Vol 42, No 1 (2010)
Ana Maria Andronache, Ioan BorceanResearches have been done in the most favorable areas for the cultivation of beans, on a black, humid and very fertile soil type, that is in an iron oxides reduction process. The experiences were trifactorial, organized after the divided lot with three repetitions method. The studied factors were: Factor A – the cultivated type(Avans and Diva); Factor B – the fertilization with nitrogen(40 kg/ha P2O5 and 80 kg/ha P2O5); Factor C – the nitrogen dose(N0, N50, N100). In this study are presented data concerning the influence of the factors on the plant’s height, the number of ramifications per plant, the number of pods per plant, the number of beans per pod, the weight of the beans per plant and the variation of the mass of 1000 beans. The harvest variation was between 1400 kg/ha and 2600 kg/ha, the mass of 1000 beans had an amplitude between 1809 and 4339 and the protein content was between 24,22% and 28,11% for the Avans type and between 24,46% and 28,06% for the Diva type. The height of the plants has grown, under the influence of fertilization, from 40,30cm (N0P40) to 45,50cm (N100P80) at the Avans type and from 34,40cm (N0P40) to 45,50cm (N100P80) at the Diva type. The number of ramifications per plant has grown from 4,30 (N0P40) to 5,80 (N100P80) at the Avans type and from 3,60 (N0P40) to 5,90 (N100P80) at the Diva type. The number of pods per plant, in the researched domain, has grown from 15,60 to 22,50 at the Avans type and from 13,60 to 20,40 at the Diva type. The number of beans per pod was almost the same for each type; the result was between 4,80 (N0P40) and 5,50 – 5,80 (N100P80). The results of the biometrical measurements are in positive relations with the results of the harvest.
more abstractbeans; cultivation technology
Presentation: oral
Milan Biberdžić, Dragana Stošović, Nebojša Deletić, Saša Barać, Slaviša StojkovićGrain yield and quality reached by small grains are variable and affected by many factors, primarily by genotype, agroecological conditions and the applied production technology. This investigation, carried out in the vicinity of Bijelo Polje (Montenegro), has been aimed to compare yield components of triticale and barley grown under the same agroecological conditions. The investigation lasted two years (2005-2007), at a weakly carbonate-supplied soil. Nitrogen fertilizer was dosed equally for both plant species (80, 100 and 120 kg ha-1 N). The obtained results showed that the highest values of number of grains per spike, 1000 grain mass, hectoliter mass, and grain yield of barley was reached with nitrogen dose of 100 kg ha-1N. The highest values of those parameters in triticale were obtained with nitrogen dose of 120 kg ha-1. The highest grain yield of barley (4298 kg ha-1) was given with 100 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, while in triticale the highest grain yield (6040 kg ha-1) was reached with nitrogen dose of 120 kg ha-1. The difference between barley and triticale was 1742 kg ha-1, and that was caused by a higher number of grains per spike in triticale. Having in mind these two crops are mainly used as animal feed, results of this study point to a proper choice of what crop ought to be grown in particular area, especially in households doing animal husbandry. Value of the investigated material, primarily of triticale, could be used through its production as a forage crop, but that value can also be improved by breeding process directed to increase grain yield and quality.
more abstractnitrogen; 1000 grain mass; hectoliter mass; barley; triticale; grain yield
Presentation: oral
Ioana BorzaThe plants population is very important in optimizing of the maize vegetation factors regime, the researches were carried out in the Agricultural Research and Development Station Oradea during 2006-2009. Turda super is one of the most known cultivar from the area, was use five graduation of the plants population (of 25000 plants/ha, 40000 plants/ha, 55000 plants/ha, 70000 plants/ha and of 85000 plants/ha) and studied their influence on yield in unirrigated and irrigated conditions, on water consumption, water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency. In the irrigated variant, for maintaining the soil water reserve on watering depth (0-75 cm) between easily available water content (2240 m3/ha) and field capacity (2782 m3/ha ) the soil samples were prelevated ten to ten days; the sprinkler irrigation was used. The experiment had four repetisions placed by block methods. Total consumption of the crop increased together with the plants population increase based on the use of the soil water reserve but the water consumptin of the every plants decreased together with plants tickness increase. The biggest yields were obtained in the variant with 55000 plants/ha in the unirrigates conditions but in the drought years the best plant population was 40000 plants/ha. In six years the best plant population for irrigated conditions was 70000 plants/ha. These plants population determined the bigest average yields for every meter of water used and the bigest yields gains for every meter of irrigation water used. The researches sustain the known need of the meteorological prognosis because in the droughty years a plants populations with 25-30% smaller than optimum value is recomanded. The researches were carried out in the project: PN-II-ID-PCE-2008; 1103/2009 ”Study of the relationships in the soil-water-plant-atmosphere system on the land affected succesivelly by excess and deficit of moisture from North Western Romania regarding the improve of the yield quantity and quality”.
more abstractmaize; plants population; water use efficiency; irrigation
Presentation: oral
Ioana Borza, Cornel Domuţa, Maria Şandor, Cristian Domuţa, Radu Brejea, Adrian Vuşcan, Anuţa JurcaThe researches were carried out during 2006-2009 on the preluvosoil from Agricultural Research and Development Station Oradea in the research field for soil water balance study. The preluvosoil from the research field is characterized by the presence of the horizons Bt1 (34-54 cm depth) and Bt2 (54-78 cm depth); the colloid clay eluviation determined to appear the El horizon with 31.6% colloid clay. The source of irrigation water was a drill of 15 m depth. The chemical parameters of the irrigation water were the following: fixed mineral residue 0.5 g/l; SAR index 0.52; CSR index= -1.7%; N. Florea class = II; there are not some problemes regarding the use of irrigation use. Water use efficincy (WUE) was determined as a report between yield (kg/ha) and water consumption (m3/ha). In the irrigated variant the soil water reserve was maintained between easily available water content (2240 m3/ha) and field capacity (2782 m3/ha) on watering depth (0-75 cm). Crop technology was the optimum one: foreruner was the wheat, chemical (N160P120K80) and organic (40 t/ha) fertilizers were used, the treatments against the diseas and pests were applied in function of the needs. The irrigation determined the increase of the daily water consumption; total water consumption increased too. There were the yield gains very significant statistically every year; the percentage of the big tuberous in the yield increased with 12% and the water use efficiency increased in comparison with unirrigated variant with 35%. The increase of the water consumption, the yield gains very significant statistically obtained every year, the increase of the big tuberous percentage in the yield and the improve of the water use efficiency are the arguments for irrigation opportunity in the Crisurilor Plain. The researches were carried out in the project: PN-II-ID-PCE-2008; 1103/2009 ”Study of the relationships in the soil-water-plant-atmosphere system on the land affected succesivelly by excess and deficit of moisture from North Western Romania regarding the improve of the yield quantity and quality”.
more abstractpotato; water use efficiency; irrigation
Presentation: oral
Radu BrejeaThe paper is based on the researches carried out during 2007-2009 in the special plots placed on the hill with 10 % slope in Agricultural Research and Development Station Oradea. The metal panels and soil dams there were between the plots. The variants studied: black fallow, pasture, wheat, maize on the level curves, and maize from hall to valley. The biggest soil losses were determined in the variant with black follow and the variants with maize seeded from hill to valley maize on the level curves, wheat and pasture had the smaller losses in this order. The biggest yield losses were determined in the year with the biggest annual rainfall, 2007. The maize crop from hill to valley determined soil losses bigger than the yield losses from variant with maize cropped on the level cures. The wheat assured a better protection against the erosion in comparison with the maize and the best protection against erosion was assured by the pasture. In the same time the erosion determined the differences between the physical parameters (hydro stability of the macrostructure – aggregates bigger than 0.25 mm, bulk density, g/cm3; total porosity, %; hydraulic conductivity, mm/h; penetration resistance, kg/cm3) of the soil in the top and the base of the hill; in the top of the hill the values of the physical parameters were less favorable for plants in comparison with the hill base. The worst situation was registered in the variant with black fallow fallowing the variants cropped with maize from hill to valley, the variants cropped with maize on the level curves with and pasture. The big soil and the big yield losses determined in the variant with maize on the level curves the big soil losses determined in the variant with black fallow are the arguments to crop the wheat (or other plants with small distance between the rows) or the pasture on the hill with 10% slope in the conditions of the area with 615.2 mm rainfall a multiannual average too. The results were obtained in the project “Study of the risk factors, the quantification of their impact on agricultural systems, the creation of the new genotypes and technologic needed for sustainable development”. CEEX 35/2006 project.
more abstracthill; erosion; clean fallow; pasture
Presentation: oral
Radu Brejea, Cornel Domuţa, Maria Şandor, Cristian Domuţa, Ioana Borza, Nicu Cornel Sabău, Adrian Vuşcan, Anuţa JurcaThe researches were carried out during 2007-2009 in the Agricultural Research and Development Station Oradea on the preluvosol characterized by the presence of the horizons Bt1 (34-54 cm depth) and Bt2 (54-78 cm depth); the colloid clay eluviation determined to appear the El horizon with 31.6% colloid clay. On 0-20 cm depth, the soil has a big percentage of macroagregates (Φ > 0.25 mm), 47.5% bulk density is of 1.41 g/cm3 and total porosity is median one, hydraulic conductivity is of 21.0 mm/h. The values of the pH indicates a low acid soil, humus, total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content are low. The source of irrigation water was a drill of 15 m depth. The chemical parameters of the irrigation water were the following: fixed mineral residue 0.5 g/l; SAR index 0.52; CSR index= -1.7%; N. Florea class = II; there are not some problemes regarding the use of irrigation use.Ten to ten day determination of the soil moisture emphasized the decrease of the soil water reserve on watering depth (0-100 cm) bellow easily available water content every yea, and the irrigation was needed for optimum water provisionment. The use of the irrigation for maintaining the soil water reserve between easily available water content and filed capacity determined the improve of the water/temperature + light report, the increase of the daily water consumption and of the total consumption and the yield gains very significant every year; the water use efficiency was (kg/m3) was improved with 18. 7 %. The researches are part of the project” Study of the relationships in the soil-water-plant-atmosphere system on the land affected succesivelly by excess and deficit of moisture from North Western Romania regarding the improve of the yield quantity and quality”PN-II-ID-PCE-2008-2; 1103/2009.The presence of the pedological drought every year and the improves determined by irrigation-microclimate conditions, water consumption, yield gains, water use efficiency- are the arguments for irrigation use in alfalfa 2nd year in the Crisurilor Plains.
more abstractpedological drought; irrigation; yield gain; alfalfa
Presentation: oral
Irina Calciu, Sorin Liviu Ştefănescu, Elisabeta Dumitru, Monica DumitraşcuThe paper attempts to assess the conventional agriculture practices upon the soil physical, chemical and biological state in two areas within SA AGROTERRA Agigea, Constanţa. Field research has been undertaken on significantly different technology systems applied over a long period of time and benefiting of a consistent agro-environment history record. The investigation seeked also to the identification of dominant soil quality degradation processes in the studied areas and perimeters as well as a selection of some simple and flexible indicators for soil quality evaluation within a PNCD-2 Project 51-047 „Agri-environmental technologies, soil conservation, soil quality indices, friendly practices for environment, ecological agriculture-TACME”.The plots selected for investigation belong to a significant sized agricultural holding with a prior experience of implementing soil conservation practices. Conservation tillage is a widely used terminology to generally characterize the development of new crop production technologies that are normally associated with some degree of tillage reductions, for both pre-plant as well as in season mechanical weed control operations that may result in some level of crop residue retention on the soil surface.The soil sampling was done in 2008, and a wide range of laboratory analyses were performed. The analytical determinations included physical analyses (particle size distribution, bulk density, porosity, hydro stability, permeability etc), chemical analyses (reaction, organic carbon, macro- and micro- nutrients, organic matter etc), biological analyses (colonies of micro fungi and bacteria, mass of earthworms etc) and mineralogical analyses (content of clay minerals in the clay).The characteristic soils in the investigated areas are Chernozems aged on loess deposits, with an average medium size texture. Whilst the chemical indicators reveal a low to moderate soil supply with nutrients to crops and the microbiological data show a satisfactory lavel of activity in the soil, the values of the physical indicators emphasize a moderate suitable hidric regime, a slightly trend for soil layering, a high risk for the emerge of destruction – due to both natural environmental features as well the continuing intensification of the technologies applied.
more abstractconventional agricultural technology; soil state; impact
Presentation: oral
Anca Maria Coada Andronache, Ioan BorceanResearches have been done in the Foeni area, on a black and humid soil type, that is in an iron oxides reduction process, with a week acid reaction in the surface horizon (with a moderate content of nitrogen and phosphor and a high content of potassium). In this study are presented the results obtained on the Spelta Oberkulmer Rotkorn type of wheat, in comparison with the commune Alex type of wheat, which were obtained in different nitrogen fertilization conditions, on a constant content of P80K80.The harvests in the researched domain have varied between 4800 kg/ha and 5600 at the Alex type of wheat and between 4200 kg/ha and 5100 kg/ha at the Oberkulmer Rotkorn type. There have been measurements made concerning the length of the ear, the number of grains per ear and the weight of the grains per ear.The length of the ears has grown, by doubling the dose of nitrogen, from N50 to N100, from 9,08 cm to 9,55 cm at the Triticum aestivum spelta type. The number of spikelets per ear at the Triticum aestivum vulgare type has grown from 19,80, at a nitrogen dose of N50 to 21,20, at a nitrogen dose of N100 and at the Triticum aestivum spelta type it has grown from 18,70 (N50) to 19,20 (N100). The number of grains per ear has grown at the Triticum aestivum vulgare type from 34,60 (N50) to 37,50 (N100) and at the Triticum aestivum spelta type it has grown from 31,40 (N50) to 34,40 (N100).The weight of grains per ear has grown, by doubling the dose of nitrogen, from1,04g to 1,16g at the Triticum aestivum vulgare type and from 1,01g to1,10g at the Triticum aestivum spelta type.The researches are important because the valorification price of the spelta wheat, on the global market, is at least double as much as the price of the commune wheat, and the population benefits of a great variety of products.
more abstractwheat; Triticum aestivum ssp.spelta; fertilization
Presentation: oral
Monica Prodan (căs.Cotarcă), Valeriu TabărăHerbs have always been part of people's lives and is undoubtedly a close relationship between plants and humans. Man depends on plants in existence and this relationship must be sustainable. To ensure that medicinal plants are always available to us, we must ensure that we learn to cultivate. World consumption of Sage is the order of 100-150 tonnes / year dry leaves and 250-300 tonnes / year herba for volatile oil extraction. In Romania, a growing area of 15-20 hectares, providing domestic needs, a rămânâd available for export (Switzerland, Italy, France). The present study proposes the role of knowledge enrichment characteristics of cultivation technology in increasing production efficiency in Sage herba. Research contribute to improving opportunities for expansion of cultivation areas of medicinal and aromatic plants, the establishment of cultivation technology with improved performance. It was also aimed at guiding factor of vegetation, light, so human intervention is as close to the studied plant biology.Production of any crop plants is the result of interaction of all factors involved in the formation yield. Level harvest herbs and spices is in relation to the degree to which each factor and all in one place is close to optimal values required for plant biology. The overall condition is rare in the natural living environment.Biological material (Salvia officinalis L.) used was obtained from variety „Răsmireşti” SC PRONATURA S.R.L. Zalau, the seed is certified. Experience was located on land that belongs to S.D.E. Timisoara, in the U.S.A.M.V.B. Timisoara.In the experimental field there were good results herba green mass production. Herba yields vary from one version to another guidance system plant rows and when the various reports of N: P: K, application of mineral fertilizers to Salvia officinalis L., led to increased production of herba, is in this economically sustainable.The results of this study are part of a doctoral program, with as theme: "Opportunities to improve cultivation technologies in order to increase the amount of herba, film and volatile oil in Sage (Salvia oficinalis L.)", funded by the MECT the IOD U.S.A.M.V.B. Timisoara under the distinguished university professor Valeriu Tabara.
more abstractsage yield herba; fertilization; plant row orientation
Presentation: oral
Monica Prodan (căs.Cotarcă), Valeriu TabărăProduction of medicinal and aromatic plants is reflected in the quality of content of active compounds. The quantity of active compounds of plants is conditioned by ecological factors, the zoning of the species, culture technology, the biological value of the cultivar, the means of processing raw materials obtained.The essential oil and infused from Salvia officinalis L. leaves, has many applications in medicine due to antibacterial properties, antiviral and cytotoxic of essential oil. Because antioxidant properties, and its aroma oil is used in food and beverage industry.The study aims on the role of literacy enrichment characteristics of cultivation technologies Salvia oficinalis L., to achieve improved performance of their production to a high of essential oil of a high quality, thus the study of the possibility expansion of cultivation areas within Sage. In this paper have been monitoring the vegetation factor, light. Experience was located on land that belongs to SDE USAMVB Timisoara. Biological material used was variety Răsmireşti (Salvia officinalis L) obtained from SC PRONATURA srl Zalau, the certified seed. Content of essential oil compounds and determination to Sage was monitored laboratories SC Laboratoarele Fares Bio Vital SRL, Orastie (ISO 9001:2000).Changes in essential oil content in Salvia officinalis L. and its components differ depending on the plant parts: herba or leaveas, the orientation of plant rows. Mineral fertilizers applied have resulted in increased production of essential oil, fertilizer management is economically sustainable. The results of this study are part of a doctoral program, with as theme: "Opportunities to improve cultivation technologies in order to increase the amount of herba, film and volatile oil in Sage (Salvia oficinalis L.)", funded by the MECT the IOD U.S.A.M.V.B. Timisoara under the distinguished university Professor Valeriu Tabara.
more abstractsage yield oil; fertilization; plant row orientation
Presentation: oral
Gheorghe David, Paul Pîrşan, Adrian Borcean, Florin Imbrea, Lucian BotoşThe continuous aridisation of the last decades in the area of the rivers Caraş and Nera requires crops resistant to drought. Among legumes cultivated for their beans, chickpea is a crop that deserves the attention and care of agriculturists due to its good yielding capacity – 2.5-3.5 t/ha – and to its good adaptability to soil and climate conditions. Research was carried on a brown, luvic, vertic, pseudo-gleyied, moderately-strong decarbonated soil at Răcăşdia, in the Oraviţa Depression. The paper presents data concerning the Cicero I, Burnas, and Rodin cultivars, with differentiated fertilisation, and with impact on the number of ramifications per plant, on the number of pods per plant and on bean yield. The study also contains data concerning the impact of studied intervention factors on protein content and production. Average protein content was 24.7% in variety Cicero I, 24.9% to 23.8% in variety and variety Burnas Rodin. Protein production, averaged over three varieties increased by 20% in variants fertilized with N40 and 48% in variants fertilized with N60. The plants had a weak attack bean (Ascochyta rabies), with an intensity of attack with an average below 2%, which is exclusively due to the requirements of the scheme deficit pluviometric pathogen. After grain formation was present in culture and rust (Uromyces ciceris-arietini) but just as with bean, the agent has a symbolic presence, with an intensity of between 2-3% in all experimental variants, ie located in economic threshold of pest. The final part of the paper contains practical recommendations for cultivators. The paper is financially supported by the CNCSIS research project entitled „Developing lentil and chickpea cultivation technology in the soil and climate conditions of the Timiş-Caraş-Nera area”.
more abstractchickpea; cultivars; fertilisation
Presentation: oral
Gheorghe David, Paul Pîrşan, Adrian Borcean, Florin Imbrea, Lucian BotoşThe goal of the present research was to expand lentil crops in the area between the rivers Caras and Nera, an area where they cultivate only beans and peas among legumes. The soil and climate conditions in the area are favourable to lentil cultivation provided the cultivation technology is proper. The paper presents data concerning the behaviour of some lentil cultivars and populations, in different conditions of fertilisation, as well as results concerning sowing technology. Research was carried out in South-Western Romania, at Oraviţa-Răcăşdia, in a moderate continental temperate climate, the sub-Banat type with Mediterranean influences, on a vertic, luvic, brown soil, moderately gleyeid, strongly decarbonated. The biological material we studied was the Oana lentil cultivar and the De Szeged, Voivodina and De Vinga lentil populations. Fertilisation was done with variable rates of nitrogen (N0, N20, N40, and N60) on a constant fund P40K40. We took into account different row distances and strip sowing (12.5 cm; 25 cm; 37.5 cm; 12.5/40 cm). The authors also present data concerning the impact of the studied factors on protein and protein content. In the area studied, the protein content increased from 25.5% in version control (N0P40K40), to 27.2% in the variant fertilized with N60P40K40. Protein production was favorably influenced by nitrogen fertilization increased compared to the N0 up to 28% in the variant fertilized with N60, amid constant P40K40. Among pathogens of lentil, we identified Colletrichum truncatum and Uromyces viciae-fabae. The attack of these lentil pathogens was below 1.0% in Colletrichum truncatum which occurred mainly on the leaves and below 3.0% in the case of Uromyces viciae-fabae. Thus, we can say that both pathogens were below the economic damage threshold without influencing significantly the yielding capacity of the plants. The paper is financially supported by the CNCSIS research project entitled „Developing lentil and chickpea cultivation technology in the soil and climate conditions of the Timiş-Caraş-Nera area”.
more abstractlentil; cultivation technology
Presentation: oral
Slaviša Stojković, Slaviša Stojković, Slaviša Stojković, Slaviša Stojković, Slaviša GudžićThis paper presents the two year results of an investigation dealing with productivity, as well as genotypic specificity of nitrogen accumulation, of twenty recently developed Serbian winter wheat cultivars, on the acid soil typed as eutric vertisol. Soil pH value in water of the cultivated layer was between 5.41 and 5.83, and in KCl it was between 4.15 and 4.37. Titration acidity amounted 17.89 ccm. The following traits were studied: nitrogen accumulation in flowering, nitrogen accumulation yield, nitrogen accumulation in grain and straw, as well as the total nitrogen accumulation. There were obvious differences among cultivars regarding amount of accumulated nitrogen by flowering stage. In the first year of investigation this parameter varied from 25.70 mg in the cultivar Prima to 34.20 mg per plant in Kremna. Much lower values were observed in the second year, from 14.53 mg in the cultivar NS Rana 5 to 22.37 mg in Milica. The lowest average nitrogen accumulation yield during reproduction period amounted 3.23 mg in the cultivar Pobeda, while the lowest one was 11.78 mg in the cultivar Tiha. During the first year, the lowest value of nitrogen accumulation in straw was shown by the cultivar Gruža (5.4 mg), and the highest one by Nevesinjka (13 mg per plant). This parameter in the second year ranged from 6.0 mg in the cultivar Tera to 12.0 mg in Renesansa. During the first year the lowest nitrogen accumulation in grain was observed in the cultivar Toplica (26.3 mg), and the highest one in Gruža (42.0 mg). Those values in the second year of the study ranged from 9.8 mg (Tera) to 16.0 mg (Tiha). The lowest total nitrogen accumulation was reached by the cultivar Prima (26.45 mg), and the greatest one by Tiha (37.00 mg).
more abstractwinter wheat; nitrogen; soil; acidity
Presentation: oral
Cornel Domuţa, Maria Şandor, Gheorghe Ciobanu, Nicu Cornel Sabău, Lucian Bara, Camelia Bara, Ioana Borza, Cristian Domuţa, Radu Brejea, Alina Samuel, Adrian Vuşcan, Manuel Gîtea, Ana Moza, Anuţa JurcaThe paper is based on the researches carried out during 2007-2009 in the long term trial placed in 1990 on the preluvosoil from Agricultural Research and Development Station Oradea. The preluvosoil from the research field is characterized by the presence of the horizons Bt 1 (34-54 cm depth) and Bt 2 (54-78 cm depth); the colloid clay eluviation determined to appear the El horizon with 31.6% colloid clay. On 0-20 cm depth, the soil has a big percentage of macroagregates (Φ > 0.25 mm), 47.5% bulk density is of 1.41 g/cm 3 and total porosity is median one, hydraulic conductivity is of 21.0 mm/h. The values of the pH indicates a low acid soil, humus, total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content are low. The source of irrigation water was a drill of 15 m depth. The chemical parameters of the irrigation water were the following: fixed mineral residue 0.5 g/l; SAR index 0.52; CSR index= -1.7%; N. Florea class = II; there are not some problemes regarding the use of irrigation use.There are two factors of the experiment: crop rotation (wheat-monocrop, maize-wheat; maize-soybean-wheat) and water regime (unirrigated; irrigated). Optimum water provisionment was assured in the irrigated variant maintaining the soil water reserve between easily available water content on 0-50 cm depth. The biggest protein and gluten content were determined in the wheat grains from maize-soybean-wheat crop rotation both in unirrigated and irrigated variant and the smallest values were registered in the wheat monocrop. In the irrigated variant the smaller values protein, wet and dry gluten were registered but the differences are unsignificant. The research results emphasized the importance ogf the crop rotation to obtain an wheat yield with good panification index. The research results are part in the project: PN–II–ID–PCE–2008 2; 690/2009”The study of influences of some technological elements upon the wheat yield quality in the conditions of the North-Western part of Romania”.
more abstractwheat; crop rotation; yield; protein content; gluten content; irrigation
Presentation: oral
Cornel Domuţa, Maria Şandor, Gheorghe Ciobanu, Nicu Cornel Sabău, Ioana Borza, Cristian Domuţa, Radu Brejea, Manuel Gîtea, Adrian Vuşcan, Ana Moza, Anuţa JurcaThe researches were carried out in the research field for establishing the soil water balance from Agricultural and Development Research Station Oradea during 1976-2009. The preluvosoil from the research field is characterized by the presence of the horizons Bt 1 (34-54 cm depth) and Bt 2 (54-78 cm depth); the colloid clay eluviation determined to appear the El horizon with 31.6% colloid clay. On 0-20 cm depth, the soil has a big percentage of macroagregates (Φ > 0.25 mm), 47.5% bulk density is of 1.41 g/cm 3 and total porosity is median one, hydraulic conductivity is of 21.0 mm/h. The values of the pH indicates a low acid soil, humus, total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content are low. The source of irrigation water was a drill of 15 m depth. The chemical parameters of the irrigation water were the following: fixed mineral residue 0.5 g/l; SAR index 0.52; CSR index= -1.7%; N. Florea class = II; there are not some problemes regarding the use of irrigation use.Two variant were studied: unirrigated; irrigated. The soil water reserve from irrigated variant was maintained between easily available water content and field capacity on 0-50 cm depth. The stability of the yields was analized by standard deviation and panification indexes was determined by usually method; the water use efficiency was calculated as a report between yield and water consumption; the water consumption was establishing directly by soil water balance method. In average on the studied period, the irrigation determined an yield gain of 38.5% very significant statistically. The panification index had smaller values in irrigated variant; water use efficiency improved with 2.0% but in 4 years water use efficiency from irrigated was smaller than the value registered in the unirrrigated variant. The research results emphasized the irrigation opportunity to obtain the high and stability wheat yield in the Crişurilor Plain.The research results are part in the project: PN–II–ID–PCE–2008 2; 690/2009 ” The study of influences of some technological elements upon the wheat yield quality in the conditions of the North-Western part of Romania”.
more abstractpedological drought; irrigation; water consumption; yield; panification index; wheat
Presentation: oral
Cristian DomuţaThe paper is based on the researches carried out in Oradea during 2006-2008 in the following variants: V 1 = Irrigated, without irrigation suspending; V 2 = Irrigated, irrigation suspending in May; V 3 = Irrigated, irrigation suspending in June; V 4 = Irrigated, irrigation suspending in July; V 5 = Irrigated, irrigation suspending in August; V 6 = Unirrigated. The hybrid used: Fundulea 376. Total nitrogen content of the maize grains was determined in the laboratory of the Agricultural and Development Research Station Oradea. In unirrigated maize, soil water reserve on 0-75 cm depth (watering depth) decreased bellow easily available water content (pedological drought) every year: 46 days in 2006; 110 days in 2007 and 76 days in 2008. In the variants with irrigation suspending in the months of the maize irrigation season the pedological drought was presented in these months and a few days in the next month.In the variant with optimum irrigation, water reserve on 0-75 cm depth was maintained between easily available water content and field capacity. Pedological drought was determined every year and the irrigation was also needed. The irrigation determined the increase of the total water consumption and yield gain in comparison with unirrigated variant. Irrigation suspending in different months determined the yield losses very significant statistically. The biggest protein content was registered in the variant without irrigation suspending; the values registered in the variants with irrigation suspending in May, June, July and August and in the unirrigated variant are smaller, with differences statistically assured. There was a direct link between de Martonne aridity index values and water consumption, yield and protein content and an inverse link between pedological drought and yield quantity and protein content. These are the arguments for irrigation opportunity in maize from Crişurilor Plain.The researches were carried out in the project: PN-II-ID-PCE-2008; 1103/2009 ”Study of the relationships in the soil-water-plant-atmosphere system on the land affected succesivelly by excess and deficit of moisture from North Western Romania regarding the improve of the yield quantity and quality”.
more abstractmaize; drought; yield; correlations; irrigation suspending
Presentation: oral
Cristian Domuţa, Cornel Domuţa, Maria Şandor, Ioana Borza, Alina Samuel, Camelia Bara, Lucian Bara, Radu Brejea, Adrian VuşcanThis paper based on the researches carried out during 2006-2008 in Agricultural Research and Development Station Oradea on a preluvosoil. All the soil profile are low acid (6.11 – 6.8), humus content (1.44 – 1.75%) is small and total nitrogen is low median (0.127 – 0.157). After 30 years of good soil management, good practices the soil phosphorus content became very good (from 22.0 ppm to 150.8 ppm) on ploughing depth, potassium content (124.5 ppm) is median.The source of irrigation water was a drill of 15 m depth. Irrigation water quality was very good: pH = 7.2; Na + = 12.9; mineral residue = 0.5 g/l; CSR = -1.7; SAR = 0.52.Ten to ten days determination of the soil moisture on 0-75 cm depth emphasized the presence of the pedological drought every year: 39 days in 2006; 104 days in 2007 and 81 days in 2008; soil moisture decreased below wilting point every year too: 5 days in 2006 and 2008 and 6 days in 2007.Irrigation use – 1100 m 3 /ha in 2006, 2900 m 3 /ha in 2007, 3350 m 3 /ha in 2008 – for maintaining the soil water reserve between easily available water content and field capacity determined the improve of the soybean microclimate. The values of de Mrtonne aridity index (IdM) fpor optimum irrigated soybean characterized the microclimate like „wet” in 2006 (IdM = 45.2) and 2007 (IdM = 44.2) and like „wet I” in 2008 (IdM = 53.4). Irrigation suspending in the different months of the soybean irrigation season determined a smaller values of IdM and a worse microclimate, too.The biggest soybean yield were obtained in the irrigated variant without irrigation suspending in the soybean irrigation season: 3510 kg/ha in 2006, 3170 kg/ha in 2007 and 4050 kg/ha in 2008. In comparison with this variant the yield losses from unirrigated variant were of 25.4% in 2006; of 81.7% in 2007 and of 66.6.% in 2008; the yield losses are very significant statistically. Very significant statistically are the yield losses from the variants with irrigation suspending in the months of soybean irrigation season, too.The inverse link between pedological drought and yield and the direct link between de Martonne and yield sustain, too the need of the irrigation for pedological drought control and for microclimate improve in soybean from Crişurilor Plain.
more abstractsoybean, yield; pedological drought; irrigation suspending; de Martonne aridity index
Presentation: oral
Marcel M. Duda, Florin Imbrea, Dan Vârban, Sorin MunteanResearch aimed at the evaluation and selection of biological material, genetically valuable in several species of perennial medicinal herbs. Advanced research is being identified varieties to be studied. The method by which the WSD (Weight of 1000 seeds) is then working in the national seed quality control (INCS). We determined WTS (Weight of 1000 seeds) to 50 varieties of 38 species from 22 sorts. Counting has been done with an electronic seed counter type Sadkiewicz. The WTS was obtained by multiplying with 10 the arithmetic mean of the 8 repetitions, if the repetition was not a difference of more than 6% of the WTS – if it exceeded 25 g - or 10% if the WTS was less than 25 g. Between species and even varieties there is a great variability regarding the WTS of seeds. So the largest WTS occured inLupinus pollyphyllus – L. Bacău (242.5 g), and the smallest in the species Digitalis purpurea - Dp–20/06 (1.6 g). In studies Echinacea purpurea dominated with 10 varieties. The average WTS of these was 27.2 g, with amplitude of ±12.7 g. Some varieties of Echinacea purpurea, the largest MMB occurred in E. purpurea2 Ep 1 (39.9 g) and lowest in E. purpurea U-25 elite 25 (14.4 g). Hyssopus officinalis species in the 3 varieties have a large variation of WSD, between 13.9 and 63.0 g. WSD seed size and gives us clues on how to determine their germinaţiei (TP, BP and S) and to determine their depth of sowing. The novelty is high. From our information has never been such a study in our country. In our research we limited to a few species of which we had biological material. The results have practical implications for promoting varieties with higher potential production and quality. The work is original and important field of medicinal and aromatic plants.
more abstractweight of 1000 seeds; perennial medicinal herbs; seed counter; Echinacea purpurea; yssopus officinalis
Presentation: oral
Nadina Fugaciu, Valeriu TabărăThe agriculture of the future must be durable and competitive, which can be achieved through the correct application of the technological processes specific to agricultural crops. The paper presents the outcomes of the research carried out between 2008 – 2009 in the Orastie – Deva area (The Mures Valley), focusing on the influence of fertilization upon the wheat’s bread manufacture quality. The experiment emphasized the influence of fertilization in different doses of azoth, phosphorus and potassium upon the physical and chemical factors: HM, the protein content, the moist gluten content and starch.Wheat is one of the agricultural plants which positively react to the application of fertilizers in all climatic changes in Romania. The experiments carried out until now have emphasized this plant’s capacity to capitalize the organic and mineral fertilizers economically. The paper refers to the physical and chemical indicators that depend on the soil’s fertility and on the soil and climatic factors. Wheat is the main cereal in people’s nourishment, the bread manufacture quality being its most important feature. The bread manufacture characteristics depend on the protein and gluten content of the wheat berry, which is influenced by the doses of azoth, phosphorus and potassium.The method we used was related to four agri-funds: b1 – N0 P0 K0; b2 – N60 P60 K60; b3 – N90 P90 K90; b4 – N120 P120 K120. The research proved the increase of the protein and gluten content in the case of the wheat fertilized with bigger azoth, phosphorus and potassium doses, the b4 – N120 P120 K120 agri-fund respectively.For soils in Romania the azoth remains the main mineral element which influences the wheat’s bread manufacture capacity. Moreover, the increase in quantity and quality of the gluten in the fertilization with significant does of azoth, phosphorus and potassium has been emphasized. For bread manufacture, the content in gluten and the quality of the proteins determine the hydrating capacity of flour and the quality of the bakery products. The balanced fertilization of the wheat crop ensures the development of the plants. The ratio between the azoth, phosphorus and potassium is generally in favour of the azoth, which has a greater solubility in the soil and thus can be applied in several stages. The azoth, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers derived from NPK complex fertilizers. Used in the right proportion, the azoth ensures the good rooting of the plants increases the resistance to low temperatures and improves the content of the wheat berries in protean substances. The phosphorus influences positively the rooting, the resistance to the cold of the winter, the resistance to falling and increases the efficiency of the azoth. The potassium favours the synthesis of the carbon hydrates and contributes to the resistance of the plants. The hectolitric mass has been correlated positively with the protein content. The bread manufacture features and the hectolitric mass (HM) are influenced by the cultivated soil, the climatic conditions and technology applied.
more abstractwheat; protein content; gluten content; variety; fertilization
Presentation: oral
Miroslav Habán, Marta Habánová, Pavol Otepka, Ľubomír KobidaMilk thistle (Silybum marianum [L. ] Gaertn.) is a medicinal plant cultivated in agriculture. The achenes, i.e. fruits of the plant, are commonly used as a medicinal drug; they are the raw material for isolation of different substances with liver-protection activity. Production of high-quality milk thistle achenes depends on conditions of cultivation that directly influence the quality of final product.A polyfactorial field experiment was established and investigated during vegetation periods from 2004 to 2009 at the Dolna Malanta locality (Nitra district, Slovakia). The following parameters were measured: (1) yields of milk thistle (Silybum marianum [L.] Gaertn.) achenes, i.e. fruits, in 2004–2009; (2) content of silymarin in dry fruits of milk thistle in 2006–2009; and (3) total yields of silymarin per ha in 2006–2007. Factors of the experiment were as follows: (1) crop residues of cultivated pre-crop (no crop residues – K, with crop residues – R); (2) cultivation of freezing-out intercrop (no intercrop – B, with intercrop – M); (3) fertilization using artificial fertilizers (no fertilization – O, with fertilization – F); (4) year of cultivation (2004–2009). The highest yields of milk thistle fruits were recorded in 2006: from 1,426.5 kg/ha (RBO variant – incorporated crop residues without intercrop, no artificial fertilizers) to 1,832.0 kg/ha (KBF variant – without crop residues, without intercrop and with application of artificial fertilizers). The highest content of silymarin complex in dry fruits of milk thistle was measured in 2007: from 15.14 mg/kg (RMF – with crop residues, intercrop and fertilization) to 20.01 mg/kg (KBO – without crop residues, intercrop and fertilization). The highest total yield of silymarin per ha was recorded in investigated variants in 2006; in variant without crop residues it ranged from 16.45 kg/ha (KMF – with intercrop, with fertilizers) to 24.62 kg/ha (KMO – with intercrop, no fertilization).
more abstractmilk thistle; Silybum marianum [L.] Gaertn.; quantitative-qualitative parameters; yield; technological quality
Presentation: oral
Florin Imbrea, Branko Marincovic, Valeriu Tabără, Paul Pîrşan, Gheorghe David, Lucian BotoşResearch was carried out in the laboratory of „Agricultural produce quality analysis” of the Department of Agricultural technologies of the Faculty of Agriculture. The goal of the present paper is to valorise the beneficial effect this type of electromagnetic radiations has on seed germination and, later on, on plant growth and, last but not least, on the environment, through pollution decrease. The importance of the study comes from the fact that at present, in many countries of the world, there are researches being carried on that present the beneficial effect of these radiations on numerous field crops, such as: wheat, maize, sugar beets, potatoes, and peanuts; on green peppers, tomatoes, and strawberry; on vine; and in the field of plant microbiology and physiology. It has been proven so far that the same wave length cannot produce the same effect on all cultivars or hybrids of a species. It is also well known that, depending on the magnetic field of the experimental area, a certain wave length can produce a positive or negative effect, which determines the necessity of very laborious studies in order to establish wave lengths for each species (cultivar, hybrid) and the area. The working method used in the experiment is specific to determining germinative capacity, while in the treatment of the seeds we used the generator of electromagnetic radiations of the Faculty of Agriculture of Novi Sad thanks to Professor Branko Marinkovic. We should mention that we used in the treatment of the seeds only frequencies known to stimulate plant growth and measuring between 0 and 100 Hz. The support on which we sowed the seeds was quartz sand, and watering seeds was done with distilled water. The temperature in the laboratory was kept at 20-21 O C. The results of the present study are part of a research project PN II IDEI Contract nr. 1076/2009, topic code ID_864, financed by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, through the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education. The topic of the project is „Study concerning low-frequency electromagnetic waves effect on crop and quality in maize”.
more abstractwords; electromagnetic waves; germination; irradiation
Presentation: oral
Florin Imbrea, Branko Marincovic, Valeriu Tabără, Paul Pîrşan, Gheorghe David, Lucian BotoşThe 20th century is to be noticed, among other things, for the technical and technological revolution in all the fields of activity. Bernard C. said that biology “should take over from physics and chemistry the experimental method while preserving its own phenomena and laws”. At present, at international level, it is known that electromagnetic waves act on the water structure in cells, with beneficial effects on both germination and plants in vegetation. In this paper we present the positive effect of 5 frequencies whose wave lenghts is between 0-100 Hz on maize plants growth comparative to the control. Measurements concerned the fresh weight of the root (mg), the dried weight of the root (mg), the volume of the root (ml), the fresh weight of the aerial part (mg), the dried weight of the aerial part (mg), the length of the aerial part (mg), and the length of the root (cm). these measurements were made 30 days after plant sprouting. Research was carried out in the laboratory of „Agricultural produce quality analysis” of the Department of Agricultural technologies of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Banat University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine in Timişoara, using 1/1 boxes; the nutritious solution was used after the Jork method that best renders soil conditions. In the experiment, we used as genetic material the maize hybrid PR37D25 developed by the Pioneer Hi Bred Seed Co., and in the treatment of the seeds we used the generator of electromagnetic radiations of the Faculty of Agriculture of Novi Sad thanks to Professor Branko Marinkovic, a member of the research contract that finances the present study. The results of the present study are part of a research project PN II IDEI Contract nr. 1076/2009, topic code ID_864, financed by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, through the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education. The topic of the project is „Study concerning low-frequency electromagnetic waves effect on crop and quality in maize”.
more abstractwords; electromagnetic waves; biological features; irradiation
Presentation: oral
Ionel Jinga, Alina Niţu, Daniel S. NiţuThe aim of the research was to identify some technological links with high importance in maize crop technology under stress conditions, to establish the diminution level in irrigation and watering norms, as well as to find a Romanian hybrid capable to cover the farmer’s requirements. A special element in decision analysis of technological recommendations is represented by the calculating the efficiency of each factor, useful to achieve a real yield gain. Thus, two very important synthetical indices were calculated, which clearly express the ratio between water and yield (CWUE and IWUE).Similar researches were also performed in Mostistea Plain for soybean too, following the same aspects i The researches were performed during 2005-2007, in Mostistea Plain, as tri-way experiment, as follows: A = Crop technology, with graduations: a 1 = N 100 P 60 40.000 pl/ha, a 2 = N 180 P 60 70.000 pl/ha; B = Irrigation regime, with graduations: b 1 = dryland, b 2 = irrigated 50% AMI (active moisture interval), on 0-80 cm, with m=800 m 3 /ha, by overhead irrigation, b 3 = irrigated 50% AMI, on 0-40 cm, with 1 / 2 m=400 m 3 /ha, by overhead irrigation, b 4 = irrigated 50% AMI, on 0-80 cm, with m=400 m 3 /ha, by (drip) irrigation, b 5 = irrigated 50% AMI, on 0-40 cm, with 1 / 2 m=200 m 3 /ha, by (drip) irrigation; C = Cultivated genotype, with graduations: c 1 = F475 M, c 2 = Paltin, c 3 = Campion. Within the technological variants used in maize crop, a “last-generation” irrigation technology was chosen, no utilized in Romania till now, namely sprinkling (drip) irrigation.Based on the researches performed under different irrigated areas of Romania, one can ascertain that there is the possibility to diminish the irrigation norm in maize, with 15-30%. No similar researches were performed in other areas of the country. The results achieved establish the level of water supply, as well as the most efficient irrigation method for maize, based on principle “ to obtain more with much less”. The paper presents high originality degrees, no similar papers were performed till now, in Mostistea Plain. Having in view the high cost of irrigation water, the diminution of irrigation norm, by utilizing the most performance methods, has direct involvements on economical indicators (production cost, benefit).
more abstractlimited water supplying; watering rate; genotype; irrigation norm
Presentation: oral
Ionel Jinga, Daniel S. Niţu, Alina NiţuBy the performed researches, the calculation of moisture deficit and irrigation water supply was performed, based on three climatic scenarios under different pedoclimatic conditions of Romania. Due to the complexity and interest of the theme under study, practical researches in Romania regarding the plant water consumption were performed in the research stations belonging to NARDI Fundulea network, as well as at universities related to this issues. To achieve the proposed objectives, the paper presents a schedule for a mathematical modulation, with 15 variants „5 x 3”, in four reps, where reps represented the values obtained in four important crops, in Romania. Factor A – pedoclimatic area , with the following graduations: A 1 - Constanţa, A 2 - Alexandria, A 3 - Focşani, A 4 - Fundulea, A 5 - Tecuci; Factor B – climatic scenario, with the following graduations: B 1 -Tn – current average temperatures, B 2 -Tn+2 o C – increasing, with 2 o C, of the current average temperatures, B 3 -Tn+5 o C – increasing, with 5 o C, of the current average temperatures. The ETRO value was highly precisely estimated, using Thornthwaite method, and to follow all the modifications of irrigation regime elements, the water soil balances for all crops under study were achieved. The paper try to underline the negative impact of global warming, by using methods of water consumption indirect determination. Following the researches on world plane, measures to use modern irrigation techniques, limited water supplies, crop breeding for drought resistance as well as new species were taken. To achieve the researches, indirect methods to determine the water consumption were used. The proposals are very important for irrigated farming, because it is important to produce a lots and cheap, for food security. The paper presents high level of originality; no similar papers were performed till present, in Romania. The paper highlights the possible increases, in the future, of the water consumption, in the main areas of the Romania, calling attention on the safety of obtaining yields under the most fertile areas.
more abstractlimited water supplying; watering rate; irrigation norm; water consumption
Presentation: oral
Vlado Kovačević, Josip KovacevicBarley covering about 7 % of arable lands in Croatia (56157 ha/year for 2005-2007). Mean yields of barley in this period was 3.56 t/ha with variation among the year from 3.23 to 3.82 t/ha. Close to 50% of barley growing areas have been distributed in Eastern Croatia region (22 % of the state territory). Aim of this study was testing residual response of malting winter barley to ameliorative NPK 7:20:30 fertilization (April 2003: a = 0 + standard fertilization kg/ha: 125 N + 80 P 2 O 5 + 120 K 2 O; b = a+1250; c = a+2500 and d = a+3750 kg/ha). Nitrogen (N) for the a-d treatments were equalized by addition of CAN (calcium ammonium nitrate) in the amounts 974, 649, 325 and 0 kg/ha, for the a, b, c and d, respectively. The experiment was conducted in four replicates by randomized block design (the basic plot 92.4m 2 ). In the next years (2004-2006) only standard fertilization was applied and residual effects of ameliorative fertilization were tested. Malting winter barley (cultivar Lord) was sown at beginning of November 2005 and harvested in term of June 21, 2006. Water shortage in October and November (Daruvar: 38 mm precipitation vsv146 mm for 30-y mean 1961-1990), two-fold higher precipitation in December (131mm vsv 66 mm), the colder winter (mean air-temp. in January-March: 1.5 o C vsv 2.6 o C) and remaining part of barley growth in level close to long-term means, are main characteristics of the 2005/2006 growing season. Fertilization had considerably residual effects on grain yields of winter barley. Under standard fertilization barley yielded 5.42 t/ha. By using of 2500 and 3750 kg NPK 7:20:30 grain yields were increased for 6 % (5.75 t/ha) and 24 % (6.73 t/ha) respectively. However, hectolitre mass, protein and starch contents were independent on the fertilization.
more abstractwinter malting barley; fertilization; phosphorus; potassium; grain yield
Presentation: oral
Magdaléna Lacko-Bartošová, Joanna Korczyk-Szabó, Radoslav RažnýSpelt wheat appears to be a future source for the agriculture, food sector and also for the consumer. Now, it is mostly used for production of bioproducts. High interest from consumer side is because of higher nutritional value. Consumption of spelt wheat-based products could assure increased intake of minerals, vitamins and fibre what could play an important role by decreasing of glycemic index of final products containing spelt. The aim of this study was to determinate the production, milling and baking parameters, which are essential for agriculture, food industry and consumer. Eight spelt wheat varieties (Bauländer Spelz, Holstenkorn, Franckenkorn, Schwabenkorn, Rouquin, Ostro, Altgold and Rubiota) were cultivated during 2005-2008 growing seasons within ecological arable farming systems in south Slovakia region. The field trial was established at the experimental base of SUA in Nitra, Dolna Malanta. Dolna Malanta belongs to warm agroclimatic region, arid subregion with predominantly mild winter. Average air temperature is 16.4ºC and average annual precipitation is 532.5mm. The average plot size was 30m 2 and the overall land area was 450m 2 . The soil cultivation was realized at the experimental plots in order to create the suitable conditions for sowing and following growth of the spelt wheat. The agronomic parameters, indirect baking quality parameters and milling quality were evaluated. The best adaptable spelt wheat variety to growing condition of south Slovakia was Franckenkorn, with the highest yield and other production parameters. Average flour yield of spelt varieties in Rouquin and Rubiota, but the overall milling quality was the best Franckenkorn and Rouquin. The assessment of the technological quality included : wet gluten content, gluten index and falling number. Indirect baking quality parameters and ecological properties depends on the variety and weather conditions. Spelt was rich in the content of wet gluten, gluten was very tensile. A Brabender farinograph was applied to determine rheological properties of dough (water absorption, dough development time, dough stability, dough softening, quality number and mixing tolerance index). Dough was developed in short time period, characterized with low stability and weak resistance to over mixing.
more abstractspelt; ecological farming system; technological quality; production parameters
Presentation: oral
Sorin Luca, Valeriu TabărăMaize growing importance is given to the size and weight of cultivated cereal production in the economy and the various possibilities of use, which this plant can significantly contribute to ensuring these requirements up from food and energy. Across our country is used only one third of the production potential of maize hybrids growing. The objective of this work is to determine the density uniformity affecting plant for three acquiring with agronomic importance: production, corn weight, grain yield.Experience was located on a typical mold soil in the territory Plain Arad- Semlac. In terms of physical characteristics, soil that was placed experience, providing favorable conditions for growing the plant Zea mays L. Biological material is up 6 hybrids Pioneer Company: Pr37M34 (Ribera), Pr36R10, Pr37N01, Florencia, Pr35F38, Pr35T06 hybrids of groups FAO 450-500. Sowing densities were 40.000 plants / ha, 55.000 plants / ha, 70.000 plants / ha.Benchmarking was performed on the level of significance of differences (DL) after calculating the variances for bifactorial experience analysis with subdivided parcels. Optimum plant density maize stands under the influence of biological features of hybrids and the influence of ecological factors, including fertility and soil moisture are most important.Matching density with optimal features of hybrids and especially facorii vegetation, entail that the best investment is made in the cultivation of maize.Results of this study are part of a doctoral program, with the theme: "Research on the influence of sowing density on production and its quality from 6 corn hybrids, climatic conditions of Plain Arad" scholarship program funded by the European Social din Pilot Program Fund to support research doctoral scholars, under contract POSDRU/6/1.5/2 USAMVB Timisoara, under the distinguished University Professor Dr. Valeriu Tabară.
more abstractcorn hybrids; plant density; protein; fat content; starch; HM; mass of 1,000 grains
Presentation: oral
Lucian Botoş, Paul Pîrşan, Gheorghe David, Florin Imbrea, Marcel M. Duda, Gheorghe MateiCorn detains, in Romania, the first place among culture plants.Good favourableness towards this culture and large possibilities of valorising this product will make it keep the first place among cultures.Maize grew in culture and because of special features and biological phyto better resist drought and falling, is attacked by few diseases and pests, can be grown on land vary widely and in different climatic conditions, supports monoculture. The hoes leave the land clean of weeds is a good pre for many plants, even for winter wheat, recover very organic and mineral fertilizers, react very strongly to irrigation, may be sown for fodder grain and even the second culture. . Of grain endosperm by milling, to obtain flour (maize), which can be used in human food as such or is used to obtain corn flakes, biscuits, baby foods, confectionery. From the maize embryos to obtain oil, used directly to prepare food or margarine industry.Of maize have made many superabsorbent products that can be used in soil erosion control and fixing sands, biodegradable materials, dialdehyde starch (highly resistant to moisture) used in paper industry. The researches have been carried out during 2007-2009 in specific pedo-climatic area the Didactic Station in Timisoara (District of Timis).From the point of view of the climate, the Timisoara area has an average multi-annual temperature of 10.8 o . As for rainfalls, their average multi-annual amount is of 631 mm, of which 255 mm during vegetation period. Air relative moisture is, on the whole, favourable to crop productions, with an annual value of 74,7%. The frequency of dry years is 20-30%, and that of extreme rainfall is up to 11-12%. The experimental field in the Timisoara area was set on a cambic moist chernozem (weakly gleyied), weakly decarbonated, on loess-like deposits, argyle dusty/clayish-argyllous clay. The results of the present study are financed by the Limagrain Company.
more abstractmaize; production; protein content
Presentation: oral
Milan Macák, Eva Candráková, Eva HanáčkováField experiment was established to evaluate the influence of different fertilization treatments on yield and yield components and quality (proteins, oil, fibre, ash matters) of three soybean varieties Korada, Supra and OAC Vision at the experimental farm Oponice (south–western Slovakia) in 2005-2007. The experimental site belongs to warm and moderate arid climatic region. The average rainfall is 607 mm. The average temperature is 9.5 °C, for the growing season 16.1°C. The main soil type is loamy Haplic Luvisols on loess. Soybean was growing after winter wheat forecrop each year. The conventional tillage practices were used. Mouldboard ploughing in autumn and harrowing in the spring were used. During seedbed preparation preemergent herbicides were applied. The number of plants per m 2 , number of pods per plant, number of seed per pods, TSW and grain yield and yield of aboveground biomass and harvest index were determined. Fertilization treatments were as follows: I. Non-fertilized control, II. LAV 27 % (40 kg.ha -1 of net nutrient of N) in growing stage of first pair of true leaves (BBCH 101), III. Humix komplet (rate 8 l.ha -1 ) applied in growing stage of first pair of true leaves (4 l.ha -1 ) and before flowering (4 l.ha -1 ), IV. DAM 390 (20 kg.ha -1 of net nutrient of N) applied together in growing stage before flowering (BBCH 501). Sowing rate of 0.6 million germinative seeds per hectare, sowing depth 0.05 m, interrow distance 0.125 m were applied. Seeds were inoculated by HiStick preparation. The significantly highest yield of soybean seeds was achieved in year 2005 (3.89 t.ha -1 ). The most productive variety was Korada (4.15 t.ha -1 ). Fertilizer DAM 390 high significantly influenced yield of soybean seeds. Experimental factors (year, variety, fertilization) significantly influenced substance content in soybean seed. There was found out very high indirect dependency between protein content and oil content. No significant direct dependency was noted between oil and fibre content; between oil and ash matter content and between ash matter content and fibre. For agro climatic condition of south-western Slovakia variety Korada and Supra are recommended.
more abstractsoybean; variety; fertilization; yield; quality
Presentation: oral
Branko Marinković, Jovan Crnobarac, Goran Jaćimović, Milorad Rajić, Dragana Latković, Vladimir AćinSugar beet fertilization is more specific than other field crops, which is reflected in the fact that to achieve high sugar yield per unit area, with a high root yield is very important and its technological quality. Researches of impact of fertilization on these sugar beet traits in the period of three years are conducted in the stationary field experiment at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia, at Rimski Šančevi experimental station. The experiment was carried out on ten fertilization variants with increasing doses of N, P 2 O 5 and K 2 O, and the object of investigation was a local variety Sara. Root yield was the highest on the fertilization variants with the highest amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, but in any case, the difference in yield was not statistically significant in comparison with variants in which it was applied 100 kg N ha -1 . The sugar content significantly decreased, while the content of harmful nitrogen and sodium significantly increased with increasing doses of N. Refined sugar yield was the highest at the fertilization variant N 100 P 50 K 50 .
more abstractsugar beet; fertilization; nitrogen; root yield; sugar yield; technological quality
Presentation: oral
Ioana Maria Mateaş, Valeriu TabărăSafflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.), as an oil plant, has been known since ancient times. It is cultivated in U.S.A., Israel, Morocco, Spain, Italy, France, Pakistan, Tunisia, India, and Australia. Safflower has been cultivated mainly for the edible oil obtained from its seeds.It is mentioned that safflower oil has wide uses in the pharmaceutical industry, due to its purgative and anti-rheumatism effects. It does not result in an increase of the cholesterol level in the blood.Safflower flowers have atonic properties in cough.Pigments of safflower flowers are particularly important because they leave no toxic residues in coloured products. Pigments are synthesised in the root where, during vegetation, they migrate towards leading tissues towards the petals.Carthamine is one of the most valuable non-toxic compounds used in the food industry or in the textiles industry. Results obtained recently in China concern the use of safflower flowers-based medicines with good effects on coronary diseases and on angina pectoris, curing 75.6% of the total patients treated. The incidence of re-occurrence of cardiac crises as well as of side-effects is rarer than in the case of nitro-glycerine-based medicines.In order to reach the goals of our research, we used 12 safflower lines obtained through individual selection from a population of Timişoara preserved in the didactic field of the Plant Cultivation Technologies department. To emphasise the yielding capacity of some new lines of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under study, we organised, in 2007, a bi-factorial experiment in which experimental factors were as follows: Factor A – sowing time - 1 st time - MARCH, - 2 nd time - APRIL , - 3 rd time - MAY ; Factor B – safflower lines: Population of Timişoara - T 5, T 6, T 9, T 10, T 27, T 33, T 36, T 40 short, T 40 long, T 41, T 100. The experiment was set after the randomised block method. The experimental variants were set with three replications with randomisation of the Factor B (safflower lines). Research carried out pointed out the impact of sowing time on yield as a result of testing new lines of safflower. The best production of safflower achenes in the 1 st time (March) was in the T.33 line – 2,186 kg/ha, i.e. an increase of 220 kg/ha compared to the control (Population of Timişoara). In the 2 nd time (April), we noted the T.27 line characterised by a longer size, and in which we obtained an increase in yield of 507 kg/ha compared to the local Population of Timişoara. The line we noted in the 3 rd time (May) for the highest yield of achenes was the T10 line with 520 kg/ha. We could note that the highest yields of achenes in safflower were in the 1 st time in 2007 in the conditions of Timişoara.
more abstractsafflower; cultivars; yield
Presentation: oral
Ioana Maria Mateaş, Valeriu TabărăSafflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.), as an oil plant, has been known since ancient times. It is cultivated in U.S.A., Israel, Morocco, Spain, Italy, France, Pakistan, Tunisia, India, and Australia. Safflower has been cultivated mainly for the edible oil obtained from its seeds.It is mentioned that safflower oil has wide uses in the pharmaceutical industry, due to its purgative and anti-rheumatism effects. It does not result in an increase of the cholesterol level in the blood. Safflower flowers have atonic properties in cough. Pigments of safflower flowers are particularly important because they leave no toxic residues in coloured products. Pigments are synthesised in the root where, during vegetation, they migrate towards leading tissues towards the petals. Carthamine is one of the most valuable non-toxic compounds used in the food industry or in the textiles industry. Results obtained recently in China concern the use of safflower flowers-based medicines with good effects on coronary diseases and on angina pectoris, curing 75.6% of the total patients treated. The incidence of re-occurrence of cardiac crises as well as of side-effects is rarer than in the case of nitro-glycerine-based medicines. In order to reach the goals of our research, we used 12 safflower lines obtained through individual selection from a population of Timişoara preserved in the didactic field of the Plant Cultivation Technologies department.To emphasise the yielding capacity of some new lines of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under study, we organised, in 2007, a bi-factorial experiment in which experimental factors were as follows: Factor A – sowing time: - 1 st time MARCH, - 2 nd time, APRIL , - 3 rd time MAY ; Factor B – safflower lines: Population of Timişoara: T 5, T 6, T 9, T 10, T 27, T 33, T 36, T 40, T 41, T 100, T 40 short. The experiment was set after the randomised block method. The experimental variants were set with three replications with randomisation of the Factor B (safflower lines). Research carried out pointed out the impact of sowing time on yield as a result of testing new lines of safflower. The highest yield in oil in the 1 st time (March) was in the T 10 line – 920 kg/ha. The line noted for its yield in the 2 nd time (April) for its highest oil yield in safflower was the T27 line with 310 kg/ha. In the 3 rd time (May) we noted the T10 line with oil yield of 195 kg/ha. Safflower oil yield depends on the achene yield level. Sowing time also has an impact on oil content and achene yield, as well as achene oil levels.
more abstractsafflower; cultivars; yield; oil
Presentation: oral
Gheorghe Matei, G. Păunescu, F. Imbrea, Elena Roşculete, C. RoşculeteIt is widely recognized that agriculture is an important sector which ensure the human food and the existence of life. Food production depends on numerous factors, among which the technological level achieved and soil quality that is achieved that production (M. Nicolescu et al., 2008). With increasing of world population, under continuous reduction of productive agricultural area per inhabitant, the overall capacity of food production in agriculture will be under continued pressure (Lal, 1995). In the future, expansion of agriculture in areas not covered in culture is not possible, land is presented with a reduced fertility, and technical and economic performances are almost impossible. In many cases, anthropogenic degradation is increasing, representing a real threat to terrestrial ecosystems in balance. The concept of sustainability as an opportunity in agriculture, involving the choice for the future of those technologies to support the complex development of this area of activity (Elisabeta Dumitru et al., 2005). The ntroduction or removal from natural systems of additional quantities of energy and other artificial products can lead to their disruption, which requires that human activity to link with the natural ability to integrate them with beneficial effects for human and ecological balance. Concerning the above factors at SCDA Şimnic Craiova was initiated in 1965 the long-term experiments that have been pursued in addition to the influence of mineral and organic fertilization on the production and its quality but also the effects arising from the fertilization to the soil - the main means of production in agriculture - in terms of its development agro productive potential. In the present study we present results obtained in wheat production fall in the range 2005 - 2008 in the bi factorial experience (rotation x fertilization) and studied how these two factors have influenced the evolution of agro productive characteristics of the brown reddish soil. The A factor- rotation – has 5 levels: monoculture, rotation of 2 years wheat-corn, rotation of 3 years pea-wheat-corn, rotation of 4 years sunflower-wheat-corn-wheat in which wheat has two prior. The B factor B - agro fond - has 5 levels: unfertilized, N 100, P 60, N 100 P 60, and 20 t/ha manure. The work has generated a high degree of originality of results obtained on the evolution of wheat production achieved in different rotation, the best species are highlighted prior to this culture and also the analytical results of soil samples taken from each variant tested on agro productive changes to features of soil in the central area of Oltenia. Analyzing the bacterial micro flora (quantitative and qualitative aspects) in long-term experience on the effect of crop rotation and fertilization on wheat crops on the brown reddish soil were obtained increased total numbers of heterotrophic bacteria, indicating a strong effect at rizosphera level, with higher values in the monoculture of wheat, a situation due to large amount of plant debris left after wheat crops always heavier than the other hoeing crops.
more abstractwheat; rotation; fertilization; bacterial micro flora
Presentation: oral
Mihaela Lungu, Sorin Liviu Ştefănescu, Lucian Stoian, Marcela Fălticeanu, Monica Dumitraşcu, Petru NegulescuAs an answer for a cretain consumers category and in the frame of European concern for environment protection and healthier food, the Research-Development Station for Vegetable Growing, Bacău has been carying on researches for obtaining ecological vegetables for several decades. Researches of ecological agriculture are few, because, by definition an by legislation, ecological poducts have intrinsic value, exclusively detemined by the growing technologies. The Station has ecologically certified land ever since 1992. From the agrochemical point of view, the soil ment for ecological crops is normally developed, slightly acid, with a medium supply of the main nutritional elements, characteistic for the first terrace of the Siret river, suitable for vegetable gowing. The climate is moderately continental, with a multi-annual average temperature of 8,9ºC, characteristic for the second suitability zone for vegetable gowing, and the rainfall multi-annual average is 520 mm/m 2 , the rainiest month is in summer – July, with a multi-annual average of 80 mm/m 2 . Manny vegetable species are grown of wich only a few: green peppers, capsicum, tomatoes, and egg-plants are presented in this paper. Growing technologies are complex and include farm compost, green manure, and homologated and ecologically cetified products.The novelty of the researches carried on at SCDL Bacău consists of a complex approach having in view, at the same time, the preservation and improvement of the fertility soil properties, the plants nutritional status, the products mineral contents and their biochemical properties as compared to the same characteristics of conventionally grown vegetables. Increasing the yields, which are lower than those of the conventional vegetable growing, is also a goal, as well as improving the vegetables appearance, which is less pleasant than that of the conventional products. These last two aspects are limited by renouncing at the chemical fertilizers and pest control products.The final purpose of these researches, besides satisfying a certain consumers category, is to create and maintain specialized markets and ensure an adequate profit for the farmers.The present paper presents results of these researches obtained in 2006 and 2007. The soil fertility status is maintained at an adequate level over the yeas, the nutritional status of the crops is comparable with that of the conventional crops, and the nutritional value of the products, expressed by the mineral contents and biochemical properties, is no different of those of the conventional products.
more abstractecological vegetables; soil fertility; nutritional status
Presentation: oral
George MoiseCrop biotechnology is being used to enhance the productivity of crops important for the developing world, with the aim of improving food security. The nutritional composition of crop foods can be improved via biotechnology using processes like carotenoid or oleic acid enhanced vegetable oils. Also, food crops can be genetically improved by reducing their allergens and can become vehicles for vaccines against life-threatening diseases. Human milk proteins can be expressed in plants as a means to produce improved infant formulas.
more abstractcrop biotechnology; milk proteins; nutritional composition
Presentation: oral
Jelena Mrđa, Jovan Crnobarac, Vladimir MikličGermination energy is reliable index for evaluation of seed resistance depending of adverse environment conditions. Quality seed has small difference between germination energy and germination. With the energy increase, at the same level of germination, the yield is increased as well. Type of substratum is one of the things that have influence on germination energy, because the percentage of germinated seed is increasing with the usage of substratum with high absorption.The research was conducted in Laboratory for seed testing and in greenhouse of Oil Crop Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad. Seed of sunflower hybrid NS-H-111 was treated with fungicides: benomil, metalaxyl and fludioxonil and insecticides: tiametoxam and imidacloprid. Control variant was seed without treatment. The next combinations were investigated: control (non treated seed), fludioxonil + metalaxyl (F+M), fludioxonil + metalaxyl + tiametoxam (F+M+T) and fludioxonil + metalaxyl + imidacloprid (F+M+I). Seed was treated right before sowing. For examination of retention period and it’s influence on seed, seed was kept in warehouse. Conditions in warehouse were depending from weather conditions. Sterilized sand and soil were used as substratum for investigation. Germination energy was determined 4th day from the sowing.The main cause of this investigation was to conduct the influence of retention period and type of substratum at germination energy.Based on the accomplished results there are statistically high influence of chemical treatment, retention period and type of substratum at seed germination energy. Double interaction-chemical treatment x retention period and retention period x substratum type, were highly significant, while the interaction chemical treatment x substratum type wasn’t significant. Triple interaction was also statistically significant. Germination energy at control variant and at treatment F+M was highly significant referring to insecticides treatment. The value of this parameter at B+M treatment was significant referring to treatment F+M+T (for 1.70%), and highly significant referring to F+M+I treatment (for 2.52%). Germination energy after six and nine month keeping was highly significant in relation to the other variants. The values of investigated parameter after twelve months was significantly smaller in relation to values gained at the beginning of investigation and after three months. Seed germination in soil was significantly higher then in the sand for 2.62%.
more abstractsunflower seed; germination energy; chemical treatment; length of storage; substrate
Presentation: oral
Simona Niţă, Lucian Niţă, Liliana Panaitescu, Marius LunguThe experiment was carried out within the Didactic Station of USAMVB Timisoara on a cambic chernozem slightly gleyied, slightly hyposalic and moderately hyposalty under 100 cm, slightly decarbonized on loess moderate fine deposits medium clay loam / medium clay loam. According to its composition, the soil falls within the class texture "fine textured”, subclass medium clay loam, undifferentiated in profile. In the first part of the profile the soil reaction is neutral (pH 7.03-7.18) and in the second half the reaction is slightly alkaline (pH 8.25-8.49). The reserve of humus is low (62.98-75.65 t / ha) in the processed horizon and very low under 60 t / ha for the underlying horizons. Trifactorial experiments were carried out in the two cultures, in which the factor A, was represented by the cultivated variety ((for pea Dosa, Montana and Monique, for soybean Felix, Neoplata and Venera), the factor B – represented bacterized - non bacterized, and the factor C represented the sowing period with two graduations. Among the tested pea varieties Monique was the best because it had a yield of over 1950kg/ha, as compared to the experimental factors. The results obtained in the soybean culture of the Timis Plain bring out the Neoplant and Verena varieties, which had higher yields with 16% and 27% than those registered for the Felix variety. The difference in yield of 318 kg / ha, 515 kg / ha respectively, is statistically very significant. These conclusions must be verified in future years, having in view the registered climatic irregularities in 2009. The results obtained are in favour of increasing the cultivated area of the two tested leguminouse species. This relies on the assertion that for the extension of the nonpolluting technologies within the rotation of crops we have no solutions for giving up the leguminous cultures, even if the yields are low as their economical and agricultural value make them irreplaceable.
more abstractbacteris; sowing time; peas; soybeans
Presentation: oral
Simona Niţă, Lucian Niţă, Liliana Panaitescu, Marius Lungu, Dragoslav Vlad MircovThe research work was carried out on a Terra rossa (preluvisol), moderately eroded with the pH value of (in H2O) 6.00. The humus content is moderate in the first 30 cm (2.33 to 2.12%), the potassium content has high values (207.5 ppm in the Ap horizon), the mobile phosphorus content is high (63.3 to 117.3 ppm) and the nitrogen index has middle values. Trifactorial experiments were carried out in the pea culture, in which the factor A, was represented by the cultivated variety (Dosa, Montana and Monique), the factor B – represents the influence of the bacterisation with non bacterized and the factor C the influence of the sowing time. Theresults varied within the investigated period between 900 kg / ha and 1700kg/ha.For the soybean culture the experiments were organized trifactorially, the investigated factors were: factor A – the cultivated variety (Felix Neoplant and Venus), factor B - bacterizarea (nebacterizat and bacterizat) and factor C sowing period with two graduations. The crop of the researched area ranged from 1500 - 2200 kg / ha. The researches took place in the Almaj Depression being considered an area less favourable for the two cultures, the only leguminouse cultivated being the beans. The practical implications of the research work are to create opportunities to ensure the protein needs for human and animal food consumption and to improve the crop structure and to ensure efficient rotations. In conclusion, the climate issue in 2009 in both areas met the conditions for obtaining experimental results from cultures taken in the study interpret. The project that forms the basis for the paper is financed by CNCSIS and is entitled "Contributions to the development of non-poluting technologies, economically efficient for peas, soybeans and lentils, adapted to the South-Western part of the country, with effects on the reduction of protein deficiency in food”.
more abstractbacteris; sowing time; peas; soybeans
Presentation: oral
Daniel S. Niţu, Ionel Jinga, Alina MardareNormally, any result achieved in experimental fields must be followed by an economical estimation which clearly highlights the economical advantages of new variants in crop technologies. The economical calculation allows the elaboration of a budget of expenses and incomes specific to each unit, so that, it takes into consideration the production cycle and the determination of production cost and possible incomes/area unit or tone of products. Similar researches were also performed in Mostistea Plain, for soybean, following the same aspects.The researches were performed during 2005-2007, in Mostistea plain, by a tri-factorial experiment, and the achieved results were technical-economically processed. For a beter relevance of the results, the calculation was achieved for the three years of experiment, in Euro, the utilization price being represented by Chicago’s quotation. It was also taken into consideration the value of subsidies from state budget, VAT difference, which increased the expenses in maize. All economical results were finally statistically processed.Within the research, a parallel between classical maize irrigation method (overhead irrigation) and modern one (drip irrigation) was performed.The researches, on the world plane, proved that drip irrigation is economically superior to overhead one.There were no similar researches in other areas of the country.The results allow, to farmers, to efficiently dose their efforts, based on principle “much more with much less” under the context of global crisis. The paper presents high originality degrees, there are no similar researches, till present, in Mostistea Plain.Having in view the high cost of irrigation water, the diminution of irrigation norm, by the most “high-tech” methods, has direct implications on economical indicators (production cost, benefit.
more abstractlimited water supplying; watering rate; irrigation norm; water consumption; drought
Presentation: oral
Daniel S. Niţu, Alina Niţu, Ionel Jinga, Andrei VrînceanuBy the performed researches, the optimization of crop technology, water supply and best genotype was followed, with a view to achieve maximum soybean yield in the south of the country, under economical efficiency and environment preservation. Thus, after joining Romania to EU, the obtainment of economically yields and in respect of environment preservation is a major objective. There were no similar researches performed in Mostistea Plain and for maize. The researches were performed during 2005-2007, in Mostistea Plain, by a tri-factorial experiment, such as: A = crop technology , with graduations: a 1 = N 0 P 60 , bacterized, a 2 = N 40 P 60 , bacterized; B = Irrigation regime , with graduations: b 1 = dry land, b 2 = irrigated 50% AMI (active moisture interval), on 0-80 cm, with m=800 m 3 /ha, by overhead irrigation, b 3 = irrigated 50% AMI, on 0-40 cm, with 1 / 2 m=400 m 3 /ha, by overhead irrigation, b 4 = irrigated 50% AMI, on 0-80 cm, with m=400 m 3 /ha, by drip irrigation, b 5 = irrigated 50% AMI, on 0-40 cm, with 1 / 2 m=200 m 3 /ha, by drip irrigation; C = Cultivated genotype , with graduations: c 1 = Românesc 99, c 2 = Triumf, c 3 = Danubian. Within the technological variants utilized in soybean crop, a « high-tech » technology was chosen, un-utilized in Romania till now, namely drip (sprinkle) irrigation.By the researches performed under different irrigated areas of Romania, one can ascertain that there is a possibility to diminish the irrigation norm, by low limited water supply, with 15-30%.There were no similar researches in other areas of the country.The achieved results establish the level of water supply, as well as the most efficient irrigation method in soybean, based on principle “much more with much less”. The paper presents high originality, there are no similar papers, till present, in Mostistea Plain. It also presents a new approach of water supply diminution, as utilization of some new and performance watering methods.Having in view the high cost of the irrigation water, the diminution of irrigation norm, by utilizing new performance methods has direct impact on economical indicators.
more abstractlimited water supplying; watering rate; irrigation norm; water consumption; drought
Presentation: oral
Alina Niţu, Ionel Jinga, Daniel S. Niţu, Andrei VrînceanuBy the performed researches, the calculation of moisture deficit and irrigation water supply was performed, based on both climatic scenarios and determination of water consumption in irrigated crops, due to predicted climatic changes, in Romania. Theoretical and practical researches in Romania regarding the plant water consumption were performed at NARDI Fundulea.To achieve the proposed objectives, the paper presents a schedule for a mathematical modulation, with 12 variants „4 x 3”, in five reps, where reps represented the values obtained under five pedoclimatic areas in Romania. Factor A – tested crop , with the following graduations: A1- sunflower, A2- maize, A3- sugar beet, A4- soybean; Factor B – climatic scenario, with the following graduations: B1-Tn – current average temperatures, B2-Tn+2oC – increasing, with 2 o C, of the current average temperatures,B3-Tn+5oC – increasing, with 5 o C, of the current average temperatures. The necessity of irrigation in a certain area was established depending on moisture deficit estimated as difference between water consumption and supply sources for soil and plant.The ETRO value was highly precisely estimated, using Thornthwaite method, and to register all the modifications of irrigation regime elements, the water soil balances for all crops under study were achieved.The paper, try to underline the negative impact of global warming, by using methods of water consumption indirect determination. Following the researches on world plane, measures to use modern irrigation techniques, limited water supplies, crop breeding for drought resistance as well as new species were taken.To achieve the researches, indirect methods to determine the water consumption were used.The proposals are very important for irrigated farming, because it is important to produce a lots and cheap, for food security.The paper presents high level of originality, no similar papers were performed till present, in Romania.The paper highlights the possible increases, in the future, of the water consumption, in main crops, under the context of water and energy limited resources.
more abstractlimited water supplying; watering rate; irrigation norm; water consumption
Presentation: oral
Alina Niţu, Daniel S. Niţu, Ionel JingaBy the performed researches, the need to recalculate the elements of irrigation regime depending on the possible climatic changes, which could affect Romania, in the future, as well as the possibility of low limited water supply, in the context of the climate modifications.The global warming is a phenomenon unanimely accepted by the international scientific community, being already emphasized by the observation data analysis, during long periods. The simulations achieved by global climatic models underlined the fact that the main factors which determine this phenomenon are both natural (variations of sun light and vulcano activity) and anthropogeneous ones (changes in atmosphere compositiopn due to human activities).To achieve the proposed objectives, the paper presents three possible climatic scenarios, such as:1.Tn – current average temperatures; 2.Tn+2 o C – increasing, with 2 o C, of the current average temperatures; 3.Tn+5 o C – increasing, with 5 o C, of the current average temperatures. The need to apply irrigation for a certain area was established depending on the moisture deficit calculated as difference between water consumption and supply sources for both soil and crops.The ETRO value was highly precisely estimated, using Thornthwaite method, and to follow all the modifications of the elements of irrigation regime, the water soil balances for all crops under study were achieved.The paper tries to underline the negative impact of global warming, as well as to find practical solutions for farmers to counteract the drought effects.Following the researches on world plane, measures to limit the alert rhythm of climate change were taken. The measures were discussed in international summits, as those of Kyoto and Copenhagen.To achieve the researches, indirect methods to determine the water consumption were used due to lack of modern equipments.The proposals are very important for irrigated farming, because it is important to produce a lots and cheap, for food security.The paper presents high level of originality, no similar papers were performed till present, in Romania.The modification of elements in irrigation regime could lead to devastating economical effects for Romania’s agriculture. Following increasing of average temperatures, there could be catastrophic effects, even as danger for human beings, under the current economical context.
more abstractlimited water supplying; watering rate; irrigation norm; water consumption; drought
Presentation: oral
Liliana Panaitescu, Marius Lungu, Simona Niţă, Anca Nicoleta Albu, Georgeta BeleniucIn the crop structure of Dobrogea, wheat occupies a percentage between 23 and 33%, depending on the economical factors, but also on the climatic ones. In the years with climatic risks, the percentage of wheat in the crop structure decreases. This drop is maintained the following year as well. The production is greatly influenced by the low precipitations fallen that particular year, both throughout the year but especially over the vegetation period of wheat. Temperature is another risk factor that influences wheat culture in Dobrogea. The scorchers occurred during certain vegetation periods of wheat, associated with atmospheric drought and soil dryness, influence negatively the formation of the productivity elements and finally lead to important production decreases. The paper presents the results of researches regarding the behavior of certain wheat types on chernozem soil in the conditions of the Dobrogea Plateau. The paper also makes proposals regarding the choice of a version of cultivation technology in order to control the negative effects of the biotic and abiotic factors on the autumn wheat production in Dobrogea. It also presents the results obtained regarding the harvest structure for the studied wheat types. Knowing that, in Dobrogea’s specific climatic conditions, too early or too late sowing causes problems in wheat culture which lead to important harvest losses, the influence of the sowing time on the production of the studied types was researched. Because of the small quantity of precipitations falling in Dobrogea and their non-uniform distribution over the wheat vegetation period, irrigation must be applied as a measure to increase the production. Not respecting certain technological elements such as fitting sowing within the optimum period, cultivating wheat after good previous plants, good soil tilling on time or the use of chemical fertilizers also lead to important production decreases. This paper refers to the fact that the manifestation of the productive potential of one type of wheat is connected to the genetic factor, but also to the other vegetation factors and the applied technology. We attempted to study the behavior of certain Romanian and foreign autumn wheat types which exist in the official catalogue of types and hybrids of cultivated plants in Romania, some older in crops, other newly introduced in the crop structure of Dobrogea.
more abstractwheat; agroclimatic condition; productive potential
Presentation: oral
Liliana Panaitescu, Marius Lungu, Simona Niţă, Anca Nicoleta Albu, Georgeta Beleniuc, Mihaela Şonel, Florentina MalancuAccording to FAO, sunflower is cultivated in 65 countries, being present on all the continents. The global surface cultivated with this plant is continually increasing. In 2002 it was cultivated on over 19 million ha, while in 2008 it was cultivated on over 25 million ha. The average international production is also on the increase (12.6 q/ha in 2002, 14.2 q/ha in 2008). In Europe, the situation is similar to the international one, both the cultivated surfaces and the productions obtained being on the increase. Taking into account the particular importance held by this plant at international and European level, this paper presents the behavior of certain sunflower hybrids, which exist in the official list of types and hybrids of cultivated plants in Romania. The paper follows the manifestation of the productive potential of this plant in the current agropedoclimatic conditions of the Dobrogea Plateau. It is known that sunflower has the highest water consumption from the occurrence of inflorescence to seed formation, when water consumption can rise to 5 mm/day and even more. From the calendar point of view, the critical phase in regards to water is in July and the first part of August. However, in Dobrogea Plateau, this period is poor in precipitations. Considering that all the technological elements contribute to the manifestation of the productive potential of a hybrid/type, but also that sunflower has the capacity to adapt to different environmental conditions and to high temperature oscillations (it resists at low temperatures, especially at the beginning of the vegetation period, as well as at drought), the paper refers to the manifestation of the productive potential of certain sunflower hybrids, depending on morpho-physiological characters, such as size, calathidium diameter, seed size or duration of the vegetative cycle, which depend to a large extent on temperature, photoperiod, humidity, but also agrotechnical means used. Knowledge of the reports between the vegetation factors and plants offers the cultivator the possibility, by means of the technical elements he has, to control, regulate and direct their action within certain limits, to provide the optimum conditions for the normal biological cycle and thus to obtain the estimated harvest.
more abstractfloarea soarelui; hibrizi; potenţial productiv; condiţii agropedoclimatice
Presentation: oral
Liliana Roşculeţ, Valeriu TabărăThe main purpose of the present work is to emphasize the behaviour of three cotton species (Marismas, Coko and Canada), from Greece and Canada, but in Timisoara weather conditions. The experimental field placed into a plane microrelief with a large area hollow, on a sol of cambic chernozem type. Bifactorial experience was placed in the field after the subdivided parcels method. The established experimental factors were: factor A – agrofund (a 1 - N 0 P 0 K 0 , a 2 - N 30 P 30 K 30 , a 3 - N 60 P 30 K 30 , a 4 - N 90 P 60 K 60 , a 5 - N 120 P 60 K 60 , a 6 - N 30 P 30 K 30 + foliar fertilization); factor B- species (b 1 - Marismas- Greece, b 2 - American provenance, b 3 - Coko- Greece). The applied technology for the cotton crop was representative in the big crop. After arising was made in turn density correction. It was realized monitoring and maintenance evolution in vegetation of the experimental factors and of its entire experience. The cropping is made when the capsule are completely opened, at the maturity. The cropping moment in our country is considered the one before the first hoarfrost dropping. After cropping the three cotton species were obtained productions of: blank cotton, fibres and seeds. An important role for production quantity and quality have the three fertilized macroelements: the azoth, phosphorus, and potassium. The effected investigations emphasized those influence on productions of blank cotton, fibres, and seeds. For established objects touching through investigation, the crop fertilization was differently made on the 6 agrofunds (a 1 - N 0 P 0 K 0 , a 2 - N 30 P 30 K 30 , a 3 - N 60 P 30 K 30 , a 4 - N 90 P 60 K 60 , a 5 - N 120 P 60 K 60 , a 6 - N 30 P 30 K 30 + foliar fertilization). The best production at Marismas species was obtained on agrofund a 4 - N 90 P 60 K 60 (relative 2863 kg/area blank cotton production) beside beholder variant a 1 - N 0 P 0 K 0 . The biggest production for Canada species was obtained on the agrofund a 4 - N 90 P 60 K 60 (2457 kg/area blank cotton). The big productions at Coko species was obtained on the agrofund a 4 - N 90 P 60 K 60 (2237 kg/area blank cotton). The three cotton species presented a good adaptability to weather conditions from Timisoara. The cotton has the capacity to acclimate itself at a low humidity, from hydrophilic aspect, and it receives fairly quickly xerofit plant features.
more abstractcotton species; behaivor; agrofunds; production
Presentation: oral
Liliana Roşculeţ, Valeriu TabărăIn this paper is studied the phenotipical variability of three cotton species (Gossypium hirsutum sp.): Marismas, Canada, and Coko in the investigation year 2008. It was analized the following characters: blank cotton weight/ plant/ parcel/ agrofund, fibres weight/ plant/ parcel/ agrofund, seeds weight /plant/ parcel/ agrofund. The test was made at Didactic Station Timisoara, the experimental field being placed into a plane microrelief with large area hollow, on a sol of cambic chernozem type. The bifactorial experience was placed in the field after subdivided parcels methods. The established experimental factors were: factor A – agrofund (a 1 -N 0 P 0 K 0 , a 2 – N 30 P 30 K 30 , a 3 - N 60 P 30 K 30 , a 4 - N 90 P 60 K 60 , a 5 - N 120 P 60 K 60 , a 6 - N 30 P 30 K 30 + foliar fertilization); factor B – the species (b 1 - Marismas- Greece, b 2 - American provenance, b 3 - Coko- Greece). The vegetation conditions analysis for the cotton is made during the period May- October; active vegetation period situated between 1 st May and the first autumn hoarfrost. In the cotton crop it must to have in mind the field uniformity and also the insurance of the best density to each species. The three cotton species presented a good adaptability to weather conditions from Timisoara. The cotton has the capacity to acclimate itself at lower humidity, from plant with hydrophilic aspect, and it receives fairly quickly xerofit plant features. The best results were obtained at all tree analyzed varieties in the a 4 - N 90 P 60 K 60 agrofonds. So, the fibres weight/ plant/ parcel was at 110,58g – Marismas variety, 113,08 g – Canada variety, 101,79 g – Coko variety. The seeds weight /plant/ parcel was at 154,22 g – Marismas variety, 126,07g – Canada variety, 119,72 g – Coko variety. The blank cotton weight/ plant/ parcel was at 264,80 g – Marismas variety, 239,15 g – Canada variety, 221,51 g – Coko variety.
more abstractcotton species; characters; agrofunds; fertilisation
Presentation: oral
Maria Şandor, Cornel Domuţa, Gheorghe Bunta, Cristian Domuţa, Ioana Borza, Adrian Vuşcan, Radu Brejea, Manuel Gîtea, Anuţa JurcaThe researches were carried out during 2006-2008 on the preluvosoil from Agricultural and Development Research Station Oradea characterized by the presence of the horizons Bt 1 (34-54 cm depth) and Bt 2 (54-78 cm depth); the colloid clay eluviation determined to appear the El horizon with 31.6% colloid clay. On 0-20 cm depth, the soil has a big percentage of macroagregates (Φ > 0.25 mm), 47.5% bulk density is of 1.41 g/cm 3 and total porosity is median one, hydraulic conductivity is of 21.0 mm/h. The values of the pH indicates a low acid soil, humus, total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content are low. The source of irrigation water was a drill of 15 m depth. The chemical parameters of the irrigation water were the following: fixed mineral residue 0.5 g/l; SAR index 0.52; CSR index= -1.7%; N. Florea class = II; there are not some problemes regarding the use of irrigation use. We use 5 Romanian wheat cultivar: Dropia, Crişana, Arieşan, Alex, Ardeal. In comparison with the Dropia are insignificant difference statistically in Crişana, Alex and Ardeal and negative distingue significant in Arieşan. Wet gluten and dry gluten of the cultivars Dropia, Crişana and Arieşan had not the differences statistically assured. In comparison with Dropia cultivar, in Alex and Ardeal, very significant and distingvely significant differences were registered. Falling number was improve very significant statistically in comparison with Dropia in Crişana (64.3%) and Alex (20,0%) but the values are included in the class with bad falling number, in Arieşan the difference is insignificant statistically and in Ardeal the difference is negative distingue significant. All 5 cultivars had very good values of the deformation index. The best value was obtained in Alex (4 mm) and Crişana (5 mm).The researches were carried out in the project: PN-II-ID-PCE-2008; 1103/2009 ”Study of the relationships in the soil-water-plant-atmosphere system on the land affected succesivelly by excess and deficit of moisture from North Western Romania regarding the improve of the yield quantity and quality”.
more abstractwheat; cultivar: Dropia; Crişana; Alex; drought; yield; irrigation
Presentation: oral
Maria Şandor, Cornel Domuţa, Cristian Domuţa, Ioana Borza, Radu Brejea, Adrian Vuşcan, Anuţa JurcaMaize is a vegetal specie with a big potential due a large utilisation like food sources for people and animals and for industry. Optimizing of the water regime assures the integral use of the yield potential of the maize hybrids. In the same time, natural resources of the water are more and more used as consequence decrease continously and the increase of the water use efficiency in maize. The researches were made during 2006-2008 in a long term trial placed in 1990 on the preluvosoil from Agricultural Research and Development Station Oradea. characterized by the presence of the horizons Bt 1 (34-54 cm depth) and Bt 2 (54-78 cm depth); the colloid clay eluviation determined to appear the El horizon with 31.6% colloid clay. On 0-20 cm depth, the soil has a big percentage of macroagregates (Φ > 0.25 mm), 47.5% bulk density is of 1.41 g/cm 3 and total porosity is median one, hydraulic conductivity is of 21.0 mm/h. The values of the pH indicates a low acid soil, humus, total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content are low. The source of irrigation water was a drill of 15 m depth. The chemical parameters of the irrigation water were the following: fixed mineral residue 0.5 g/l; SAR index 0.52; CSR index= -1.7%; N. Florea class = II; there are not some problemes regarding the use of irrigation use. Two factors were studied: crop rotation (maize-monocrop; maize-wheat; maize-soybean-wheat) and water regime (unirrigated and irrigated). In comparison with unirrigated and irrigated monocrop, in the maize-wheat crop and especially in the maize-soybean-wheat very significant yield gains were obtained: 15.7% and 17.8% in the maize-wheat crop rotation and 44% and 28.3% in the maize-soybean-wheat crop rotation. In the all three crop rotation variants and in the all years studied the irrigatin determined the yield gains very significant statistically. The experiences gives the possibility of a study of crop rotation that has become a need in maize crops because of the Diabrotica virgifera, virgifera attacks, compared to older than previous literature that recommended monocrop or repeated crops. The researches were carried out in the project: PN-II-ID-PCE-2008; 1103/2009 ”Study of the relationships in the soil-water-plant-atmosphere system on the land affected succesivelly by excess and deficit of moisture from North Western Romania regarding the improve of the yield quantity and quality”.
more abstractcrop rotation; maize; yield; protein content; irrigation
Presentation: oral
Jozef Smatana, Tomáš Vereš, Nora Smatanová, Pavol KobulnickýThe field trial was conducted at the experimental farm Kolíňany (south-west Slovakia) in 1999-2006. Experimental farm is situated in warm and moderate arid climatic region with altitude of field from 180 to 310 m. The average annual rainfall is 580.0 mm. The average annual rainfall during the growing season is 320.3 mm. The mean annual temperature is 9.6˚C. The mean temperature during growing season is 16.3˚C. The soil is Orthic Luvisol with loamy texture with different thickness of humus layer (from 0.23 to 0.45). Winter wheat was growing on minimum 10 large scale field range from 30 to 50 ha. An actual weed infestation was evaluated before application of post emergent herbicides and 3-4 week after application of herbicides and third evaluation just before harvest with concordance to International scales of EWRS. Screening of each field was made on the quadrant of 1 m 2 area by counting method with four replications. The four randomly established sample quadrants were situated minimally 20 m from field margin and apart each other, respectively. The dominant weed species in winter weeds field were as follows: Elytrigia repens, Galium aparine, Tripleurospermum perforatum, Cirsium arvense, Fallopia convolvulus, Lamium purpureum, Stellaria media, Capsella bursa pastoris, Thlapsi arvense and Viola arvense with low to medium infestation level. Total weed density was high.The different level of seasonal dynamics. Mostly in all species generally the declination of infestation level and weed density was noted at the end of evaluation period. The increasing level of infestation was noted by Tripleurospermum perforatum, Fallopia convolvulus, Stellaria media and Capsella bursa pastoris. The higher actual weed infestation was noted in 2003 and 2004. These evaluated years were characterised by wet condition with normal up to warm temperature and spring was characterised by normal precipitation and temperature condition. The changes of active ingredient of herbicides significantly influence the composition of weed flora for instance decreasing of trifluralín support the Stellaria media infestation and Lamium spp. The weed control under threshold level is important also for subsequent crops.
more abstractweed infestation; winter wheat; herbicides
Presentation: oral
Marin Soare, Rodica Soare, Paula Iancu, Elena BonciuIn our country, the cultivated surfaces with seed bean decreases in the last decade because of the change of the field possession and because of the lack of some sales markets of the yield. In the present, the interest for this plant began to rise, so t is necessary to create new seed bean varieties which correspond to the requests of the modern world. In the case of the field bean it is required that the new create varieties to be characterized through a good yield capacity, resistance to pests and diseases, resistance to some unfavourable ecological factors action and superior quality. For that, it is necessary that the sources of genes having in possession to be as richer and diverse and the local populations represent an important category of genetic resources.To Banu Maracine R.S. of University from Craiova it was organized in 2005-2008 period an experience which had as the aim to study the variability of some bean populations from Oltenia area along with homologate varieties and the possibility of using these populations with the view to choose valuable genotypes for breeding.On the basis of the obtained results in the case of the study of the variability of the quantitative characters by using limit differences it were retained for multiple comparisons ten genotypes which emphasized as concern some studied characters and became from five different areas from Oltenia. Biological material was represented by Star variety and the populations of: Bralostita-Dolj, Targu-Jiu-Gorj, Poiana Mare-Dolj, Boureni-Dolj, Ianca-Olt, Osica-Olt, Ostroveni-Dolj, Leu-Dolj, and Pielesti-Dolj. These genotypes presented specific morphological characters and some valuable issues which were analysed by multiple comparison method (Duncan Test). These comparisons were made for the next groups of characters: stem heights, number of ramifications on the stem, the insertion height of the first pod, average number of seed in a pod, total number of seed per plant and one thousand seed mass. It was established that the local seed bean populations from Oltenia area represents a valuable material, with high genetic variability which allow their use as gene sources for breeding process.
more abstractbean; varieties; local populations; breeding programme
Presentation: oral
Rodica Soare, Marin Soare, Ovidiu Păniţă, Elena RoşculeteThe market place of the organic agriculture is increasing in the most EU countries. This fact is motivated by the consumer’s request for the food product obtained by using unpolluted, clean technologies, without toxic substances. For the increasing of the organic agriculture it is necessary the elaboration and the knowledge of alternative technologies. The aim of the research was to identify new possibilities to minimize the pollution level of the environment and to increase the viability of the vegetable sector on long term, which can be done by the conversion process to the organic vegetable yield. In order to obtain organic products, inside off the organic vegetable farms, it is needed to produce organic certified transplants. In this way, it was organized an experience concerning the improvement of the organic tomatoes transplants product technologies by using treatments with bioactive products. The bibliography shows numerous date regarding the using of plants extracts, marine algae etc., with an essential role in increasing and development of the crops. In this way, for the tomatoes obtaining process, for the organic crops from green houses or filed, there were used many methods for the stimulation of the biologic potential by applying treatments with certified organic products. The biological material used was represented by the autumn tomatoes transplants, the Cristal hybrid, produced in greenhouse and as biostimulator products there were applied the next organic certified assortment: Cropmax, Algimax and Hyppophae rhamnoide extract. The experimental model had the next six variants: V1 – untreated transplant; V2 – transplant treated with Hyppophae rhamnoides extract; V3 – transplant treated with Cropmax; V4 – transplant treated Algimax; V5 – transplant treated with a mixture of Cropmax and Hyppophae rhamnoides extract; V6 – transplant treated with Algimax and Hyppophae rhamnoides extract. By applying those products, there were obtained transplants with superior physical and chemical features compare with the untreated control. (In this way, it is increased the plant vigurosity by the enlargement of the stem with a maximum of 27,3%, the number of leaf/plant is higher with a maximum of 17,5%, and the formation of the fruits elements is earlier, the ratio of inflorescences/plant being of 30,4%-79,3%, superior compare with the control). Also, it was obtained transplants in a shorter period of time, respectively in 45 days compare with 50-55 days, reducing the number of day necessary to heat up the greenhouse, so a lower energy consumption. As originality elements, it can be considered aspects regarding the applying treatments with organic products, especially by association between Cropmax or Algimax and Hyppophae rhamnoides extract.All those determination are important and necessary, concerning the practical aspects, in order to ensure the transition of as much possible high number of farms from the conventional agriculture to the alternative and then to the durable one. Also, there will be a positive impact on the knowledge in this agriculture area, contributing on the enrichment of bibliography.
more abstractecologically; quality; bioactive products
Presentation: oral
Sorin Liviu Ştefănescu, Irina Calciu, Monica Dumitraşcu, Elisabeta DumitruField research has been performed in one of the first organic farm in Romania (S.A. Stepa, Stupina, Constanţa, organic certified since 2000), with the aim of assessing the agricultural practices impact on the soil physical, chemical and biological state. The entire range of usual analyses were conducted for soil samples collected from five different agricultural plots, under different technologicall undertakings. From the physical side, the findings rose the issue of the high risk of farm’s soils macro- and micro-destruction as well the soil profile shallow layers structural instability within the general context of a low organic matter content. The soil environment indicators are still to be improved whether several tillage approaches are to applied. In this view, recomandation are drawn including minimum/reduced tillage practices which can contribute to increase the farming and farm sustainability.
more abstractorganic farming; conservation tillage; soil environment; soil physical parameters
Presentation: oral
Camelia TodoranThe paper deals with the study of the influence of the seeds ageing and calibration on the percent of the raised plants at the main hybrids cultivated in Transylvania. The age of seed is an important factor which depends on the capacity of germination and seed răsărirea. During seed aging, significant changes occur from the accumulation of substances inhibiting growth, metabolic breakdown of reserve substances, proteins and lipids distortion, while abnormal increase germs, reduce germination ability and can be reached in Finally the death of all germs. Seed size expressed usually by 1000 grain weight (MMB) that are directly related, is of particular importance to agricultural practice as compared to the seed medium and especially large, having a higher content of nutrients and better embryo develop, manage to give seedlings a better start, with a higher power to travel with a rooting, growth and better development. The correlation between the indications established through laboratory analyses and field raising represents an important part of the control of the seeds vigour. The raising uniformity was made through the daily counting of the plants raised for three days and was expressed through the percent of the plants raised every day, at those three experimental hybrids from four calibrations of the seed derived from different years of obtaining. Research has been conducted in the experimental field of Jucu Research Station during the years 2007-2008, and biologic material taken into study was created at SDCA Turda from hybrids that were in production and on perspectivehybrids that were in production and on perspective , namely: Turda 201-trilinear hybrid, semiearly, created at SCDA Turda, group FAO 340, Turda 200 double hybrid, early, registered in 1976, reinscribed in The Official Cataloque in2000 and Turda 165-trilinear hybrid, early, belonging to group FAO 270The obtained results show that the ageing of corn seeds and their caliber may influence the raising rhythm of the plants at the hybrids cultivated through the production conditions, maturation and keeping from the production year until the insemination year.
more abstractcorn; old; caliber; sunrise
Presentation: oral
Camelia TodoranThe paper deals with the study of the influence of the ageing and treatments with fungicide on the corn seeds cold test from different calibers.The purpose of this study started from the fact that during the ageing of the seeds important changes are produced, starting with the accumulation of turnoff substances of the raising, the metabolic putrefaction of the substituted substances, the denaturation of the proteins and lipids, likewise the fact that the seeds carry on their surface, under the coating or even inside them a lot of pathogens or pestiferous that continue the evolutive cycle and this fact could influence the values of the vigour potential, appreciated through cold test.To improve the health of the seed using seed treatment with different physical means, chemical or biological. The research was conducted under controlled conditions of growth (fitotron), and the seeds were treated with the product Topsin least 70 concentration 2gr/10l water.The cold test exposes the corn seeds, derived from three hybrids(T-201, T-200, T-165) from four calibers(LL, LR, ML, MR) at 10o C for 7 days in fertile soil at an absorbing capacity of the water of 60-70%, after that, before they were exposed to some rasing period for 6 days at a temperature of 25o C. Germ was made after assessing the 13th day from the germinated.The work is prezentete experimental results obtained in the years 2007-2008, and biological material hand machines was created to resort Turda Research and Development in 2004, 2005, 2006.Following research it was found that the most favorable size for obtaining vigorous germ is large widescreen size (LL) and fungicide treatments Topsin 70 PU not significantly change their values from any of the hybrids tested.The determination result will permit the classification of the seeds lots in resistance groups, giving the possibility to choose the best period of sowing.
more abstractcorn; age; treatment; cold-test
Presentation: oral
Mihaela Claudia Ungureanu, Valeriu TabărăBy the correct appliance of all technological links specific to the sunflower culture, the agriculture becomes more sustainable and advanced. Like any culture plant, the spectacular progresses achieved by the firm Limagrain in Romania, in the last years, impose the thoroughly study of the main features of the Clearfield sunflower hybrids and of their behavior under the differential influence of the chemical and foliar fertilization, with their ulterior implications on the morphological particularities of the achenes. The sunflower hybrids with genetic resistance to certain herbicides like imidazoline or sulphuran-urea herbicides which can be applied post-emerging contribute both to increasing of the yields per hectare and to enhancement of the sunflower efficiency in the farms.
more abstracthybrids; chemical fertilization and foliar; morphological particularities
Presentation: oral
Mihaela Claudia Ungureanu, Valeriu TabărăFarming future must be not only sustainable but also performing, this is accomplished through proper application of any specific technological links sunflower crop. In this link, fertilizers of any kind must take a priority role in maintaining and enhancing soil fertility to increase agricultural production. This paper aims to highlight issues concerning the importance of sunflower hybrids Clearfield type (resistant to herbicides of Group imidazolinonelor) in Romania, the role of foliar fertilizers and plant growth and development of sunflower with further implications on the quantity and quality of production optimum doses of fertilizers with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium soil and climate conditions of Timisoara. Market presence in Romania of Limagrain for 10 years and significant results obtained by testing the potential of hybrid sunflower production behavior under extreme conditions of water stress and, together with technology you have available, argues scientific importance of these hybrids that provide farmers the best solution for placing them in culture.The study were taken three sunflower hybrids with resistance to herbicides such as imidazoline create firm Limagrain: Rimisol (approved for cultivation in Romania in 2004), and F 30008, LHA 6654. The research topic chosen, hybrids mentioned are tested against four agrofonduri: N 0 P 0 K 0 , N 60 P 60 K 60 , N 90 P 60 K 60 and N 60 P 60 K 60 + foliar fertilizer (Fertitel). Experience bifactorial type was placed in the experimental field USAMVBT. Introduction of hybrid-type culture has economic importance for agriculture Clearfield whereas monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weed control using herbicides containing the active substance imidazolinele are eliminated 1-2 mechanical papers, which are currently very expensive. Even if a single year, the results are valuable for agricultural practice and underlines the effectiveness of foliar fertilization on the production of chemical and achenes.The results of this study are part of a doctoral program, with as theme: "Development of cultivation technology of sunflower hybrids to increase seed production and oil" under the leadership of the distinguished university professor Valeriu Tabără.
more abstractsunflower; hybrids; chemical fertilizers and foliar
Presentation: oral
Dan Vârban, Marcel M. Duda, Rodica Vârban, Sorin Muntean, L. MunteanResearch aimed at the evaluation and selection of biological material, genetically valuable for several genotypes of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench. The experiment, that took place during the years 2008 şi 2009, aimed the phenological study and the content of active principles in several genotypes of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench received from 8 different locations in Europe and of a population from Cluj (acclimated since 1982 in our university). All the tested plants have been multiplied by means of seedlings. Among the investigated genotypes during both consecutive years, under the climatic conditions from Cluj – Napoca, the earliest (regarding the vegetation period) were: Porrentry (Switzerland) and the population from Cluj, related to the control variants (the average of the experimental plot).The aerial parts had a major contribution to the whole plant weight. It was noticed that, during each year of experience, the genotypes Warsaw-Poland, Műnchen-Germany, Siena-Italy, and Jena-Germany, compared to the control variant (field average).As related to the field average, in both experimental years, the higher content in phenyl propanic derivates was detected in the genotypes Porrentry-Switzerland, Műnchen-Germany, Gdansk-Poland, and within the population of Cluj. Concerning the content of immunostimulatory polysaccharides, the following variants were more valuable: Nantes-France, Porrentry-Switzerland, the populations of Cluj and Műnchen- Germany. A high degree of novelty characterizes this study, because such research was not performed in our country. Our research focused some genotypes we received from some European locations. The study of the Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench genotypes in Cluj–Napoca environment, showed a variability of the productive morpho-physiological elements. This aspect is favourabkle for the improvement programmes. The paper is original and important in the field of the medicinal and aromatic plants.
more abstractEchinacea purpurea (L.) Moench; varieties; biology; active principles
Presentation: oral
Valdete Vorpsi, Fatos Harizaj, Nikollaq Bardhi, Vjollca Vladi, Erta DodonaSafflower, Carthamus tinctorius L., is a member of the family Compositae or Asteraceae, cultivated mainly for its seed, used for production of edible oil which has the highest polyunsaturated/saturated ratios of any oil available. It is nutritionally similar to olive oil, with high levels of linoleic or oleic acid, but much less costly [1]. The meal left after oil extraction is used for animal feed. Crude protein varies: from 16- 17% for undecorticated meal . This study intends to draw attention to a number of species originating from Italy and cultivated in experimental condition in Albania. Where expression of the major character(s) evaluated is affected by environmental factors such as day length and temperature, the location is described geographically. It’s hoped that the information compiled will contribute to: (1) identifying constraints in and possible solutions to the use of the crops, (2) identifying and selecting varieties with interest for further cultivation. Also, authors intend to contribute to improvement of the potential qualities of these crops through increased use of the available varieties. Study is focused especially on analyzing the content of oil, protein, fiber and moisture, in safflower seeds, conducted under AOAC-sixteenth Edition methods. Three varieties are used: BENNO 2 (with oil and protein content respectively: 31.26 and 16.36%), SAFF 2002 (with oil and protein content respectively 33.11 and 16.80%), MONTOLA 2000 (with oil and protein content respectively 33.45 and 16.19%). Maximal value of moisture for all varieties is 7%. BENNO 2 has the highest value of fiber content (24.26%). Suggestions and recommendations are given for the producers in order to increase the oil and protein content in safflower seeds. In addition, it is hoped that article will form a valuable reference source for all those scientists involved in conservation, research, improvement and promotion of Carthamo.
more abstractsafflower; oil seed; Carthamus tinctorius L.
Presentation: oral
Aurica Soare, Gheorghe VoicuSuch research has been conducted in order to establish the main measures to improve the quality and quantity of forage base areas operated by grazing the Plain Brăilei in conjunction with climatic features of the area. Methods for improving technology are based on establishing specific culture in the Baraganu North area Plain and the efficiency of these areas by placing them in intensive exploitation circuit, with herds of cattle, sheep and goats owned by family farms. Case study was performed on the natural meadow of the Territorial Administrative Rosiori Unit,of 63 hectares that was the research module, afterwards will be reported the outcome research in the entire area of grassland in the county. With Braila county area of grassland / cattle ran diseases as the basis for livestock forage for cattle and sheep / goat heads in the number of 63,115 sheep and 26,451 head respectively 255,109 head of goats is 28,905 ha. Such animal cargo area is about 0.5 ha per head in non-irrigated conditions with an output of 836,549 tons / year green mass. It is noted insufficient amount of green mass obtained from such areas leading to radical action agro-based zonal development strategy and an appropriate technical level. This work underpins the development of a county strategy, adapted to the particularities of local soil and climate, specified to all territorial administrative units in hand, placed in the specific Baraganu North Plain area. In the present study stood the developing a feasibility study which included the following: a pedological study, a thorough search of floristic composition of the area, technology recommendations and the drawing up of a technological form. A review of natural grasslands in general and in particular the Territorial Administrative Unit Roşiori carried out: a geotechnical study, physical study and geographical conditions of the area and study Floristics. The results obtained from the study were specific agro-technology development specific habitat looked suitable conditions, by making the statement and estimate of technological tasks, but also a cost-benefit analysis. Sustainable development of rural areas as a response of contemporary society demanded for support of ecosystems services is given largely as biodiversity conservation and intensive management of pastures. In this context, this paper addresses the study of natural grasslands ecosystems Plain Braila, in this new perspective.
more abstractfloristic composition; grazing; forage base
Presentation: oral
Costel Bârliba, Luminiţa CojocariuThe background for using the multifunctional system of pastures consist in the integrate management of the vegetal carpet that by pasture usage value, take a new size, connected to the sustainable development. Also, the pastoral multifunctional using degree could lead to a standard degree concerning the Romanian agricultural integration into the European structures. The main objective of this study is made by the Nadrag pastures. The study draws up the complex arrangement of pastures, in order to obtain a proper and efficient benefit ant to also to ensure an ecological balance. The Nadrag village is situated on the South-West part of Romania, in the North-East of the Timis County, at Pades peak ground from the Poiana Rusca Mountains. Due to the mountain location of the area, the village main geomorphology is dominated by hills, having slow slopes just in several cases. The area is also having multiple meadow pastures, up to the mountains altitude, between 168 m (Crivina village) to 1380 (Pades village). The actual stage of research into the area consist in identification ad monitoring on the plans the position of the virtual village pastures on a total surface of 307,8 ha. From which 72.96 into the meadow area. The news of the methods and approaches is relevant by the GIS and Teledetection of the satellites data in order to create a new methodology of pasture inventory. The degree of current novelty is represented by a subsystem dedicated to the way of using the satellites images for identifying, monitoring the evolution and changes along the land fund in order to use the information to determine and update a list of parameters which contribute to the planning and forecast of pastures activities into this zone. The databases sources consist in satellites images (Landsat 7 TM, SPOT, IKONOS); topographic maps 1:25000; cadastral plans 1 : 5 000 ; 1 : 10 000; thematic maps (geological maps, pedological maps etc.) and least but not last field data acquisition. The specific of the paper, shows up a GIS data base in a compatible format with the international profile organizations and other Romanian organizations from the same branch, building the background for using the data base created for a lot of further activities such as forestry fund inventory, soil degradation monitoring etc. The paper importance consist in realizing detailed maps (1:25 000, 1:10 000) that covers the local area and the Banat area in order to execute also other applications.
more abstractsatellite images; GIS; database; remote sensing
Presentation: oral
Costel Bârliba, Luminiţa CojocariuIn order to increase the production of the permanent grasslands and of grassland quality it is necessary to generalize some technologies elaborated basing on several scientific researches. However, these conditions must be differently applied depending on the local station conditions and on the real production capacity of each type of grassland.The production capacity of a grassland is determined by the production capacity of the vegetation and by the production capacity of the land used as grassland (Horablaga M. si Luminita Cojocariu, 2006). Among all factors that influence the grassland existence, the vegetation expresses in the most concrete and appropriate way the basic features of a grassland (Marusca T., 2001; Hubert F., Pierre P., 2003; Horablaga M., Luminiţa Cojocariu, 2006). The goal of this paper is to try classifying the grasslands belonging to Nădrag locality and to demonstrate this classification basing on a mathematical analysis, taking into consideration several factors: grassland surface, land declivity (slope), general cover, specific cover, and the main plant species which compose the grassland vegetation. The study objective is represented by nine grassland surfaces belonging to Nădrag locality, placed at various altitudes between 190-1370 m. Basing on the plant relevés, there were determined the grassland type and the percentage of the graminaceous, leguminoses and other various plants participating on the floristic composition of each grassland (Daget Ph., Poissonet J.; Kovacs J. Attila, 1979). There was also determined the vegetation cover degree in order to make an overview on the grasslands put in discussion. Basing on a topographic analysis, we determined the precise surface of the plots, the land limits, altitude and slope for every single plot. Basing on all field data, we succeeded to enclose the nine studied grasslands in three classes and moreover we demonstrated those factors on which this classification is relying. There was performed a classification of the analyzed plots by Ward’s method in cluster analysis using the Euclidean distance. The plots P6, P7, P10A, P11C are in the same cluster and the parcel P9 is the closest to this cluster. The parcels P1B, P1C, P2B and P5B formed a new cluster.
more abstractgrassland surface; topographic analysis
Presentation: oral
Sebastian BoboiciovNecessity for knowing which types of grassland are accompanying constantly flood protection dike in the lower Mureş river, follows from high complexity of these plant formations and their remarkable floristic richness.Regarding the state of degradation where many natural grassland in the area are, due to overexploitation and lack of interest in the application of methods for their rehabilitation, relatively good condition in which grasslands on the sides of protection dyke are, represent a model for optimal intensity of exploitation for all the meadows around the area. Research conducted are based on the principles largely applied in phytocenologic and floristic studies of natural pastures, and generally an vegetation cover in Europe. European phytocenologic school is based on assumption that the floristic composition of plant formations faithfully reflect all ecological factors of the biotope that they occupy and the main attention is directed to study this composition. Following research shows significant differences between meadows installed on the slope with northern exposition with mesophytic character where dominant genus is Arrhenatherum elatior, and meadows on the slope with southern exposition with xerophytic character where dominant genus is Festuca rupicola. Also, on the southern slope is observed greater diversity of types of meadows, where there are large sectors dominated by Haynaldia villosa and relatively large patches of Aegilops cylindrica, while on the northern slope meadow of Arrhenatherum elatior is forming a continuous band. By floristic composition and structure, these meadows can provide basic samples of natural grassland vegetation of the Banat plain. For conservation of these meadows, is recommended to extend the protection measures implemented throughout the lower meadow of river Mures on the protection dam. Main protection measure does not require additional material costs, and is to continue the current traditional mode of exploitation, as meadows. Diversity of floristic composition of these meadows gives value to this area and ensure a fauna diversity that is recomended to be highlighted by detailed studies.
more abstractgrasslands; natural reserve "Forest Cenad"; flood protection dike
Presentation: oral
Sebastian Boboiciov, Luminiţa CojocariuEconomic and social changes that occurred in Romania in the last two decades, are very accurately reflected in state of land and in his use. Currently many agricultural lands are in various stages of abandonment whith multiple causes. In this paper we propose not to look too much for guilty, but to find solutions. In the early years of these two decades, occurs a fragmentation of agricultural lands through their transition from state ownership to private ownership. Most land-owners did not have necessary mechanization, leading them to gradually abandon their lands. To this have contributed the precarious material situation of the new owners and migration of the working population to cities or abroad. In case of pastures, the abandonment has occurred, mostly due to plummeting productivity from overexploitation or for breaching the most elementary rules of exploitation and maintenance. Starting from this, the vegetation on former agricultural land in abandonement is evolving to the type of vegetation that are characteristic for the area. In some cases, trough presence of species with good forage value, they evolve naturally to valuable meadows. In most cases, however, species with valuable forage are scarce and have low weight in the construction of vegetation cover. In these cases is needed a choice of management strategies for the land, profitable in terms of costs, so that the meaning of vegetation development to be to a valuable type of meadows. An important step required before any recovery action is land mapping. This can be done using advanced techniques of aerial photography or by satellite. For assigning priority actions needed to be taken, the size of areas and the type of property of land, that will be subject of intervention, must be taken in consideration. Not insignificant part refers to the creation of jobs by getting involved in recovery efforts, of unemployed people, because most abandoned land lie precisely in areas with very bleak prospects for residents. In cases where intervention would have high costs and doubtful benefits, may be choose a minimal intervention, so that land may be a kernel of biodiversity for flora and fauna.
more abstractabandonated lands; pastures; agricultural lands; priority; recovery; overseeding
Presentation: oral
Cristian Bostan, Alexandru Moisuc, Florina Radu, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Veronica SărăţeanuThe purpose of the researches is represented of determination of allopathic effect realized of Poa pratensis L. on perennial graminaes Festuca rubra L., Dactylis glomerata L. and Lolium perenne L. Given the complexity of the mechanisms by which perennial graminaes interact, we considered in this study the hypothesis of the allelopathic properties at the four perennial graminaes in laboratory conditions, from the point of view of the type of chemical compounds, secondary metabolites. The secondary plant metabolites and their degradation products are important in all agroecosystems, including fodder crops. Many fodder species have indicated that present an heterotoxicity character, both between fodder species and for weed species. The symptoms range from the germination capacity, which is the most obvious, to the size and number of organs reduction. The biological material that was studied, is represented by four perennial graminaceae species as: Dactyilis glomerata L., Lolium perenne L., Poa pratensis L. and Festuca rubra L.. The studies were made in the laboratory. The plants were splashed with low alcoholic extracts of the pirolizidinici and ergotic alkaloids respectively, that were obtained from the air part of the plant of the species Poa pratensis L.. The estract have been applied in three different shots, shot of 10 ml/pot, 40 ml/pot and 80 ml/pot. There is a worldwide effort in agriculture, to eliminate the amount of chemical compounds used in the agricultural production technology, by introducing organic and biological substances. One of the possible solutions is allelopathy, using the chemical interactions between plants. The literature indicates that the active substances of the plant present allelopathic properties.The chemical composition of forage plants is one of the main characteristics in terms of forage quality, the degree of digestibility and consumption depending on the chemical composition. Many plants remove substances with toxic properties, leading to biochemical changes of the environment (habitat). Thus, the alkaloids and glicozizii secreted by the plants have toxic effects on plants. The importance of this paper lies in the fact that the spraying with extracts leads to changes in the chemical composition of plants, changes that vary with the applied dose. Therefore the value of the NFL, NAL, EGV concentrations increases with the increasing of the dose of extract.
more abstractperennial graminaes; allelopathy; lolinici acizi; crude protein
Presentation: oral
Cristian Bostan, Alexandru Moisuc, Florina Radu, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Marinel Horablaga, Veronica SărăţeanuThe scientific research carried out have underlined the effect of the allelopathic substances on the perennial graminaceae plants growth in the early stages of development after its germination. The proposed study intends to provide data on the mechanisms developed by plants (based on biochemical interactions) to survive. Many cultivated and spontaneous species produce allelochemic compounds that reduce the growth at the level of the plantlets. This phenomenon is mainly due to the direct interference with the cell division processes or with growth hormones. The biological material studied is represented by four species of perennial graminaceae: Dactyilis glomerata L., Lolium perenne L., Poa pratensis L. and Festuca rubra L., studied in the laboratory. The plants were splashed with extracts obtained from the species Poa pratensis and were applied in three different doses. The extracts were applied in three different variants: Variant 1 - dose of 10 ml/pot; Variant 2 - dose of 40 ml/pot; Variant 3 - dose of 80 ml/pot. The observations on the allelopathic interaction between plant species have a history of centuries, but the transition from observation to scientific certainty has been achieved relatively recently. The research that were made in the allelopathy field showed that the allelopathy substances may inhibit the germination of the seeds, but may also affect the growth and development of the receiver plant of such substances, so that the allelopathic phenomenon is a cause-effect relationship between the substances with allelopathic potential and physiological response of the target plant. The biochemical identification of these products and their effect on the growth and development of the plant is beneficial and should be of a great help concerning the growing of plants to obtain resistant fodders and to maintain the crops productive and profitable.The project aims to establish an interface between biochemical study essentially morphological and anatomical study of plants, emphasizing structural and functional changes that biochemical interactions, alelopatic type of plant may cause. The study will influence the broad base of knowledge on interactions alelopatic type of plant growth and development of vegetation cover and farming systems.
more abstractperennial graminaes; allelopathy; growth and development
Presentation: oral
Lavinia Alina Caluseru, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Adina Horablaga, Stela Hamza, Marinel Horablaga, Emeric Toth"Nature" without "Law"?! or "Law" without "Nature"?! We have the conviction or at least we believe that the great majority of the respondents answering these questions would agree with the affirmation “Nature needs law too, but also law needs nature!”. Why? For the simple reason that nature is a common “good” of humanity, for its protection is necessary to exist a well defined legal framework which able to contribute to its protection and conservation, which necessitates a permanent actualization taking into account the specific conditions of the protected area. Protecting the nature means protecting of people. Therefore, starting from the basic principle enunciating that “environment protection constitutes the obligation and responsibility of the local and central public authorities, and also of all natural persons or legal entities” and from the principle “Conservation of biodiversity and of ecosystems specific to natural biogeographical background”, the present paper proposes to analyzes the stipulations of the main legislative documents in force in the field of environmetal protection in Romania, applicable to natural habitats of grassland. Of course, even in the field of nature protection is applicable the well-known principle of law "Specialia generalibus derogant“ (special departs from general), and this is the reason way there will be found generally applicable norms and particularly applicable norms in the area of grassland habitat protection. Also, depending on location of the natural habitat, can be found situations when the available juridical norms are insufficient to assure a special protection regime for that habitat, in this case appearing as very important the role of the authorities and organisms with attributions in the field to permanently actualize the specific legislation by adopting new legislative documents or by modifying and completing those already existing. Taking into account that before adopting a measure is imperiously necessary to study the determinative cause that led to negative phenomenon, a very important role belonging to field studies and researches, their conclusions being a basic instrument in promoting the corrective legal norms and/or the special permissive norms regarding the protection, rational exploitation, organization and arrangement of the natural habitats of grassland in order to assure a favorable status of conservation and development.
more abstractnatural habitats of grassland; biodiversity; environment legislation
Presentation: oral
Lavinia Alina Caluseru, Luminiţa CojocariuBy biodiversity we understand the variety of expression of the living world, plant species (flora), animal species (fauna), microorganisms, and the values of biodiversity being integrant part of the natural patrimony which, in the context of sustainable development, must be used by the actual generations without endangering the chance of the future generations to enjoy the same life conditions. United Nations Organizations declared the year of 2010 as “The International Year of Biodiversity”, the reason being the decline of the ecosystems, being alarming the negative accentuation of human impact on the natural ecosystems in the last decades. According to a global census realized by the officials of Bird Life International, 45% of the common of the Europe decreased as number, the decline being registered too in the case of 80% of aquatic birds from Australia. Thus, we assist to an accelerate extinction of the vegetal and animal life, reason for why the population informing about the importance of natural habitat protection is equally important as the settlement of a juridical regime of their protection. Considering these aspects, the present paper proposes to approach this subject at specific territorial level, respectively in Timis County, beginning with a stock taking of the existing protected natural areas in Timis County and continuing with analysis of the juridical regime regarding their protection depending on type of the protected natural area and not in the last place the identification of the possible threats on the natural habitats existing within the protected natural areas. Timis County has a surface by 8697 km 2 , being as extension the broadest county in the country, with a preponderantly plain relief – 85%, and under biodiversity aspect the habitats within Timis County are characterized by specific composition of flora and fauna, components of the biocoenosis influenced by various climatic and edaphic factors. The climatic oceanic influences from the western side of the country, as well as the climatic differences between plain and mountain imposed by the altitude of relief determined the apparition of a large number of habitats. Another factor determining the great variety of habitats is represented by the chemical composition of the substrate rocks (soil, subsoil). It is important to remember that all Member States of the European Union have the obligation to identify the priority habitats of community interest which exist on their administrative territory and to designate those areas as natural areas of community interest components of the ecological network Natura 2000 , which represents a base stage of the conservation policy of nature within the European Union. Romania, as a Member State of the European Union, ratified the Birds Directive – 79/409/EEC and Habitats Directive – 92/43/EEC, identifying and designating within Timis County several special protection areas and Sites of Community Importance as integrant parts of the European ecological network Natura 2000.
more abstractbiodiversity; protected natural area; juridical regime; natural habitats
Presentation: oral
Luminiţa Cojocariu, Alexandru Moisuc, Ionel Samfira, Marinel Horablaga, Florina Radu, Dacian V. LalescuThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the main production characters of the Italian ryegrass, under the influence of some doses of cattle manure. It is intended the cultivation of Italian ryegrass varieties, from which the whole plant is used in animal feeding, both as green fodder and dry fodder, so that the production elements to be the best expressed. [9]. Therefore the research directions to increase the Italian ryegrass productivity are directed towards increasing the vegetative mass that provides a large quantity of feed. [2] . The researchers in agricultural fields work with biological materials with a great variability, with many uncontrollable environmental influences because the most studied characters represent the result of complex interactions between plant genotype (often heterogeneous itself) and many factors that determine the soil fertility, plant water supply, degree of infestation with various diseases and pests etc.. The production of feed is determined by the all aerial vegetative parts of the plants, which consist of several morpho-anatomical elements. A simple calculation of the yearly production of forage can be done by multiplying the number of plants per hectare, the number of shoots / plant, the weight of shoots and the number of harvests per year. Of great importance for production are also other characters such as foliar surface, assimilation rate of dry matter, phenotypically expressed by regeneration and fast-growing, shoot richness, plant height, resistance to diseases and to unfavorable environmental conditions [7]. The shoots represent the basic element of fodder production as grain is the basic element of wheat production. Numerous, vigorous and rapidly growing shoots means a high production of forage. The shoot number of a plant is a very important character, with a pronounced variability. [3] The plant height is one of the main objectives in improvement programs because it is responsible for the production of feed. The higher total surface of the leaves in relation to the development of stem, flowers, seeds and root is, the larger production of dry matter will be. The results regarding the main production characters studied in bearded ryegrass, depending on applied doses of cattle manure, in conditions of Timisoara, can be summarized as following: the Italian ryegrass valuates very well the cattle manure. The greatest values of the analyzed characters there were registered at the maximal dose of cattle manure - 80 t/ha. However, from economically point of view, we not recommend this doze, because very well results could be obtain up to dose of 60 t/ha.
more abstractitalian ryegrass; number of shoots per plant; plant height; foliar surface; plant weight
Presentation: oral
Luminiţa Cojocariu, Marinel Horablaga, Florin Marian, Cristian Bostan, Veaceslav Mazăre, Marius S. StroiaThe economic development of Europe provides advantages to people, but in the same time represents a potential risk too. The main risk is to become a more artificial continent – to lose the nature and all that human being could gain from it. The ecological network Natura 2000 is the solution through which the Europe strives to preserve the nature in all its actual diversity and to promote economic activities without prejudice the biodiversity. We could say that NATURA 2000 tries to conciliate two needs of humans, both vital: the need to gain incomes and the need to preserve the nature alive, which is not an untouchable objective but it requires much equilibrium and wisdom. The present paper proposes to approach both the problems faced at the implementation of the Ecological European Network “Natura 2000” in the area of grasslands and hayfields and to offer solutions of good practices regarding the rational exploitation of the grasslands and hayfields both in protected and unprotected areas. Among the main causes which contribute to degradation of the grasslands and hayfields there are: overgrazing, non-grazing, land clearing and arson of Pinus mugo woods, the conversion of the grasslands into arable lands, changing of land usage, the absence of a coherent management and other causes. Also, a special threat is constituted by the precarious state of the local agricultural economy. The traditional agricultural non-profitable methods, the massive emigration of population out of the rural medium led to abandonment of the marginal lands and to intensification of exploitation of the lands easy of access. All the problems and their solving must be introduced within the management plans of the protected natural areas and the authorities of local public administration must respect the obligations stipulated by the law in this field. Concomitantly, the present paper proposes to approach the legal framework existing in Romania regarding the protection, rational exploitation, organization and arrangement of grasslands depending on their recovery capacity, including those located within the perimeter or in the neighborhood of a protected natural area.
more abstractgrassland and hayfields; the Ecological Network "Natura 2000"; legal framework
Presentation: oral
Mihaela Corcheş, Alexandru MoisucKnowing the characteristics of the varieties of fodder have a great importance for growers, as only knowing can be recovered. The varieties of fodder plants must meet very different requirements of soil and climate, because is necessary to produce feed in any climate, any type of soil, dry or wet areas, in warm or cold zones, in irrigated and non-irrigated. This wide range of requirements can be covered by zoning of fodder plant species and within each species, by zoning varieties. This paper presents the behavior of foreign genotypes of Dactylis glomerata (cocksfoot), in pedo-climatic conditions of Timisoara, in the perspective of enriching the current assortment of fodder plants varieties. Experiences with varieties or hybrids have a permanent character, because for most species cultivated, in every year occur new varieties and hybrids both nationally and internationally, which require testing before being introduced into culture of a given area. These experiences have as main purpose, identifying the most valuable varieties in terms of growing capacity, quality and other traits of agricultural interest. The research was carried out in the experimental fields of discipline of Culture of grasslands and fodder plants, USAMVB Timisoara, the experience being placed on a chambic chernoziom weakly gleyed soil type, with salinisation in depth. Biological material studied is represented by three foreign varieties ofDactylis glomerata (cocksfoot), namely AMBA, AMERA and OTELLO. Experience is placed after the method of randomized blocks in three repetitions. A parcel surface is 20 m 2 (5m x 4m). Assessment of quantitative characters of the production was based on biometric measurements from 10 plants in each plot - repetition. Thus, was made determinations on plant about morphological characters, namely: the length of vegetative and generative shoots, the number of vegetative and generative shoots, the number of green leaves/ vegetative and generative shoots, weight of shrubs and leaf area /shoot. The data calculation and interpretation obtained from the performance measurements and calculations mentioned above were processed by conventional methods of statistical analysis.The significance of differences between graduations and combinations of various factors has been established through analysis of variance and u test.
more abstractDactylis glomerata; foreign varieties; adaptation
Presentation: oral
Laura Monica Dale, Ioan Rotar, Roxana Vidican, Vasile Florian, Alin MogosUsing NIRS technique it becomes more frequently used for determining physico-chemical properties of feed, especially chemical composition (dry matter, protein, ash, fiber, fat, non-nitrogenous extractive substances.This technique is an elegant and very precise. The contents of dry matter, crude protein, crude ash, crude fiber, crude fat, non – nitrogenous extractive substances of biological material Medicago sativa are determined by destructive methods and then using them was build the calibration curve for NIRS with which we will determine all the chemical properties of the material using prediction. For each property we have used these method assessment: for the crude protein was used Kjeldahl method, for crude fat was used Soxhlet method, for crude ash performed Hennenberg – Stohmann method, for crude fiber was used Hennenberg - Stohmann method and for non – nitrogenous extractive substances was used mathematical calculation. This paper aims to highlight a way of direct analysis method undestructive of crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, crude ash, non-nitrogenous extractive substances using near infrared spectrometry technique in conjunction with reflected attenuated total. All these results determined by the classical method, the destructive method, were used to build the calibration curve for device FT-NIR Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 N with accessory N NIRA. Mathematical model was built using the near infrared spectrofotoscopiei tehnique in conjunction with multivariable calibration techniques using the Perkin Elmer program Spectrum Quant + 4.60. These techniques based on multivariated analysis allow the determination of an error prediction for the best crude protein content is 0.00 %, for crude fat the content ranges from 0.003 to 0.062 %, the crude ash from 0.00 to 1.17 %, for crude cellulose the content ranges from 0.30 to 3,30 % and for non – nitrogenous extractive substances 0.10 - 4.20 %.The method provides a rapid and reliable alternative to traditional quantitative methods for determining which usually requires several hours to complete.
more abstractNIRS; protein; fat; ash; cellulose; non – nitrogenous extractive substances; Medicago sativa
Presentation: oral
Carmen Dragomir, Alexandru Moisuc, N. DragomirThis work presents the effect exerted by bacterial inoculation in interaction with nitrogen-based fertilization on the total nitrogen content of the forage biomass, achieved from an association of Dactylis glomerata (40%) + Medicago sativa (60%). The researches were performed during 2006-2008, at USAMVB Timişoara, at the Research Centre for Pastures and Forage Plants, on a salty chernozem, moderately gleyed, with pH pH (H 2 O) of 6.21 on the depth of 0-13 cm. The experimental display was consisted of a bifactorial experience, with the following graduations: A – bacterial inoculation of the alfalfa within the association (a 1 – not bacterized, a 2 - bacterized); B – nitrogen-fertilization doses (b 1 - N 0, b 2 - N 30 , b 3 - N 60 , with application after each cutting). The results prove that bacterial inoculation of the alfalfa within the association, in the variants that were not fertilized with nitrogen, positively influences the total nitrogen content of the forage, by increasing it from 3.26% (unbacterized variant) to 3.43% (bacterized variant), in the frist year of vegetation, from 2.96% to 3.59%, in the second year of vegetation, and from 2.52% to 2.87%, in the third year. The mean of the vegetation years shows the importance of bacterial inoculation in alfalfa, planted in association with orchard grass, leading to the increase of the total nitrogen from 2.86 % in the unbacterized variant to 3.61%, in the bacterized variant. During the experimental period, the biggest total nitrogen amount was obtained in the second year of vegetation (240 kg/ha), and in the first and the third years of vegetation, the results were similar (207 kg/ha and 209 kg/ha). Every year of vegetation, the bacterized variants produced total nitrogen amounts that were much bigger than in the not-bacterized variants, 17.8%-fold bigger in the first year of vegetation, 28.1% in the second and 21.2%-fold bigger in the third year. The interaction of the factors studied proved that, on the average for the utilization period of the pasture consisted of Dactylis glomerata + Medicago sativa, the biggest total nitrogen content, 248 kg/ha, was achieved in the variant with bacterized alfalfa and N 60 -fertilization, namely 45%-fold bigger than in the variant that was not bacterized and nitrogen-fertilized.
more abstractbacterial inoculation; alfalfa; orchard grass; total nitrogen
Presentation: oral
Carmen Durău, Alexandru Moisuc, Veronica SărăţeanuThese last years, in Romania, the management of semi-natural grasslands has become more and more deficient, while most of them were abandoned. Raising animals on private farms has become a rare practice, which led to a decrease of the grazing pressure on semi-natural grassland. Abandonment of the grassland surfaces represent a great problem among entire Europe, prevalent in the higher areas, one of the reasons being and the decrease of the number of animals those determining the dynamics of vegetation and biodiversity. Also, there were appeared deep changed in the quality and productivity of the vegetation cover. Knowing the dynamics of vegetation on pastures has become important in ecology, since pastures are one of the most important sources of food for both wild and domestic animals. The goal of the paper is to point out the effects of under-exploitation on biodiversity on some semi-natural grassland in Banat. The study took place in Western Romania in the hills of Surduc which are situated at the bottom of the Poiana Rusca Mountains, east from the Bega – Luncani River and north from the terraces of the Bega River. We have studied three semi-natural grasslands which we observed for five years (2005-2009). The floristic composition was determined with the help of the double meter (linear) method, and biodiversity was determined with the Shannon-Weaver index and the results were processed on the ground of the botanical sampling. The statistical method used was the analysis of the correlations among different parameters of the vegetation. As a conclusion, we can say that the dynamics of vegetation has a well-defined trend and that the biodiversity index has suffered changes year after year. That is why our goal to continue this study is to notify the specialist regarding implementation of some rehabilitation measurements for the biodiversity of these half natural pasture.
more abstractgrasslands; biodiversity index; management
Presentation: oral
Carmen Durău, Alexandru Moisuc, Veronica SărăţeanuBecause of the expansion of agricultural crops that cover mainly fertile land areas, pastures were constraint to draw back on less fertile lands. Man’s intervention in the structure of pasture ecosystems consists in the way he harvests biomass and in the land maintenance works. Man’s impact on the biocoenoses changes their composition and structure. The reason that land surfaces are improperly managed is due to the fact that the land has become private property and the new owners aren’t concerned about the applying of any management. All these aspects correlated with the decrease of the number of cattle resulting in a lower grazing pressure have influenced the dynamics vegetation and pastoral value. In this paper we make appreciations on the floristic composition and on the pastoral value of some permanent pastures around the Hăuzeşti area, trying to identify measures to improve. The study took place in Western Romania in the hills of Surduc which are situated at the bottom of the Poiana Rusca Mountains, east from the Bega – Luncani River and north from the terraces of the Bega River. The study was carried out on two permanent pastures, assessment of the vegetal cover was done through the double meter method and the results were processed on the ground of the botanical sampling, this method helping to the calculation of some indexes of the vegetation. The statistical method used was the analysis of the correlations. Following the study, we drew the conclusion that irrational exploitation of these ecosystems resulted in the simplification of the floristic composition and in the decrease the pastoral value, which asks for new measures to be adopted in their management. Therefore our intention to continue this study is to notify the specialists regarding the implementation of rehabilitation measurements needed for the improvement of the quality and quantity of forage produced on these surfaces.
more abstractgrasslands; pastoral value; specific volume
Presentation: oral
Gretel Enck, Luminiţa CojocariuGrassland management in the United States is as large and unwieldy a subject as are the grasslands themselves, varied in their location, size, condition, historic use, and indeed mythology. Grassland naturally occurs in many areas of the United States and in most states, from the coastal grasslands of California, the Everglades of Florida, and the montane grasslands of the Colorado Plateau centered around the state of Utah. But generally when we Americans talk of grasslands we think of the Great Plains, the vast midsection of the country once rhapsodized as the home of the buffalo and antelope, homesteaded by prairie farmers over a hundred years ago. (Pieper 2005, 245).Pioneers, as the early settlers were called, found an unpredictable land of unforeseen challenges. Tall-grass prairie was so tall in places that they “hid the stock, making it sometimes difficult to find the cows and horses. Some of the grass grew to a height of ten feet” (Murie 1940). Weather was unpredictable and often violent. And clouds of grasshoppers occasionally descended and destroyed crops (Rölvaag 1927). The pioneers persevered with the growing of crops and the raising of livestock. The bison of the plains were replaced by cattle. The objective of this paper is to give an introduction to the vast grassland resources of the United States and discuss the issues that face grassland managers today. Grasslands are inherently unstable ecosystems maintained by disturbance—primarily fire, grazing, and climate factors, particularly drought. Bison, elk, pronghorn antelope, deer, numerous species of small rodents and invertebrates inhabited the prairie long before the European-American settlers arrived with cattle (NPS 2000, 72). Grassland management recognizes the disturbance of grazing as an integral part of sustaining desirable prairie characteristics. While moderate disturbance is beneficial to biodiversity, however, high disturbance typically lowers diversity (Archer and Smeins 2003). Not only is the intensity of grazing a factor, but also the differences in grazing habits of traditional grazers and introduced domestic grazers. Research is currently underway regarding the different effects of grazing on tall-grass prairie composition and biodiversity. While both bison and cattle display generalist food habits, a bison’s diet consists of up to 90% grasses, while cattle diets consist of about 70% grasses. (NPS 2000, 74) Traditionally, as well, bison movement was unrestricted and variable whereas modern cattle grazing is heavily regulated, which can be used to a manager’s advantage if the manager has a good range management strategy—unfortunately not always the case.Thus, while grazing has been used to create necessary disturbance in the prairie ecosystem, humans have substantially changed its frequency, intensity, extent, and magnitude with the introduction of livestock. The result has been rapid and widespread changes in species composition and productivity of plant communities. (Archer and Smeins 2003). The dominant grasses of the tall-grass prairie are big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), Indian grass (Sorghastrum nutans and switch grass (Panicum virgatum). In the mixed-grass prairie, needle-and-thread grass (Stipa comata) and western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii) are common grasses, but many other species are abundant on specific sites. Plant diversity of the mixed-grass prairie is highest of all grassland types in the United States. Two major grass dominate short-grass: blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) and buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides). It should also be noted that the term “grassland” is a bit misleading since these zones are also rich in forb species (Pieper 2005, 232). The great grasslands of America are largely in private ownership today, but federal agencies, state agencies, and citizen organizations work closely to provide assistance and incentives to manage grasslands for diverse values, including conservation and restoration of pre-European settlement grassland ecosystems. A large part of this analysis will center on the state of Kansas, in the heart of the Great Plains and representative of the issues considered in our review.
more abstractgrassland, grassland management; planning; private/public partnerships
Presentation: oral
Gretel EnckRenowned historian and western writer Wallace Stegner calls the National Parks the best idea America ever had. He makes his case on the observation that voters make “almost criminally irresponsible choices” and elected representatives push bills that “sadly confuse private (read ‘corporate’) interests with the public interest” (1998, 135). But the National Parks “reflect us at our best rather than our worst,” and are, with a wink to his previous statement, “a cure for cynicism” (Stegner, 135). The Wilderness Act of 1964 created a legal designation to protect some of America’s most pristine lands. The Wilderness Act eloquently defined wilderness as “an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain” (Frome 1997, 214). Congress did not create an agency to manage wilderness, however, but engaged existing land management agencies—including the NPS—to incorporate wilderness into their holdings. The National Park Service NPS now manages 84 % of its land as wilderness (combining designated, proposed and recommended wilderness areas) and manages more wilderness than any other federal land agency (Smith 2006). That battle is the creation and execution of wilderness management plans. NPS 2001 Management Policies show that the agency directorate sets a high priority for managing wilderness within the NPS (NPS 2000b). The NPS website proclaims,“Wilderness management is the highest form of stewardship we can offer” (NPS 2007b). Despite the admirable talk, however, wilderness management in the parks is not living up to the rhetoric. Seventy-seven National Park sites have designated wilderness areas. Only about 15, though, have official wilderness management plans (Smith). These plans are created following federal guidelines and involving input of the public and other stakeholders. The process can be contentious, as stakeholders often disagree on many facets of the plan. The end result, though, allows parks to better understand their resources and how best to protect them, as well as offering a detailed road map for managing the resources. The enabling legislation of the National Park Service (NPS) created the mandate to “conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wildlife therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations” (NPS 2004). This mandate is a source of pride and frequent reference for NPS managers and staff who are charged with preserving America’s treasures. (Haines, 1974). The Wilderness Act established one National Wilderness Preservation System made up of the wilderness areas managed by four federal land management systems, the NPS, BLM, FWS, and the Forest Service. This requires ever increasing coordination and cooperation among the four agencies (NPS 2001a). The conclusion of a 2001 report by the Pinchot Institute says, “There is a need to forge an integrated and collaborative system across the four wilderness management agencies” (NPS 2001a), also pointing out that, “Local day-to-day management actions may set precedents that could affect wilderness stewardship across all agencies” (NPS 2001a). To say the word wilderness is to conjure an image of pristine, natural landscape— “untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain” (Frome, 214). Not only is wilderness an official legal designation, but it is also a philosophical and spiritual description of the last, best natural area in America. Wallace Stegner writes, “If the national park idea is…the best idea America ever had, wilderness preservation is the highest refinement of that idea” (131).
more abstractwilderness, strategyes; management; legislation; policyes
Presentation: oral
Florin Faur, Alexandru MoisucThe dry matter content (TMS) is considered to be the best indicator of the specific growth speed (Weiher et al., 1999; Ryser, 1996) and of resource utilization (Peter et al.,1999), better than SLA. Ryser and Lambers (1995) observed that a low tissue density in Dactylis glomerata is the main character responsible for the rapid growth of this species. TMS also allows the assessment of the mean time of resource resistance in the plant (Echstein et al., 1999). Peter et al. (1999) consider that TMS is also a very practical indicator because it does not necessitate the measurement of the foliar surface.The purpose of this paper is to put in evidence the utilization way of the complex mineral fertilizers, in different areas, through TMS indicator, in species Dactylis glomerata (DACGLO), a dominant species in the permanent grassland of Poiana Braşov, where the experimental field was placed. Beyond information regarding the physiology of species and of vegetal communities, the biological characters allow the assessment of the agronomical features of the plants. The foliar biometric measurements were realized in the laboratory for a number of 10 individuals of Dactylis glomerata/plot. The obtained biological material was put in plastic glasses for re-hydration approximately 6 hours, after a preliminary sectioning of the steam basis of each plant. The plants had been pulled out by turns and after that was started the sampling of the foliar blade, the last sampled being the ligula. Further, there was determined the length (mm), the green mass (g) and the dry mass (g). In the paper we presented the analysis of some morphological features (LgL – the length of the foliar blade, MV – the green mass of the foliar blade, SU – the quantity of dry substance at foliar level) which allowed the determination of TMS indicator – indicator of the SU/MV ratio in the species Dactylis glomerata (DACGLO), dominant within the experimental field, FLD – long term fertilization – in a permanent grassland from Poiana Braşov, Romania. Analyzing the TMS indicator could be observed that it decreases in an environment with higher fertility (V6 - N 240 P 2 0 5 96 K 2 O 240) in the species DACGLO, basing on MV increasing and SU decreasing. Dactylis glomerata is a species which responds very well to fertilization, adopting a capture strategy, characterized by a lent recycling of the vegetal organs, with precocious phenology and with medium aptitudes for grazing.
more abstractDactylis glomerata; dry matter content; green mass of the leaf blade; quantity of dry substance at foliar level; leaf blade length
Presentation: oral
Nicoleta Teodora Gârda, Florin Păcurar, Ioan Rotar, Anca BogdanThe floristic composition of the semi – natural grasslands from Apuseni Mountains area differ from a station to another, depending on some factors like: the natural ones, the performed management, the land’s orography, by the area’s social-economic situations. The objective of this paper is to characterise the grassland subtype Agrostis capillaris – Trisetum flavescens which is present in the grasslands from the Gheţari – Poiana Călineasa Plateau in Gârda de Sus commune, Apuseni Mountains. The identification and description of the respective subtype was elaborated after the analysis of 37 floristic relevèes performed using the Braun - Blanquet modified method and, then, by applying some statistic indexes. In our study area, this grassland subtype occures at an altitude comprised between 1070 and 1337 m, the most frequent altitude being 1099 m. The floristic composition of this subtype differs rather much depending on the stational conditions. Thus, the species from Poaceae family are present in average by 48,4 %, with a minimum of 23,5 % and a maximum of 81 %. The Cyperaceae and Juncaceae families have a low participation, in average 1,01 %, in most of the cases not being at all present. The specie from the Fabaceae family are present with an average of 10,8 %, with a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 28 %. The most frequent particip[ation is by 6,5 %. The Fabaceae family has an almost normal dispersal – skewness = 0,74 and kurtosis = 0,36. The plants from other botanical families occur in average with 45,15 %, with a minimum of 16 % and a maximum of 75 %, the most frequent cover being 34,75 %. The participation data dispersal is almost normal, showing a slight concentration of data towards left (skewness = - 0,08) and a slight flat aspect (kurtosis - 0,56). Regarding the agronomic value of the grassland, it frames within the sixth class (VI), the category of grassland is medium and it can support an animal load of 0,81 – 1,00 UVM / ha.
more abstractphytocenosis; data distribution; cover; constancy clases
Presentation: oral
Stela Hamza, Lavinia Alina Caluseru, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Florin Marian, Valentin Leneschi, Ionuţ SăndoiuNatural protected areas, according to legal definitions provided in Gov. nr.57/2007, amended and completed by Gov. nr.154/2008 are areas of land, water and / or groundwater, perimeter and having a legally established special care and conservation , there are species of wildlife, bio-geographical elements and formations, landscape, geological, pale ontological, speleological or otherwise, with ecological value, scientific or cultural sensitivity, with a special protection and conservation, established under the provisions laws. This work aims to analyze the environmental legislation in force in Romania, harmonized by Community law to give legal permissions and limitations in terms of activities on or near a protected natural area (ANP). As we see the achievement as the work face, the law establishes general rules applicable to certain categories of protected areas, and taking into account the objective of conservation of each natural protected areas, nature and importance (national interest, international, community, county or local), compatibility of activities to be held in a NAP may be established after completion of an important process of analysis, that only after obtaining regulatory provisions provided by law. In the process of analyzing a very important role we have competent authority to protect the environment, and managers / custodians of natural protected areas, public administration authoritative local developers adequate assessment studies and last but not the public. Under Article 22 of Ordinance nr.57/2007 with subsequent modifications in the national interest ANP management plan will define and delineate the internal areas (with strict protection, integral protection, buffer zones, areas of sustainable development activities human) each having a well defined, including the establishment of permitted activities and prohibitions development. As result no doubt that the Plan of Management and Regulation of ANP, is an extremely important legal instrument which, considering the scientific research, observations intern, can impose a set of rules and can ban a range of human activities in inside or near a NAP, all in order to ensure a favorable conservation of natural habitats has been designated. Thus, the issues addressed in this paper, we wish to emphasize the importance of preserving natural heritage in terms of flora and fauna conservation of biological diversity, the functional integrity of ecosystems, genetic heritage, vegetable and animal, and satisfying life, welfare, culture and civilization of present and future generations.
more abstractprotected natural area; meadow utilization; forbidden activities; allowed activities
Presentation: oral
Daniela HaranguşThis research aims both the analysis of financing sources, as well the conditions of accessing them by farmers that use grasslands and forage crops. Considering the fact that grasslands and forage crops are organic crops (along with grain, oilseeds and protein), they are funded by the European Union, which supports organic agriculture through a global approach to sustainable agriculture. The projects submitted by farmers using grasslands and forage crops are financed from European funds at a rate of up to 80%, following that investors pay only 20% of the expenditures. Another source of funding may be a bank loan, whose mechanism, size and share are being explored in this research.The main methods used in this research are: the method of criteria, classifications, and a systematic information processing method provided by observation. Materials used cover the European regulations in financing agriculture, as well as the banking rules and legislation on agricultural credit.The increase of surfaces on which organic agriculture is practiced in Romania led to the increasing interest of farmers for new sources of financing. Development of organic agriculture in Romania is favored by the existence of traditional agricultural systems, mostly extensive, and the low consumption of fertilizers and pesticides compared with the EU average. The surface on which organic agriculture is practiced has increased 5 times between 2000 and 2004 respectively from 17,348 ha to 75,500 ha. The development of organic agriculture is financed by the European Union with about 7.5 billion euros. These new priorities emerging in Romanian agriculture require accessing by farmers, in addition to European funding sources, of the single area payment, complementary national direct payments, compensatory payments to farmers in areas with natural handicaps - mountain areas, and approach of bank loans. Bank loans can be an important source of financing for agricultural holdings that own natural grasslands and forage crops.Analyzing the share of agriculture credits and their evolution during the years 2005-2009, we ascertain difficult access agricultural holdings and the lack of interest of commercial banks to agriculture in general. The share of agriculture credits in total bank credits, of only 2,1- 2,6%, is totally unsatisfactory and leads to the conclusion regarding the lack of flexibility of the mechanisms for granting agricultural credit, but also lack of vocation to credit of agricultural holdings.This research presents theoretical and practical importance for a new approach to the mechanisms of agricultural credit and the guarantees required by banks, as well as for detailed analysis of other financing sources for grasslands and forage crops, and the conditions of their access by farmer users.
more abstractfinancing sources; grasslands and forage crops; bank credits; agricultural farms
Presentation: oral
Valentin Leneschi, Luminiţa CojocariuAppropriate assessment (genetic, ecological, physiological, chemical, etc..) attributes of plants collected from pastures flora is a prerequisite for recovery of potential values which are hidden in each collected source (Cristea M., 2006). In fact it is the ultimate goal of all work done on line of sustainable use of biodiversity prospecting - collection - research – conservation (usage) which requires an intensive labor, and high financial costs for materials to ensure that in end society can access to goods and services that biodiversity can provide. It is important not to lose a number of valuable biotypes from the spread species in spontaneous flora of grasslands and some, unfortunately, are neither studied nor used at the desired level, such as species Alopecurus pratensis L.. This plant has not been studied very much abroad and with much less in Romania, which is emphasized by the fact that the official list of varieties in Romania there is no approved variety of Alopecurus pratensis L.. Therefore in this paper we specifically targeted on Alopecurus pratensis L. seeds, which are actually planting material, knowing that there are very many problems to solve related to the propagation of this species. The purpose of this paper is to determine the time required by Alopecurus pratensis L. seeds to mature to be sown, and to determine their germination capacity. In this sense we conducted two laboratory experiments, to see the time in days taken from harvest to germination, and in the second we studied seed germination of seven biotypes studied compared with the variety Alpha (Saatzucht Steinach, Germany) for Alopecurus pratensis L . As biological material studied we used seeds collected from biotypes of Alopecurus pratensis L. collected in 2009 in the Banat area. Biotypes from the meadows of the area localities: Remetea Mare Topolovăţu Mare, Lugoj, Traina Vuia, Sinersig, Buzias and Albina. The seeds were harvested from May 25 - June 10, 2009. The seeds collected from the seven biotypes were prepared to germinated at a temperature of 22 ° C in germinator, every 14 days from harvest, from June 25 to October 28. It is ascertained that after four months, the first seeds germinated (biotype of Remetea Mare and Albina), and in the next days the other biotypes germinate. In the second laboratory experiment, mature seeds of Alopecurus pratensis L. biotypes gathered were set to germinated with the Alpha variety witness to emphasize the proportion of seeds germinated. While at the Alpha German variety, the seed germination was 78%, the percentage of germination in the studied biotypes was very small except for Sinersig biotype (52%).
more abstractAlopecurus pratensis L.; biotypes; seed germination; maturation; germinative capacity
Presentation: oral
Valentin Leneschi, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Marinel Horablaga, Dacian V. LalescuThe problem of intensive production is of stringent actuality, being the main leverage in increasing herds and livestock production. In this sense it has an important role in widening its product range forage plants, in our case is about the species Alopecurus pratensis L. Perennial forage grasses from which Alopecurus pratensis L. is part of, is an important source of fodder, due to their special agrobiological attributes ie continuous forming of nodes basal shoots, leaf growth in the basal meristem not destroyed by pastures. Among these species, Alopecurus pratensis L. opens the opportunity to achieve outstanding productions by the ability to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions but also by the character of production (Luminita Cojocariu, 2005). Morphology of grasses can be conceptualized as a hierarchical arrangement of subunits or structural modules (Briske 1991). Studies required for plant growth and development that are particularly important, so that shoots of this species and forage grasses in general are closely linked with production. Biological material was studied on shoots development comprises 10 biotypes (Remetea Mare, Topolovăţu Mare, Chizătău,, Lugoj, Traian Vuia, Faget, Sinersig, Buzias, Cheveresu Mare, Albina.) collected in 2007 in Banat. Studied biotypes were sown in pots of vegetation in autumn 2007, then in the spring of 2008 were transplanted in field of research at the University of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Timisoara Sciences. Observations on the biological (number of shoots, diameter shrubs or made during the vegetation period, after the third mowing in autumn 2008 falling on to autumn 2009. The maximum number of shoots was recorded in first year averaged 33.3 on the Buzias biotype and the minimum number of Traian Vuia biotype (23.5); in second year maximium was Remetea Mare (53.7) biotype and minimum was recorded at biotype of Traian Vuia (38.2). With regard to the shrubs diameter in first year, the minimum is registered to biotype of Traian Vuia (15.3cm) and the maximum of the Albina (20.3cm) biotype, in second year returned minimum of Faget biotype (22.8cm) and the maximum at the Remetea Mare (30.3cm) biotype.
more abstractAlopecurus pratensis L.; biotypes; number of shoots; diametrer shrubs
Presentation: oral
Florin Marian, Alexandru Moisuc, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Ionel Samfira, Florina Radu, Marinel HorablagaThe researches have as objective to determine the best experimental variant, in terms of feed production - feed quality, through growing Persian clover (annual clover) with Italian ryegrass var. westerwoldicum, in varying degrees of mixture. At present, in agriculture, at global level is desired to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer used for the prevention and reduction of soil pollution by nitrates and nitrites, resulted after an unreasonable application of nitrogen fertilizers. One of the most important technological solutions is growing in mixture of grasses and legumes, with or without a minimum contribution of chemical fertilizers. Expanding in the production of a large and varied assortment of species and varieties requires the development of technological solutions that will achieve an optimal energy-protein ratio for animal nutrition and to offer multiple possibilities to feed use. The obtained fodder from annual mixtures must ensure a constant supply of food for animals, so it must be characterized by a rhythmic production during the growing season and a good conservation. Another factor of great importance at present time is related to feed quality, especially with reference to digestibility and feed consumability. Along with quantity, quality feed represents a very important role and their cost price in increasing the economic efficiency of livestock. As biological material we used Wesley variety from Lolium multiflorum specie and Gorby variety from Trifolium resupinatum specie. We studied Italian ryegrass (Lm) and Persian clover (Tr), both in pure and mixed culture, in the following proportions: Lm75% +% Tr25, Tr50%% + Lm50, Lm25% + Tr75%. Another experimental factor studied was fertilization. Were studied variants without fertilizer and with chemical fertilizers (N100P50K50) to can compare the dry matter production obtained in both variants. The culture of these annual forage mixtures types is at the beginning in our country, but they are very successfully used in other countries, especially in countries with Mediterranean climate where can be seeded even in the fall. A special importance of this work lies in the fact that through these researches are brought important contributions for the knowledge of these types of crops, in order to diversify the plants assortment and annual forage crops and which have the possibility to be used in feed crop rotation.
more abstractLolium multiflorum; Trifolium resupinatum; pure culture; mixture; quality
Presentation: oral
Florin Marian, Alexandru Moisuc, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Ionel Samfira, Marinel HorablagaIntroducing the culture of foreign varieties of forage plants can not be made without prior testing in different pedological and climatic conditions comparatively to the origin countries in order to determine their value in terms of production and quality, so that the main purpose of the paper is establish which are the main characters that compete to achieve production yields per and what is the competition capacity of these species when are grown in mixture with other species. Knowing the biological particularities of forage plants is a first step in genetic researches in and amelioration, or in technology research to increase the quantity and quality of feed. Oproi Cristina (2005), claims that a simple calculation of the annual forage production can be done by multiplying the number of plants per hectar, with the number of shoots / plant, with weight of shoots at each harvest year. Of great importance are and some other characters: leaf surface, dry matter assimilation rate expressed phenotypically by a regeneration and rapid growth, rich sprout, stature high, diseases and unfavorable environmental conditions resistance. The same author says that the tiller is the basic element of fodder production. The tillers number on a plant is a fundamental attribute, related to force, photosynthetic capacity, the nutrition space and is a character with a strong variability. Referring to the term 'biological density ZAHONNE''(1985), says that optimmum achieve of this depends largely on the competitive value of the partner in the mixture, so that binary associations, when of one the partners may be replaced with other one more vigorously, the fodder production increases. As biological material we used a variety of Italian ryegrass var. westerwoldicum and three varieties of annual clovers: - Lolium multiflorum var. westerwoldicum - Wesley variety; - Trifolium alexandrinum - Miriam variety; - Trifolium incarnatum - variety Tardivo; - Trifolium resupinatum - Gorby variety. At these species were analyzed main quantitative elements which contribute to achieving the total plant production in two variants: unfertilized - N0P0K0 and fertilized - N100P50K50 and harvesting was done in phenophasa 69 (at full flowering). A special importance of this work is the fact that through these researches are brought significant contributions to the knowledge of main productivity elements, so that when these species will be cultivated, in determining the seeding density must be taken in account these characteristics to favorize a better plants development.
more abstractLolium multilforum; Trifolium alexandrinum; Trifolium incarnatum; Trifolium resupinatum; production
Presentation: oral
Veaceslav Mazăre, Marius Stroia, Luminiţa CojocariuThe land assessment means to estimate it performances for specific purposes, involving the comparison between lands for a certain usage and/or the comparison of the usage variants. This is an essential, central activity of the land management, a major, increasing importance field in the last period worldwide and in our country too, especially considering the transition conditions to a functional market economy (Ianoş Gh. et al., 1997; Ianoş Gh., 2006; Teaci D., 1980). During the time, there was appealed to different expressions to define the field of land assessment: land classification, site classification, site quality classification, soil resources classification, soil graduation (ranking), site evaluation, technical potential rating of soils, soil/land potential assessment etc. According to this conception, the determination of yield capacity of the lands and also the settlement of their improvement technologies can be realized only by a good cognition of the soil cover for a specific territory of interest, with all physical, chemical, biological and respectively agro-productive features of the favorable and limitative productivity factors. The pedological settlement of the assessment operations highlights that earth is extremely differentiated within a territory because of diversity of the environmental factors and conditions.As well, the plants that grow within a certain territory are very different and each of them requires specific conditions to develop and give appropriate crops. The determination of the vegetation factors and of environmental conditions existing on each land area for a certain plant or usage represents the capacity to correctly establish by soil potential rating notes and fertility classes (capability) or, more exactly, the yield capacity of that homogenous land area. The soils within the territory of Becicherecu Mic are the result of the interaction between all pedogenetic factors, among which the predominant are the clime, the relief, the water, the parent rock, the vegetation, and the human being.The whole surface is 4668,5 ha, whence: pastures 428 ha-9,16%, hayfields 510 ha- 10,9%.The soil genesis and evolution in this territory manifest during the time several stages, reflected by the two existing geomorphological units themselves.Thus, the high plain, the oldest form, presents evaluated soils as follows: chernozem, cambic chernozem, phaeozem, calcic luvisol, gleysol and eroded soils (erodosol, SRCS 2003). Where the underground water is at 2-5 meters, there were observed gleysation processes from moderate (in the case of valley lines) to wet-phreatic. In the case of the negative land forms, the pluvial water caused low processes of pseudo-gleysation. The sloping lands were affected by low to strong surface erosion processes, directly correlated to slope inclination. By analysis and data interpretation we can enounce that the soils within this commune could be classified for pasture and hayfield usage as follows: Fluvisol (class IV – pastures, class VI - hayfields); Anthropic regosol (class III – pastures, class VI – hayfields); Chernozem (class VII - pastures, class V - hayfields); Eutric cambisol (class VII – pastures, class VIII - hayfields); Haplic and calcic luvisol (class V- pastures, class VII - hayfields); Vertisol (class V- pastures, VI – hayfields); Gleysol (class VI - pastures, class VIII – hayfields); Solonetz (class X – pastures, X – hayfields); Eroded soils (class IX- pastures, X – hayfields).
more abstractland assessment; environmental factors; potential rating notes; land usage categories
Presentation: oral
Veaceslav Mazăre, Marius Stroia, Luminiţa CojocariuThe land assessment represents a complex operation of establishment and naturalistic characterization of the lands, respectively of the whole environmental conditions and factors which are expressed on a certain terrestrial surface, through a system of technical indices and soil potential rating notes and the determination of the land yield capacity for different usages and plant cultures, for a specific technology, with the purpose of its qualitative and valuable characterization (Ianoş Gh., Puşcă I.,1998; Florea N., Munteanu I., 2000). The Făget Hills are located in the eastern side of the Timiş County, at 65 km of Timişoara city and at approximately 15 km by Lugoj city. This relief unit, lithological and geomorphological distinct, is located between the following geographical coordinates: eastern longitude: 22 0 23′ − 22 0 25′; northern latitude: 45 0 43′ − 45 0 46′. The researched perimeter is enclosed within a moderate continental temperate climate with oceanic and subtropical influences, with not too hot summers and soft winters. The capability classes are established depending on the presence and intensity of the restrictions which condition the usage way, depending on the prevention measures of soil degradation, arrangement requirements, and also depending on the economic requirements. The enclosing within classes was realized considering the strongest intensity of one or many natural or anthropic existing factors. The diversity of the natural conditions in Făget Hills, the numerous restrictive factors that acted and still act, create a large variety of the agricultural land yield capacity for different usage categories or of these lands for various culture plants, for fruit-wine species or for spontaneous flora. With the goal to realize an overview of the land capability for different agricultural usage categories, there was elaborated a ranking consisting of 10 capability classes. Each class comprises a range interval by 10 points, from the most favorable class – class I (91-100 points) to class X – the least favorable (0-10 points). The land grouping thus conceived was related to the whole research agricultural surface by 37942,4 ha and it consisted of summa of all soil unit surfaces, on usage categories. The potential rating notes of the soil units were enclosed within one or another range interval described by the 10 capability classes. For the usage model “pasture”, the agricultural lands of Făget Hills are classified within superior capability classes comparing to those destined to arable usage. This is due to the grassland species affinity for moderate humidity excess, to the high declivity tolerance, to the increased debasification etc. Considering these, the agricultural land capability for the pasture usage is extended, especially for the classes IV (18319,1 ha 49,58%) and VI (11864,2 ha 32,11%). Unlike other usage categories, the pasture is enclosed within superior classes of capability: I (3022,5 ha) and II (2767,4 ha 7,49%) and moderate IV (18319,2 ha 49,58%). The extended surface of the sloped lands, the accentuated declivity and the excess of humidity during the aestival periods make that on these relief forms the hayfields have inferior capability comparing to the pastures (class III- 5789,8 ha 15,67%), V (16907,6 ha 45,76%) and VI (12089,5 ha 32,72%). A few surfaces are enclosed within inferior classes of capability (VII- 1186,3 ha 3,21%, VIII- 860,9 ha 2,33%, IX-114,5 ha 0,31%).
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Alexandru Moisuc, Veronica Sărăţeanu, Carmen Durău, Valeria PavelThe purpose of this research is to highlight the evolution of grassland vegetation after flooding, because the scientific data in this topic are limited for western Romania. The studied material consists in six grassland that were flooded in the spring of 2005, respectively 3 surfaces from Grăniceri and other 3 from Foieni, both localities belonging to Timiş County. The data were registered during 2005 – 2007. The study method used for vegetation analysis was quadrate point method. The results obtained on grassland Grăniceri 1 the dominant species are mainly annual grasses as Hordeum histrix and Bromus hordeaceus, and in the next years they were replaced with perennial grasses with high forager value as Lolium perenne and Dactylis glomerata. The persistence of humidity excess favours the maintenance adapted for humidity excess as are rushes and sedges. In the case of Grăniceri no.2 the situation regarding the dominant grasses is similar with the one found in grassland Grăniceri nr. 1, but there an important contribution has Xanthium strumarium, and in the next years Lolium perenne became dominant. Here are present few legumes species and rushes and sedges are absent due to the shorter duration of water stagnation. Grassland Grăniceri no.3 presents the same situation of grasses, but there are present halophyte species as Limonium gmelini. Here are present legumes too, and starting with 2007 there aren’t present rushes and sedges. On those three grassland studied in Foieni grasses had an increase trend from the point of view of their contribution in vegetation cover. Species from other botanical families have a lower participation. The dominant grasses found there are Cynodon dactylon and Echinochloa crus-galli. There are present rushes and sedges too and legumes are missing in general or participate in the vegetation covers with 0.2% and 0.8%. These grasslands are overexploited because they are placed near to the inhabited area of the village.
more abstractgrassland; floristic composition; flooding
Presentation: oral
Alexandru Moisuc, Veronica Sărăţeanu, Ionel Samfira, Ruxandra BârluţPastoral value is influenced by many factors, one of them being the altitude. The purpose of this research is to highlight the influence of altitude on pastoral value in hill permanent grasslands. The researches were developed during 2001-2004 on 3 permanent grasslands from Şiria (Arad County). The altitudinal interval analysed in this work is 100-500 m a.s.l., respectively 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m and 500m.The method used for vegetation analysis is quadrate point method that helped us to the calculation of pastoral value (VP). The statistical methods used are linear regression and correlation coefficient. At 100m vegetation cover has a low pastoral value (12-26) and it is still degrading until to the end of research. The situation at 200m the situation is similar, due to the important contribution of weeds and species without forager value. At 300m VP is still characteristic for low quality grassland but is getting better in comparison with the altitude levels mentioned previously. In the case of 400m and 500m altitude levels VP has the same evolution as was determined for 100m altitude level, this index getting degrading powerfully during the short period of the research. Degradation of the vegetation sward at all altitudinal levels considered in this research is due to the greatest contribution of weeds and species without forager value. Other decisional factor that is leading to the degradation of grassland vegetation is the lack of minimal maintenance works applied and the free grazing. Analysing the correlation coefficient between the altitude interval 100-500m and pastoral value, there wasn’t found any interrelation (r = 0.08). Thus, regarding the influence of altitude levels for the 100-500m interval we can conclude that the values of this index are heterogenous. This fact can be explained with the consistent presence of the species from other botanical families at all altitudinal levels studied here, this fact leading to low VP values situated in a broad interval independent by altitude.
more abstracthill grassland; pastoral value; altitude
Presentation: oral
Edward Muntean, Ioan RotarCarotenoids are biologically active compounds widely distributed in plants, being responsible for the yellow to red colors of fruits and vegetables. The fruits of Cucurbita maxima Duch. - Mariţa cultivar are used as forage, being valuable sources of carbohydrates and carotenoids, especially provitamin A ones. This study emerged from the need for reliable data on the carotenoid content of feeds, knowing the demonstrated correlation between carotenoid intake (especially of those with provitamin A activity) and health. Meanwhile, knowing the carotenoid levels is an important task for this fruits being used rationally in animal feeding. In this study, carotenoids were completely extracted from ripe fruits of Cucurbita maxima Duch. - Mariţa cultivar using methanol and acetone. After saponification, high performance liquid chromatography was conducted on a Nucleosil 120-5 C 18 column, using a gradient with two mobile phases: a mixture of acetonitrile:water and ethyl acetate. Detection was accomplished using a Waters 990 photodiode array detector. Carotenoid identification was completed based on HPLC co - chromatography with available standards and by comparison of the visible absorption spectra with those of reference carotenoids, while quantification was achieved using the external standard method. The average concentrations of the carotenoids from the fruit’s mesocarp, expressed in g/g dry weight, are: lutein - 50.72, violaxanthin - 25.79, - carotene - 15.36, neoxanthin - 5.36, flavoxanthin - 4.31 and lutein 5, 6 - epoxide - 2.1. Cucurbitaxanthin A, lactucaxanthin, zeaxanthin, -cryptoxanthin, -cryptoxanthin, -carotene 5, 6 - epoxide, -carotene and 15, 15’ - cis - - carotene were also detected, but were under the quantification level. The fruit’s epicarp showed a similar HPLC chromatographic pattern, but with different carotenoids concentrations g/g dry weight): lutein - 54.21, violaxanthin - 17.11, - carotene - 9.47, flavoxanthin - 5.31, lactucaxanthin - 3.48, neoxanthin - 2.35, cucurbitaxanthin A - 1.61, zeaxanthin - 1.45 and lutein 5, 6 - epoxide - 1.25. -cryptoxanthin, -cryptoxanthin-carotene, 15, 15’- cis -- carotene and auroxanthin were detected under the quantification level.
more abstractcarotenoids; provitamins A; chromatography; HPLC; feed; Cucurbita maxima Duch. ex.Lam. - Mariţa cultivar
Presentation: oral
Marius Viorel Olar, M. Olar, N. Sima, Viorica Olar, G. Mihai, D.V. CiorneiThe purpose of the research was to improve the crops technology of perrenial grassland leguminous by optimizing technological elements in interdependence with specific biological aspects of the new varieties. Four species of perennial grassland leguminous were taken in the study namely Medicago sativa Satelit variety , Trifolium pratense Select 1 variety, Onobrychis vicifolia Splendid variety and Lotus corniculatus Alina variety. Research directions discussed in the paper were: -the timing of optimal seeding for the perennial leguminous species taken in the study to obtain high seed production and reduce the period of entry into production of perennial leguminous seed lots from 2 years to 1 year; -determinate the influence of fall-spring grazing by animals of seed lots of perennial leguminous grassland on their seed production; -the study of first cut time on seed production and quality issues in interdependence with the fructification biology of perennial grassland leguminous; -study the influence of roller work in seeding the seed production for the perennial leguminous species of grassland; -determining the distance of seeding between rows, the seed quantity and optimum fertilization of perennial leguminous species of grassland; -determining the optimal duration of exploitation for the seed lots of perennial leguminous grassland; -the influence of technological elements applied to installed nodules in living bacteria of the genus Rhizobium on roots of perennial grassland leguminous. Research results can be applied in developing sectors of agricultural development and research stations and private farms producing seed having similar climatic conditions Transylvania area. Practical implementation of results reduces the costs of establishing and operating of the perrenial forage grassland crops with 25-30 % and can extend their economic exploitation by 1-2 years depending on the species.
more abstractseed; perennial leguminous; technology
Presentation: oral
Florina Radu, Mirela Ahmadi, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Florin Marian, Cristian Bostan, Aurica BorozanThe target of this paper was to demonstrate the biostimulators influence on chemical composition of Alfalfa. Alfalfa is appreciated because of its use as animal feed, having a very good production capacity and perennity. It is also resistant to frost and drying, but response promptly at irrigation. Alfalfa has high capacity of poisoning and in exceptional crop conditions it can be harvest 5 to 6 time in a year (Moisuc A and Dukic D., 2002). Alfalfa can be used as green fodder, hay, silage (in combination with graminaceae), hay flour, granules, or for preparation of combined feed. Also, Alfalfa is a principal component of temporary grassland sed after mowed. In the biological crop system, Alfalfa flour has essential role in bovine Medicago sativa is one of the ameliorator plants of soil because of its high content in nitrogen that remain in the soil, and thus improve the physical state of soil. Alfalfa is a very good source for good protein quality, with appreciable content of high biological value amino aciResearchers try to find the secrets of genotip-biostimulators interactions, having the results increasing fodder yield and quality of Alfalfa plants. Quality of a crop used as animal feed has in view the increasing of total protein con digestibi, amino acids content and profileta-carotene content and composition in other vitamins, and also to decrea the quantity of hemoly saponins content (Babinec et al., 2003; Oleszek and Marston, 2000). In this paper, from different crops of Alfalfa treated with var biostimulators, we analyzed som concentration, such as: liposoluble vitamins – vitamin A, and vitamin E; and water soluble vitamins – vitamin B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , B 12 and vitamin C.The methods for quantitative analysis were specified for every vitamin. The results of our study demonstrate that biostimulators can positively influence the content of vitamins – especially liposoluble vitamins, in case of using Magafol as lucerne crop biostimulator. Alfalfa, usually used as feed, is used for a long time in traditional medicine for it’s therapeutically effects. Also, the Alfalfa leafs contains high quantities of vitamins (liposoluble vitamins A, D, E, K; and hydrosoluble vitamins B, C).
more abstractAlfalfa; biostimulators; liposoluble and water soluble vitamins
Presentation: oral
Ionel Samfira, Alexandru Moisuc, Veronica Sărăţeanu, Cristian Bostan, Ciprian Emil HaşThe study about gradient altitude in the meadows field begins in the last twenty years in our country. The gradient as a scientifically approach are imported from Latin language as “gradiens”, first used in mathematics sciences, climatology, etc. between the firsts applications was the study for the altitude dynamics, at each 100 m can be observed the differences in the air temperature as thermo gradient, also for precipitations as hidric gradient. In the last decade also was used for describe the ecosystems variables in order of distance, altitude or dept (Encyclopaedic Dictionary, 1996). In the mountain meadows has been observed great differences in the structure of meadows vegetation induced by altitude and relief forms. At the same time was illustrated by the researches in this field, the great variability induced by altitude for the abiotic life condition for the meadows vegetation. The paper aims was to show the altitude gradient influence on the pastoral meadows features as: the dynamics of dominant vegetal community and pastoral value, also about the biodiversity level. The paper make an analyses of the most important Rumanian scientifically references about the altitudinal gradient in mountain meadows. The researches about altitude gradient were carried on mountain pastures between 1000-1800 altitude, and also in the human activities dynamics. The research methods were the double square method and the biodiversity Shannon Weawer Index. We consider the study of the interrelation between the altitude gradient and the meadows main features, between the first studies in this field. The limits of the researches are in correlation with the low altitude of the investigated meadows, between 100 and 1000 meters. As a researches utility we consider the possibility to control the meadows management in the wished direction, as production and quality levels. The altitude gradients have a great importance in the plants live, and represent among the meadows management, mainly production and quality restrictive factor.
more abstractelevation gradient; mountain grassland; vegetation; biodiversity
Presentation: oral
Veronica SărăţeanuIndigo bush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) is an invasive shrub native from North America with great ecologic plasticity being found in different ecological conditions. This species is very aggressive replacing fast the native vegetation from different herbaceous vegetation communities. This species has incidence in western Romania, being spread along all the waterways (Mureş River, Danube River, Crişul Alb, Crişul Negru, Timiş, Bega, Bârzava) and their affluents, along the transport ways, but it started to be found in grasslands too. The data analyzed in this work were registered during 2005-2009 period from four grazed grasslands from Timis County (Voiteg, Moraviţa, Albina and Sacoşu Turcesc). There were performed vegetation surveys and the collected data were used for the calculation of different parameters of the grassland vegetation as are: floristic composition parameters and Shannon-Wiener index (H’) using natural logarithms. The mapping of the aerial projection of indigo bush on 100 m -2 (10 m -1 x 10 m -1 ) was done by dividing the studied surface into 100 sub-plots (1m x 1m). For each sub-plot we have evaluated the area covered with indigo bush plants (m -2 ). The data obtained in this way helped us to analyse the spatial distribution, and to calculate the coverage index for the studied species, which is the ratio between the total area covered by the indigo bush (sum of the areas covered in 100 sub-plots) and the total area of the plot (100 m -2 ). For the statistical analysis there was used the linear regression and correlation coefficient (r). The purpose of this research is to asses the influence of indigo bush on grasslands and its invasive potential on grassland vegetation from western Romania. There was determined the coverage index evolution and the dynamics of biodiversity. The results obtained show that indigo bush has increased invasive potential in grasslands with negative effects on the native vegetation.
more abstractAmorpha fruticosa L.; shrub; invasive; grassland; vegetation; biodiversity
Presentation: oral
Veronica Sărăţeanu, Alexandru Moisuc, Doru George Laieş, Otilia Cotuna, Carmen DurăuSeeded grasslands are used to perform a competitive farming. They are placed in arable or are replacing grasslands powerfully degraded. The meaning of temporary grassland is to provide high and qualitative forage yields with the proper imputs, to prevent the increase of the costs of forage obtained. In this way is important to balance the fertilisers amounts applied to prevent their leaching through the soil. The purpose of this work is to show how the fertilisation and climate has influenced the fresh fodder yield obtained during the research period.Material studied in this work is represented by two temporary grasslands from Grădinari (175 ha) and Ticvaniu Mare (230 ha) (Caraş-Severin County, Romania). The temporary grasslands analysed in this work were seeded at the end of August 2003. The data were collected from 2004 to 2008. Researches were developed in Grădinari and Tigvaniu Mare localities (Caraş-Severin County, Romania). The former crop was a mixture of spring oat and pea harvested for fresh fodder. The mixture seeded comprises 6 grasses (Poa pratensis – 15%; Festuca pratensis – 10%; F. rubra – 10%; Dactylis glomerata -15%; Phleum pratense – 10%; Lolium perenne – 15%) and 2 legumes (Trifolium repens – 15%; Medicago sativa – 10%). The climatic data were registered at Meteorological Station Oraviţa placed at 16 km from Tigvaniu Mare and 12 km from Grădinari. The climatic parameters analysed in this work are annual averages of: air temperature, soil surface temperature, and rainfall amount and air humidity. Forage samples were weighted directly in field and then was calculated the average yield per hectare. The statistical analysis used is linear regression and correlation coefficient (r). The evolution of the floristic composition of sward was analysed using Braun-Blanquet (1964) method. The influence of climate and nitrogen fertilisation is different from a year to other being mostly influenced by the amount of rainfall and air humidity registered in the area, this aspect being reflected on the fresh fodder yield.
more abstracttemporary grassland; yield; mixture; fertilization; climate
Presentation: oral
Saša Barać, Milan Biberdžić, Aleksandar ĐikićThe harvest of buckwheat we can perform multiphase, double phase, and single phase. Characteristic to the grain combine harvesters used in harvesting of buckwheat is to perform single phase harvest, while achieving the different qualities of work. Quality of combines work depends on a numerous of factors: the state of crops, defining the relevant parameters for combine’s work, technical soundness, and operator’s skills. When the relevant parameters are not well coordinated, impairs the quality of work is significantly, resulting in increased losses of buckwheat grain and a high proportion of impurities in harvested mass of buckwheat in the combines bunker. The aim of our two-year study was to determine the amount of realized losses of buckwheat seeds by harvest device of combines Z 132 and Z 143, in buckwheat harvesting , as the most present in the investigated area. The method is based on the determination of losses of buckwheat seeds in the harvesting device depending on the interspaces underdrum-drum at the entrance, as well as the quality of harvested mass of buckwheat in the combine bunker (content of whole, broken, poorly grains and other impurities). Losses at harvesting device are being determined by setting the appropriate container, combining the movement between the front and rear wheels diagonally or obliquely at an angle of 10-20 0 , with respect to the direction of movement. Quality of harvested mass was determined by taking samples from the harvester’s bunker, and determining the percentage of healthy (whole), broken grains and impurities was later carried out in laboratory conditions. During the sampling, the number of samples were recorded as well as working regime of combines. Applied methodology is standard for this issue and relates to the field-testing laboratory, and exploitation testing of grain harvesting combines in single-phase harvest of buckwheat. The highest losses on harvesting device were recorded at ombine Z 132 9,56 kg ha -1 , and the lowest at combine Z 143 - 4.84 kg ha -1 . The highest content of whole buckwheat grains in harvested mass was at Z 143 and it was 95.32%, and lowest at combine Z 132 in amount of 92.55%. Based on these results it was concluded that the harvester Z 143 had better quality of work comparing the combine Z 132, because there have been achieved lower losses of buckwheat seeds, in the to harvesting device, with more whole grains content, with significantly smaller proportion of impurities to the other investigated combine.
more abstractcombine; buckwheat; harvest; losses; grain
Presentation: oral
Sorin BoruzFor the cars construction, the designing of the car and the projection of the component parts in the most improving conditions, it assures the quality transfer, by the functional and qualitative totalisation. The integration of this methods in the current projection it is proved by the fact that all the important programs of structure analyze have the capacity to import the geometry of the studied object by the modelation programs as Solid Works is. The method of the finite elements allows the analyze of physical phenomena which can be described with the help of the mathematical model made by differential equation systems with initial conditions and with limits(the big programs of structural analyze have added also phenomena which can be modelated by certain types of simple equations, linear or not, on-differential). The deforming phenomena of the solid shapes, the determination of thermical field and electromagnetically field, the analyze of the speed and pressure field into a fluid, it constitute only a part by the applicative potential of the numerical modelation method with finite elements. In view of obtaining some relevant data in different stages of functioning of the product, it was used the geometrical molding of the experimental pattern by using an assisted designing program (CAD) specially designed, named SOLID WORKS. This program has to assist the planner engineer in a more rapid making of documentation, in arranging information on domains, in making reports etc. The document created allows, in the future the reuse of the information it contains. The work of designing and developing, and the costs associated with design changes are increasing as the project is going to it’s final stage, but are much lower in the designing phase when the decisions for optimum solutions are taken. To choose the best solutions of many proposed variants, the team of project needs to have access to relevant information regarding the whole product. For these purpose was needed the making of the three-dimensional pattern applied to the entire ensemble.
more abstractwork process; vertical rotor; simulation
Presentation: oral
Gheorghe Brătucu, Judit PasztorThe researches object in this paper consists in theoretical and experimental researches of the optimization possibility for the energetic consumption to preparing the germination bed in greenhouses with the digging soil machine.The technology for preparing the germination bed in greenhouses is an ensemble of activities, works and agricultural operations, economical and agro technical justified, ordered and carried in time, respecting the established condition and using a précised range of machines and agricultural equipments. In these works the overthrow, the raising, the shredding, the levelling, the compaction and the modelling of soil takes place. Most times to these works may be associated land cleaning from remaining plants of the previous farming, the organic and chemical fertilizer, thermal and chemical disinfestations, marking of the plantation station etc., which transforms the preparing of the germination bed into an important energy consumer. In most technologies for preparing the germination bed, is included also the digging soil work, by which the overthrow, the raising and the shredding is realized .The digging soil machines in greenhouses are build on several principles (with plane movement, by throwing furrow back parallel with the direction of advancing, with lateral soil digging towards right, with working organs having a rotation movement ), in all these cases the energy consumption being high. Based on the kinematics and dynamics research of these machines, a complex mathematical model of the energy consumption on digging soil in greenhouses is made, on which afterwards an optimization study is realized. Mainly, the mathematical model presented in this paper offers the possibility for theoretical research on energy consumption variation depending on the speed and depth work. Results that digging the same surface with increased working speed helps reducing the specific energy consumption, in particular due to influenza of step size screeds on this parameter. At the same time the energy consumption of digging soil work increases with increasing the work depth. The theoretical researches were completed with important experimental researches, effectuated with an agricultural aggregate composed of tractor U 445L and digging soil machine in greenhouses MSS 1,40 , both manufactured in Romania. For researches accuracy was necessary a soil monitoring, for humidity and resistance to penetration, by using a latest generation equipments. It was consisted an optimal soil humidity existence from a agricultural view but also the digging resistance. Also the hardened the soil is (higher soil penetration) the greater the energy consumption is on digging soil work. The energetic consumption on digging soil work was experimental determinate by measuring the combustible consumption (for working and free movement ), for different speed and depth works. The experimental energetic consumption values were compared with the theoretical obtained values, allowing a correct mathematical model to be realized. Based on this model, researches which can assure an optimal energy consumption for preparing the germination bed with digging soil machines in greenhouses can be done. The concrete results are presented in the paper.
more abstractgreenhouses; soil digging machine; energetic consumption; optimization
Presentation: oral
Gheorghe Brătucu, Gheorghe PăunescuThe researches object in this paper consists in the realization of an improved system of automatic adjustment for temperature in warehouses for vegetables and fruits, which have simultaneous high safety in operation and reliability . The research stage. Vegetables and fruits presents a major importance for people nutrition, their contribution in different nutrition substances and vitamins being essential in humans health. Consuming them immediately after harvesting is possible on short periods of time, in most cases being necessary their storage. In the paper is researched only the problems of fruits and vegetables storage in a fresh condition , depositing which is made on short periods of time (green papers - 8…10 days, strawberries- 1…5 days, cultivated mushrooms-3…7 days etc.), average periods of time (watermelons-2 weeks, carrots in links-2 weeks, early potatoes-2…3 weeks) or long periods of time (late potatoes for consume-4…8 months, Ionathan apples -4…8 months, grapes-3…5 months), depending on the variety and products destination. For the most important fruits and vegetables produced in Romanian are specified the temperature, humidity and atmospheric characteristics intervals, which can assure the storage on a précised period of time with minimum depreciation on the biological and nutritive characteristics of this products. For assuring this conditions, in this case of temperature limits, is necessary the using of proper storage rooms, but also the use of automatic adjustment of temperature, as performing as possible. After a comparative analysis of this installations performances, it is concluded that is necessary and possible their perfection, both in functional performances and high safety in operation and reliability. Method and materials used. From the individual parts analysis of the temperature automatic adjustment schemes used in warehouses for fruits and vegetables storage, in the paper is proposed a variant for replacing them, which includes the latest global developments included in the scheme. This scheme gives superior means of monitoring the frequency adjustment and the defects apparition, requiring human intervention. For the scheme parts of the automatic temperature adjustment is made a research for the predictable reliability of the similarly components used in current equipments. The originality and the importance of the paper. From the technical- economical comparison of the actual system and proposed system for automatic temperature adjustment in warehouses for vegetables and fruits storage, results that the proposed system is in all aspects more performing .Using the automatic adjustment system for temperature adequately for fruits and vegetables variety and the storage types will permit their efficiency, knowing that in Romania will be build an important number of this kind of warehouses.
more abstractvegetable and fruits; warehouse; temperature; automatic adjustment
Presentation: oral
Francisc Vasile Dulf, Mihaela Ungureşan, Ioan Oroian, Constantin Bele, Cristian MateaVegetable oils are renewable fuels. They have become more attractive recently because of their environmental benefits and the fact that they are made from renewable resources. Vegetable oils have the potential to replace a fraction of the petroleum distillates and petroleum-based petrochemicals in the near future. Biodiesel refers to a diesel-equivalent, processed fuel derived from biological sources. Biodiesel, as an alternative fuel for internal combustion engines, is defined as a mixture of monoalkyl esters of long chain fatty acids (FAME) derived from a renewable lipid feedstock, such as vegetable oil or animal fat. A variety of biolipids can be used to produce biodiesel. These are: virgin vegetable oil feedstock (rapeseed, soybean, sunflower and palm oils); waste vegetable oil; animal fats; and non-edible oils such as tall oil, castor oil etc. Tall oil is a by-product of the manufacturing of pulp and paper products. It is one possible feedstock not commonly studied for biodiesel production. The amount and composition of fatty acids of tall oil depends on the processed pulpwood species. In Romania, the main resinous species are spruce, silver fir and pine (of 21.7%, 4.8% and, respectively 1.8% from total forestry area). To our knowledge no study were found about fatty acids content of crude tall oil produced in Romania’s pulp factories. The aim of the present work was the identification and quantification of fatty acids as FAMEs (fatty acid methyl esters) in crude tall oil samples from Somes-Dej (T 1 ) and Ambro-Suceava (T 2 ), using gas-chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detector (FID). The main fatty acids found in both studied tall oils were: linoleic, oleic and palmitic, acids at different concentrations, depending on the oil origin. It were observed that in sample T 2 the sum of percents of saturated fatty acids (10.22%) and monounsaturated fatty acids (48.27%) was higher then in sample T 1 (12.05% and 40.82%, respectively) but in each of them these sums were higher then the total amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (T 1 : 47.13% and T 2 : 41.49%, respectively). The high proportion of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids is considered optimal from a fuel quality standpoint in that fuel polymerization during combustion would be substantially less than what would occur with polyunsaturated fatty-acid-derived fuel.
more abstractbiodiesel; tall oil; fatty acids
Presentation: oral
Mariana Dumitru, Ioan GhermanThe paper aims to make researches on the possibilities and advantages of producing bio-fuels , especially bio-ethanol and bio-gas obtained from sugar beet. One of the motives for this research is that a direction of European Union establishes that in 2020, 20 % of the energy consumption of Romania must be provided by rechargeable energy. In what concerns the researches stage, using of bio-fuels is a possibility more and more explored, both on international plan and in Romania, thus in 2007 in European Union existed 41 factories for producing bio-ethanol. Sugar beet wastes are estimated as 1.22 times sugar production, since the total dry matter of processing wastes and field wastes exceed the weight of sugar in the ratio of 55:45. Some or all of this may be used for fodder. With sugar beet yielding approximately 240 GJ/ha/y, 45% of it convertible to alcohol, 108 GJ/ha/y will be obtainable in the form of liquid fuel. The novelty of the present paper approach is the fact that sugar beet is less used for producing bio-fuel, although its energetic efficiency is bigger than that of some of much studied bio-fuels, such as bio-diesel. Other advantages presented by sugar beet as bio-fuel is the fact that the technology can be completely mechanized, the possibility of preserving it for long periods of time as syrup and a very good efficiency. In the paper there are presented researches over the comparative quantities of bio-ethanol and bio-gas obtained from wheat, potatoes and other materials compared to sugar beet. On the other hand, are presented the compared quantities of bio-gas obtained from different materials, from which resulted that sugar beet leafs have the best quantity of methane from bio-gas. We also proposed some business opportunities concerning the bio-ethanol and bio-gas obtained from sugar beet. The material used for researches is sugar beet, processed after a certain technology. The paper presents a big degree of practical applying and contains original researches.
more abstractsugar beet; bio-fuel; bio-gas
Presentation: oral
Mariana DumitruThe present problems which mankind confronted with in the last 2 decades, related to the environmental protection and the instability of the petrol fuel prices led to the discovery of fuels based on vegetal oils (bio-fuels, )which can be the quick answers in solving these problems. The later developments of theoretical and practical studies on the bio-fuels showed that, beside the good results already obtained, there are also negative effects (such as, the emission of emissions of nitrogen oxides ), which demand the necessity of the deeper experimental studies in this domain. In order to replicate all the functional conditions of motors refueled with bio-fuels, the experiments are realized on the trial stand, based on a thorough process and a well defined methodology by the present norms .The purpose of the paper is to explore the possibilities of using alternative fuels, such as bio-fuels, to auto-vehicles motors. The material used for experiments are different tractor motors. The trial stands of motors refueled with bio-fuels have the advantage of allowing the locating of a big number of sensors, which get the necessary information, analised with the help of a calculus system. There are a big number of studies and researches related by the compatibility of motors with compression ignition with bio-fuels made by some motors constructors firms (Cummings), firms which make agricultural tractors (John Deer, Ford, Mitsubishi), firms which make auto-vehicles (Mercedes Benz, Ford, Dodge),firms making exchanging pieces and accessories (Fosseen Manufacturing and Development Co, Parker, Wilden Chemical, 3M,) as well as by universities and governamental agencies from the entire world. The originality of the researches consist in presenting the minimum of technical changes which must be realized over the following component parts and installations of motor: waterproofing elements, low-pressure conducts system of the fuel installation, elements of the injection pump, injectors and the fuel installation. The practical applications of the researches made in this paper can be immediate, both to the automobiles and tractors motors.
more abstractalternative fuel; biodiesel; supplying system
Presentation: oral
Radu Ilea, Cornelia Tonea, Gheorghe Drăgoi, Daniel Popa, Lorin PilocaThe flat sieves are often used in agricultural processes of seed separation at harvester reapers, as well as at seed conditioning. The operation of separation of seeds is realized due to the vibration of flat sieve. Generally, the phenomenon of vibro-transfer is essentially influenced by the material behavior, characterized by composition, humidity, adherence, nature etc. In the first approximation, the experiences shown that the material can be schematized by a simple material particle which moves with friction on the vibrating surface. There are analyzed displacement regimes of particle by forward sliding, back sliding and detachment. Because of velocity discontinuity which appears as consequence of friction between particle and plan or of dropping on plan in the case of detachment, vibro-impact motion regimes appear. That is why, for the study of motion, there are applied the specific methods, concerning the vibro-impact regimes. It must underline that in some processes of vibro-transfer, motions with detachments can appear and also, droppings of particle on the vibrating plan. This kind of regimes is of the nature of vibro-impact phenomena and forms a special domain of study. There are taken into consideration only vibration displacements with sliding on the vibrating plan, which have vibro-impact character because of the discontinuity of friction force. The motion investigation of particle on flat sieve is analyses by the aid of motion parameters: the angle of gradient of the shaking surface, the angle between the direction of the shaking and the surface, the sliding friction coefficient, the angular velocity etc. It is supposed that the vibrating plan executes a vibration translation according to rsinwt law. As a rule, at a certain moment, the particle begins to slide on the plane, from the repose position, forward or back. The moment when the forward sliding begins is noted by t 1 and for the beginning of the back sliding by t 2 . It is specified that these moments correspond to the condition that the acceleration to be null. If the expression of the acceleration is annulled, are obtained the motion laws. Forward, the differential equations of the movement are established and the mathematical apparatus are developed in order to obtain the charts which emphasize and limit different possible dynamic regimes. The obtaining of this charts is computerized, therefore, with the help of a computer program it is possible the specification of the parameters which leads to realization of some optimum dynamic regimes. The work have a real interdisciplinary character because requires large knowledge of mechanics, agricultural machines, mathematics and computer programming.
more abstractflat sieves; vibrational transport; particle; relative motion; optimum parameters
Presentation: oral
Călin Ioan IovanValorification of hydropower potential of streams in Romania should be regarded with a high concern in perspective shift to clean and small price energy production. Water based energy production can answer many requirements of modern society, namely low cost, high safety in operation of energy systems and not least about or no impact on the environment. Water resources are characterized by the fact that they are practically inexhaustible and have many and varied uses. Due to special interest posed by water for industry, agriculture, forestry and for any activities of people, it is necessary that the use of hydropower resources to be taken into account all the needs in order to provide a comprehensive and full recovery of water flows from mountains areas, where these is present. Successful attempt from Bărănelul Valley of the hydrographic basin Timiş river or Oituz Valley of the hydrographic basin Trotuş river, where they installed small hydropower (3 to 30 kW) showed that the concerns in this regard are in vain those providing power supply and operation of a forest cottage, trout nursery respectively, wich contribute to the well development of the activities but also to the decreasing of the production expenses in the trout’s reproduction and capitalization. The case study presents some aspects concerning the technical feasibility of the arrangement of hydropower on Finiş Valley from Codru-Moma Mountains to finish installing a trout nursery to ensure energy independence. More exactly, on the basis of absolute 3D coordinates of sections from water course and flows results in this sections was made an representation hydroenergetic survey on the valley, the situation of available power and power generated by different models of turbines (Francis, Banki, Kaplan), the potential maximum power and maximum power possible, wich can capitalize the debits and small fall (specific mountains areas waters), so that it shall inser through graphic representation of the generatinc set mhc model wich can be considered sufficient for the ensurance of the power independent of a trout nursery or of another objective.
more abstractclean energy; potential; arrangement; power; microhydropower
Presentation: oral
Călin Ioan Iovan, Călin Gheorghe PăşcuţMeasuring debits of a water course is the first step in a broader study of their profitable purposes in various ways, in this case is an energy valorification. This study is based on measurements made in 2008 and 2009, the results give a clear picture of the debits variation of Tărcaia Valley in the summer, when they are severely affected by drought, but if this valley is not about a significant variation. The study was realised on the watercourse Tărcaia Valley located on the north-eastern side Codru-Moma Mountains on the hydrological basin's Crişul Negru river and is based on measuring debits in three sections of the surface float method used in determining current and water and measuring method using hydrometric ratchet. Water is being held in a mountain area, hydroenergetical valorification can bring many benefits, in the sense that the production of a certain quantity of electricity can perform various productive activities (animal breeding, trout, woodworking, etc.) or unproductive (agritourism or supply isolated villages). Energy that can be produced this way is a renewable and clean, so should be viewed with the current focus on reducing fossil fuels and the increasingly intense attempts to reduce pollution from their use. Considering measurement errors that can occur for debits determined on each section of the watercourse have been identified as the minimum to avoid other errors in the calculation of powers available and because of this in certain areas of karst structures that can cause large variations of this debits (through underground infiltrations). General trend of variation of debits is a slight decrease. The work was carried out with the wish to present one of many alternative energy generation using natural resources (water) in mountain areas through a method that is without environmental damage.
more abstractflow; section; water course; float; hydrometric ratchet; hydroenergetical valorification
Presentation: oral
Etleva Jojiç, Pirro Veizi, Fatbardh Sallaku, Astrit Frakulla, Nazmi BajramiThe basic agricultural production unit in the country is the agricultural farms. They were established right after the privatization and distribution process of land. This in turn was accompanied by profound economic, social, legal and institutional problems. At the close of such a process a huge number of farms were created in proportionate compliance with the population in a certain rural area and the land made available from the former state farms and cooperatives. The size of the farms depended to a large degree on the number of the family members benefiting from land distribution as well. Soil tillage is, and will remain, the guiding component of soil management and consequently has far-reaching implications for agroecosystems. Understanding structures and functions of soil ecosystems under different tillage/no tillage practices is an essential requirement for any future farming concepts. Using the knowledge of soil ecology under natural, undisturbed conditions, the paper is focused on how cultivation affects soil and the soil environment. In particular it highlights how methods of soil tillage can influence soil structure, soil chemical processes, soil borne pathogens, and pest species. Covering the aspects of soil tillage on different soil types, the paper concludes with a synthesis of the role of soil tillage in securing a sustainable agricultural environment. Soil tillage in agro-ecosystems offers a broad and comprehensive view of the interrelations of multifaceted tillage practices and the biological, chemical, and physical components of soil ecosystems. Tillage effects are highlighted within the context of the whole farming system, so as to provide the scientific basis for choosing different tillage options in order to achieve the best possible sustainable base for long-lasting agricultural production. The goal of this study is to analyze the influence of different systems of land utilization in energy indicators and cost of farm machinery. The study was conducted at the experimental site of Agricultural University of Tirana in a 1.7 ha area in three variants of utilization: conventional, conservative and combining according to randomizer scheme. Soil texture is loam which represents over 65% of Albania's agricultural land. From calculations made on the basis of experimentation results, conservative system of utilization is more economics than others.
more abstractutilization; tractor; moldboard plough; chisel plow; farm machinery cost
Presentation: oral
Florin LoghinThis paper presents some aspects concerning experimental determination of kinematic quantities values which characterize the functioning of gearbox with cam-balance-lever mechanism, view of representation and comparison of motion laws obtained by measurements with those outlined in the process simulation using the virtual prototype method. To determine the functional parameters of transmission with intermittent motion was used an experimental installation, consists of the following modules: a hydrostatic drive system with continuously variable flow and a sewing department. Broadcast sowing transmission was designed to achieve two drive systems: by means of a mechanical transmission with intermittent motion which includes a gearbox with cam-balance-lever mechanisms, by means of a mechanical transmission with continuous rotation, which includes a Northon type gearbox. The technical system was composed of the following components: device for measuring by means ofelectrical impulses of speed, angular displacement transducer, card acquisition, signal amplifier and laptop. For perceive and measure the kinematic quantities was used a complex technical system of experimental investigation, which allowed the acquisition, processing and analysis of characteristic parameters and kinematic quantities. The functional parameters of the transmission section of sowing which resulted in the experimental research are: speed of input shaft in the gearbox with intermittent function, angular space crossed by input shaft, the angular space crossed by shaft-drive of dosing devices, transmission ratio made by the gearbox with cam-balance lever mechanisms, the driver-training time of dosing devices. The unevenness of output shaft motion from the gearboxwith cam-balance lever mechanisms is a parameter which characterizing the kinematic regime of these gearboxes.In experimental researches, it was revealed by determining the duration of stationary phase of output shaft in an operating cycle of the balance lever.
more abstractseed drill; transmission; kinematics parameters
Presentation: oral
Florin Mariaşiu, Nicolae BurneteEven though currently the future use of biofuels in road transport (in terms of fossil fuel crisis) is much debated by specialists, biofuels can be successfully used on the farm by the ease with which they may be obtained and especially due to the effect polluter much lower than the fossil fuels. Reducing pollution from agriculture technological operations is a necessary condition to develop in the future agricultural development on a sustainable basis. To truly become a competitive fuel market, compared with fossil fuels, biofuels must optimize parameters related to characteristics of density, viscosity, freezing point and especially the specific calorific value. Global research about the efficient use of biofuels have emphasized only the immediate results of their use in supplying engines that equip tractors and agricultural machinery, related to consumption, pollution and wear of engines component parts. Theme and direction of research addressed in the paper represents an innovation in the field of national and global research on biofuels. Also, the degree of novelty of the work is defined by the methods and materials used in the research, managing to highlight first, the importance of parameters like speed of sound in biofuels (with subsequent implications in the possible development of "flex-fuel" systems) and isotropic adiabatic coefficient (with direct implications in determining the exact time of injection process). This paper presents findings related to the influence of external energy intake in the form of ultrasound, electromagnetic field and ionization on the physical parameters of biofuels (biodiesel and bioethanol), the main parameters considered are (speed of sound, density, isotropic adiabatic coefficient, pH index). Practical implications of the work are found in the immediate applicability in the possibility of increasing the performance of agricultural tractors powered by biofuels and also open new directions in applied research on ways of streamlining the use of biofuels. Results and conclusions issued in the work are possible due to the unfolding of the first phase of research project PNII2008ID175, financed by CNCSIS.
more abstractbiofuels; physical parameters; external energy; conditioning; IC engine
Presentation: oral
Florin Mariaşiu, Bogdan VargaEven if you currently use biodiesel to power motor vehicles is considered an unsustainable future direction, the difficulties in implementing the proposed concepts currently on the future development of internal combustion engines (hydrogen, fuel cells and hybrid systems) to tractors because of the specific major construction, design and their specific activity. Since biodiesel can be used without major modifications engine that equips tractors and especially the possibility of being produced by small scale farmers, we believe the future use of such fuels in agriculture is a key factor in obtaining profit farm agricultural production. Research carried out so far has highlighted differences in the characteristics and physical parameters of biodiesel and fossil fuels (diesel oil). Thus, particularly high values of the freezing (-12 o C biodiesel and -20 ° C diesel fuel) leads to worsening environmental process starting at low engine temperatures. Increasing duration of cold start process of compression ignition engines results in amplification of wear, phenomenon with consequences on the future sustainability of the engine that equips especially agricultural tractors and autonomous agricultural machinery. Current state of research on national and international level is reflected by the existence of devices to improve the process by starting the cold start initially with diesel and then, after reaching the temperature regime of engine power, change on biodiesel or the existence of systems and devices that ease the cold start process based on heat transfer to biofuels made from an electrical resistance placed in the fuel tank and / or fuel pipes in the engine. Worldwide innovation proposed in the paper (and under patent pending) is solving the problems start cold of the compression ignition engines fueled with biodiesel using a ultrasonic emission system, ultrasound they succeed in time and reduced consumption 3 ... 5 times lower than the previously presented solutions into eliminate the effect of freezing and precipitation of paraffinic compounds of biodiesel component. This paper presents the working principle, technical data system and the experimental results obtained by using this innovative system in order to improve cold start process of compression ignition engines.
more abstractbiofuels; cold start process; ultrasounds; IC engine
Presentation: oral
Adrian Meca, Mircea BădescuCurrently, germinating bed soil works, in summer-autumn, on plugging fields is executed, mostly, with light or medium-sized disc harrows in combination with tractors of 65 HP, with specialized combines or heavy harrows from abroad, working with high power tractors. To prepare the germinating bed with light or medium-sized disc harrows means big quantity of fuel consumption, increasing period of agricultural works, low productivity and an inadequate germinating bed soil in condition of low soil humidity. In order to integral mechanization of preparing germinating bed soil it is necessary utilization of new aggregates, of big productivity, able to execute very good quality works , the goal being to decrease specific energy consumption, the mass of machinery and number of crossing to avoid soil compaction. In these circumstances, it is necessary to design and promote a harrow with independent discs and shredding rollers(clod crusher), that works in combination with high-power tractors, designed to help at stubble-cleaning works and preparing germinating bed soil on recently ploughing fields where summer-autumn crops are set. Researches that were effectuated last years are on the line of sustainable agriculture systems, having established as primary objective, the promotion of agricultural tillage equipment that have as effect to grow the productivity, to execute optimal tillage works, to contribute to obtaining big quantity and the best quality of agricultural production, with low fuel consumption and low cost price. Taking into account that fields set with summer-autumn crops means a significant percent of country area (40%), recently, the soil works are executed by harrows in combination with high-powered tractors, according with the benefits they confer( good productivity and low fuel consumption). The new technology includes soil works of stubble-cleaning and germinating bed preparing on recently plugging fields or on non ploughing fields where summer-autumn crops are set; it could be apply to a quality level corresponding to agriculture requirements at a low cost price and with low power consumption, by promoting a new technical equipment „independent disc harrow”, GD-4, working with wheeled tractors of 120-220 HP. The independent disc harrow GD-4, performs working depths of 6-8 cm during stubble-cleaning works and of 10-14 cm during germinating bed soil preparing, on the recently ploughing fields or on the non ploughing fields, working width being of about 4 m and working capacity of 2.9 -3.0 ha/h.
more abstracttillage equipment; disc harrows; soil preparing
Presentation: oral
Lorin Piloca, Aurel LăzureanuIn this paper we present a synthesis of the results obtained experimentally concerning fuel consumption in different minimum tillage variants compared to the classical system. Minimum tillage method is a concept that has been adopted quicker than maize hybrid adoption 50 years ago. Due to the small ratio between production costs and delivery prices of agricultural produce, more and more farmers appeal to different methods of minimum tillage and no-till as a means to reduce expenses with labour force, machines and fuel and as a means to cultivate more, as well. Romanian literature shows that in the conventional system, soil works need 35-60% of the fuel necessary to set and maintain a crop. Research and the expansion of minimum tillage systems have become important since the necessity to reduce production costs and the risks of soil degradation, setting, and erosion. Research in the last ten years have pointed out the fact that applying variants of the non-conventional soil working systems leads to important reductions of the fuel consumption both on area unit and per production unit. Maize cultivation in our country using technological methods specific to the unconventional soil working system has a series of technical and economic advantages. Reducing fuel consumption means smaller production expenses which makes agricultural production process more efficient economically. Research data show the fact that in order to obtain an increase of agricultural production of 1% we need a fuel consumption of 2.5%. One of the important factors characterising cultivation with a small number of soil works is fuel consumption. This is why we made, between 2006 and 2008, at the Didactic Station in Timisoara, measurements of the fuel consumption in different variants of soil works. The experimental field was set at the Didactic Station in Timisoara on a vertic chernozem strongly gleyied with the following profile: Ap - Ap - Amk - A/Cyk - CykGo - CCaGo - CcaG - CcaG 0 - CcaGr. For the experiments, we used as a source of power the tractor U-650 and the tractor Case 180 CP and for sowing, in the variants V 1 -V 6 we sued the sowing machine SPC 8. The highest fuel consumption was in the classical soil work variant – plough + disc harrow, where we used 111.10 l/ha, minimum tillage being done with a consumption of 92.19 l/ha in the variant V 2 (disc harrow with 2 passages), i.e. 82.90% compared to the control and 98.10 l/ha, i.e. 88.30%, in the variant V 5 (chisel + combined rotary harrow) compared to the control.
more abstractclassical tillage; minimal tillage; fuel consumption
Presentation: oral
Lorin Piloca, Aurel LăzureanuIn this paper we present the impact of the maize cultivation method on the soil physical features. We used two soil working systems: the classical system and the non-conventional system (conservative). The experiments were carried out in the soil and climate conditions of the Banat Plain at the Didactic Station of the Banat University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine in Timişoara (Timiş County, Romania), between 2006 and 2008. Research started from the soil working in classical system (tillage) considered control variant, which we compared with the different new systems of soil working (non-conventional system) using minimum tillage variants. The description of the soil profile was done according to the Romanian System of Soil Taxonomy (SRTS – 2003). The soil profile ahs the following horizon succession: Ap - Ap - Amk - A/Cyk - CykGo - CCaGo - CcaG - CcaG 0 - CcaGr. The experimental device for the study of the impact of minimum tillage system on the soil physical features was organised under the form of stationary experiment with the following variants: V 1 – control – tillage with mould plough + discing with disc harrow; V 2 – harrowing with heavy disc harrow – 2 passages; V 3 – harrowing with a combined rotary harrow – 2 passages; V 4 – harrowing with heavy disc harrow + harrowing with a combined rotary harrow; V 5 – chisel + harrowing with a combined rotary harrow; V 6 – cultivator + harrowing with a combined rotary harrow. Experimental variants were tested in three replications each of which occupying an area of S = 15 x 20 = 300 m 2 . The values of apparent density within the layer 0-10 cm for the measurements made during the sprouting of the maize – 1.18 g/cm 3 in the variant cultivated in the classical system (control) and 1.25 g/cm 3 in the variant V 5 confirm the moderate aeration of the soil. Total porosity, in agreement with apparent density, has higher values within the layer 0-10 cm (as a result of germination bed preparation works) decreasing with the depth in all the phenol-phases during which we made measurements. The values of the setting degree measured within 0-30 cm depending on the type of soil work and on the period of the measurement show an increase of the setting degree from sprouting to harvesting.
more abstractclassical system (tillage); minimum tillage; soil physical features
Presentation: oral
Daniel Popa, Cornelia Tonea, Radu Ilea, Gheorghe Drăgoi, Lorin Piloca, Alexandra BecherescuDirect sowing is the most important method of saving energy and of preserving soil’s yielding capacity. Because of the low ratio between production costs and delivery prices for agricultural produce, more and more farmers appeal to minimal soil work methods (minimum tillage) and to methods in which there is no soil work (no-till) as means of reducing labor force expenses, machines, and fuel and, at the same time, as a means to cultivate more. Energy expenses in mechanized agriculture cover both the energy consumed for the production and maintenance of the agricultural equipment and the energy necessary to exploit them. Energy consumption during equipment exploitation is twice as high as the one necessary for its manufacturing. Research data show that for an increase of agricultural production of 1% we need an increase of the energy consumption under the form of fuel of 2.5%. The disadvantages attributed to the classical soil work system, an intensive system that includes compulsory earth board plough tillage, resulted in the appearance and rapid spread of the concept of soil conservation. Developing unconventional tillage systems combined harmoniously with other technology elements should be regarded not as a trend, but as a necessity that could solve a series of problems: preventing degradation and recovering the degraded soil structure, preventing and diminishing erosion, diminishing energy consumption, and optimizing production processes. In this paper we present a synthesis of some trial results concerning the dynamics of the direct sowing unit. Researches were carried in the experimental and production fields at the Didactic Station from Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (Timiş county). The object of the trial was the unit formed of the no tillage machine Massey Ferguson MF 354 TSB and the tractor U-650 M. We made 12 measurements for 6 speed regimes with 2 trials for each engine nominal rotation (1800 rot/min).
more abstractdirect sowing; dynamics of the unit; forces and moments
Presentation: oral
Cornelia Tonea, Radu Ilea, Gheorghe Drăgoi, Lorin Piloca, Daniel Popa, Elena Toneahis paperwork presents the influence of tillage methods upon fuel consumption, one of the basic requirements of a profitable agriculture. Soil works represent the intervention – usually mechanical – performed upon soil with various tools in order to achieve a proper environment for plant development. We used two tillage systems: the classical system and the unconventional one. Experiments were performed under the pedoclimatic conditions specific to the Banat`s Field at the Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timişoara – the Didactic Station, during 2007-2008. Taking into account the necessity to eliminate the conventional system`s disadvantages, the elaboration of some alternative soil working technologies to assure the preservation and maintenance of its productive capacity, and also the decrease of energy intake, represents now a necessity in order to develop and strenghten a durable agriculture. Mechanized soil tillage though classical methods becomes more and more doubtful due to a without sensibly diminishing yields and with important production cost cuts. The new technologies of mechanising soil works in the conservative system comprise several processing methods: minimum tillage, mulch tillage, ridge tillage, and no-tillage or direct drill. Researches were performed on a plot located in Body I, consisted of an area of 268 ha limited in the North by the brook Beregsău, in the South by the inner land from Timişoara, and in the East and West by the national roads DN 69 Timişoara – Arad, respectively Timişoara – Sânnicolau Mare. The soil profile has the following succession: Ap – Ap – Amk – A/Cyk – CykG – CyGo – CcaGo - CcaG 0 – CcaGr. Climatic condition between 2007-2008 were characterized by annual average temperatures between 11 o C and 12.7 o C, and while rainfall ranged between 395 mm and 592.5 mm. Determinations performed show that fuel consumption decreases with 3.02-3.9 l/t in minimum tillage and direct drill variants, compared to 10.41-12.82 l/t consumed in the classical technology. Compared to classical systems, fuel consumption decreases with 31.3-36.1 l/ha in minimum tillage variants and with 30.4 l/ha in the case of direct drill technology. The unconventional tillage system influences maize production. It is more profitable to obtain yields lower with 90-95% in the unconventional system compared to the classical ones due to the dramatic reduction of fuel intake. Grain maize yields have values between 8450 kg/ha in the minimum tillage variants and 8400 kg/ha in the case of direct drill. Compared to the classical system, yields are lower (94,13-97,12 %). Fuel intake per total technology has the biggest values in both crops under the classical system. In maize crop, fuel savings are between 31.3-36.1 l/ha in the minimum tillage variants and 30.4 l/ha in the case of direct drill.
more abstractclassical tillage; minimal tillage; fuel consumption
Presentation: oral
Cornelia Tonea, Radu Ilea, Gheorghe Drăgoi, Lorin Piloca, Daniel Popa, Elena ToneaOptimal working regime of aggregates corresponds to the speed rate at which traction is maximal, and fuel consumption is minimal. Some works cannot be done at speed rates corresponding to the optimal regime since at these rates; the moving speed of the tractor is superior to the maximum speed at which agricultural machines can move. In this case, the optimal working regime of the aggregates is limited by the technological speed of the aggregate. During tractor exploitation, only part of the effective power of the engine is used to operate agricultural machines, the other one is lost because of the resistance forces that appear during tractor movement. In choosing a certain aggregate for a certain work, we need to take into account the main destination of the tractor or of the agricultural machines, of the possibility of making the works in agreement with agro-technical requirements, with a minimal fuel consumption and a high working capacity. The working speed of the aggregate is determined by agro-technical requirements and by the technological process of the agricultural machine. When agro-technical and technological requirements allow high-speed works with wide variation limits, working speed is chosen so that it corresponds to the maximal power of the tractor. The working caapcity of the fertiliser-spreading aggregates is largely influenced by the way in which the work is organised, since the duration of tank-filling and movements from filling points to the plot and vice-versa affects the duration of the effective work in the structure of the shift time. Tillage is the work with the highest share from the point of view of energy consumption and of the period of time tractors are used. To do the tillage, they need the highest amount of mechanical energy. Choosing aggregates for the preparation of soil for sowing is done depending on the physical and mechanical features of the soil, by soil moisture, by the land state at the time of work. In order to increase of the working caapcity of the sowing aggregates we recommend a better organisation of the works, taking into account the choice of the movement direction along the plot, the mandatory marking of the first route and the sue of markers to identify the following routes, ensuring the loading of the machines at one of the ends of the plots right on the place where the aggregate is starting working, and the supervision of seed distribution during the work.
more abstractaggregate; working width; working speed; working capacity
Presentation: oral
Cristian VasileContinuous improvement of Romanian products in terms of performance and quality and diversification to meet the recipients are the main factors ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural market. In this way, the most important national interest of Romania should develop a competitive economy through quality, able to cope with current trends of international trade. Our country should have in the development of all branches of the economy in line with EU requirements and standards. Among other things, this fact requires the alignment of all products – both industrials and consuming – in accordance with the community rules referring to quality, security and environment. To achieve this purpose all the equipments and installations that are used have to respect the essential conditions of health and security, imposed by the in force legislation, by integrating them in the stages of conception, fabrication and utilization. It is also necessary refurbishment of most capacity, equipping them with modern equipment, efficient, highly mechanization, automation and computerization. This article proposes a study on the way the installations of fodder kitchens are constructed and used,in order to remove the tehnical problems and to ameliorate the compound feed production process. In this way there are presented some aspects of technological process of making mixed fodders, emphasizing the grinding stage, and there are analyzed certain problems that can appear, following the ways of improving this activity by the use of some automatic systems. The automatic installation for grinding cereals is meant to be used in factories of mixed fodders, especially in those where the final grist is transferred to the next step of processing by mechanic transport with elevators or snail-conveyors. All grain processors, including those who produce compound fodder, must constantly pursue the following objectives if they wish to maintain their position on the market: reduction of production costs of the finished product; maintenance of product quality according to customer standards or requirements; compliance of regulations in forms on environment safety and protection. Being given the requirements outlined above, a facility for grinding grain forage within a fodder kitchen or FNC must go through the following technological flux: grinding grain in a single step, with a hammer mill; aspiration of the hammer mill with a suction fan to limit warming grinded product and increasing the capacity of grinding; filtering the air before being discharged into the atmosphere; using a bunker for collecting the grindingfrom the hammer mill and the fine flour retained by the filter. Milling plants can be used in mixed fodder factory can adapt to new or existing plants to increase productivity, improve operating conditions of the hammer mill and reducing the quantity of dust discharged into the atmosphere by limits. But these facilities may be used in any area where it is necessary grinding of cereals, such as breweries and malt, alcohol and yeast factories, etc.
more abstractcombined fodders; mills; grinding; air filter; technological process; automation
Presentation: oral
Cristian VasileFor optimal operation in a CNF must consider the automatic flow control technology, which includes among others and continuous monitoring of the loading conveyor train. This transport train is composed of several conveyor belts of horizontal carrier tape and vertical lift, which is to climb raw material in storage or waiting bunkers. The critical point of train transport underlies the elevator down, because there, in the event of failure, can collect large quantities of raw materials, which can block the normal operation of the conveyors and can even lead to breaking the transmission bands, which both lead to loss of time, but financial. By integrating our country into European Union structures there were created from entering the premises of the Romanian products on the European and even worldwide market, fact which led to a need to increase competitiveness of producing compound feed factories, to gain and retain markets in this area. Thus, the central objective of any compound feed factory is to obtain some recipes as varied as possible, continuously improving the quality of final products made and services offered to customers in order to maintain an upward trend in the activity profile. This article studies the possibilities of implementation of some monitoring and control equipment automated of the activities of transport which is taking place in a CNF, through the design of some devices based on rotating magnetic sensors which are transmitting signals to stop the transporter train in the case of detecting a change in the normal rhythm of operation. Increased work performance in a CNF is determined by assuming responsibilities in terms of quality machinery used, their reliability and efficiency during the technological flow. Lately there is a increasing tendency to control very precisely to each activity and individual equipment so as to eliminate as much as possible any problem that may occur in plants producing various recipes for compound feed. The objective of this report is to study the possibilities of implementation of automated monitoring and control modules of the activities taking place in a CNF by building the carriers control devices based on magnetic rotation. To avoid problems of transportation of raw materials from silos FNC's considered to achieve electric schemes to control automated conveyer belts, and if operating loss realiezeze immediately to stop them from first conveyor located silo near where you take raw materials, intermediate carrier and then finally lift off vertically. The order to stop the train of carriers is determined provided that occur quantities of raw materials to gather in places merge conveyor thus does not block the normal functioning of these bands. Also, by applying these technologies and computerized automated control of the activities conducted during the technological flow to improve technical and economic parameters of the processes of storage, transportation of plant facilities silos, grinding grain and for various recipes mixed fodder, thereby aligning these sites FNC performance requirements and compliance of existing environmental protection in Europe and worldwide.
more abstractequipment; automation; sensors; compound feed; competitiveness
Presentation: oral
Valentin Vlăduţ, Iulian Voicea, Mihai Matache, Sorin Bungescu, Sorin Ştefan BirişAgriculture is a basic economic branch through its impact on social life and the environment. We can speak of agriculture without having to refer to environmental consequences. Super intensive agriculture practiced due to technological level reached, has led to increased degradation of the environment and human life, requiring the concept of sustainable agriculture, in which the resource conservation is a fundamental condition. System of sustainable agriculture is increasingly accepted as an alternative to conventional agriculture, rational use of resources ensuring productivity, profitability and environmental protection. Agricultural productivity is influenced by the applied work technology, phyto-sanitary protection occupying an important place in these technologies. Combating pests and diseases is an important link in the process of growing plants. Use of new plant varieties and applying new technologies in preparation of germinative bed would not give the desired results without the application of phyto-sanitary appropriate treatments. Running with superior quality indices, of this work, influence decisively the production obtained per hectare. It is a fact accepted by everybody that phyto-sanitary treatments in agriculture, including fruit growing, namely fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and other substances, chemicals, led to a considerable increase yields, improving their quality. In Romania, the treatment plant or some fazes fertilization works only with liquids that are prepared with water or conditioned with some particular organic ingredients, to be applied as such.
more abstractenvironment; monitoring, protection; plant; soil; system
Presentation: oral