Vol 47, No 1 (2015)
Magdaléna Lacko-Bartošová, Veronika Čurná, Lucia Lacko-BartošováThe objective of this study was to evaluate production parameters and selected nutritional compounds of three winter emmer wheat varieties, cultivated under the conditions of ecological farming in the south region of the Slovak republic during two growing seasons. Field experiments were established on a Haplic Luvisol developed at proluvial sediments mixed with loess. Experimental location has continental climate, belongs to warm agro-climatic region, arid subregion with predominantly mild winter. The average long-term temperature is 9.8°C and for vegetative period it is 16.4°C. Production and nutritional parameters were analyzed in three varieties of winter emmer wheat – Agnone, Molise sel Colli, Guardiaregia in three repetitions. The experimental data were statistically evaluated by STATISTICA 7.0, using multifactorial analysis of variance. The influence of weather conditions on selected production parameters was higher as compared with the effect of tested varieties. Significant differences between varieties were determined in production parameters: weight of grains per spike and TGW. Average weight of grains per spike was 1.63 g, TWG averaging about 47.67 g. Average theoretical yields of emmer varieties was 6.9 t.ha-1. Nutritional compounds were not influenced by variety; only the crude protein content was affected by weather conditions during two growing seasons. The average content of fat was 0.96 %, average crude protein content was 13.6 %, and the highest was achieved by variety Agnone (14.17 %). The mean soluble fiber content was 0.41%. Soluble fiber is known for its hypocholesterolaemic effect. Starch is the main storage carbohydrate in wheat kernels, accounting for 61 – 68 % of the grain. As a primary functional component in cereal grains, its content and characteristics are known to substantially the affect quality of wheat and its end-products. Starch content of three emmer varieties varied from 65.1 % to 66.0 %, without significant influence of weather conditions and variety. Emmer wheat as ancient wheat has a unique composition in secondary components, such as starch, which may play a role as functional food ingredience. Emmer wheat can be suitable and profitable crop when cultivated in marginal areas or under conditions of low-input and ecological agriculture, where modern wheats are unable to develop their full productive potential because they have been selected for favourable pedoclimatic and intensive agronomic conditions. Emmer cultivation is justified under low-input, ecological conditions, where its agronomic performance becomes profitable with respect to modern free-threshing wheats.
more abstractemmer wheat, ecological farming, production parameters, nutritional parameters
Presentation: oral
Magdaléna Lacko-Bartošová, Štefan Buday, Lucia Lacko-BartošováThe individual components of the environment are significantly influenced by agricultural activities carried out in the agricultural landscape. The objective of this study was to evaluate the selected agri-environmental indicators, such as the use of fertilizers, the use of chemicals, and the consumption of water in agriculture. Measures of Axis 2 of the Rural Development Programme of the Slovak Republic for the period of 2007-2013 helped to mitigate the negative impact of agricultural practices and activities on the selected individual components of the environment and landscape. The study is focused on the selected measures of the Axis 2: agro-environmental NATURA 2000 payments on agricultural land and animal welfare payments. The most important measure, agri-environmental payment is divided into three groups of the sub measures: environmentally friendly practices, soil conservation measures and conservation of biodiversity. The purpose of the implementation of such measures is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of the environment, for example to improve the biodiversity, soil quality and animal welfare, etc. The most widely used measure; agri-environmental payment also aims to maintain the ecosystem, species and genetic diversity by maintaining the prescribed methods of land management. Especially activities within the area-related measures have contributed to improvement of the quality of agricultural land and water by limitation of fertilizers and pesticides use. Most of the selected measures contributed to the better adaptation of agriculture to climate change and emission of GHG. Agri-environment payments play a prominent role in supporting the sustainable development of rural areas and in responding to society´s increasing demands for environmental services. They encourage farmers and land managers to serve society by introducing or continuing to apply agricultural practices that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation and that are compatible with the protection and improvement of the environment, the landscape and its features, natural resources, and the soil and genetic diversity.
more abstractRural Development Programme, NATURA 2000, Agri-environmental payments, evaluation
Presentation: oral
DownloadCHILD ABUSE pag. 18-24
Angela BOGLUȚAbstract . The forms of maltreatment same as those of neglect are an old disease for all people of the world. By the nineteenth century, it began to appear certain laws to protect the mother and the child. We want to draw attention to what grave consequences and what effect it may have on children's physical or mental state the use of force on them. We believe that there should be in every school, a counselor that the "adult school", both parents and teachers (some even have the grace to be a teacher) and especially in rural areas, to collaborate in a positive teacher-parent manner, in order to avoid these phenomena. By abuse we understand any voluntary form of action or omission of an act which is detrimental to the child and takes place, taking advantage of his inability to defend itself, to discern between what is right or wrong, to seek help or to self-service (Popesu - Răduţă, 1998). Thanks the variables that are influencing maltreatment we cannot give a complete definition. In some countries, where religion greatly influences education (Africa, Asia, South America), certain forms of physical and psychological maltreatment have the rank of territorial or tribal law. We can select three variables - of the many – regarding the forms of maltreatment: a moral boundary between good and ill treatments. It is difficult to establish between normal and pathological, be it lack of care, how to express affection or punishments, "Beating is torn from Heaven”. The second variable is the duration of the act of ill- treatment. All families live moments of tension, which can act as inappropriate. Any parent can lose composure in certain situations and can hit or verbally abuse the child. If the parent is balanced and had an education and affection, he will not resort to physical aggression. - Another variable is the socio-cultural context in which the child lives. There are three practices in certain cultures of maltreatment: to hit the child’s bottom, scold, let him cry. African girl’s mutilation is a tradition, but an abuse in the West. In Canada, beating is a child's educational method. The „Caogao „method in Southeast Asia (to cure diseases, pressing a hot metal coin on the child's body) leaves traces and is considered an act of violence, when it is a faith, a religion of shamans). We tried to expose some forms of maltreatment in the paper. Conclusion: try to avoid as much as possible physical and mental mistreatment so that later the child is not left with complications.
more abstractKey words: abuse, grave neglect, physical violence, psychological abuse, sexual abuse.
Presentation: oral
Adrian BORCEAN, Mihaela COLCEA, Florin IMBREAOn the last two years, the one target of this research carried out in the area of Nera river basin was to determine the main pathogens of the medicinal plants from the middle basin of Nera river because this location is situated almost all inside the natural reservation known as National Park of Nera Gorge. Regarding to the method of data collected, all observation data were collected during vegetation period of years 2013 and 2014. Those observations consist from four separate operations: first operation was to determine the areas with representative populations of Hypericum perforatum, the second operation was to determine pathogens which affect those plants (if there is any pathogen) and the third operation was to evaluate the attack parameters of the pathogen. The novelty is relatively high because present paper provides important data for both agricultural practice and for local environment authorities. Taking in consideration that Hypericum perforatum plants are used as healing agents due to their various medicinal properties, it is important to know the infection pressure of the plants pathogens from natural environment. It is well known that a part of fungus plant pathogens are mycotoxins producers which put under question any medicinal use of the infected plants and this is just one reason to know if these pathogens are not present on medicinal plants natural environment. Another main reason is that we appreciate the plants from wild flora as sources for diseases resistance genes in the plant breeding process. In the present work there were carried out researches concerning the possible reactions of the pathogens depending on local environment factors. Limits of the research are that data from the research are just from two years of observations. The originality of the work come out from the fact that all data presented are relevant for mapping the diseases of medicinal plants from wild flora. Importance of the paper became from bringing in front of the specialists a new topic concerning observations of pathogens behavior in relation with Saint John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) plants from wild flora.
more abstractHypericum perforatum, wild flora, Diploceras hypericum
Presentation: oral
BORCEAN A., Mihaela COLCEA, DAVID GhOn the last two years, one of the target of our research work from the area of Nera river basin was to determine the diseases of plantains(Plantago sp.) species from Nera river basin. Also it is an attempt to see the dynamics of those pathogens. It is our duty to show from the very beginning that this paper contain data of just two years of research and this is the reason why data statistic interpretation could suffer dramatic changes in the near future, after we bring more observations data for statistic analyze. Regarding to the work method, all observation data were collected during vegetation period of years 2013 and 2014. In this paper there are presented only averages of data collected during the time period mentioned previously. Our observations consist from four separate operations. First operation was to determine in the year 2013 that form the three species of plantains Plantago major, P. minor, and P. lanceolata, the dominant species was Plantago lanceolata the areas with representative populations of Plantago sp.. The second operation was to determine the place and the density of the most representative populations of ribwort and third operation was to see if those plants are affected of some pathogens. The forth operation was to evaluate the attack parameters of each pathogen. The novelty is relatively high because this work provides important data for both agricultural practices (especially for breeding process) and also for local environment protection authorities. Taking in consideration that Plantago sp. plants are used on a relatively large scale for some pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, it is important to know the infection pressure of the plants pathogens from natural environment. From this point of view we appreciate that the plants from wild flora are considered to be a consistent source for diseases resistance genes in the plant breeding process. Limits of the research are that data from the research are just from two years and greatly influenced by local climatic and soil factors
more abstractPlantago lanceolata., wild flora, Podosphaera plantaginis
Presentation: oral
Eva CANDRÁKOVÁ, Milan MACÁKDuring 2008-2010, the field trial with pea variety Dunaj was carried out after wheat forecrop in years. The experimental site of Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra is located in south-western Slovakia (E 18º09', N 48º19') with altitude of 175 m above MSL. The location has continental warm and moderate arid climate with an average annual temperature of 9.07°C an average annual precipitation of 561 mm. The mean temperature during the growing season is 16.2°C. The soil type is Orthic Luvisol with a loamy texture, medium humus content of 1.95%-2.60% and a pH of 5.7.There were three tillage treatments (O1-medium deep ploughing to 0.24 m, O2-shallow ploughing to 0.15 m, O3-disc tools to 0.12 m and fertilization treatments H1-control treatment, H2-inorganic fertilizers (P and K on yield 3 t ha-1), H3-inorganic fertilizers and incorporation of forecrop residues. Grain yield of pea was highly significantly influenced by the year, tillage and fertilization. The highest seed yield of 4.27 t ha-1 was in the wet year 2010. Lack of humidity supported only 2.15 t ha-1 in 2009. Mouldboard ploughing has created significantly the most suitable condition with average yield in shallow ploughing (3.01 tha-1) and in medium deep ploughing treatment (2.98 t ha-1). Fertilization treatments significantly influenced the yield by application of inorganic fertilizer (3.08 t ha-1) and by combination of inorganic fertilizers and incorporation of forecrop residues (2.99 t ha-1) with comparison to control treatment (2.74 t ha-1).On the base of correlation analysis the highly significant direct relationship between yield and number of pods per plant (r=0.77++), and TSW (r=0.60++) was determined. Year condition related to the plant density of crop (r=0.43++) and number of pods per plant (r=0.51++). No relationship between fertilization treatment and yield component was found. Indirect relationship between plant density and number of pods per plant (r=0.33++) and TSW (r=-0.64++) respectively but plant density and number of seeds per pod revealed high relationship (r=0.59++). Indirect relationship between number of pods and number of seeds per pod (-0.52++) and between number of seeds per pod and TSW (r=-0.83++) was also determined.
more abstractcommon pea, tillage, fertilization, yield
Presentation: oral
Eva CANDRÁKOVÁ, Milan MACÁKDuring 2011-2012, the multifactorial field trial of spring barley variety Kangoo was established at Experimental site of Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, in south-western Slovakia (E 18º09', N 48º19') with altitude of 175 m above MSL. The location has continental warm and moderate arid climate with an average annual temperature of 9.07°C an average annual precipitation of 561 mm. The mean temperature during the growing season is 16.2°C. The soil type is Orthic Luvisol with a loamy texture, medium humus content of 1.95%-2.60% and a pH of 5.7. There were studied the impact of two soil tillage systems (conventional - O1 and minimization - O3 tillage methods were used) and mineral and organic fertilization treatments (H1-zero treatments, H2- mineral fertilizers only, H3- application of both mineral fertilizers and post-harvest residues of the forecrop) on yield and quality parameters of spring barley variety Kangoo. The lack of humidity and above average temperatures reduced the harvest of grains of barley statistically in 2012 on 0.601 t ha-1 compared with the yield of spring barley in the year 2011 (3.63 t ha-1). The way of tillage highly significantly influences the yield of spring barley. Yield of spring barley under minimization methods was higher (3.48 t ha-1) with comparison to 3.19 t ha-1 yield in conventional tillage. The application of fertilizers and incorporation of maize aboveground residues as forecrop significantly create the better condition for yield of spring barley (3.84 t ha-1). The highly significant relationship between weather condition and quality of selected parameters were determined as follows: TKW (r=0.43++), volume weight (r=0.85++), percentage proportion of grains above 2.5 mm (r = 0.81++) and protein content in grain (r=0.87++). High direct relationship between the TKW and percentage proportion of grains above 2.5 mm seed (r=0.37+) and protein content (r=0.40+) were also determined. The same relationship between content of protein in grain and proportion of grains above 2.5 mm(r=0.70++) and between volume weight and proportion of grains above 2.5 mm (r=0.71++) were also determined. Variability of yield was statistically influence by all treatments – weather condition, tillage treatments and fertilization.
more abstractcrop residues, fertilization, soil tillage, spring barley, yield
Presentation: oral
SNEJANA DAMIANOVAbstract Cherry leaf spot (Blumeriella jaapii HIGG. syn Coccomyces hiemalis) produces considerable damage in young plantations of fructifying cherry trees. The pathogen attacks the leaves and, under proper conditions, even fruit and shoots. The symptoms characteristic to the attack are the appearance of 1 – 3 cm purple – reddish spots on the upper side of the leaves, spots that often unite covering large areas of the leaves of even the entire leaf. On the other side of the leaves, there are white-pinkish spots containing white-pinkish pustules (acervules). As a result, the leaves start to dry and fall prematurely. Research regarding the introduction and extension of the cultivation of cherry trees of some cultivars resistant to cherry leaf spot was carried aut in the Lugos cheery tree plantation (Far, no. 4) of the Teaching and Experimental Station of the Banat’s University fo Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine „King Michael I” from Timisoara. Te cherry tree cultivars we studied were: Van, Germersdorf, Bing, Rubin, Stella. In each cultivar, starting with the end of May, when there was maximum attack by cherry leaf spot (reddish spotting) we monitored 900 leaves on 3 branches differently set in the fruit tree canopy, noting the frequency, intensity and attack degree in 3 cherry trees from each cultivar monitored. In the cherry tree plantation, we applied, upon warning during vegetation 4 phyto – sanitary treatments using fungicides and insecticides. The observation of the behaviour to the attack by cherry leaf spot (Blumeriella jaapii) allowed us to group the cherry trees into: slightly attacked (Seneca, Cerna, Ulster); medium attacked (Timpurii de mai, Roşii de Bistriţa); strongly attacked (Van, Bing, Germersdorf). We recommend the extension of the cultivation of the cherry tree in south – western Romania.
more abstractKey words: cherry leaf spot, cherry tree, frequency, attack degree, cultivar
Presentation: poster
SNEJANA DAMIANOVAbstract: The straweberry represents the spiece with a big economical and alimentary attention, with a big production which is adapted to a large climate variety because of its large created spiecies. the strawberry culture was made in the spring of 2009, like classical, multianual culture in free plain the sort red gaunttlet, with ripening at the ending of may, this sort has a good resistance to the whitening spot of the leaves, at grey rot. the biofertilizations used Bionat plus and Bionex were applicated to two treatements with recomandated pesticides, in the two treatements: the first was the full infusion, and the second was to the showing inflorescence. the results reduced the attack frequency on the leaves with white spots (Mycosplaerella fragariac) in the first variant where were applicated biofertilizations Bionat plus and Bionex. the superior effectiveness was get in the first variant treated with Bionax plus, concentration 0,2% and Bionex, concentrated 0,2% towards the second variant treated with Bionex 0,2%. the treatements were applicated two times using the pesticides dithane, concentrated 0,2%in second variant to each treatement (t1, t2) where were good results by reducing the attack frequency caused by grey rot and flouring. from the production results we can see the best results came from strawberry in variant i were was applicated Bionat plus and the second treatement Bionex made a production of 7200kg/ha.
more abstractKeywords: strawbery, treatment, pesticides, effectiveness
Presentation: poster
DAVID Gh., BORCEAN A., Leontina RADA, Fl. IMBREA, V. NEȘCU, L. BOTOȘWhite lupine is a species cultivated as fodder plant for beans and also as green fertilizer as main crop or as secondary culture because it is a very good breeder of soil properties (1, 3, and 4). The research was conducted in Depression Gurahonţ, Arad county, between 2012 – 2014. From a climate perspective, the area where were performed research is of type cfbx after Köppen classification. The average annual temperature in the reference area is around 100C and annual rainfall exceeding 600 mm. From soil type perspective, the experimental field was placed on a stagnic luvisol (2). In the experimental research cycle 2012-2014 the purposes were the introducing of white lupine as grain crop and as crop rotations plant in situations when a leguminous plant has to be a part from the crop rotation. From the synthesis of results concerning the sowing technology, we determine that the yields from experimental trials have a range between 1758 kg / ha and 2962 kg / ha, depending on the time of sowing and plants genotype. On average from three periods of sowing tested in experimental field, the highest yield was recorded at Medi variety originating from ARDS Livada, county Satu Mare, followed by Vojvodina a Serbia's origin and by the provenance from Turkey. Also, there have been made a number of biometric measurements depending on the genotype and on the time of sowing plant height (cm), the number of branches / plant, number of flowers / plant, number of pods / plant. It was also established and change in mass of 1000 grains by genotype and by sowing period in experimental cycle 2012-2014.
more abstractLupinus albus, crop technology
Presentation: oral
Simona DUDA, L. Al. MĂRGHITAŞ, D. DEZMIREAN and Otilia BOBIŞ*Abstract. Extracts of four species of Lamiaceae family medicinal plants (Agastache Foeniculum, Nepeta cataria, Melissa officinalis and Lavandula angustifolia) used in phytotherapy were screened for flavone content in two different harvest periods and two different hours of the day. Through this research we want to emphasize the optimal harvest time of vegetal raw material, when the studied plants contain the maximum active principles. The content of flavone/flavonols, main phenolics contained by these plants, was determined spectrophotometrically, according to Dowd method in APHIS Laboratory from USAMV Cluj-Napoca, with a Synergy 2 spectrophotometer, microplate reader. Duplicate samples of each plant were harvested for determinations from raw plant (fresh) and dry material. Following the data from Agastache Foeniculum and Nepeta cataria, the highest flavone content was obtained from the raw material harvested on 09/06/2014, at 16 hour, in both fresh and dried raw material. In the Melissa officinalis species, the highest flavone content was found in raw material (fresh and dry) which was harvested on 09/06/14, 11 hour. The highest flavone content in Lavandula angustifolia was found on 19/06/2014, 11 hour, in the fresh material and at 16 hour in the dry one. For the four studied species, the obtained results regarding the flavone content show that the optimal time of harvest was 09/06/2014, ie at the beginning of flowering, except for the species Melissa officinalis for which the flowering occured after 20/06/2014.
more abstractKeywords: Agastache foeniculum, Nepeta cataria, Melissa officinalis, Lavandula angustifolia, polyphenols
Presentation: oral
Radu ILEA, Sorin BUNGESCU, Daniel POPAMaize (Zea mays) is one of the most important crop plants, with multiple uses in human nutrition, animal feed and in the industry. High corn yields can be obtained by the use of high yield hybrids by using optimal technologies of cultivation of maize and of modern technology of mechanized works. Development of sustainable agriculture in Romania through the promotion of conservation technologies and, in particular, those with minimal tillage and sowing should be directly with the necessity for achieving yields of high quality, low cost and respecting the requirements relating to the preservation of soil fertility. In view of the current requirements for the development of a sustainable eco-agriculture, these technologies will require more and more in Europe, including in our country. The sowing of cereals is a particularly important work to be carried out at a time and with minimum expenses. This paper shows the optimal technology of mechanization of work in the growing of maize culture. The experience was located on land of Orțișoara, Timiş country. The climate is specific to the Banat’s Plain, more open to western winds and to the influence of the Mediterranean and Atlantic currents, which makes it moister. The paper is based on the experience gained in the area of mechanization by the agriculture of our country and other countries. In result of studies carried out are presented the findings concerning the consumption of fuel, and indices of the mechanized works in maize culture. In the context of an increase in demand for food worldwide, is becoming increasingly important use of technology to ensure that increases production on the same land area, while preserving biodiversity and preserving the environment.
more abstracttractors, fuel, minimal tillage, agricultural machines, economic indexes
Presentation: poster
D. N. Manea, I. Peţ, Anişoara Aurelia IenciuAbstract. Because of weeding, crops diminish substantially and, with strong weeding, crops can be much compromised. Horse thistle is a problem-weed in straw cereals and one of the most widespread and damaging weed species in Romania. Research was carried out over two years (2012 and 2013) in the experimental field of the Weed Science Department of the Didactic Station in Timisoara, Romania, in which we tested the effect of 11 post-emergent herbicides on horse thistle in winter wheat. The winter wheat cultivar we used was Glosa. The setting of the experimental field was done after the randomised block method: it was a monofactorial experiment with 12 variants and 4 replicas. In the first experimental year, we identified, initially, 98.56 weeds/m2, of which Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. shared 7.91%, i.e. 7.8 plants/m2. In the following year, we identified, initially, 79.20 weeds/m2, of which Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. shared 7.40%, i.e. 5.8 plants/m2. Overall, in the two years, the most visible reduction of weeding was in the variants treated with Buctril Universal (92.52-94.18%), Arrat (86.73-92.42%), Ceredin Super (90.18-91.07%) and Dialen Super 464 SL (87.40-90.63%). As for the exclusive control of the weed species Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., in 2012, the best results were in the variants treated with Lontrel 300 (95.20%), (Arrat (94.49%), Iudith (91.37%) and Dialen Super 464 SL (90.63%). In 2013, the herbicides with the best performances in the reduction of horse thistle sprouts were Lontrel 300 (97.05%), Buctril Universal (93.51%), (Arrat (91.28%), Iudith (91.37%) and Dialen Super 464 SL (88.73%). The herbicide Cerlit EC had no visible effect on horse thistle – this is why we do not recommend it in the fields invaded by this species. Thirty days after the treatment, and more visibly sixty days after the treatment, the plants of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. tended to regenerate in all the variants shooting new sprouts that could not really compete with winter wheat plants that had almost reached maturity. All the tested herbicides were very selective for the winter wheat cultivar Glosa, with no visible symptoms of phyto-toxicity. Winter wheat crops in the experimental field were influenced, on one hand, by the climate conditions of the two years and, on the other hand, they correlated positively with the performances of the herbicides in the total control of horse thistle.
more abstractKeywords: Cirsium arvense L., weeds, winter wheat, herbicides, yields, selectivity
Presentation: poster
B. MARINKOVIĆ1, J. CRNOBARAC1, G. JAĆIMOVIĆ1, Dragana LATKOVIĆ1,Abstract: The experiment was conducted in the year 1965, on soil type chernozem, in Rimski Šančevi, AP Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia. It was organised as a four-field crop rotation. During the trial, 20 variants of fertilizing were studied (19 + control), with increasing quantities of NPK nutrients (50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1). Total quantity of phosphorus and potassium, and ½ of nitrogen were applied in autumn. The remaining quantities of nitrogen were applied before sowing. Usual agronomy practices for sugar beet were applied. Due to the use of nitrogen root yield was increased by 6,33 t ha-1, due to the use of phosphorus the increase in root yield was 4, 83 t ha-1, and due to potassium the increase was 3,64 t ha-1. The increase in nitrogen resulted in decrease of sugar content by 1,29 %, in phosphorus by 0,64 % and in potassium by 1,20 %. When fertilized with excessive NPK nutrients, the sugar yield was lower by 1.140 kg ha-1. Only rational fertilizing can have a positive effect on achieving optimal results
more abstractKey words: sugar beet, NPK fertilizing, yield
Presentation: oral
V. NEŞCU, Gh. DAVIDAbstract. The experiments have been organized in the Topolovăţ area, part of the physical and geographic unit of Banat – Crişana plain. Studying the map of the climate types on the Romanian territory, we found out that the location of the research is within the mild temperate-continental climate located at the interference of the climate province sector having oceanic influences with the climate province sector having Mediterranean influences. The experiments performed within this territory have been located on a preluvosol vertic soil type with in-depth stagnogleization. The soil reaction is mild acid between 0-25 cm (pH-5,40). The humus content is at moderate level: between 0-36 cm (2,79%). The experiments have been bi-factorial. The factors taken into consideration within this experiment have been: - A factor – seeding period; - B factor – originThe researches regarding the influence of the seeding period over the crop on 5 having Perilla ocymoides origins, have revealed that in comparison with the average crop of 980 kg/ha obtained from the culture seeded during the period 10th -15th of April, seeding during the period 20th -25th of April, the nucules crop has increased to 1242 kg/ha, i.e. 28%. The highest average crop of 1360 kg/ha has been obtained when the seeding has been performed during the period 30th of April – 5th of May when the soil temperature has been above 10-12°C. The crop increase has been of 39%, therefore obtaining a significant variation of 380 kg/ha. From the studied origins we have noticed Italy with a yield of 1479 kg/ha when the seeding has been performed during the period 30th of April – 5th of May, followed by those having origins in Turkey (1384 kg/ha) and in Italy 1 (1371 kg/ha) seeded during the same period.The average oil content measured for the 5 researched biotypes has fluctuated depending on the seeding period: 47,0% and 48,8% .The oil production has been of 600 kg/ha in case of the culture seeded during the period 30th of April – 5th of May, with 33% higher than the oil production registered for the culture seeded during the period 30th of April – 5th of May.
more abstractKey words: Perilla ocymoides, crop, content, and oil production.
Presentation: oral
V. NEŞCU, Gh. DAVIDAbstract. The study was carried out using as a biological material five types of perilla from Romania, Italy, Turkey and Serbia. The experiments were carried out on a vertic preluvosoil deeply stagno-gleyed in the hill area of Western Romania. The paper refers to fruit yield, oil content and oil yield depending on row sowing distance. Fruit yield depending on row sowing distance increased, on the average, in the five biotypes, with 23% (from 25 to 50 cm) and with 24% (from 25 to 75 cm). Oil content depending on biotype and row sowing distance ranged between 46.9% and 48.8%, and oil yield ranged between 402 kg/ha and 698 kg/ha.
more abstractKey words: Perilla ocymoides, distance, phenotype
Presentation: oral
Jaroslav NOSKOVIČ, Mária BABOŠOVÁ, Jana PORHAJAŠOVÁ, Alena RAKOVSKÁ, Terézia ČERYOVÁIn the years 2005-2010 concentrations of chlorides in the water flow Čaradice brook were evaluated. For their determination we used measuring method according to Mohr. Čaradice brook springs in the mountains of Pohronský Inovec in the southern foot of Drienka hill and it is the right tributary of the Hron River, into which mouth near the village Kozárovce. Samples of the water in longitudinal profile of the watercourse were carried out from six sampling sites, on a regular basis, in the second decade of the month. The places of taking samples were localized to include all real sources causing the pollution of watercourse. The average concentration of chlorides in the monitored period ranged from 12.52 (year 2010) to 28.01 (year 2007) mg dm-3 and for the whole period represented value of 20.54 mg dm-3. Depending on the time of sampling the lowest average concentrations for the whole monitored period in spring season were recorded, with a minimum average value in the month of March (13.93 mg dm-3). From that month occurs generally gradual increase in chloride concentration until the month of October, when we found the highest average concentration in the water flow throughout the period (23.35 mg dm-3). Effect of sampling sites on the chloride concentration in the water flow was as significant as the influence of the month. In the longitudinal profile of the watercourse, we recorded the tendency of its gradual increase in concentration from the first to the last sampling site. Low concentrations in first and second sampling site are likely related to the fact that the sampling sites were located near the natural ecosystems (forest ecosystem and agroecosystem of permanent grassland). The highest average concentration of chlorides during the entire monitored period was in sampling sites situated near the water reservoir, near village Kozárovce (25.11 mg dm-3) and near village Kozárovce (27.46 mg dm-3). Their most significant increase in the water flow near villages’ Čaradice and Kozárovce was recorded. It can be assumed that the increase in Cl- values in mentioned sampling sites is probably due to the fact that villages do not have drainage networks or wastewater treatment. In the regulation of the Government of the Slovak republic No. 269/2010 Coll. the recommended value for chlorides is 200 mg dm-3. Calculated values of 90-th percentile (P90) of this indicator in all sampling sites were lower than the recommended value of government regulations.
more abstractchlorides, Slovak Republic, water flow, water quality
Presentation: oral
J. NOSKOVIČ, Alena RAKOVSKÁ, Jana PORHAJAŠOVÁ, Mária BABOŠOVÁ,Abstract. Macrozoobenthos as an important component of all aquatic habitats is very diverse community of aquatic invertebrates, which are either throughout its life, or during the developmental stages bound to the water. Representatives of this community are extremely sensitive to environmental conditions in which they live, but especially to the qualitative properties of water. They are suitable bioindicators of any characteristics changes of their habitat. Therefore, permanent occurrence, but, for the majority of the representatives of the benthic fauna, relatively long development cycle conducted in water, can significantly influence not only natural factors, but also human activities. In this work we present results of the occurrence of macrozoobenthos communities in two nature reserves in southwestern part of the Slovak Republic: Žitavský luh and Alluvium Žitavy, while also evaluate the potential impacts of agricultural activities on the species and numerous representations in the monitored habitats. In 2006 and 2007, we are on each monitored aquatic habitats, in six sampling sites at regular quarterly intervals collected total of 48 water samples, together with biological material. In Nature Reserve Žitavský luh we recorded in 24 taken samples 25, 966 individuals, determinate to be 135 species of benthic fauna. In Nature Reserve Alluvium Žitavy by collecting of 24 samples of water we obtained only 12, 708 individuals, 126 species of this ecological group of individuals. Determined species were included in the 15 systematic groups: Turbellaria, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Isopoda, Amphipoda, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Heteroptera, Megaloptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera (without Chironomidae) and Chironomidae. Of these, the numerically and percentage the most involved on the structure of macrozoobenthos community Gastropoda, Isopoda, Ephemeroptera and individuals of families Chironomidae. The contrary, the lowest share in numerous, species and percentage representation had Megaloptera, Turbellaria and Odonata. From the total number of 177 determined species of benthic fauna in the territory of Slovakia is 23 species protected by law under the legislation of the State Nature and Landscape Conservation, included primarily to the species categories: VU – vulnerable and LR: nt – near threatened. In the monitored period were structure and biodiversity of macrozoobenthos communities of Nature Reserve Žitavský luh compared with structure and biodiversity of Nature Reserve Alluvium Žitavy richer and more balanced. Significant negative impact of agriculture on the macrozoobenthos community in that period in monitored aquatic habitats was not recorded.
more abstractKey words: Agroecosystems, macrozoobenthos, water, protected area, Slovak Republic
Presentation: oral
OKROS A., POP Georgeta, LAȚO Alina, GROSZLER Astrid-Simone, BERBECEA Adina, RADULOV Isidora, MIHUȚ Casiana, NIȚĂ L. D., NIȚĂ Simona, Florescu T.Situated in the SE of the Timis county, the Niţchidorf locality benefits from a favourable position from an economic and social point of view. Only 33 km away from Timişoara and 9 km from the Buziaş resort, Niţchidorf is situated in the Bârzavei Plane, on the Pogăniş river. The closeness to the Buziaş Resort, as well as the Natural Reservation Lunca Pogănişului creates opportunities for agritourism development in the area. The locality benefits from soil and water resources, for the obtaining of quantitatively and qualitatively significant crops, but, unfortunately, the human and technical resources are insufficient. The active locality population is decreasing in number. Accessing governmental and European projects could lead to agricultural development, obtaining high productions and protecting the environment by practicing an ecologic agriculture. The agricultural system in Niţchidorf is agri-zootechnical mixed one, but with pomiculture and pisciculture developing tendencies.
more abstractagriculture, system, land, soil, farm, Niţchidorf,
Presentation: poster
OKROS A., POP Georgeta, LAȚO Alina, GROSZLER Astrid-Simone, BERBECEA Adina, RADULOV Isidora, MIHUȚ Casiana, NIȚĂ L. D., NIȚĂ Simona,The Seleuş commune is situated on the Eastern side of the Crişului Alb Plane, on the Cigher river. It is situated 12 km away from Ineu, 6 km from Pâncota and 45 km away from the city of Arad. It is also crossed by the Cigher river, the Morilor Canal, Crişul Alb to the North and the Matca Canal. The Seleuş commune comprises three localities: Seleuş, Moroda and Iermata. The commune borders on the Pâncota and Ineu towns, a fact that has influenced its economical and social development. The first documented attestation of the Seleuş locality dates from 1489. The Iermata village is first documented in 1387, and the Moroda village 1508. The locality is situated in the Crişurilor Plane in the centre of the Arad county. Thus, we are dealing with the Western Plane’s low altitude, with soil predominantly from the 1st and 2nd fertility groups, favourable for doubling the current cereal, technical plants and vegetables, with sub-hilly land and those in inter-mountain depressions, where large cattle, pomiculture and, at large, viticulture have represented the blazon of these region for centuries, and alpine grasslands, where sheep breeding is a part of history.
more abstractagriculture, systems, land, crop, Seleuș
Presentation: poster
Silvica Oncia, Loredana Copacean, Mihai HerbeiThe present study has the main purpose representing and analyzing watershed established both by classical methods and modern methods, "automated", to highlight quantitative and qualitative differentiations reflected in the results. The case study presented in this paper is Bega river basin. The results obtained by the "classical" methods, represented by empirical formulas are compared with results obtained using ArcGIS software, the following parameters were determined: the perimeter, area, length, average altitude and average slope of the hydrographic basin. Analysis Bega river basin using GIS technique is based on Digital Elevation Model, which is obtained by extracting the altimetric information from topographic map. Without underestimating the value and importance of the classical methods used in hydrographic analysis, modern methods, namely the use of GIS, offers a number of advantages, the most important being: accuracy in representation and analysis, generating high-quality maps, the possibility to reuse the cartographic materials obtained in each stage and for other types of analysis, significantly reducing execution time and effort by the analyst. The results obtained by applying both types of methods do not show significant differences, which means that GIS methods, easier to apply, can partially or totally replace traditional methods on condition that Digital Elevation Model that underlies this type of analysis to be executed correctly and be in proper spatial resolution.
more abstractcalculation, method, hydrographic, compared
Presentation: oral
Silvica ONCIA, Loredana COPACEANThe main purpose of this study is to analyze the vulnerability of the Bara territory (located in the low hills, with altitudes between 128 - 278 m.) to the action of erosion processes under the influence of precipitation, slope and slope orientation. To analyze the climate of the study area were used meteorological data recorded at the meteorological station Lugoj in the period 1980 - 2010 and in 2010. Based on this data were calculated de Martonne Aridity Index, Angot Index, Fournier Index. Using Digital Elevation Model was generated, by ArcGIS software, map of the slopes and aspect, used to identify areas vulnerable to the action of surface erosion and to establish correlations between the slope and slope exposure. In 2010, de Mrtonne Index was 34.44 for the type of humid climate. Fourier Index has a value of 31.85, which means that, in 2010, the potential erosion by rainfall falls in the "very low", but the temporal distribution of rainfall is uneven and the Angot Index highlighting rainy periods, favorable production erosion processes, in spring and early summer. The interval from April to June can be considered critical erosion season, in this range falls 38.81% of annual precipitation. In terms of slope gradient, approximately 85% of the Bara teritory is vulnerable across the occurrence of erosion processes. Assuming that surface erosion occurs more intensely on the slopes with predominantly southern exposure, 35% of the total area (land with orientation SE, S, SW) shows greater vulnerability. Category slope from 5.01 - 20% has the largest share in the total area of each orientation class values ranging between 75.14 - 82.70%; the largest areas with slopes in the range mentioned are on the slopes NW and E and the lower slopes oriented N.
more abstractrisk, erosion, rainfall, slope, orientation
Presentation: oral
Ioana Maria PAVĂL, Gh. DAVIDAbstract. This paper presents the crop and quality results obtained on the dark mollic eutric cambisol, moderate gleizated in Timisoara area, for five species of durum wheat varieties, in different fertilization conditions. The varieties considered were Grandur and Condurum of Romania, Achilles and Claudio of Italy, and Selyemdur and Betadur of Hungary. The reference variety in this experiment was Alex belonging to the species Triticum aestivum vulgare. The fertilization levels were N0P70K70, N64P70K70 and N128P70K70. On an average, for the 7 varieties, by applying a dosage of N64 the crop increased by 12%, and by doubling the nitrogen dosage to N128, on the same P70K70 background, the crop growth was enhanced by 21%. Among the existing varieties, the best results were registered for Claudio (5874 kg/ha) followed by the Achilles variety (5,599 kg/ha). With respect to the behaviour of the varieties, we notice that the biggest yield has been obtained for the reference variety Alex of Triticum aestivum vulgare L. This explains the necessity to differentiate the purchase prices of Durum wheat, a species where the production potential of the varieties is under the one of the bread wheat. Among the Durum wheat varieties, the Italian varieties Claudio and Achile called our attention. On an agrifund containing N128P70K70 we obtained crops of 6413 kg/ha (Claudio) and of 6128 kg/ha (Achile). The results of the biometric determinations showed a tendency of plant height increase as the nitrogen dose increases, that is from 73,70 cm (N0) to 91,00 cm for Grandur variety, from 85,15 cm to 95,85 cm for Condurum variety, from 87,85 cm to 90,55 cm for Achile variety, from 84,20 cm to 92,25 cm for Claudio variety, from 76,60 cm to 80,60 cm for Selyemdur variety and from 74,65 cm to 79,55 cm for Betadur variety. All varieties have proven a similar tendency to grow once the nitrogen dose has been increased. The growth could be noticed in the length of the ear, in the number of spicule on the ear and the number of seeds on ear. The protein content ranged from 12.3% to 13.7%, the wet gluten content from 16.64% to 24.60%, and the falling number between 374 and 456 seconds.
more abstractKey words: Durum wheat, varieties, fertilization.
Presentation: oral
D.I. PETANEC, Lavinia Madalina MICU*, Georgina BIZAU, Otilia COTUNA**The Sag town, village resident of the same name, is located in the south-west of Timis county, at a distance of about 12 km from Timisoara. From entomofauna feature alfalfa crops, the order Coleoptera is best represented, with the largest share. Investigated area was made up of five pieces of a 100 m2 plot (25 x 4m) arranged in series next to one another; and samples were collected periodically with an entomological net. Study the evolution of the beetles in alfalfa crops undertaken in this work made contributions to knowledge through original research of the entomofauna harmful and useful beetles of the alfalfa crops in the west of the country - the Banat Plain. At the end of these studies, it was found that in terms of coleopteran pests, the most abundant were shown to be species belonging to the family Curculionidae. During the period studied, a high abundance showed a species Sitona, Apion, Phytonomus and Phytodecta subcoccinella.
more abstractevolution, beetles, alfalfa pests
Presentation: poster
D. POPA, R. ILEA, S. BUNGESCU, Alexandra BECHERESCUPresent economic constraints lead to finding new solutions of tillage. This is not about changing soil tillage practices for the simple satisfaction of doing things differently than others, but rather to improve the practices of tillage and sowing to reduce the costs involved and the time needed for that. One way to achieve this goal is to reduce the number of passes on the ground, which may lead to an infiltration increase and also eliminate the need for primary works of the soil. Traffic control can reduce the cost of fuel for the establishment of cereal crops by 40%, allowing these operations to be completed with less powerful tractor while maintaining the yields at the same level. The current trend, particular to an agriculture with low environmental impact and costs of production, is to adopt cultivation techniques that preserve or improve soil characteristics in a conservative tillage. This paper aims to present research conducted over several years on land DS Timisoara regarding the influence the tillage technology has, particularly agricultural machine tractor unit used on some of the soil’s physical properties such as bulk density, porosity and the degree of compaction, with production tracking obtained from maize grains and fuel consumption resulted for each variant. At the same time there were tested 3 types of technologies: conventional technology (with moldboard plowing and using disc harrow to prepare the seedbed), the minimum tillage technology (soil processing by multiple passes with a disc harrow or rotary harrow use in combination with vibrocultor) and direct sowing ( unprocessed field sowing), using for this purpose for processing specific soil aggregates. The final results highlight the significant production differences which have to be correlated with both production costs and the long-term effects on the soil’s regenerative capacity.
more abstractsoil, tillage, yield, fuel consumption
Presentation: poster
D. POPA, R. ILEA, S. BUNGESCU, Alexandra BECHERESCUDirect tillage, as an agricultural technology, minimizes soil processing, loosening it only on a narrow strip, in which the seeds are introduced, while also having to find the optimal conditions for germination and development. When certain conditions are met (the presence of agricultural aggregates with direct sowing machines in unprocessed soil and herbicides capable of keeping the soil clean throughout the entire crop’s vegetation along with functional irrigation systems), direct tillage is starting to become an important method of saving energy while also conserving soil’s production capacity, both being essential elements for a durable agriculture. As a consequence of the small ratio between the production costs and the delivery prices of agricultural products , more and more farmers are beginning to resort to different methods of soil works which aim to reduce workforce ,machines and fuel costs, while also producing more crops in a shorter amount of time. Observations drawn as a result of scientific research in the field, indicate the fact that an agricultural production increase of 1% requires an increase of energy consumption under the form of fuel, of 2,5%. Another conclusion shows that for the usage of agricultural machines it is required energy consumption two times higher than the one needed for their manufacture. The present paper presents a dynamic study of a direct tillage aggregate used for maize crop sowing, starting with the implementation of a theoretical model and completed with the acquisition of data values regarding the forces that occur during works. The results obtained from experimental study may constitute elements of analysis of the correlation that exists between the forces that occur during direct seeding work for maize crops and energy consumption associated with immediate implications on production obtained per unit of area.
more abstractdirect sowing, forces, moments, fuel consumption
Presentation: poster
Jana PORHAJAŠOVÁ, Jaroslav NOSKOVIČ, Alena RAKOVSKÁ, Mária BABOŠOVÁ, Terézia ČERYOVÁThe aim of this work was to evaluate the dynamics of the occurrence of families of order Coleoptera, during the years 2005 and 2006, on the locality Kolíňany, by the earth traps method, which were exposed in the five treatments with application of organic fertilizers: 1st treatment- control variant ; 2nd treatment - 25 t.ha-1 of the manure ; 3rd treatment - 50 t.ha-1 of biosludge; 4th treatment - 50 t.ha-1 of the manure; 5th treatment - 100 t. ha-1 of biosludge. Every year traps in different crops were exposed: 2005– Beta vulgaris and 2006 - Zea mays. During two-years period was within five treatments obtained 25, 616 ex of epigeic individuals. In the year 2005 we obtained 13,744 ex and in the year 2006 the number amounted 11,872 ex. From the stated number of obtained epigeic groups we focus as the dominant group – Coleoptera, which has been determined to individual families. In the year 2005 Coleoptera represented 5,600 ex and in the year 2006 it was 6,496 ex. With respect to evaluation of the year and crop can be concluded that the more appropriate climate and habitat conditions provided the year 2006 with crop of Zea mays. On the basis of the cumulative abundance of families Coleoptera together 15 families was determined. Within the 1st treatment, during two-year period, was obtained occurrence of 7 families, with the number of individuals 2,228 (2005 – 940 ex, 2006 – 1,288 ex), within the 2nd treatment was identified 12 families, with number of exemplars 1,894 (2005 – 1,680 ex, 2006 2,144 ex), in the 3rd treatment occurred 9 families, with total number 1, 736 ex (2005 – 616 ex, 2006 – 1,120 ex), within the 4th treatment was obtained 10 families, with number of 2, 316 ex (2005 – 944 ex, 2006 – 1,372 ex), in the last 5th treatment occurred 11 families, with 1, 992 ex (2005 – 1,420 ex, 2006 – 572 ex). Based on the assessment of dominance of determinate families can be conclude that families Carabidae and Staphylinidae recorded eudominant representation and families Silphidae dominant representation. Other families (Anthicidae, Coccinelidae, Elateridae, Ptiliidae and others) confirmed the occurrence less than 2%, their presence was at recendent respectively subrecendent representation. On the basis of calculated indexes farming system can be evaluated as a homeostatically balanced providing present zoo faun with topical and trophic conditions.
more abstractagroecosystems, biodiversity, Coleoptera, Slovak Republic
Presentation: oral
Jana PORHAJAŠOVÁ, David ERNST, Alena RAKOVSKÁThe rook (Corvus frugilegus L.) is one of the greatest corvine birds dependent on open agricultural land. With the onset of spring, hundreds of thousands of rooks flocks which wintered in Slovakia, this area leaves and returns to its breeding grounds in north-eastern Europe. Wintering populations will be replaced by our rooks, in Slovakia nesting, which wintered in France and Spain. Nesting populations of rooks in Slovakia are much smaller, rarer and more vulnerable in comparison with populations wintering in Slovakia. These rooks populations occurs only in vicinity of its breeding colonies, situated mainly in the lowlands and uplands of Slovakia. Many farmers these elegant birds perceive negative, mainly as pests of crops, not as important functional component of agro-ecosystem, where rooks provides important sanitation function, contributes to biodiversity increasing and to biological regulation of pests. Listed function in agro-ecosystems except, but the whole society too, its total usefulness prevails over its harmfulness because rookeries provides nesting opportunities for the critically endangered red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus L.). Research focused on monitoring of nesting areas of rook was realized in 2010 - 2013 in the western part of Slovakia - in whole area of Podunajská nížina, where natural conditions and agricultural land utilization offers to rook best conditions for its nesting. During evaluated period in monitored territory were situated several tens of rookeries. Some of them, where we noticed active nests, were relatively old and stable. Among such includes rookeries located for example in the cities Trnava, Hlohovec and Piešťany, where rooks have found the most suitable conditions for breeding in the urban environment, in parks on trees. However, rooks were there strongly dependent on the surrounding open agricultural land because of food. We found, that for nest tree selection by rook is not decisive the species only, but mainly height of tree and layout of branches in treetop, which must hold a large number of nests situated close to each other. In these cities there were mainly species: Pinus sylvestris, Platanus acerifolia and Populus nigra. In 2010 in monitored area we noticed 2416 nests, in 2011 the number dropped to 2323 nests, in 2012 increased to 2454 and in 2013 we observed till 2656 nests. The results of research indicate a slight increase of nesting populations of rooks in Slovakia.
more abstractrook, western part of Slovakia, agricultural land, monitoring, nesting
Presentation: oral
RADUJKOV Danijela, VLAJIĆ S., MAŠIREVIĆ S., VUJIČIĆ Jovana, TARLANOVIĆ JelenaThe causer of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary) represents a very significant pathogen on numerous grown plant species, especially vegetables. The possibility of suppression of pathogen is very limited and the crop rotation is extremely narrow due to distinct poly-pathogenicity. Recent studies of control of white mold are aimed towards the use of biological products. During 2014 the appearance of white mycelular cover with black sclerotia was noted on ground part of the stem and first pods in the crop rotation of green beans on Zmajevo locality (45° 27′ 08" NGW, 19° 41′ 05" EGL). Sclerotia was collected and the isolation on potato dextrose agar (PDA) was performed, and after acquiring pure cultures, six isolates have been formed. Fungus mycelium was distinctively white, and during six days of cultivation at 25°C it covered the Petri dish of 90 mm in diameter, and the appearance of sclerotia on colonies’ edges was noticed on the eleventh day. With the aim of examining the biological control of S. sclerotiorum, Extrasol® (Biogenesis) was used, based on Bacillus subtilis C 13. The efficiency evaluation of the product was conducted in vitro, by transmitting of round shaped fragments, 5 mm in size, of S. sclerotiorum colonies, 7 days old, to the surface of the PDA base in which the product in 10, 15 and 20% concentration has been added, prior to the gelation. After the 7 days incubation period, the measurement of mycelia growth diameter has been performed at 25°C in cases with different concentrations and control cases. The efficiency of the product with 20% concentration was 100%, with 15% concentration it was 35.8%, and no efficiency of the product has been noted with the concentration of 10%.
more abstractSclerotinia sclerotiorum, green beans, Bacillus subtilis
Presentation: poster
Valentina ȘANDOR, Roxana VIDICAN, V. STOIAN, Susana SFECHIȘ, P.M. PUSTAIAbstract: Soil respiration is one of the most important and largest fluxes of carbon in terrestrial ecosystem. We performed 72 pots in a greenhouse experiment established with two soil textures (sandy loam and clay loam soil) and two fertilizers: mineral (N15P15K15) and organic (manure). The soil was inoculated with fauna (Lumbricus terrestris and Folsomia candida). On the soil surface, Zea may organic material was applied. The general objective was to assess soil respiration with a closed dynamic chamber in these pots for one week. The highest soil respiration value after maize addition was registered in the treatment with organic fertilizer-manure and soil fauna with a value of 0.58 g/m2/h in sandy loam soil. In clay loam soil, the highest value was 0.45 g/m2/h in the treatment M.F1 with chemical fertilizer N15P15K15 and soil fauna. L. terrestris and F. candida enhance soil respiration in all fertilized treatment in all the days during one week of measurements. Maize litter decomposition in more emphasized in the treatments with fertilization compared with those without inputs
more abstractKeywords: mineral fertilizer, organic fertilizer, Zea mays
Presentation: oral
Valentina ȘANDOR, Roxana VIDICAN, Vlad STOIAN, Susana SFECHIȘSoil respiration is a key ecosystem process. It is represented by the production of carbon dioxide by organic metabolic processes. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to depeen our understanding upon the effect of mineral and organic fertilizers on soil respiration in the presence of soil fauna. Pots were filled with sandy loam and clay loam soil. Silphium perfoliatum dry material was spread on the soil surface. Manure and N15P15K15 fertilizers were applied and soil fauna was inoculated. During one week we measured soil respiration with a closed dynamic chamber. The highest values were registered in the treatments with soil fauna and manure in a range between 0.30-0.70 g/m2/h especially in the first day of measurments in both soils. The highest soil respiration avareges per week was in the treatments with manure and soil fauna 0.42 g/m2/h in sandy loam and 0.44 g/m2/h in clay loam. On the other hand the lowest walues were in unfertilized treatment without fauna 0.20 g/m2/h in sandy loam and 0.28 g/m2/h in clay loam. The highest registered CO2 levels were in clayey soil, with organic fertilizer and soil fauna.
more abstractSilphium perfoliatum, mineral fertilizer, organic fertilizer
Presentation: oral
M. SAVATIE*Abstract. The seed set, in two red clover cultivars (Select-1, diploid and Apollo-tetra, tetraploid) was analysed in an experiment in which the two cultivars were planted in merging plots. An obvious decrease of no. of seeds/inflorescence was noticed in the diploid cultivar, especially in plants situated near by the tetraploid cultivar. On the contrary, in tetraploid red clover plants there has been noted a significant increase of seed set, this increase being the greatest when the proximity to the diploid cultivars was very tight. It is concluded that in experimental fields with tetraploid clover, if a diploid cultivar is used as control, the tetraploid variants could be easily underestimated from seed production point of view due to the fact that the diploid control, with its "overproduction" of pollen, becomes the main pollinator of tetraploid variants. It is also recommended that, in seed production plots of red clover cultivars with different ploidy levels, a strip of 7-8 cm should be eliminated before harvest to avoid both mechanical and biological contamination.
more abstractKey words: red clover, diploid, tetraploid, conservative breeding
Presentation: oral
Susana SFECHIS, Roxana VIDICAN, V. STOIAN, Valentina SANDOR, Zorica VOSGANSoybean, Glycine max L. Merrill is one of the most important protein sources for human and livestock all over the world. The world's population is constantly increasing; therefore the increase in crop production per area is very important. For obtaining high yields, nowadays, in agriculture, mineral fertilizer is often used amendments as zeolite in purpose of a sustainable agriculture. The paper presents results obtained in the 2013-2014 years experimental the variety Felix the production and protein content from soybean seeds. The highest soybean production was obtained in climatic condition in the 2014 experimental year in all the treatments in comparison with the 2013 year. Significant soybean production values in 2014 year were obtained for the treatments with 50 kg/ha urea+50 kg/ha zeolite (V4); 70 kg/ha urea+30 kg/ha zeolite (V5);–50 kg/ha NP20:20+50 kg/ha zeolite (V6) compared with the treatment only with zeolite application as amendment. Significant soybean protein values in 2013 year were obtained for the treatments with 50 kg/ha urea+50 kg/ha zeolite (V4); 70 kg/ha urea+30 kg/ha zeolite (V5);–50 kg/ha NP20:20+50 kg/ha zeolite (V6) compared with the treatment only with zeolite application as amendment. Zeolite amendments from 2014 year cause no significant difference on the protein content of the seeds, in comparison with the other treatments.
more abstractclinoptilolite, NP20:20, protein, urea
Presentation: oral
Jozef Smatana, Milan Macák, Štefan Týr, Andrejčíková MartaIn the experiment, we focused on the occurrence of weed density and weed diversity, in maize and sugar beet growing region and the effectiveness of herbicide treatments on field experiment performed on site Plavé Vozokany and Santovka in canopy of maize (Zea mays L.) in 1998 – 2000. Plavé Vozokany site is located in the south-eastern part of the district Levice in maize growing production region. The average daily air temperature in the region is a 9.6 °C, and the annual amount of rainfall represents 604 mm and 330 mm during the growing season respectively. Santovka, the second experimental site, is located in the north-eastern part of the district of Levice in sugar beet growing region. The average daily air temperature in the region is 9.2 °C and the annual amount of rainfall represents 637 mm and the annual amount of rainfall during the growing season is a 354 mm. Actual weed infestation was carried out by the numerous method with a five replication on the control treatments (without herbicide application), as well as on the areas treated with herbicides. The occurrence of weeds in maizer was assessed for 3 times per growing season. The evaluated sites were infested on the level of high weed infestation. The total abundance of weeds without herbicidal treatments ranged from 26,60 pcs to 44,30 per m-2. Herbicides application effectively decreased the weed infestation in range from 6,30 pcs to 21.10 pcs per m-2. The most dominant weed species were one year late spring weeds as follows: Echinochloa crus - galli (L.) P. BEAUV, Chenopodium album (L.), Amaranthus retroflexus L., Atriplex spp. and Setaria pumila L. in the canopy of maize. Another most abundant weeds species designated as very dangerous species were Convolvulus arvensis L, Cirsium arvense (L.) SCOP, Tripleurospermum perforatum (L.) SCHULTZ-BIP., Fallopia convolvulus L. A. LOVE and Avena fatua L The average weed density was in negative relationship with the air temperature, but strongly related to rainfall. Higher weed infestation was noted in the growing years when early spring to early summer was warm and humid. Lower weed infestation was observed when this period was dry. Differences in overall weed infestation, as well as the effectiveness of the used herbicides between experimental sites were at the same level of importance.
more abstractmaize, herbicides control, weed density, weed diversity
Presentation: oral
Vlad Stoian, Roxana Vidican, Ioan Rotar, Florin PăcurarThe balance of grassland ecosystems in Romania is constantly under strong pressure due to the socio-economic aspect that created the premise either of abandonment or intensification of these areas, leading to the increasing occurrence of nutritional perturbations and unidirectional allocation of resources to the dominant plants in the sward. Mycorrhizal fungi have the ability to adjust the transfer processes of nutrients between plants, maintaining the balance of the sward. This study aims to assess the reaction of mycorrhizas in the root system of Festuca rubra L. and Trifolium repens L. plants at fertilization and management. Mowing or mulching are traditional solutions to maintain the mycorrhizal nutrition area of dominant plants in the sward. The application of zinc sulphate or fungicide is a coherent alternative to preserve the stability of grassland ecosystems in the absence of these management types.
more abstractmycorrhizal colonization, fertilization, management, nutritional disturbances
Presentation: oral
DownloadCHILD NEGLECT pag. 224-233
D TUDORAN, Angela BOGLUȚAbstract In this paper we want to attract the attention of parents, guardians and teachers, what effects they may produce on children, inappropriate manifestations of adults regarding neglect or abuse on children. „Neglect is a silent and merciless killing of the human spirit „ (Daro and McCarth, 1991). The forms of ill-treatment which fail to ensure biological needs may endanger their physical, emotional, cognitive and social development that fall into the category of neglect. When we talk about neglect, we believe that the person responsible for the child (children) omits gestures necessary for proper development of the child. Neglect can be episodic or chronic, the first being less serious, calling it a contextual, it disappears when the risk factors that led to the neglect disappear (divorce). The second is dramatic because it affects disadvantaged families which do not have the resources (material, emotional, intellectual, etc.). In this case there is the phenomenon of intergenerational transmission, placing a child as a result of serious neglect does not solve the problem, they remain with serious complications in adulthood. Physical neglect leads to the underdevelopment of children (malnutrition and mental underdevelopment). Then, if the child does not have adequate food, clothing, shelter, supervision and protection, affection, raising brothers in a pyramidal form, etc. ; both physical and mental birth and maturity malformations will appear proceed, and in adulthood he will proceed the same , as he was brought up. Cultural, emotional or abandonment depression, are just some of the forms of neglect. Some may be intentional (alcoholic parents, mentally ill, jealousy, physical maltreatment) or others unintended (work overtime, lack of affectivity due to parental absence). All lead to the neglect of children. By this warning, we want to be better, to take care of our children, to be affective and give all you can for a good education.
more abstractKey words: biological needs, development, educational needs emotional needs, neglect
Presentation: oral
Štefan TÝRThe aim of the present papers was to evaluate the occurrence and development of weed species of current weed infestation maize crops in sustainable land management systems. The work has provided some partial objectives. To assess the impact of climate variables (temperature and precipitation) for the current weed infestation for the period 2005 – 2012. To assess the dynamics of individual weed species in ecological and integrated farming systems. To evaluate the influence of factors such as system management, manure and fertilizer grade on incidence of weeds in maize crop for 2005 – 2012. Evaluate the impact of the current crop of against weeds the main product of corn for the years 2005 – 2012. The objectives set were subjected to detailed statistical analysis and evaluation on which were drawn specific conclusions and recommendations for the implementation of integrated environmental and land management system in practice. The dynamics of individual weed species in crops of corn can be regarded as different in integrated and ecological farming systems. It stands for both land management system seedling in the total of 21 weed species of plants for the period from 2005 – 2012. We analyzed all occurring species: Amaranthus retroflexus L., Anagallis arvensis L., Atriplex spp. L., Avena fatua L., Cardaria draba Desv., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., Convolvulus arvensis L., Datura stramonium L., Echinochloa crus galli (L.) P. Beauv., Galium aparine L., Chenopodium album L., Chenopodium hybridum L. Lamium spp. L., Persicaria lapathifolia (Raf.)S.F.Gray, Persicaria maculosa (Raf.) S.F.Gray, Polygonum aviculare L., Portulaca oleracea L., Sonchus arvensis L., Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Thlaspi arvense L., Tripleurospermum perforatum (L.) Schultz – Bip. Actual weed infestation proportionally is affecting the yield of corn only for ecological land management system. The integrated system management, although herbicide used to maintain crop harvest almost to no weeds, but not indirectly increase in yield because the yield is more of a statistically significant effect that had a rainfall for the growing season. Based on the analyzes it is possible to say that the rainfall for the period 2005 – 2012, had a statistically significant effect on actual weed infestation of corn crops in the spring, it also had no statistically significant effect on weed infestation before harvest. In applying preventive, direct and indirect measures of regulation weed infestation is environmentally friendly and integrated fully viable in the cultivation of corn as a separate system for sustainable land management.
more abstractweeds, actual weed infestation, maize, sustainable agricultural systems
Presentation: oral
Štefan TÝR – Dávid VAVRÍKChemical weed control of sunflower crops is currently the main method of controlling weeds in the crop. The goal was to focus on the problems of this method of treatment stands. In the first part focuses on the general characteristics of herbicides description of the mode of action, their distribution, extent and characteristics of sunflower. Farms weeds cause the greatest share of the losses to crops 32%, animal pests and pathogens are less important because they represent 18 and 15% losses to crops. Companies engaged in the manufacture and sale of chemicals used to control weeds constantly looking for new technologies that improve the current herbicides. Second part contains the results of experiments on a given team in sunflower crop. The results presented in the thesis shows that the PD Mojmírovce to control the weeds growing sunflower („Clearfield“) used at the time of our observations herbicides Wing® P, Afalon 45 CS®, Proponit® 720 EC and Pulsar 40®. Weed infestation was moderate to severe (12 to 25 weeds per m2). Between 2012 and 2013 years, was the most effective use of herbicides in weed control for observed variations early post-emergence herbicide Pulsar 40®. From the pre-emergence herbicides was found to be the most effective formulation Wing P®. How financially most demand application of the product was found Pulsar 40®. According to the data collected, however, this price is the effect of the herbicide. The most important weed species occurring in crops of sunflower on PD Mojmírovce include: Agropyron repens, Iva xanthiifolia, Echinochloa crus-galli, Chenopodium album, Chenopodium hybridum, Amaranthus spp., Abutilon theofrasti, Datura stramonium, Convolvulus arvensis, Panicum miliaceum, Cirsium arvense, Fallopia convolvulus, Persicaria spp. and Polygonum spp.. While it seems that these methods is a possible solution to this need not be. The weeds are gradually creating resistance to herbicides used in such systems, and it is possible that once because such interference with the natural ecosystem inadvertently create "super-weed", you cannot destroy the available herbicides. Despite such a trend control weeds in sunflower, classical chemical weed control has and will have in the current agriculture an important place.
more abstractherbicides, weed control, sunflower, weeds
Presentation: oral
D. ŢĂRĂU1(3), Gh. ROGOBETE2, V. TABĂRĂ 1, D. DICU1(3), A. ŢĂRĂU 1Abstract:Agricultural production is carried out under various conditions, under the influence of several factors and environmental conditions, change in time and space by human intervention, requires thorough understanding of all determinants in terms of their productive capacity in order to choose the most appropriate uses for a rational management of environmental resources. The assessment of productive capacity and choosing the most appropriate way to use the land, based on a scientific basis in relation to the degree of suitability, help increase productivity and conservation, and therefore increases the resilience of the most sensitive and fragile soils and therefore keeping renewable natural resources quality condition.The aim of the research undertaken is to gather, process and interpret information for evaluating the quality of soil and edaphic cover and its origins in current scientific and practical preoccupations increasingly hard to identify and put in place an integrated management of agro-ecosystems, effective from agronomic points of view, environmental and soil conservation. The subject is the land situated between Mures (north) Lipova Hills (east) Bega canal (south) state border with Serbia (to the southwest) and Hungary (north-west) or soils identified in that the perimeter. These soils were investigated in relation to environmental factors, which determines existence, together forming homogeneous ecological land unit with specific suitability or suitability, with different technological requirements, work that and- proposes this fits into the current concerns of agricultural research and practice internationally and nationally for the study of relations between ecopedological conditions and productivity of agricultural land.
more abstractKey words: assesment, soil, suitability, agriculture
Presentation: oral
Alma-Lioara NICOLIN, G.-G. ARSENE*, Ilinca-Merima IMBREA, F. V. PRUNAR, I. BĂNĂȚEAN-DUNEA, Alina Georgeta NEACȘU, Silvia PRUNARThe site of community importance Nera Gorges-Beușnița (ROSCI0031) covers 37.719 ha within the county of Caraș-Severin, a Romanian region defined by a noticeable biodiversity (Anina Mountains). In spite of its relatively low altitude (max. 1.162 m), the site is diverse by its abiotic conditions and biogeographic influences. This site is at the same time a national park (the territory of the park do not encompasses the course of the Nera river downstream Sasca village). Habitat forests covers the majority of the national park area, with as the main owner the Romanian state, and administrator - the National Forestry Régie – Romsilva. The administration of the Nera Gorges-Beușnița National Park (NG-BNP) came into service in 2004, but repeated delays (national law system deficiencies) in having a management plan as well as the lack of technical forestry norms in protected areas (ABRAN, 2012) resulted in a treatment of forests inside the NG-BNP mainly as production ones. Because of a Sectoral Operational Programme – Environment (SOP-Env) project, we have mapped (2012-2015) the main habitats and recorded the pressures and threats to habitats. When the main impact affecting and threatening forest habitats (e.g. 9110, 9130, 91Y0, 91K0, 91M0), is the unappropriated system of forest exploitation, there is a need in changing sylvo-cultural practices. In terms of meadows conservation, the imbalanced use (overgrazing in some meadows, abandon of pastoral use on a significant part of meadows) constitutes the main impact on meadow habitats (6110*, 6210*, 6190, 6240*); giving the orchid diversity, we set in same situations more restrictive measures than those established under Agri-Environmental Schemes (AES). Riverine and water habitats (3220, 3260, 6430, 7220*) are under various anthropic pressures in the lower part of Nera river. Shrubs and rocky habitats (40A0*, 5130, 8160*, 8210) are in a relative good conservation status. We set conservation measures for habitats taking into consideration: the reports and recommendations made by other experts working in the same SOP-Env grant, the European Commission guidance documents and notes under the Art. 6.1, IUCN (DUDLEY, 2008) and WWF recommendations for protected areas management, the measures from some Prioritized Action Frameworks = PAFs (e.g. Hungarian PAF), Romanian documents (scientific papers, recommendations for forest management - Forestry Code, High Conservation Values Forests network, etc., AES proposals for 2014-2020), and various scientific references (BASTIAN, 2013; BATTISTI & FANELLI, 2015; KONING et al. (2014); VELÁZQUEZ et al., 2010; ZEHETMAIR et al. (2015) etc.). No matter the foundation and the accuracy of conservation measures we proposed, there is an urgent need to convince local authorities, entrepreneurs, farmers, stakeholders, all inhabitants about the high value of the site and the development opportunities offered by the sustainable use of its resources. Accepting and embracing the management measures to be included in the first Management Plan of the Cheile Nerei-Beușnița National Park is the key of preserving this consistent sample of Romanian still wild nature.
more abstractNatura 2000, Cheile Nerei-Beușnița, National Park, conservation objectives, conservation measures, habitats.
Presentation: poster