventionally maize, untreated against target pest. Generally, in Romania, esspecially in west part, western corn rootworm spreads rapidly and soon we expect it to be present in the most important growing areas. The pest has spread to all direction. So, this is explanation of the freqvency of adults in all location with instaled traps. The highest level of captures were registered in Arad and Timis counties (over 14000 beetles/traps1,2,3/locality). The first point of appearance in our country was Nadlac from Arad county, and the highest no. of adults were was registered in Simand, a neighboring location of Nadlac (21323 beetles/traps 1,2,3). We acknowledge a technical support of all farmers from different localities who have provided us the maize fields. The Ministery Education financed this work within the framework of PN-II-ID-PCE-2007-1/RO project.
more abstractDiabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte; adult; mean daily captures; maize
Presentation: oral
Ioana Grozea, Ramona Ştef, Ana-Maria Vîrteiu, Alin CărăbeţAbstract: Western corn rootworm (WCR, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte) are serious economic pest of maize (Zea mais L) in U.S. and an important invasive insect for European maize cultures. The actual situation In Romania showed a continuous extension of the WCR from west part to east part of country. In 1996 the insect was signaled for the first time in Nadlac locality from Arad County. In 1997 the Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte adults was very frequent along the border with Yugoslavia, but it also registered in the area near to Hungary. In 1998 the pests has begin to spread especially in Timis County. After, 2000 the Diabrotica population heaves increased strongly year by year until now, occupying news zones from Romania. For counties from west part of country, the invasive species are become very damaging, so we tried by means this paper to develop some partial maps of spreading in accordance with environmental factors. Following the statistically data it can be observed positive correlations between daily no of adults and environmental factor- relative humidity of air). The spreading maps were realized taking in consideration the number of individuals/location. We establish groups of frequency (low, middle and high level) marked with different colors. Groups: low level 600-5000 individuals/locality (600-1000 ad., 1100-1500 ad., 1600-2000 ad., 2100-2500 ad., 2600-3000), (3100-3500, 3600-4000, 4100 – 4500, 4600-5000, 6100 – 10500 6100-6500 ad., 6500-6550 ad.) and high level (10500 – 11000 ad., 11500-12000 ad., 14500 – 15000 ad., 18500-19000 ad. , 21100 – 21500ad.). The maps of spreading shown a high level for Timis and Arad counties; middle level for Bihor county and low level for Caras Severin, Cluj Satu Mare and Salaj counties. We acknowledge a technical support of all farmers from different localities who have provided us the maize fields. The Ministery Education financed this work within the framework of PN-II-ID-PCE-2007-1/RO project.
more abstractWCR; Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte; adult; spreading; maps; maize
Presentation: oral
Bujar Huqi, Kico Dhima, Fatbardh Sallaku, Odeta Tota, Remzi Keco, Shpend ShahiniThe weed competition can significantly limit the olive tree production depending largely on weed flora and density, as well as on growth conditions between and within growing seasons. Consequently, the effective weed management is required to obtain profitable yields. A number of weeds are known to occur in olive groves depending largely on location and cultural practices and weed management system. In olive groves where tillage comprises a common practice, annual weed species are more prominent than perennial ones. Weed flora was surveyed during 2000 and 2001 in ten established olive groves located in the area Vlora in south-western Albania. Also, the effectiveness of six weed management treatments [soil tillage, straw mulches, cover crop (a mixture of rye with peas) and grazing, as well as glyphosate and diuron application] on weed flora, olive yield and fruit quality was investigated in two locations during 2000, 2001 and 2002. More than 80 weed species were recorded representing a total of 14 families, in which the families Poaceae, Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Ranunculceae and Rosaceae were the predominant. Weed surveys are useful tools for determining the occurrence and relative importance of weed species in crop production systems. This knowledge is essential in setting priorities for weed management or research. However, surveys on weed flora and experimental data on weed management practices in established olive groves throughout the world are limited in the literature. The objectives of this study were i) to determining the most frequently observed weed species and ii) to evaluate the effectiveness of six different weed management practices, in established olive groves in Vlora region (south-western Albania). The results of this study indicated that certain non-chemical weed control methods such as the straw mulches can be successfully implemented in established olive groves providing satisfactory control of weeds and promoting highest fruit and oil yield.
more abstractPresentation: oral
Branko Konstantinovic, Maja Meseldzija, Milena Korac, Natasa MandicAbstract: Mapping and monitoring of weed seeds on agricultural and non-agricultural areas is long lasting praxis in many countries. A study of weed seed bank under various cultures provides opportunities of prediction, which weed species, in what volume and in what time will occur on the field. In such a manner, it is possible to make more efficient end economical plan of measures for their control. During vegetation period 2008-2009, at locality Ratkovo (Vojvodina), studies of the weed seed bank were performed under wheat, sugar beet and clover crops. Plots were nearby, and therefore, the influence of climatic and edaphyic factors was identical. In average, samples were heavy 1.5 kg, they were taken from each plot in four repetitions, diagonally, and separately from depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm. After sieving of the samples through copper sieves that differed in diameter followed their drying and determination. The obtained data were statistically processed in the program Statistica 9. Under wheat crop seeds of 15 weed species were separated, of which in the greatest measure dominated seeds of weed species Amaranthus retroflexus, Datura stramonium and Solanum nigrum, in all of the studied layers. Seeds of A. retroflexus were the most numerous in the top soil layer (314 seeds/m2), as well as seeds of D. stramonium (134 seeds/m2), while seeds of Solanum nigrum proved to be dominant in the deepest studied layer (234 seeds/m2). The greatest total seed quantity of all weed species was extracted from the top layer of 0-10 cm (854 seeds/m2), and the lowest from the deepest layer of 20-30 cm (715 seeds/m2). In sugar beet were found seeds of 12 different weed species, and dominant were seeds of Amaranthus retroflexus in all studied depths of the soil layer. The highest seed quantity of A. retroflexus was established in soil layer of 10-20 cm (221 seeds/m2), and somewhat lower in the layer of 20-30 cm (209 seeds/m2), and the lowest in the top arable soil layer (187 seeds/m2). Beside this, seeds of Chenopodium album ere dominant in the top soil layer (89 seeds/m2), while seeds of other weed species occurred in significantly lower number. Total number of all separated seeds was the highest in the studied top soil layer (502 seeds/m2). Under clover crop seeds of 12 weed species were also separated, and dominant were seeds of Amaranthus retroflexus in the top layer (144 seeds/m2) and Chenopodium album in the deepest soil layer (95 seeds/m2). The highest number of all seeds was found in the soil layer of 0-10 cm (288 seeds/m2). In all three studied plots, the highest quantity of weed was established in the top layer of 0-10 cm, which is the consequence of inadequate application of cultural practices, above all, lack of deep soil cultivation. Based upon obtained results it is possible to predict occurrence and volume of weed species on the studied plots in the following vegetation season. This enables making of the most efficient plan of cultivation and chemical weed control.
more abstractclover; sugar beet; weed seed bank; wheat
Presentation: oral
Anca-Rovena Lăcătuşu, Elena Marcela Badea, Mihail Dumitru, Radu Lăcătuşu, Claudia Bălăceanu, Amelia Anghel, Andrei Vrînceanu, Mihaela Lungu, Rodica LazărEvaluation of genetically modified plant varieties (before placing in culture) is generally focused on aspects of genetic stability of the inserted genes and agronomic aspects of GM varieties. However, in the international scientific community there is concern about the environmental consequences of introducing a functional gene associated with changes in management practices and agricultural systems on the essential functions of the ecosystem, and the fate of the products obtained from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) e.g. persistence in the environment and gene transfer to other organisms. These issues must be included in every study of risk assessment for GMOs. In Romania were not conducted studies and independent researches to assess the impact of cultivation of genetically modified plants on biodiversity, quality and functioning of agro ecosystems. Was studied, however, ecological and economic impact of the introduction into the environment of plants with a single genetically modified character, mainly glyphosate-tolerant soybean, cultivated in Romania until 2007 (Badea et al., 2004, 2006; Otiman et al., 2004). Soil biological communities are among the most diverse biotic groups on the planet. Soil microorganisms are involved in regulating a number of processes in terrestrial ecosystems, which are essential for maintaining its productivity and health. Develop methodology for assessing the Bt biotechnology impact, applied to cultivate genetically modified potato, on soil quality parameters, and particularly, on the microorganisms diversity, was done according to the following objectives: soil type influence (through its defining physical-chemical parameters) and genotypes of cultivated hybrids about insecticide persistence and degradation of proteins, influence of transgenic plants cultivation about microbial diversity, study of transgenic plant cultivars about the main soil chemical properties. The criteria for selection of soil materials on which to conduct the impact study of Bt biotechnology was favorability for species taken in the study and contrasting physical and chemical properties. Thus, were used two soil types: Eutric Fluvisols and Fluvi-Eutric Cambisols. Research developed in greenhouse has pursued: identifying correlations between the main physical-chemical and biological attributes of soil and plant genotypes (GMOs or non-GMOs) cultivation; environmental impact assessment of Bt protein on essential soil biological processes by investigating the biological activities associated with plant debris decomposition and determination of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil; assessing the impact of Bt technology about taxonomic and genetic diversity of soil micro-organisms; assessment of possible modifications of the main physical, chemical and biological properties of soil under the influence of Bt technology.
more abstractBt technology; transgenic plant; soil; impact study
Presentation: oral
Dan Nicolae Manea, Simion Alda, Gheorghe Cârciu, Ramona ŞtefAt present, in Romania, chemical weed control strategies in maize suppose the application of two treatments: the first pre-emergent crop (before or right after sowing, in order to control mono- and some annual dicot species) and a second post-emergent crop (during vegetation in order to control mono- and some perennial dicot species). Taking into account the excessive sensitivity of maize to weeding, particularly during the first 4-6 weeks of vegetation, applying combined herbicides pre-emergently (that contain two to three active substances) is of particular importance. In this paper, we study the effect of simple or combined herbicides (Adengo, Akris, Merlin Duo, Merlin Expert, Successor T, Wing P, compared to the herbicide Guardian), applied at two times: pre-emergently and early post-emergently on annual weed control in maize. Research was carried out at the Didactic Station in Timişoara in 2009, on a cambic, fertile chernozem with high weeding risk. The most frequent weed species were annual monocots (63.0%), followed by annual dicots (21.5%). Compared to the standard treatment (Guardian CE), maximum efficiency in controlling annual weeds upon pre-emergent application was in the variant treated with Adengo over 91%. In general, the efficiency of combined herbicides applied early post-emergently was determined by the optimal phase of the weeds at the time of treatment, by the ratio of the two weed groups and by the amounts of rainfall after treatment application. Among herbicides, the best efficiency was again that of the herbicide Adengo (0.30-0.35 l/ha) with 96%, followed by the herbicide Merlin Duo (2 l/ha) with 89%. The species not controlled were perennial (mono- and di-cots), the annual dicot species Hibiscus trionum, as well as all the annual weed species in advanced treatment (above the optimal phase of maximum 4 leaves). Taking into account that neither of the tested herbicides controlled perennial mono- or di-cot weeds: on lands strongly infested by these weeds, we also need to apply a proper post-emergent treatment. All herbicides applied, pre-emergently and early post-emergently, were very selective for the cultivated maize hybrid DKC 5143.
more abstractcorn crop; weeds control; herbicides; preemergent and postemergent early apply
Presentation: oral
Gabi-Mirela Matei, Sorin MateiIn agriculture, control of plant pathogens can be done by chemical or by biological methods. Both of them act on pathogen population as well as on rhizospheric microflora. Research have been done in order to study the structure of rhizospheric fungal community of two soybean cultivars under the influence of chemical and biological agents for the control of gray mould. A green house experiment was designed to compare the structure of fungal rhizospheric microflora of soybean cv. PR91M10 sensible to gray mould and PR92B62 resistant, treated with systemic and contact fungicides, as well as with four fungal preparations from genera Botrytis, Trichoderma and Penicillium administrated on plants and in soil. The taxonomic composition of fungal community was assessed by plating soil fragments on water agar and identifying the developed structures. A total number of 21 genera were identified for sensible soybean cultivar PR91M10 and 18 genera for resistant cultivar PR92B62. The frequency registration allowed the genera to be classified as constant accessory and accidental. Thus, the status of each taxon was the same or modified as a function of the nature of treatment (with biological or chemical control agents) or method of administration (on leaves or in soil). Apart of significant influence of fungal extracts on improving plant health, the ecological analysis of the rhizospheric fungal communities assessed the influence of biological control agents provided by selected microbial strains, on natural microflora composition and number. The use of water agar substrate allowed as to cultivate, identify and make photographs to four predaceous species of genera Arthrobotrys, Dactylaria, Nematoctonus and Harposporium, same of them rarely isolated on other usual media. The development of ring form fungal traps or adhesive knobs and haustoria-like hyphae was possible to be monitored as well as trapped nemathods digestion by predaceous fungi, demonstrating the dynamic relationships between microflora and fauna in the rhizosphere of cultivated plants such as soybean under the influence of control agents for gray mould.
more abstractfungi; rhizosphere; resistance; soybean; biological control
Presentation: oral
Sorin Matei, Gabi-Mirela MateiPlants resistance to pathogens attack can be induced by biological control methods including fungal extracts. The main purpose of this study was to obtain chromatographic images of biochemical compounds responsible for biological quality of strawberry intracellular medium, of various culture filtrates of pathogenic or antagonistic fungi and to compare the aspects of interactions between them. Previous research showed that microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi from soil and especially plant rhizosphere can influence plant growth or improve resistance to pathogens. Systemic induced resistance can be also acquired by vaccination with fungal extracts with elicitor effect. Four extracts were obtained from pathogenic isolates of species Botrytis cinerea and from antagonistic species Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma harzianum and Penicillium chrysogenum cultivated on potato-dextrose medium. Fungal extracts E1, E2, E3 and E4, as well as citosolic extract from strawberry plants cultivar Marmolada were migrated and individual paper chromatograms were obtained for each. The chromatograms of interactions resulted by simultaneous migration of biochemical compounds of strawberry plants and fungal extracts. This is a new approach of paper chromatography we decided to use for the study of plant-fungi interactions, motivated by the biochemical nature of these interactions. The method has the advantage to provide images of the distribution of biochemical compounds from both plant and fungal extracts and of the nature of their interactions. The aspect of contact zones between plant and fungal extracts were different for extracts as a function of the group of fungi involved. E1, E2 and E4 that contained elicitors of immunity from Botrytis isolates induced similar convex zones in plant with low individual variations but E3 from antagonistic isolates of Trichoderma and Penicillium induced a concave margin of plant chromatogram. The method is very usefull for rapid assessment of the answer of plant to a fungal extract and helpfull as a qualiative preliminary test for selecting biological control agents with role in immunologic stimulation of plant.
more abstractplant resistance; fungal extract; strawberry; Botrytis cinerea; paper chromatography
Presentation: oral
Levente Molnar, Adrian Borcean, Ramona Ştef, Daniela BăluţăThe work presents data about the behavior in respect to powdery mildew disease (Podosphaera leucotricha Ell. et Ev. Salmon) of Ionatan, Florina, Romus 2, Pionier and Delicios de Voineşti apple varieties. The varieties were chosen so they can be as heterogeneous as possible for the performance to powdery mildew disease. It is necessary to mention that there were other observations performed by the members of the phytopathology department in other years. The orchard in which observations were made is an intensive apple orchard, where in recent years has made minimal treatments against diseases and pests, namely one winter treatment and four treatments in vegetation, but in 2009 were added two vegetation treatments. Observations were made on five trees in three repetitions, it was noted the frequency, intensity and was calculated in the final level of appeal. The frequency was noted by percentile and the intensity was scored by a scoring scale from 0-6. Degree of attack was calculated by well known classical formula. Results were compared with the average experience in the end. At fungus attack, the best performances were registered, as expected, at Romus2 and Florina varieties. The results were satisfactory for Delicios de Voinesti. Ionatan variety confirmed that it has the most sensitive variety at the fungal attach from Podosphaera leucotricha Ell. et Ev. Salmon. After the study we concluded that 7 treatments a year are not enough for having a healthy culture, that the inoculators source is consistent, that at Ionatan variety the disease is chronic. We recommend that a special attention should be given to Ionatan variety for powdery mildew disease even from the first year from planting if there is a desire for a healthy orchard from phythosanitary point of view.
more abstractPodosphaera leucotricha; apple powdery mildew; fungal diseases
Presentation: oral
Ioan Pălăgeşiu, Narcisa CristaThe corn earworm (Helicoverpa armigera Hb.) is a cosmopolitan, widespread species. The pest is a very harmful in Asia (India, China), Africa, Australia, and in the last time in Eastern and Central Europe between northern latitude 46º and 47º Helicoverpa armigera Hb. is a recently identified pest of the maize cultivations from the Romanian West Plain. The pest’s caterpillars are little known in zone and frequently are mixed up with other species. In this context the work bring some contributions to knowledge of some external morphological peculiarities for better pest identification. In all European zones in which were signalled the corn earworm attacks, complexes investigations were carried out. In our country the researches are incipient or in some regions are absent. The researches were effect on the larvae and pupae, collected in four years from the maize cultivation of S.D. Timişoara. On the larvae ages, the body length and the head - capsule diameter of the caterpillars and also, pupae body length were measured. The obtained results were statistical interpreted. So data are absent in our country. According to obtained results the body length of the mature larvae (L 5 -L 6 ) oscillated between 23,00 mm and 45,00 mm and for young larvae (L 1 -L 2 ) between 1,50 mm and 10,00 mm. The head capsule diameter was in average 0,37±0,064 for young larvae (L 1 -L 2 ) and 2,53±0,50 for mature larvae (L 5 -L 6 ). The pupae body length was in average 18,8±0,19 and varied between 15,00 mm and 20,00 mm. New obtained data can be compared with the existent data from neighbouring countries where the pest caused important damages. The knowledge of the larvae ages depending by the body length and head - capsule diameter are necessary data in prognosis and warning activity for the optimal treatment application moment establishment. The obtained results contribute to the existent knowledge completion concerning the external morphology, of the new maize pest and generally for plant protection from Romania.
more abstractcorn earworm; maize; larvae; pupae; body-length; head capsule; diameter; age; treatment warning
Presentation: oral
Cristina Stanca-Moise, Maria TănaseThe present work represents a study about the biological reserve of the red spider Panonychus ulmi Koch accomplished to a private fruit-growing farm from the county Sibiu, from a surface of 30 tchick. In order to recomand a treatment against this spyder, we accomplished researches regarding the digital density of the winter eggs layng, on the unit of the surface/ branches on lots from the farm. The reserches regarding the digital density of the winter eggs layng pest, were made after the prelevation of 10 cm branches for an easier analize with the maginifing glass binocular. The red acarian Panonychus ulmi Koch, is a pholyphagic species frequently pointing out the in orchards fruit-growing and winegrowing, species of dendrologic plant. Presents 5-6 the generation on year depending on the climatic conditions. Hibernates in the stage of egg, on branches, around his buds in the cracks barks. The haching of the larvs from the hibernante eggs is in progress when is exceeded the inferior development the shold 8ºC and is achieved a sum of temperature of 20-50ºC. The female has the oval body the curved dorsal and when it appears has a brown color. With the time becomes brown to red. The whole body is covered with wintergreens, the one disposed on the dorsal part by-path in number of 26, thread on warts of white color.the body length is variating from 0,3-to 0-5 mm. The male has the oblong body that sharpness on the posterior part. He is less than female. As much as the female the male form male 4 couples of feet. The egg is cepiform, striate dorsal, he is foreseed with a fine pedicel. The winter one has a red shining color, and a diameter of 0,15 mm. The summer one has a yellow color. The larva is red, with three pairs of feet, with a length of 0, 1-0 1-0 2MM. Depending on the attack degree of the prove of analize we recommended the fitosanitare measures of prevention and struggle harmful.
more abstractPanonychus ulmi Koch; fruits farm; prevention and control
Presentation: oral
Ramona Ştef, Ioana Grozea, Alin Cărăbeţ, Ana-Maria Vîrteiu, Dan Nicolae Manea, Levente MolnarIn Romania, maize crop is the main cereal occupying 4 millions hectares from 10 millions arable lands. From those about 500000 to 700000 ha are infested with Sorghum halepense L., a weed which produce high damages in maize agro ecosystems (85-90%). The herbology papers pointed long time ago the presence of this weed in our country [Anghel, Ionescu-Şişeşti, Şarpe etc.] especially in the southern parts of Romania. The infested area extended permanently in the same time with the increasing number of weeds per square meter. This invasive weed is, without doubt, the most damaging species in the south-west part of the country. in order to achieve a better approach of weed infestation level of maize agroecosystems with Sorghum halepense from Timis county, we used the quantitative and numerical determination method. The observations were made in experimental years 2006-2009, in 16 locations. This method relies on counting the number of plants present in 1 square meter, methodology used in mapping works in Romania [Chirilă, 1989]. The assessments allow us to put together in a master table the obtained results and the location along with the maximal constant level. Further than that, the mapping allows us to realize maps wit the locations in where the Sorgum halepense was present and its density in maize crop. For showing down the mean of the infestation level we used the colours code presented in the work “the weeds from agricultural crop mapping” [Chirilă, 1989]. We concluded after four observation years that the Sorgum halepense species develop themselves very good on chernozem and aluvisoils causing a significant yield loses even total loses.
more abstractJohnson grass; mapping; corn
Presentation: oral
Nela Tălmaciu, Mihai Tălmaciu, Liliana ManoleThere was a presence of 42 species coleoptere two variants, of which 21 species were common. The species most commonly collected and the largest number of specimens collected were: Pterostichus cupreus L., Brachynus crepitans L., Phyllotreta atra F, Amara eurynata Harpalus distinguendus Duft., Cicindela Germany Phyllotreta nemorum L. and L. Observations were made in 2008 in a culture of rape Rotbav town, Brasov County. To collect material traps were used to soil type Barber, who were placed in number 12, in two version - V1 - rape samulastră from where there was no chemical treatment to pathogens and pests; -V2 - rape cultivation, where there were usually treatments to combat pathogens and pests. In June, the two variants were made every 4 collection of material collected in traps at the following date: 3.06.2008, 9.06.2008, 17.06.2008 and 14.06.208. entomological collection of material were retained species coleoptere which were then determined.
more abstractcoleoptere; knowledge; rape crops; pests
Presentation: oral
Nela Tălmaciu, Mihai Tălmaciu, Liliana ManoleThere are were made observations in 2008 year in the rape crops in the National Institute for Research and Development for the cultivation of potatoes and sugar beet (INCDCSZ) Braşov, in two experimental variants: V1 - rape culture in which no treatments have been either chemical or seed during the growing season; V2 - rapeseed crops to which the chemical treatments to prevent and combat pests. Within each variant were used to collect material 6 traps each soil type Barber. Of the material collected were retained species coleoptere which were then determined. The determinations made in version 1, untreated rape, it was found that the 271 copies of coleoptere belong to a number of 28 species, while in version 2 , where rape has been made in treatments during the growing season against pests were collected 411 samples of coleoptere belonging to 30 species. The species most commonly encountered in the two variants were: F. Phyllotreta atra, Meligethes aeneus F., Pterostichus cupreus L., Phyllotreta nemorum L ., and Amara eurynota Panza .. These species were also the highest number of copies. Uncommon species were Pterostichus vulgaris L., Baris chlorizans germ., Malachius bipustulatus L., Amara aenea De Geer, Harpalus laevicollis Heyden, Amara APRICARIA Payk., Amara familiaris Duft., Apion violaceum Kirby, Cantharis fusca L., etc.
more abstractcoleoptere; rape crops; dynamic; treatments
Presentation: oral
Ana TimarI’ ve been noticing the dynamics of the pest agent Monilinia fructigena Honey on the apple culture from 2006 up to 2008, in the pedoclimatic conditions of Sibiu. The observations were made both during the vegetative growing and dormant period of the culture on: knowing the fungus biology, the biological reserve of the pest agent, the level of the attack, the establishment of the optimum moment and the opportunity to apply the phyto-sanitary treatments, the legal products for the protection of plants that were used on the teritory of the county in the studied years , the apple areas affected by. The reaserch in this domain must be permanently made. The methods and the materials, that were used, are both clasical and modern, made in the context of the the persistant growth of the agro systems of the apple orchards and can lead to very modern research on the quality of the crop, and to the residues of the chemical substances in the fruit, according to the present law- Comes I., Lazăr A., Drăcea A,Bobeş I., Hatman M.- (1977), N. Minoiu (1980), Tănase C., Şesan E.T. (2006), Pârvu M. (2003), Iacomi B., Vlad F.F. (2006), the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Developpment-(Pesticides residues in plants and vegetals). The practical implications of the research, made by annual observation of the dynamics of the brown rot attack in the apple orchards in Sibiu, led to the issues of the warning systems for an integrated combat against the pest agents, in order to implement a system for applying the plant protection products that fight against the fungus pest agents, according to the communitary standards. Knowing the dynamics of the attacks on the Monilinia fructigena Honey fungus in the apple orchards in Sibiu, the most adecquate protective measures, made in the context of a long lasting development of the horticultural agroecosystems ,can be scientifically.
more abstractbrown rot; plant protection products; plant treatment; frequency of attack
Presentation: oral
Ana TimarThe monitorisation of the pest agents, that are specific to the apple crop in Sibiu during 2006-2008, was meant to establish the annual strategies to the integrated defeat- the integrated menagement- of the fungus pest agents of the apple crop, keeping them under the limit of the economic level of the pest and the protection of the natural predator wildlife. The research was made every year through surface surveys, by samples of the organic plants having symptoms of an attack , in order to inventory the fungus pest agents, the imminent attack, and taking the decision to apply the phytosanitary treatments of the optimum moment. The analysis of the samples picked up from the ground was macroscopically and microcospically made Constantinescu (1974). The integrated combat is meant to have a permanent adaptation of the combat working systems to the ecological conditions of every microarea. That’ s why, the combat systems must be corrected in accordance to the prognosis, warning, economical pest level, correlated to the entomophagus density, the presence or the lack of the selected pesticides. The research are both classical and modern, using as the modern warning methods of chemical treatment electronics, communications and informational systems Şuta V. (1980), Minoiu N. (1980) Comes I., Lazăr A., Drăcea A,Bobeş I., Hatman M.(1977), Minoiu N. (1980), Tănase C., Şesan E.T. (2006), Pârvu M. (2003), Iacomi B., Vlad F.F. (2006), Isac I. (2002), Sistemul AgroExpert. Knowing the fungus pest agents kinds that are present in the apple orchards, the assessment of their attack ,there are programs of phytosanitary treatment made in an integrated combat system of the pest agents in the microareas and in individual orchards.So there ca be applied the combat measures that are based on the mixture of the agrotechnical, physical, biological and chemical methods in the context of the offered agrosystem, only if it’s economically justified.
more abstractplant protection; integrated control; pest micotic agents
Presentation: oral
Štefan Týr, Tomáš VerešIn the years 1994 – 2009 (15 years) was conducted weed survey on the farms in conventional farming system. The aim was to detect the most harmful weeds, as important biotic, environmental stress factor, on the farms in the canopies of winter rape in sugar beet production region of the Slovak Republic. The actual weed infestation was evaluated by standard methods common used by a counting method per square. The four randomly established sample quadrants were situated minimally 20 m from field margin and apart each other, respectively. In the winter rape 16 weed species were detected, the most problematic were: perennial weed (Cirsium arvense, Elytrigia repens), annual weeds (Chenopodium spp., Stellaria media, Viola spp., Avena fatua, Anthemis spp., Lamium spp., Papaver spp., Galium aparine, Apera spica-venti, Tripleurospermum perforatum, Matricaria spp., Descurainia sophia) and cultural crops winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Temporal dynamics of actual weed infestation depend on climate conditions of production region, forecrop and canopy health condition. The efficacy of herbicides was assessed according changes of weed population before and after herbicides application. Present study assessed the actual weed infestation of dominant weed species in canopy of winter rape in 1994 – 2009. After herbicides control the significant changes in weed flora were noted in term of abundance and share of some weed species in weed community. Contamination of agrophytocenosis and herbicide costs lead us to idea to grow agricultural crops by using only cultural, preventive and mechanical weed regulation methods. The originality of result is in mapping weeds species in Central Europe (Slovak Republic).
more abstracttemporal dynamics; actual weed infestation; mapping; winter rape
Presentation: oral
Štefan Týr, Tomáš VerešIn the years 1994 – 2009 (15 years) was conducted weed survey on the farms in conventional farming system. The aim was to detect the most harmful weeds, as important biotic, environmental stress factor, on the farms in the canopies of sunflower in mays and sugar beet production region of the Slovak Republic. The actual weed infestation was evaluated by standard methods common used by a counting method per square. The four randomly established sample quadrants were situated minimally 20 m from field margin and apart each other, respectively. In the sunflower 34 weed species were detected, the most problematic were: perennial weed Cirsium arvense, Elytrigia repens, Convolvulus arvensis, annual weeds Chenopodium spp., Echinochloa crus galli, Persicaria spp., Amaranthus spp., Abutilon theophrasti, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, and cultural crops winter wheat, winter raps. Temporal dynamics in actual weed infestation depend on production region, early crops and canopy of sunflower in the last 15 years. The efficacy of herbicides was assessed according changes of weed population before and after herbicides application. Present study assessed the actual weed infestation of dominant weed species in canopy of sunflower in 1994 – 2009, presentation in graphic and statistic results. After herbicides control the significant changes in weed flora were noted in term of abundance and share of some weed species on total weed community. Contamination of live environment in integrated agricultural system and herbicide costs lead as to idea to grow agricultural crops by using only cultural, preventive and mechanical weed regulation methods, the same as in conventional system. This claim is feasibly only in sunflower crops infested level. The originality of result is mappings weeds species.
more abstracttemporal dynamics; actual weed infestation; mapping; sunflower
Presentation: oral
Eugen VelichiIn the draughty years as well as in the rainy years, the yellow melons (cantaloupes) can be attacked by a series of virosis caused especially by the Cucumber Mosaic Virus – C. M. V. In the present, the dynamic of the appearance and evolution of virosis attack to the crops of Cucurbitaceae, especially to the yellow melons (cantaloupe) and watermelons was less studied. The aim of this research was to establish the moments of appearance of the attack, its evolution, the degrees of damages that the virosis can produce, as well as the possibilities of prevention and control. In this respect, the following values have been determined in the experimental field: the attack frequency (F%), the attack intensity (I%) and the attack degree (A.D.% = Fx I/100). As the Cerosypha gosypii to the cucumbers is a vector of some serious virosis to the cucurbitaceous plants (including C.M.V.) , it has also been noticed the dynamics of appearance and evolution of this pest attack, under field conditions, to the yellow melons (cantaloupes) and watermelons. During the four years of research (2002 - 2005), it was also noticed the behaviour of some species and hybrids of yellow melons (cantaloupes) and watermelons to the attack of the virosis. During these four years of research there were obtained interesting results regarding the attack of the virosis, the damages that this would produce beside other pathogens proper to the yellow melons (cantaloupes) and watermelons. It has been stated that the attack of the vector aphids is present every year. Though, between the intensity of the vector aphids attack and the intensity of the virosis attack there is no direct correlation. Also, each year, between the first attacks of the aphides and the first symptoms of the virosis, it passes approximately 30 days. During the four (4) years of research, during the draughty years as well as during the rainy years, the attack degree of the virosis was quite diminished at the species that have been researched. It has been stated that the older species (Hungary Treasure, Turkestan) proved to be very sensitive in some years. The hybrids created in the last years (“Galia” and “Cantaloupe”) proved to be resistant to virosis. We emphasize that the virosis to plants are diseases for which there are only preventive methods of control, and the avoidance of the damages occurred by them constitute an extremely complex problem for the entire vegetal kingdom.
more abstractvirosis; Cerosypha gosypii; evolution
Presentation: oral
Diana Velimirovici, Adrian BorceanResearch aim was to test the tolerance of a range of wheat cultivars to infectious pressure of the pathogen Fusarium sp. in climatic conditions from Timisoara Didactic Research Station. Stage of research is characteristic for partial interpretation of experimental data after the first experimental year, in preparation the doctoral thesis. Experimental field was located in climatic conditions from Timişoara. Technology used in the experimental field was the standard applied for this location. The experience was bifactorial. First factor was the cultivar with three graduations (Ciprian, Arieşan and Kristina). Factor B was the sowing density with two graduations (550 kernels / m 2 and 650 kernels / m 2 ). Both sowing density were applied on a constant fertilizers background elements of N 100 P 60 K 60 . The novelty is relatively high, work providing important data for agricultural practice in the experimental area, taking in consideration the implications of fungus Fusarium sp. in yield amount due to infection propagation on wheat ears in some years. Achievements stage in this work were carried out research including one of authors, known as the reference and possible reactions of the pathogen depending on local biocoenosis factors, including the competiotin between stem base pathogens. Limits of the present research are that data from the fungus Fusarium sp. are just after one year bonitation. Practical implications of the research is that all data presented in the present paper are a part of a complex study of strategy in the of wheat protection reference experience. The originality of the work comes from the fact that data are relevant in view of cultivars behaviour under specific conditions. These data are only part of the data submitted for interpretation in the preparation of the doctoral experience of the author. Importance of the paper became from bringing in front of the specialists of one of the topics in the experiences of the author's doctoral preparing, to evaluate the accuracy of techniques addressed. All data are relevant for experimental conditions amd give an overview over the possibility of prevention of the pathogen attack on the wheat ears, judging after the relevance on the yield of Fusarium sp. attack.
more abstractFusarium spp.; wheat stem base rot; fertilizers
Presentation: oral
Diana Velimirovici, Adrian BorceanResearch aim was to test the tolerance of a range of wheat cultivars to infectious pressure of the pathogen Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides in climatic conditions from Timisoara Didactic Research Station. Stage of research is being characteristic for partial interpretation of experimental data after the first experimental year, in preparation the doctoral thesis. Materials and methods. Experimental field was located in climatic conditions from Timişoara. Technology was the standard applied to this area. The experience was bifactorial. First factor was the cultivar with three graduations (Ciprian, Arieşan and Kristina). Factor B was the nitrogen amount with three graduations (N 50 , N 100 and N 150 ) all three doses were applied on a constant background elements of P 60 K 60 . The novelty is relatively high, work providing important data for agricultural practice in the experimental area, taking in consideration the implications of fungus Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides in yield amount and harvesting problems in some years. Achievements stage in this field. In this work were carried out research including one of authors, known as the reference and possible reactions of the pathogen depending on local biocoenosis factors, including the competiotin between stem base pathogens. Limits of the research are that data from the fungus Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides are just after one year bonitation. Practical implications of the research consisted of playing a part of a complex study of strategy in the of wheat protection reference experience. The originality of the work comes from the fact that data are relevant in view of cultivars behaviour under specific conditions. These data are only part of the data submitted for interpretation in the preparation of the doctoral experience of the author. Importance of the paper became from bringing in front of the specialists of one of the topics in the experiences of the author's doctoral preparing, to evaluate the accuracy of techniques addressed. The relevant data, experimental results give an overview of pathogen behavior in relation to experimental conditions.
more abstractPseudocercosporella herpotrichoides; eye spot of wheat stem; fertilizers
Presentation: oral
Ana-Maria Vîrteiu, Ioana GrozeaThe Lotus corniculatus importance as a green crop consists in the fact that it could change the Lucerne and clover from some of the regions less auspicious for the crop. From this point of view, the opinion of many explorers is unanimous, so that the Lotus corniculatus is a leguminouse with the greatest adaptability at both different weather conditions and soil: drought, high humidity, acid or superficial soils, salts or with a low fertility, stubbed fields etc (Potînc, 1963; Varga, 1964; Pop, 1971, 1972; Dragomir, 1981; Winch and MacDonald, 1961, Laskey and Wakefield, 1978; Dionne, 1969, Varga, 1998). The purpose of the paper is the carrying out of some investigations concerning the incidence in samples and the dynamics of Odontothrips loti Hal. populations evolution. In order to carry out the investigations the experimental field was placed at the Didactical Station Timisoara, during the period of time 2008 - 2009. The experiment was placed after the standard method of location of the experiments; every lot had the length of 2 m and a width of 1 m. For identifying all the stages of the larvae ironwork was constructed and every lot was secluded with a catch mull. The distance between the repetitions was 4 m . For the study of the Lotus corniculatus thrips (Odontothrips loti Hal.) dynamics the collecting of the samples took place during 20 days, with a collecting periodicity at every 48 hours. The evolutions of the adult populations and larvae were similar during those two years of observations. In the case of adults a gradual increasing was observed in the first decade of May , followed by their gradual decreasing until the end of the period. In the case of the larvae after a short decreasing, thanks to the climatical conditions, an increasing of the population could observed, having the maximum of the value at the end of the observation period. The evolution of the populations is determined by the temperatures evolution and relative humidity of the air. The best moment for the application of the treatments was before the adult and especially the larvae populations to increase in an obvious way. By reaching these objectives we try to assure an efficient protection of the Lotus corniculatus crop and by this to obtain a seed production of high quality and a large quantity.
more abstractdynamics; bird's - foot trefoil; thrips; populations
Presentation: oral
Ana-Maria Vîrteiu, Ioana Grozea, Ramona Ştef, Alin Cărăbeţ, Liana Mihaela FericeanLotus corniculatus has a great capability of autoinsemination, even in the conditions of a long time depasturage. Concurrently, the rusticity assures great qualities to Lotus corniculatus, compared to the other leguminouses such as, the lack of meteorisations production during the consumption under green table shape (Zamfirescu, 1965). The entomofauna knowledge of this crop plants represents one of the most important stagees in obtaining an integrated protection for a production of high quality and large quantity. The purpose of the paper is to establish the main pests of the crop and the sample incidence of the bird's – foot trefoil thrips. For carrying out the investigations the experimental field was placed at the Didactical Station Timisoara, during the period 2008 - 2009. The experimental field for studying the main pest (Lotus corniculatus), damaged by the Lotus corniculatus was placed after the standard method of location of the experiments, in three repetitions every lot having a length of 2 m and a latitude of 1 m. In studying the Lotus corniculatus thrips biology (Odontothrips loti Hal.) the samples collecting was made during a period of 20 days, with o collecting periodicity at every 48 hours. In the year 2008, the highest number of Odontothrips loti Hal. adults was identified in 30 June in the middle period of the observation, being in average of 21,76 insects/sample.The smallest larvae number was collected in the last decade of June month, being in average of 14,54 insects/sample. In the year 2009 the highest number of Odontothrips loti Hal. adults was identified in the first decade of July, being in average of 19,19 insects/sample.The highest larvae number was collected in the first decade of July month, being in average of 14,28 insects/sample.
more abstractPresentation: oral
Anişoara Zaberca, Adrian BorceanResearch aim was to test the tolerance of a range of maize hybrids to infectious pressure of the pathogen Fusarium graminearum in climatic conditions of Almaj Depression. Stage of the present research is being characteristic for partial interpretation of experimental data after the first experimental year, in preparation the doctoral thesis. Experimental field was located in climatic conditions Almaj Depression. Technology was the standard applied to this area. The experience was bifactorial. First factor was the hybrid grown with six graduations, provenance hybrids was Monsanto with different vegetation periods, (DKC 3511, 4626 DKC, DKC 4964, 4983 DKC, DKC DKC 5783 and 5170). Factor B was the plant density with tw graduations (N 0 , N 100 and N 200 ) all three doses were applied on a constant background of elements consisting in P 80 K 80 . The novelty is relatively high, work providing important data for agricultural practice in the experimental area, taking in consideration the implications of fungus Fusarium graminearum in yield preservation during winter in normal farm conditions. Achievements in this paper are that the experimental data come from researches of the possible reactions of the pathogen depending on local biocoenosis factors. Limits of the research are given by the fact that data from the fungus Fusarium graminearum are just after one year of bonitation. Practical implications of the present research consisted from that the presented data has an important place in a complex study of strategy of maize protection experience. The originality of the work comes from the fact that data are relevant in view of uniformity of hybrid origin and also these data are only part of the data submitted for interpretation in the preparation of the doctoral experience of the main author. Importance of the paper became from bringing in front of the specialists of one of the topics in the experiences of the author's doctoral preparing, to evaluate the accuracy of techniques addressed. The relevant data, experimental results give an overview of pathogen behavior in relation to hybrids experienced by groups of precocity.
more abstractFusarium graminearum; maize cob rot; fertilizers
Presentation: oral
Anişoara Zaberca, Adrian BorceanResearch aim was to test the tolerance of a range of maize hybrids to infectious pressure of the pathogen Ustilago maydis in climatic conditions from Almaj Depression. Stage of research is being characteristic for partial interpretation of experimental data after the first experimental year, in preparation the doctoral thesis. Experimental field was located in climatic conditions Almaj Depression. Technology was the standard applied to this area. The experience was bifactorial. First factor was the hybrid grown with six graduations, provenance hybrids was Monsanto with different vegetation periods, (DKC 3511, 4626 DKC, DKC 4964, 4983 DKC, DKC DKC 5783 and 5170). Factor B was the amount of nitrogen applied to three graduations (N 0 , N 100 and N 200 ) all three doses were applied on a constant background elements of P 80 K 80 . The novelty is relatively high, work providing important data for agricultural practice in the experimental area. Achievements in this work are that the research of the main author has as subject the possible reactions of the pathogen in relation to local biocoenosis factors. Limits of the research are that data from the fungus Ustilago maydis refer only at one year of bonitation. Practical implications of the research consisted that the data presented are an important part from complex study of protection strategy in maize. The originality of the work comes from the fact that data are relevant in view of uniformity of hybrids origins, all these data are only part of the data submitted for interpretation in the preparation of the doctoral experience of the author. Importance of the paper became from bringing in front of the specialists one of the topics in the experiences of the main author's doctoral preparing, to evaluate the accuracy of techniques addressed. The relevance of data, experimental results give an overview of pathogen behavior in relation to hybrids experienced by groups of precocity.
more abstractPresentation: oral
Eliza Agud, Maria Zăpârţan, Zoriţa CapThe phloroglucinol, a supplement in the culture medium, has proved itself very efficient at some species which have a difficult reaction to the culture in vitro (strelizia, musa, magnolia, some species from the Liliaceous family, etc.). In the particular case studied by us, Solanum tuberosum L, the phloroglucinol added in MS medium in two doses (100 and 200 mg/l) has stimulated the greatest percentage of regeneration of tubers from potato minitubers from Desirée species (detached from neoplantules obtained in vitro). The results have proved to be dependent of the dose of phloroglucinol, of the composition of the medium and last, but not least of the specie. The formation of the great number of tubers in vitro has been obtained based on the variants with the concentration of 200 mg/l Ph., in the presence of zeatine, the differentiation of the minitubers on this medium took place after 30 days of culture in vitro. We have fallowed the rhythm of the neoformation of the potato tubers (see table 2) and we have concluded that the percentage of tuberization is 50% after two months and over 80% after three months on the 200mg/l phloroglucinol mediums with a plus of zeatine (Z) and benziladenine (BA). On the other variants the percentage reaches only 25-30%, and on the martor (C o ) only 10-15%. The double concentration of phloroglucinol (200mg/l) in the specified combinations in table 1, (C 4 , C 6,. C 8 , C 10 ), also stimulates the regeneration of plants, completely conformed with the corresponding radicular system, and the formation of neotubers takes place along the strains, especially in the zone of the node, but also at the base of the plants.
more abstractphloroglucinol; apex; minitubers; tuberisation; neoformation; regeneration; organogenesis
Presentation: oral
Mihaela Bădiliţă, Aurel Ardelean, Ioan Bănăţean-Dunea, Ileana Brudiu, Olga Rada, Iuliana CreţescuThe cyprinids embryo development biology is well-known in many countries of the world, but in Romanian speciality literature there are relatively few references to this. Also there is little information regarding the embryo development environment and especially the way in which certain environment factors influence the embryogenesis of the cyprinids. Several studies have shown that the light is for majority of the fish species a negative factor - the increasing of the light intensity induced the multiplication of abnormal development and even the inhibition of embryo evolution. At a series of fish, whose spawn grows in luminosity naturals conditions, the increasing of the light intensity induced a sizeable acceleration of embryos development. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the main aspects of the ways in which light influences the development of carp (Cyprinus carpio) embryos. During the experiments 3 variants with natural light (control variant), continuous light and total darkness were used to monitor the development of carp embryos in 80x15 mm Petri dishes at an optimal density (1 embryo/ 3 ml) and at a 24 o C temperature. We wanted to observe the morphological aspect of the embryos and to establish the embryonic stage in which they are at one point , in order to determine the possible aspect changes, the possible a synchronic development between the variants. It could be noticed that at carp embryos the incubation time in all three variants was of 72 hours for 60-100% of the embryos. However in total darkness, 10% of the embryos doubled their hatching period and 144 hours after the fertilization they died inside the corion. In continuous light the embryos hatched faster than in natural light. At the end of the experiment the hatching rate was of 100% in these two variants and of 90% in the third variant. The development of carp embryos it's directly influenced by darkness, the period of hatching being the most sensitive period. Statistically, there are no differences between the three variants.
more abstractcarp; embryo development; light
Presentation: oral
Mihaela Bădiliţă, Aurel Ardelean, Ioan Bănăţean-Dunea, Ileana Brudiu, Olga Rada, Mihaela Petcu, Mihaela CazacuThe cyprinids embryo development biology is well-known in many countries of the world, but in Romanian speciality literature there are relatively few references to this. Also there is little information regarding the embryo development environment and especially the way in which certain environment factors influence the embryogenesis of the cyprinids. Several studies considered the water hardness as a factor that would limit the spread of certain species. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the most important aspects of the ways in which water hardness influences development of carp (Cyprinus carpio) embryos. During the experiment 5 variants with different hardness degrees of water were used to monitor the development of carp embryos in 80x15 mm Petri dishes at an optimal density (1 embryo/ 3 ml) and at a 24 o C temperature. We wanted to observe the morphological aspect of the embryos and to establish the embryonic stage in which they are at one point and finally to determine the hatching rate. In the hard water variant (V5=20 o dH) the embryos started to die 10 hours after the beginning of the experiment and 36 hours after the fertilization the mortality was 100%. In the moderate hard water variant (V4=15 o dH), after 76 hours of incubation the hatching was at a 100% rate, but all newly hatched carps died when in direct contact with the environment. In the medium hard water variant (V3=10 o dH) after 144 hours of monitoring the one embryo to be in the hatching period for over 60 hour, died inside the corion resulting in a final mortality of 13,3%. In the first two variants of water of low (V2=5 o dH) and very low hardness (control variant, V1=0 o dH) the hatching was of 100%. Statistically between V1 and V4, respectively V5 there are very significant differences. Between V1 and V2, respectively V3 there is no differences. The research on the influence of water hardness on Cyprinus carpio embryos development emphasized that an incubation environment in which such a factor is present, can induce a different embryo development rate.
more abstractcarp; embryo development; water hardness
Presentation: oral
Jean Barloy, Florin PrunarThe study focuses on the carabidae fauna present in the superior valley Bâlea (Făgăraş Mountains) between altitudes of 1200 and 2040 m; the collections were carried out along both sides of the Transfăgărăşan road. We observed an altitudinal staging of the carabofauna apparition determined by the gradually melting snow and an activity corresponding to the environmental humidity. The altitudinal localization of the majority of species is not strict, except for a few Nebria, Pterostichus and Bembidion. In the mountains, three extreme cases of the carabid species distribution occur frequently. The catch comes either from sight hunting under stones and slabs in areas without shrubby vegetation or trees or from using Barber traps at the level of Vaccinium and Pinus mugo. The Pinus mugo zone offers favourable conditions for a temporal succession of species; on the other hand the very short activity (1 to 3 weeks) depends on the dampness persistence. The study areas can be separate in altitudinal zone towards 1700 m., Pinus mugo zone and altitude brooks under rocks. Towards a 1700 m rocky area, in the meadow or under stones, thousands of Platynus glaciale Reit. with some Calathus metallicus Dej. and Pterostichus pilosus Host abound. In the arboreal vegetation of Pinus mugo, Crysocarabus auronitens escheri Pall. and Orinocarabus linnaei macaierei Dej. are well represented. The species Pterostichus pilosus Host. is also very abundant but its population undergoes a downsizing in July caused by dampness depletion. In the altitude brooks under rocks along the streams, Nebria reichi Dej and Nebria bissenica Bielz and various Bembidion sp can be found in great numbers. In grassy meadows of the Natural Park Bâlea and on grassy slopes in the proximity of the tunnel, Calathus metallicus Dej. and various altitude Pterostichus sp. dominate. Some species, although belonging to forest populations, can be observed outside forests, a fact explained by deforestation due to pastoralism. The altitudinal distribution presents some rather strict locations but various species are found at all levels.
more abstractcarabidae; Bâlea Valley; distribution; frequency
Presentation: oral
Constantin Bele, Andrea Bunea, Carmen Jecan, Francisc DulfFree amino acid content might influence the levels of biogenic amines in salamis, but is not necessary for a salami with high levels of free amino acids to have high levels of biogenic amines. Biogenic amines are aliphatic, alicyclic or heterocyclic organic bases with biological activity present in meat, cheese, fish and wine products. They are formed by amination and transamination of aldehydes and ketones or by decarboxilation of aminoacids. Free amino acids composition has been evaluated to serve as quality and tipicality of several salami varieties. Eight types of Romanian manufactured salamis (Banatean, Ardelenesc, Sinaia, Sibiu, Vanatoresc, Ghiudem, Babic, Plai) were investigated. The analysis of amino acids was carried out on an automatic amino acid analyzer (Amino Acid Analyzer AAA400, Ingos Ltd., Czech Republic) equipped with an Ostion LG ANB ion-exchange column (36x0.37 cm). Free amino acids were separated by stepwise gradient elution using five Li+ buffer- systems. Colorimetric detection was accomplished at 570 nm and 440 nm after post-column derivatisation with ninhydrin reagent. For the identification of the peaks observed in the test samples a comparison of retention times between standards and the actual test samples was carried out. All the extractions and HPLC analysis were made in triplicate. The LC ion-exchange post-column derivatisation method used has proved to be suitable for amino acid determination in salamis. The main free amino acids were glutamine, alanine, glutamic acid and gamma amino-butyric acid. The Babic salami sample presented the highest level of amino acids, 240 mg/g, the Banatean salami sample revealed the lowest level of amino acids, 115 mg/g.The aim of the work was to asses the amino acid levels in Romanian salami. The absolute amounts of free amino acids vary to a large extent according to salami type and age but relative amounts ( of individual free amino acids ) reveal important differences in several salami varieties.
more abstraction-exchange chromatography; amino acids; salami
Presentation: oral
Violeta BoruzIn most European countries, but also in Romania, taxonomic research over some smaller or larger groups of vascular plants is taking place continuously over a century and a half. In the last decades of the 20 th century, and especially now at the beginning of the 21st century, the taxonomic criteria have diversified. However, for some polymorphic plants genus, with a wide spreading, the identification and recognition of components species is far for being regarded as concluded. One of these genus is Alchemilla (fam. Rosaceae), with about 1000 species spread across the globe. It can be said that the taxonomy of Alchemilla species is difficult because: apparently have the same habit; the organ which produces the most diagnems, the leaf, having generally the same form; the flower presents a simplified construction and its components have a low variability; the fruit does not offer qualitative diagnems. Monographic research on the Alchemilla genus are motivated by its complexity, that have not been specific research on this genre in the Romanian Carpathians in the light of current knowledge and that species which are very common in our geobotanical research and are generally difficult to recognize in the field. Often in herbarium there are mistakes in the species identifications. The aims of the study of the Southern Carpathians Alchemilla species were found in all aspects of their knowledge, by connecting to complex research projects in this field throughout Europe. In the delimitation and description of the species of these polymorph and complex genre, in addition to morphological criteria should be used and other criteria such as ecological, phytogeographic, genetical etc. In order to make a research of the teritory, many reshuffles have been made, from May to October. Parâng, Căpăţânii, Lotru, Latoriţei, Vâlcan and Ciucaş Mountains have been investigated. There has been established the presence of the following species: Alchemilla acutiloba, A. connivens, A. crinita, A. flabellata, A. glabra, A. glaucescens, A. incisa, A. micans, A. mollis, A. monticola, A. straminea, A. xanthochlora. In the studied phytocoenoses in Parâng Mountains, Căpăţânii and Vâlcan, we noticed that the species grows from the altitude of 1,600 m to almost 2,000 m, where it cohabitates especially with species from the boreal and subalpine floors and less with species from the alpine floor.
more abstractAlchemilla flabellata; Romania
Presentation: oral
Ovidiu Buzgău, Constantin Bele, Maria Morar, Cristian Matea, Alexandru SalontaiThe interest of the rape, known and cultivated since ancient times, has increased greatly in recent decades due to its importance as a source of raw materials for industry, nutrition and for its potential as a renewable energy source. The beneficial effects of this culture for soil restoration and conservation are well known. The experiences made during the years 2005-2006 were aimed by comparative study of some varieties of rapeseed in order to introduce the winter rapeseed culture as an alternative to the summer rapeseed under the environmental conditions of the north-west plain of Transylvania. The experiences in the field and in the laboratory studied the influence of the plant sown density rows for different dosages of the fertilizers, as well as the production and quality of the rapeseed. The studied material consists of two varieties rapeseed: Heros (created by the company UNION SAAT) and Olindigo. The experimental technique in the field was of poli-factorial order with the following factors: variety (Heros and Olindigo), sowing density (75, 100 and 125 g.k./sqm), dosage of chemical fertilizers (200, 300 and 400 kg/ha), resulting in 18 variants experimental work plus the control. In the laboratory were determined the elements of productivity (number of plants per sq.m, number of branches per plant, number of siliques, number of seeds in silique), the thousand seeds weight according to the Romanian standard SR 6123/99, the hectolitric weight according to the Romanian standard S.R. 6124/99, the seed oil content, the oil production and the physical production (harvesting with combine). The obtained results were statistically evaluated by the analysis of variance and Duncan test. The climatic conditions were monitored continuously. Results showed that the genetic and the technological factors influenced the productivity of the rapeseed crop and its quality (oil content and therefore the yield per hectare). For the two tested varieties there resulted no significant differences under the production conditions of the climate of the years 2005 and 2006 taking into account the interaction between the sowing density and fertilization level. The results of the determination of productivity factors were better for a smaller sowing density (75 g.k./sqm) (also lower costs). The values resulted for the hectolitric weights are not significantly different for the two experimented varieties, where the density can be found in a positive correlation with them. In the case of higher sowing density the values are in negative correlation with the thousand seeds weight. However, the fertilization in higher doses did not stimulate the yield, probably due to lower biological potential of winter rape.
more abstractrapeseed; crop; Transylvania
Presentation: oral
Camelia Chicinaş, Ioan Haş, Voichiţa Haş, Teodora Şchiop, Ioan Coste, Agnes BorsThis paper presents the study on single cross hybrids of maize and their parental forms (inbred lines), at a density of 60.000 plants/hectare. During the period of vegetation were performed phenotypic observations for on six characteres (plant height, height of insertion of main ear, number of branches/ tassel, the total number of leaves/ plant, leaf length of the main ear, leaf width of the main ear), on a number of 5 plants from the central rows of each plot. Based on values obtained from leaf length of the main ear and leaf width of the main ear, it was determinated the foliar area of the leaf of the main ear. Plants were harvested individually to determine the ear weight, grain weight, ear length, kernel row number/ ear, kernel number/row, ear diameter, rachides diameter, the thousand kernel weight. Based on the obtained values were also determined kernel depth and kernel yield/ plant.
more abstractcytoplasm; phenotypical variability; single cross; inbred lines
Presentation: oral
Erta Dodona, Hairi Ismaili, Antonio Cimato, Valdete VorpsiOlive trees in Albania, located in the East Shore of Mediterranean, are considered as an important point of biologic diversity. Referring to Zhukovsk and Bahtjejev, our country is included in the seventh Mediterranean climate centre, based on the origin and formation of the cultivated plants. As conclusion: Albanian flora is genetically linked by the Euro-Asiatic flora of the East and West Mediterranean. For 20 years in Albania have been tried to explore, characterize and evaluation of the existent biodiversity. These kind of researches that have had their origin since 1985 in the Olive Trees Institute, have been undertaken in order to: prevent genetic erosion in the Olea family. Taking into account: the spontaneous expansion of oleo plants by the age over 20 centuries, the diversity of the varieties, the number and exploitation of the olive trees before 1940 (1200), climate conditions and the evidence about the antic olive culture the main centers of olive trees diversity are: Antic olive trees of the Tirana region (Preze, Ndroq, Petrele, Linze, Brar, Kruje) Antic olive trees of the Vlora region (Kanine, Bestrove, Narte, Panaja, Trevllazer, Dhermi, Himare, Palase, Qeparo, Borsh). Identification activity did take place in two phases: firstly: identification of the list of the autochthon cultivars, through consultations of the archive for the different varieties of the Albanian territory. Secondly: evaluation of the autochthon varieties, their origin and as well their identification, preservation and recuperation for deeper evaluation. Actually in Albania there are identified 46 genotypes. Out of which 22 have been fully analyzed in terms of morphologic character and genetic variability, 11 are accessions or synonymous. Three cultivars are widely disseminated. Today, 22 olive cultivars are the biodiversity cultivars to be used in the olive plantations of Albania. Regarding the biochemical and molecular analyses, this was able only in the last 5 years. For all the Albanian cultivars (22) was undertaken RAPD analyses, RAPD analyses of 22 cultivars hold up (support) the hypothesis of the autochthon origin of our olive trees and their limited dissemination out of their core origin areas. Have been described agronomic and technologic characteristics of the main variety and cloning list. Physic characteristics of the olive oil of the main cultivars in correlation with vermin resistant. The purpose of germ-plasma characterization was the total and actual knowledge of this biological diversity through application of a program of variety characterization: i) to have the best and proper genotype for different agronomic demands which directly influence in the productivity and the quality of the olive oil; and (ii) to supply the private farmers and other entities all the varietals asset which have contributed to the olive oil production in Albania. In Albania there are 5 olive varieties, which are considered as economically viable, because the area occupied by them is 5 % of the total olive area. The most popular variety is "Kalinjot", which cover 45 % of the total area.
more abstractbiodiversity; autochthones cultivar; RAPD-analysis
Presentation: oral
DownloadTHE BEHAVIOR OF CALVES pag. 248-254
Liana Mihaela Fericean, Radu Palicica, Olga RadaIn this paper we present a few behavioral features regarding birth process, cow and calf bonding, feeding, rumination, resting as well as behaviour on pasture. As biologic materials we used cows of the Bruna breed, in extensive raising system belonging to some households in Varfurile County of Arad. Suckling behaviour begins 0,5 - 1 hours after birth and the mother must be standing. The mother licks the young to stimulate breathing, circulation, urination and defecation. Calves usually stand 30 minutes after birth, and are suckling 0.5 - 1 hours later; the mother aids suckling by positioning her body for easier access. Between birth and 4 months, the mean duration of suckling time for calves was seen to be 25 minutes, with the suckling frequency being 3 times per day. Vision, olfactory and vocal senses are involved in cow and calf identification. Nutritional behavior occurs both during the suckling and feeding of the animals after weaning. Social behavior is well expressed by calves, they are social animals and require contact with other calves or with their mothers and have a preference for games in which aggressive elements can be found. Resting behavior is influenced by several factors, the most important being age, floor structure, state of health. Younger animals require a longer rest period. Grazing behaviour is affected by many factors, including environmental conditions and plant species. The calves begin to pasture in the first weeks of age for 10 -15 minutes a day and as they grow older the grazing time is gradually increased as well as the amount of ingested food. At two months old grazing time is about 3 hours a day, at 4 months old about 4-5 hour a day and at 6 months old about 6 hours daily. This period is divided into 4-5 reprises alternating with periods of rest. For the 6 months old calves the duration is 6-7 hours of grazing per day. The resting occurs between grazing reprisals with a longer duration at night. As they grow old the calves will reduce their resting time and increase the grazing time. They ruminate when resting and time devoted to ruminating is approximately three-quarters of that spent in grazing If pasture is good, ruminating time is short, if the herbage is poor and fibrous, ruminating time is longer. Ethology involvement in the research and practice of animal farming represents an element of actuality and novelty. Knowledge of animal behavior by the scientists who work in this field is critical because only by adapting their life to the farming technologies and the other way around it can bring to production parameters optimization.
more abstractcomportment; caws; calves; pasture
Presentation: oral
Ilinca Imbrea, Alma Nicolin, Florin Imbrea, Monica Prodan, Monica ButnariuResearch was carried out in the grassland area of the Minişului Valley, between Anina and Bozovici, and surrounded by the Aninei Mountains. The goal of the present paper is, on one hand, to identify medicinal and aromatic plants of value in the area and, on the other hand, to determine the amount of dry vegetal product recommended to be harvested. In the quantitative assessment, we took into account the laws of conservation of biodiversity and the need to recover the productive potential of the area. Irrational valorisation of some species can lead to serious ecological unbalance and even to their extinction. Taking into account the importance of ecological produce lately, harvesting medicinal and aromatic plants from the spontaneous flora should be a reliable alternative. Therefore, this study is of help for land owners in the research area, ensuring incomes with low costs. They could take into account either direct harvesting of the species or the introduction of some species of interest in cultivation, if they identify local populations of value from the point of view of the study of their active principles, or the promotion of agritourism based on the harvesting of medicinal plants too. The working method is the one introduced by Alexan, Bojor and Crăciun in 1983, regarding the economic mapping of medicinal plants. Economic mapping does not imply the entire inventorying of spontaneous medicinal flora in a certain location, but only species harvestable from the area that observe nature protection laws. The method is based on a large number of samples that aim at both maximal density areas and at minimal density areas of medicinal and aromatic species. In determining these areas we followed a zigzag line taking into account the even relief. The results of the present study are part of a research project PN II IDEI no. 1077/2009, project code ID-865 financed by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, through the National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education. The topic of the project is „Identifying medicinal and aromatic plants in the Aninei Mountains with a view to valorisation”.
more abstractmedicinal and aromatic plants; quantitative assessment; Minişului Valley
Presentation: oral
Ilinca Imbrea, Monica Prodan, Alma Nicolin, Monica Butnariu, Florin ImbreaThe Aninei Mountains are characterised, as well as the entire area of the Banat, by a remarkable floristic diversity. Among medicinal species that are highly abundant and frequent in the area and present on almost all grasslands, the species of the genus Thymus. These species are easy to identify after both their morphological aspect and their characteristic aromatic smell, being harvested and used by the inhabitants in the area for both cooking uses and as infusion in respiratory diseases. Of the total 17 species present in Romanian flora, 8 can be found in the studied area.(Flora României – Ciocârlan V., 2009) The most frequent one are: Th. glabrescens Willd., Th. pannonicus All. and Th. pulegioides L. Though the vegetal product used in phyto-therapy is found as Serpylli herba, in which enter different species of the genus, in the present paper we have analysed more thoroughly one of the most frequent species of the genus, with a view to establish the quality of the harvestable vegetal material and of grouping it within admitted standards. The working method is based, in the field stage, species identification starting from botanical determiners (Flora României - vol. III (1961), Flora României – Ciocârlan V. (2009) and Flora Europaea (http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/FE/fe.html). The product we have analysed was harvested at the optimal time and then shadow dried. Later it was analysed in the laboratories of the SC Fares Laboratory Bio Vital in Orăştie, one of the most important producers and traders of medicinal plants – from both spontaneous and cultivated flora – on the Romanian market. Taking into account the large number of both legally and illegally commercialised ecological products on the market, we hope to support the inhabitants in the rural area, that are directly interested in valorising species of the Thymus genus. As a result of the analysis of the volatile oil content we can recommend or not the product to be valorised or not. The authors thank the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth, and Sport which, through the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education, has financed the present study as part of the research project PN II IDEI nr. contract 1077/2009, project code ID-865. The topic of the project is ,,Identifying medicinal and aromatic plants from the Aninei Mountains with a view to valorisation’’.
more abstractmedicinal and aromatic plants; Thymus glabrescens; thymol; Aninei Mountains
Presentation: oral
Olimpia Alina Iordănescu, Roxana Elena MicuThe apricot varieties in our country are diversified, including at the same time local and foreign varieties, varieties having quality fruits, very productive, some of them having a good resistance to low temperatures during the pause period, but also a good resistance to late spring frosts. Due to its early beginning of phenophases and early flowering, it frequently gets affected by the late frosts that come in spring. This species is recommended to be cultivated in the plain area of Banat because of the favourable climate, but we have to mention that the appearance of late frosts in spring, more and more frequent in the past years, has a high negative impact upon the production. That is why it is necessary to know the varieties behaviour in order to establish which of them can be cultivated in the climatic conditions of Banat plain area. Like wise, there will be considered some other variants which might influence the varieties behaviour versus their resistance to spring late frosts. Among these, we chose, in the past years, to apply green pruning, which beneath its advantages proved to be favourable by delaying the flowering with couple of days, which were sufficient so that the flowers or bind fruits not to be affected. For example in 2009, when the late frosts appeared they affected less the varieties, while in 2007 and 2008 when, because of the high temperatures in February, the apricot trees started their phenophases and they were strongly affected by the late frosts that appeared in March. Though the researches concerning the flowering biology are not new, it is important to know the mentioned aspects because the pedoclimatic conditions influence differently the cultivated varieties. During 2006-2009, twelve varieties of apricot, cultivated in conditions of the Didactic Station of our University, were observed and studied: Earlyryl, Dana, Neptun, Saturn, Cea mai buna de Ungaria (witness), Venus, Callatis, Sulina, Favorit, Selena, Silvana and Olimp. There were noted the development of fruiting phenophases of these varieties, the number of flowers per tree, the number of binded fruits and the influence of the climatic conditions in that period upon the fruit binding degree, the number of fruits left on the tree after the physiological fall of fruits and at harvesting. Knowing how the apricot varieties behave in conditions of Banat plain area and also some technological culture practices, those who are interested can choose a certain variety group, which can offer high and constant productions.
more abstractapricot; varieties; late frosts; phenophases; bind fruits
Presentation: oral
Vasile Laslo, Maria Zăpârţan, Simona VicaşA great inconvenient of the conventional multiplication methods is that they cannot ensure a fast enough multiplication according to market needs for varieties free from viruses obtained in clonale selection programs. In vitro micro-propagation makes possible the production of healthy and uniform plants in a short time and in sufficient quantities for commercial production. The present survey has been elaborated on the purpose of establishing a protocol for in vitro multiplication for two valuable vine varieties, through the comparison of combinations of explants and culture mediums. It was carried on the in vitro conservation of the following varieties of Vitis vinifera L: Cabernet Sauvignon and Italian Riesling. The biologic material (apexes and leaf nodes from shoots forced under glass) has been in vitro multiplied on MS culture mediums suplemented with cu 3g/l vegetal coal(V1) ,BA – 1mg/l + AIA – 0.5 mg/l (V2) , BA – 1mg/l + AIA – 0.5 mg/l + 825 mg/l NH 4 NO 3 (V3), Z – 1 mg/l + AIA 0.5 mg/l (V4), Z – 1 mg/l + AIA 0.5 mg/l + 825 mg/l NH 4 NO 3 (V5). The observed parameters were: regeneration capacity based on the explant type and the medium composition; in vitro complete organogenesis; regeneration time and acclimatization aspects. The highest regeneration percent and the complete organization of neoplants has taken place on the mediums with added NH4NO3 (V3 and V5). The best multiplication took place on the zeatine mediums (Z) with or without added NH 4 NO 3 . Remarkable is also V1 with vegetal coal, which has stimulated the regeneration (but not the multiplication) of the apex of Vitis vinifera (not on nodes though). Among the two studied varieties, Cabernet Sauvignon has showed a higher regeneration percent (cca 68-75%), while Italian Riesling riches only 60 % regeneration. The in vitro regeneration time was cca. 4 months (over 120 days), based on explant and medium composition. The acclimatization capacity of the Vitis vinifera plantules depends mainly on the health of the root system and on the state of the neoplant’s organogenesis.
more abstractshoot tip; node; Cabernet Sauvignon; Riesling Italian; regeneration; organogenesis; multiplication; acclimatization
Presentation: oral
Cristian Matea, Oliviu Buzgău, Constantin Bele, Maria Morar, Alexandru SalontaiRapeseed from the LEAR varieties (with Law Erucic Acid Rape contents) is an important material for the processing of the oil used in food. The oil structure is rich in poli-unsaturated fatty acids esterified in lipids. Their ratio is about 30%, containing linoleic acid (w-6 fatty acid) and a - linolenic acid (w-3 fatty acid) in a ratio of 2.5 to 1, which is considered optimal for their uptake by human and animal bodies. The purpose of the paper was to study the composition of rapeseed oil obtained from rapes varieties, cultivated in the north-west plain of Transylvania under the climate conditions of the years of 2005-2006. There were observed the influence of the technological factors upon the quantity and quality of fat structure of rapeseed. The rapeseed varieties studied were: Heros (created by the company UNION SAAT) and Olindigo. They were sown at three different densities. Three chemical fertilizer dosages were applied, resulting in 18 variants and the control. In the laboratory there were determined the thousand seeds weight according to Romanian standard SR 6123/99, the hectolitric weight according to the Romanian standard STAS SR 6124/99, the oilseed content and the oil composition (by gas chromatographic methods). The results showed that the genetic and technological factors influence the fat quantity and - quality of the studied rape genotypes. The values of the oil contents were close for the two varieties, being 1.53% higher in the variety Olindigo (39.61%) compared to the Heros. The oil content of the rapeseed Heros decreases with the increasing of the sowing density and with the increasing of the chemical fertilizers doses. For the variety Olindigo the delimitations after fertilization doses are clearer, increasing slightly for the maximum dosage variant. For the both of the varieties of rapeseed in the case of the medium experimental variant (density of sowing rows and chemical fertilizers) it was observed that it was synthesized a higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the fat structure of the oil. The composition of the oil, from rapeseed grown in different experimental variants, in saturated fatty acids (between 7.26 and 7.61% contents), mono-unsaturated (between 60.81 and 63.22%) and poli-unsaturated fatty (between 30.39 and 31.71 %) presented closed values and comparable with those from the literature.
more abstractrapeseed; oil; fatty acids
Presentation: oral
Alina Neacşu, Gicu-Gabriel Arsene, Alina Arsene, Ciprian StroiaOur research pursues the study of some rare acquatic and paludicolous phytocoenoses from the Banat vegetation, with a view to completing the data existing in the specialized bibliography for the region indicated and the preservation of certain species. The acquatic and paludicolous vegetation, though deemed by many as known well enough, sometimes shelters rare phytocoenoses and species, whose study is important, from the perspective of preserving biodiversity. After referring to the specialized literature, we have noted that the edified phytocoenoses of Najas minor All., Leersia oryzoides (L.) Swartz. and Ceratophyllum demersum L., encountered by us around the acumulation lake Surduc and Liebling, have not been signalled by us in Banat until now. Additionally, according to the European habitat classification systems, their conservative value is high, a decisive factor for their study. Also, we have made some comments on edified phytocoenoses of Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roemer et Schultes, which, although were signalled and described by SORAN, 1956 (at Liebling), BOŞCAIU, 1966 (at Lugoj) and GRIGORE, 1971 (around the Timis-Bega channel), today they are interesting due to the changes occurred in the floristic composition. On this occasion we have signalled the presence of the species Lindernia procumbens (Krocker) Philcox which, according to O.U. no. 57 of June 20th, 2007, on the regime of the protected natural areas, the preservation of natural habitats, of the wild flora and fauna, is encountered on the list of the species of communitz interest under strict protection. Our research has been performed in the period 2005-2009 and was based on the principles of the Central-European Phytocoenological School, implying the study on the field of the vegetal communities (consisting in performing phytocoenologic sampling and noting all particularities) and in the laboratory (where we performed the data processing and their analysis and interpretation). We consider it expedient to know these phytocoenoses due to their rarity in the Banat vegetation, their significance in the succesion process and the fact that they shelter conservatively valuable species. The factors which may lead to regression or even disappearance of these communities are the water-level fluctuations and the eutrophication (especially from the accumulation lake Surduc, around which, in the last years, increased significantly the number of the buildings). Their value in terms of biodiversity conservation is considered on a regional scale.
more abstractphytocoenoses; biodiversity; conservation
Presentation: oral
Marian Nicolae, Adrian Dulugeac, Elena Nicolae, Simona DulugeacThe dedicated software having in background a powerful matematichal apparatus (specially numerical methods with informathical saucer) was revolution experimental research, having the posibility important anticipation, completing the colection rare data which obtain occasionally with difficulty. Using numerical simulation can find formulas for calculating (based on a collection of experimental data) using the media as a powerful Matlab programming, LabVIEW, Microcal Origin eliminating many experimental calculations difficult to get. If we compare the results between the two modes of working (and experimental data) shows that the interpolation methods used: spline, cubic, linear, polynomial (on different degrees until 10 degree) have very small errors, the degree pof fidelity is almost 100% (95% and 98%). By getting expression of mathematical functions and values with average temperatures during certain periods of time (for example, the average for the past 60 years) we can predict the development of biorithm by predictions of the accumulation of dry matter without further recourse to dense experimental calculations. “Microcal Origin” is a programming language likewise a developing system which integrates the calculation, the visualisation and the programming in an easy way. The problems and their solution are concurred in an available mathematical language. Starting from the experimental data, the accumulation of the dry substance like a function of active temperature (∑°C) and time (t), the software gets a function which brings the increase of vine SU(∑°C, t), through interpolations with a very little step; so, this evolution can be determined empiric. For mathematical thoroughness in the approximation of function - accumulation of dry matter (SU) depending on the temperature have used a variety of functions: exponential, logarithmic, polynomial depending on the type curve nonlinear sometimes fragmenting the diagram on parts. Simultaneous we can choose the function that proximate the best the experimental data by using dedicated software and we can get the values y=f(x) by interpolation y i =f(x i ) , the interpolation step being very small, 10 -6 . We can make such calculations of the value of dry matter (SU) not by experimental way, but by using the applied sciences on computer. Where experimental data collection are a disparate values we can complete, however small it would be intervening Variation Dx , can learn at any time variant DSU.
more abstractnumerical methods; anticipation; colection data; approximation; interpolation; simulation; process phases
Presentation: oral
Zorana Srećkov, Jan Boćanski, Aleksandra Nastasić, Ivica Dalović, Mirjana VukosavljevMaize is one of the most important grown plants in the world. Superior position of maize is due to his very wide and variety utilisation and because of that, the main goal of all maize breeding programs is to obtain new inbred lines and hybrids that will outperform the existing hybrids with respect to a number of traits. For efficient selection of grain yield, like the most important economic trait, in regard to its on the great influence the environmental factors, has complex mode of inheritance and low heritability, is necessary to know relation between grain yield and morphological traits which are influencing on the grain yield. One of the objectives of this paper was to determine relationship between grain yield and morphological traits. For these purpose two test-cross populations which are formed by crossing progenies of NSU 1 population after 16 cycles of phenotypic recurrent selection and two testers were tested. In both studied populations significant medium strong correlative relationship was established between grain yield per plant and 100-kernel weight. Among other traits in the test-cross population NSU 1 ×568/II NS, positive correlative relation was established only between ear height and length and it showed a high significance. In population NSU 1 ×B73 strongest correlation was established between ear height and kernel row number, but this relationship was negative. Also, since yield components are interrelated and develop sequentially at different growth stages it is important to define direct influence of specific yield components on yield, and their indirect effect via other traits. For that purpose path coefficient analysis were done. In test-cross population where we used inbred line 568/II NS like a tester high significant direct effect on grain yield was established for ear height (p 1 =-0.403**) and kernel row number (p 3 =0.390**), while in the second studied population path analysis showed high significant desirable influence of ear length (p 2 =0.394**) and 100-kernel weight (p 4 =0.573**) on grain yield.
more abstractmaize; morphological traits; grain yield; correlations; path analysis
Presentation: oral
Slaviša Stojković, Nebojša Deletić, Vladan Djurić, Milan BiberdžićThis paper deals with the investigation of F 3 population 2002-30, created in the Department of Maize, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad. During the first year (2004), about 150 plants of the studied population were selfed and simultaneously crossed with the tester 1491x1496, in order to get complementary S 1 and HS progenies. After the harvest, 41 progenies of each type were selected for the trials, by the random sample method. During the second and third year (2005 and 2006), the trials were carried out in Aleksinac, Leskovac, and Kruševac, as three studied environments, in RCB design. HS progenies had higher average values of the studied traits regarding S 1 progenies. The differences between progeny types were highly significant for all the studied traits, except for root and stalk lodged plants percent. Genetic variance of S 1 and HS progenies was significant for the all traits, except for root and stalk lodged plants percent and number of grain rows per ear. Genetic variances were higher in S 1 progenies, with the exception of root and stalk lodged plants percent and grain number per row. Hartley tests used to compare genetic variances between different progenies showed that the difference between progeny types in genetic variances was highly significant for grain yield, plant and ear height, ear length, number of grains per row, and 1000 grain mass, whereas it was not significant for root and stalk lodged plants percent, and number of grain rows per ear. Phenotypic variance was also significant for the all traits, except for root and stalk lodged plants percent and number of grain rows per ear in both progeny types. According to Hartley tests, difference between progenies in phenotypic variance was significant for grain yield and highly significant for plant and ear height, ear length, number of grains per row, and 1000 grain mass. The obtained values of broad-sense heritability were significantly higher in S 1 than in HS progenies. Low heritability values were calculated only for root and stalk lodged plants percent.
more abstractmaize; grain yield; genetic variance; heritability
Presentation: oral
Ciprian Stroia, Cristina Tabuc, Alina NeacşuCereals are substrates favourable for the fungi development. The micromycetes proliferation can have undesired consequences: from the alteration of the aspect and of the nutritive features of the raw materials, incidence of mycoses or allergies till to the production and accumulation of mycotoxins. The objective of this study is to evaluate the presence of the Fusarium species in cereals collected from different areas of Banat region and to determinate the concentrations of the mycotoxins synthesised by them, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone, mycotoxins with a high frequency in the cereals from other regions of the country (south-east). In Europe were done studies (SCOOP projects) for the evaluation of the humans’ exposure to these contaminants. Romania wasn’t included in these studied because it has became later member of European Union. Taking in account the Romanina climate, the fungal contamination and mycotoxic is different in comparison with the one determined in other European countries. The researches realised on cereals originating from other regions of Romania have highlighted the presence of the Fusarium species and the mycotoxins produced in concentrations that many times were overpassing the maximal limits allowed by EU. There were investigated from mycologic and mycotoxicologic 56 samples of cereals (maize, wheat, barley and oat) collected from different areas of Banat from mycologic and mycotoxicologic. The fungal contamination degree was done using the direct method for the determination of the total number of colonies and fungi, and the mycotoxins concentration was determined using the immune-enzymatic method ELISA. The obtained results are similar with the ones obtained in the framework of the investigations done in the south-east of Romania: the Fusarium species were present in all the studied samples; the most frequent species were Fusarium graminearum Schwabe and F. culmorum (W. G. Smith) Sacc. Other Fusarium species identified there were: F. poae (Peck) Wollenw., F. oxysporum Schltdl. and F. vertilliciloides (Sacc.) Nirenb. (F. moniliforme Sheldon). From mycotoxicologic point of view the two analysed mycotoxins, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone, were identified in more than 90% of the samples and 70% of those were containing both mycotoxins. 25% from the analysed samples were containing deoxynivalenol in concentrations that were overpassing the levels allowed by EU (1750 µg/kg), and 40% from samples were containing zearalenone concentrations greater then 100 µg/kg, the maxim level allowed by EU.
more abstractFusarium; cereals; deoxynivalenol; zearalenone; fumonizine
Presentation: oral
Renata Maria Şumălan, Carmen Beinşan, Dorin Camen, Radu Şumălan, Ancuţa DonceanThe use of ecological methods, promoting sustainable technologies with low inputs represents a contemporaneous subject at an international scale. Because of this reason, the adoption of alternatives in maintaining and increasing of soil fertility is a constant concern in this domain. The microorganisms witch improve the fertility status of the soil and contribute to plant growth, have been termed biofertilizers and are receiving worldwide attention for use as microbial inoculants in agriculture. Vessey, 2003, defined biofertilizer as “a substances which contains living microoganisms which, when applied to seed, plants surfaces, or soil, colonizes the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. The Papilionaceae group are the most known family of plants that have symbiotic bacteria partnership to meet nitrogen requirements by biological way. In any cultural system for crop legumes, such as principal culture, intercropping, crop rotation, allied crops through utilization of performing symbiotic strains for nitrogen fixation, the improvement of total nitrogen content in soil is assured. The present paper shows results about efficacy and nodulation capacity of selected strains of Bradyrhizobium lupini and Rhizobium phaseoli compared with native strains belong to edaphical microflora. Efficiency was tested by inoculating seed of Lupinus angustifolius with strains LP53, LP73, LP78 and LP83 from the laboratory collection of Soil Biology, Fundulea. For bean, Phaseolus vulgaris were used FsS2, FsS4, FsS6 and FsS9 strains isolated from agricultural perimeter Sîrbova village, Timis County, in summer 2007. After 6 weeks of plant growth was determined stem length, dry biomass accumulation, the number and volume for nodosity. Strain Lp 78 for lupins and FsS2 for beans proved to be most efficient genotypes, in the same culturally conditions, values recorded on the number, volume of nodosity and accumulation of dry matter / plant exceeding control samples, without bacterial treatment.
more abstractRhizobium stains; efficacy; crop legumes nodosity; total nitrogen content
Presentation: oral
Edith Szekely, Vasile Moldovan, Rozalia Kadar, Ioan HaşEvaluation of morpho-physiological and quality traits at winter wheat collection is a priority in wheat breeding programs,specially to identify useful germplasm which may be used in crosses to obtain a large range of genetic diversity for wanted traits. The main purpose of this research which is also the object of a ph.d. thesis, to study the morpho-physiological traits that has an influence on winter wheat quality. For this study 1150 cultivars of common winter wheat of different origin and representing a large range of agronomic types were grown in years 2006 and 2008 at Agricultural Research Station Turda in the collection in screening nursery. These cultivars were sown on plots of equal size without replications. The local check variety Ariesan was included from 10 to 10 plots,which resulted in 115 individual plots. Ariesan it is an early and productive variety with high protein and gluten content. The analyzed morphophysiological traits for years 2006 and 2008 were: vegetation period,plants height, number of grain/spike, grain weight/spike, 1000 grain weight, hectoliter weight, harvest index, protein content, N use efficiency, wet gluten content and falling number. The protein content of wheat grain is an important factor in bread making quality. For wheat grain protein content we obtained a variability between 9.47 and 16.7%. Statistical analyses were made for the 1150 wheats collection compared with the 115 plots of check variety Ariesan.Simple correlation coefficients(r) were calculated to provide a measure of the degree of association for the above mentioned traits. The results indicate a high variability between the 1150 cultivars in the common winter wheat collection for all studied characters. Coefficients of variation were higher in the case of common wheat collection compared with the check variety, Ariesan, for all characters studied, revealing the expression of large genetic variability for qualitative characters in the collection of winter wheat. The calculated correlation coefficients indicate a significant and complex relationships does exist between the analyzed characters. The correlation between the protein content of wheat and its content of wet gluten was 0.69. Protein content was correlated positive with heading date and had a negative association with harvest index.
more abstractwinter wheat; protein content; gluten content; nitrogen use efficiency(NUE)
Presentation: oral
Cristina Tabuc, Ciprian Stroia, Alina NeacşuCereals are the most exposed substrates exposed to the micromycetes attack. The development of moulds determinates changes of the physical (aspect, taste, and odour) and chemical (degradation of the nutritive substances and the diminishing of the food product quality). In optimal conditions of temperature and humidity moulds can synthesize toxic metabolites (mycotoxins) with serious consequences on animal and human health. SCOOP projects done for the evaluation of the humans’ exposure to mycotoxins have shown that Aspergillus species and the mycotoxins synthesised by them are rarely found in Europe. Rarely there was reported the presence of B1 aflatoxin in Italy and Spain following some extremely hot summers. Romania wasn’t included in these studies because has become member of the European Union later. The researches realised on cereals coming from south-east Romania show the constant presence of Aspergillus species and of the aflatoxins in this region of the country. The main goal of this study is to evaluate the presence of the Aspergillus species in the cereals collected from different areas of Banat regions and to determinate the concentration of the B1 aflatoxine. There were investigated 56 cereals samples (corn, wheat, barley, and oat) collected from different areas of Banat. Fungal contamination degree was realised using the direct determination method for the total number of fungi colonies, and the mycotoxins concentration was determined with the immune-enzymatic method ELISA. From the species of Aspergillus are associated, mainly to the hot areas, our researches are effectuated on cereals collected from the south-west of the country were evidenced the presence of the species from this genus in more then 80% from the studied samples. The most frequent species identified there was Aspergillus flavus (55%), and then A. niger (40%) and other species: A. fumigatus, A. versicolor and A. parasiticus. Mycologic analysis is confirmed by our results obtained from the analysis of the cereals originating from the south-east of the country. Regarding the presence of B1 aflatoxine, this mycotoxine was identified in about 30% from samples (mainly corn), and the determined concentrations were small, lower then 5 µg/kg, the maximal level allowed by EU. The results obtained are similar with the ones obtained in previous researches done in the south-east of the country regarding the mycotic and mycotoxicologic contamination.
more abstractcereals; Aspergillus sp.; Aflatoxine B1; Ochratoxin A
Presentation: oral
Cornelia Văduva (Grecu), Dănuţ-Ion Trava, Andreea FâcWe chose for research two parks, People's Park and Park of Roses, as they are located in the center of Timisoara, in an area with a heavily anthropic character, they have in the vicinity very circulated arteries, including tram lines and thus can be regarded as a barometer of the adaptability of birds to urban environment. The purpose of the paper is to present the best adapted species to urban environment of Timisoara. Status of research in the field of bird species diversity in urban areas is currently produced on an international level and on national level is in an early stage. The investigation method applied is based on the routes method (Ferry and Forchot, 1958), improved by Prof. Univ. PhD. Biol. Dan STĂNESCU, by including in the calculation of threshold values of the dominant three indices, besides assessing the participation percentage, kilometric abundance index (IKA), biomass, metabolic index. Park of Roses is located in the northern side of Bega river, it is bordered by Rose Street, Michelangelo Avenue and the tennis land of the sport base. The area is 35 790 sqm. People's Park, the oldest park in the city, is bordered in the northern side by 3 August Street, in the southern side by Pestalozzi Street and in the eastern side by Vasile Parvan Avenue. Park’ s area is 25 170 sqm. From observations, there are present 20 species of birds, with few exceptions, typical to seasons. The degrees of dominance vary from one park to another, depending on the vegetation, especially the wood vegetation in the park, the joining of transportation arteries etc. The most adapted are found to be 4 species (Streptopelia decaocto - ring doves, Turdus merula - blackbird, Corvus frugilegus - rook , Columba livia domesticus - pigeon. More than one quarter are anthropophile species (Passer montanus - Tree Sparrow, P. domesticus - House Sparrow, Corvus frugilegus - Rook, C. monedula - jackdaw, Streptopelia decaocto - ring doves and Pica pica - magpie ). They are mentioned in different literature as well adapted species to the tumultuous life of the city and very inventive when environmental conditions change. The work is original and the results obtained are important for diversity conservation of bird species in urban environment.
more abstractbirds; park; dominance; urban environment; Timisoara
Presentation: oral
Mirjana Vukosavljev, Sofija Petrović, Miodrag Dimitrijević, Zorana SrećkovNo achievements of modern mankind was aroused so much spit and caused so much debate as the phenomenon of biotechnology. Human intervention for the improvement of crops, trees and livestock is nothing new. For millennia, humans have bred, crossed and selected those varieties, ecotypes and breeds that were more productive, better adapted or particularly useful, but conventional breeding practices can now be complemented by a number of new and powerful techniques. Modern biotechnology represent a new aspect of biological and agricultural science which provides new tools and strategies. New techniques of molecular and cellular biology, including recombinant DNA and cell fusion, have became a powerful research tools in biology. As the foundations of biotechnology, these techniques hold great promise for the development of new products derived from plants, animals and microorganisms to be employed in industry and agriculture. Molecular and cellular biotechnology (including recombinant DNA, transplastomic plants, projectile insertion, cloning, nuclear microinjection, and cell fusion) offers the potential for reaching many of the same goals pursued by traditional methods of plant and animal breeding and by mutation and selection of microorganisms, but in a more precise and efficient manner. During the last few years, considerable progress has been made in biotechnology research, and further major scientific and technological breakthroughs are expected for the future. Thanks to that biotechnology managed to penetrate and find application in all branches of industry and basic researches. The first large-scale industrial applications of modern biotechnology have been the areas of agriculture and of pharmaceuticals. Nowadays biotech methods play an increasing role in environmental protection and biofuel production. However, when talking about biotechnology inevitably question is whether are its achievements in accordance with nature and whether can cause undesirable consequences. Genetically engineered organisms should be evaluated and regulated according to their biological properties and phenotypes, rather than according to the genetic techniques used to produce them. Nonetheless, because many novel combinations of properties can be achieved only by molecular and cellular techniques, products of these techniques may often be subjected to greater scrutiny than the products of traditional techniques.
more abstractbiotechnology; research areas; application
Presentation: oral